# todo: replace git2r by gert
# todo: cached repos, add examples
# todo: local_repos to data.frame: package name to directory: no, because this means that the package needs to be fetched from the remote first
# todo? unlink(get_packages_cache_dir(), recursive = TRUE); dir.create(get_packages_cache_dir())
#' Create dependency structure of your package collection
#' @param project (`character`) If `project_type` is `local` then
#' directory of project (for which to calculate the dependency structure);
#' must be a git repository. If `project_type` is `repo@host` then should
#' be character of the form `openpharma/stageddeps.food@https://github.com`
#' If host is not included in the string then the default `https://github.com`
#' is assumed.
#' @param project_type (`character`) See `project` argument.
#' @param ref (`character`) git branch (or tag) inferred from the
#' branch of the project if not provided; warning if not consistent with
#' current branch of project. If `project_type` is not `local` then this argument
#' must be provided.
#' @param local_repos (`data.frame`) repositories that should be taken from
#' local file system rather than cloned; columns are `repo, host, directory`.
#' @param direction (`character`) direction in which to discover packages
#' either "upstream","downstream" or "all".
#' @param fallback_branch (`character`) the default branch to try to use if
#' no other matches found. It defaults to `"main"`.
#' @param renv_profile (`character`) the name of the renv profile of the `renv.lock` files
#' to be included from the repos. The standard `renv.lock` file uses the default `NULL` argument here.
#' @inheritParams argument_convention
#' @return `dependency_structure` An S3 object with the following items:
#' \describe{
#' \item{project}{`project` argument used to create
#' the object (absolute path if `project_type` is `local`}
#' \item{project_type}{`project_type` used to create object}
#' \item{current_pkg}{The R package name of code in the `project` directory}
#' \item{table}{`data.frame` contain one row per r package discovered, with the
#' following rows `package_name`, `type` (`current`, `upstream`, `downstream` or `other`),
#' `distance` (minimum number of steps from `current_pkg`), `ref`, `repo`, `host`, `sha`
#' `cache_dir`, `accessible`, `installable` and `install_index` (the order to install the packages).
#' Note some items are are suppressed when printing the object}
#' \item{deps}{`list` with three elements, `upstream_deps`is the graph where edges point from a package
#' to its upstream dependencies. They are ordered in installation order. The
#' `downstream_deps` list is the graph with the edge direction flipped,
#' and is ordered in reverse installation order. `external` contains the external
#' R packages found in the description files of the internal packages. It is a dataframe
#' of the form returned by `desc::desc_get_deps`}
#' \item{direction}{`direction` argument used to create object}
#' \item{renv_files}{`named list` containing the json of the renv.lock files for the chosen profile for
#' each repo. An entry to the list is `NULL` if a repos does not have the required lock file}
#' }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' dependency_table(verbose = 1)
#' dependency_table(
#' project = "openpharma/stageddeps.food@https://github.com",
#' project_type = "repo@@host",
#' ref = "main"
#' )
#' x <- dependency_table(
#' project = "path/to/project",
#' direction = c("upstream")
#' )
#' print(x)
#' plot(x)
#' }
#' @export
dependency_table <- function(project = ".",
project_type = c("local", "repo@host")[1],
ref = NULL,
local_repos = if ((project_type) == "local") get_local_pkgs_from_config() else NULL,
direction = "all",
fallback_branch = "main",
renv_profile = NULL,
verbose = 1) {
# validate arguments
stopifnot(is.data.frame(local_repos) || is.null(local_repos))
direction <- check_direction_arg_deprecated(direction)
stopifnot(project_type %in% c("local", "repo@host"))
if (verbose != 1) {
checkmate::assert_int(verbose, lower = 0, upper = 2)
if (project_type == "repo@host" && (is.null(ref) || nchar(ref) == 0)) {
stop("For non-local projects the (branch/tag) must be specified")
if (project_type == "local") {
# infer ref if not given
if (is.null(ref) || nchar(ref) == 0) {
ref <- infer_ref_from_branch(project)
# take local version of project (rather than remote)
local_repos <- add_project_to_local_repos(project, local_repos)
repo_deps_info <- get_yaml_deps_info(project)
ref, project,
get_repo_url(repo_deps_info[["current_repo"]]$repo, repo_deps_info[["current_repo"]]$host)
repo_to_process <- list(repo_deps_info$current_repo) # This list will be updated with the deps
} else {
repo_to_process <- list(parse_remote_project(project))
# a dataframe with columns repo, host, ref, sha, cache_dir, accessible (logical)
internal_deps <- rec_checkout_internal_deps(
repo_to_process, ref,
direction = direction,
local_repos = local_repos, fallback_branch = fallback_branch
internal_deps$package_name[internal_deps$accessible] <-
internal_deps$package_name[!internal_deps$accessible] <-
unlist(lapply(strsplit(internal_deps$repo[!internal_deps$accessible], "/"), utils::tail, 1))
if (length(internal_deps$package_name) != length(unique(internal_deps$package_name))) {
stop("Each R package must have a unique name")
internal_deps$type <- factor("other", levels = c("current", "upstream", "downstream", "other"))
internal_deps$distance <- as.numeric(NA)
# deps$upstream_deps[["a"]] is vector of upstream_deps of "a"
# deps$downstream_deps[["a"]] is a vector of downstream_deps of "a"
# deps$external[["a"]] is a vector of external packages in "a"s DESCRIPTION file
# where the elements of the lists are the package names found in internal_deps
# deps is ordered topologically
deps <- get_true_deps_graph(internal_deps, graph_directions = "all")
current_pkg <- internal_deps$package_name[
internal_deps$repo == repo_to_process[[1]]$repo &
internal_deps$host == repo_to_process[[1]]$host
internal_deps$type[internal_deps$package_name == current_pkg] <- "current"
internal_deps$distance[internal_deps$package_name == current_pkg] <- 0
upstream_nodes <- get_descendants_distance(deps[["upstream_deps"]], current_pkg)
internal_deps$type[internal_deps$package_name %in% upstream_nodes$id] <- "upstream"
internal_deps$distance[internal_deps$package_name %in% upstream_nodes$id] <-
downstream_nodes <- get_descendants_distance(deps[["downstream_deps"]], current_pkg)
internal_deps$type[internal_deps$package_name %in% downstream_nodes$id] <- "downstream"
internal_deps$distance[internal_deps$package_name %in% downstream_nodes$id] <-
# work out if any accessible packages are not installable
internal_deps$installable <- internal_deps$accessible
uninstallable_packages <- unique(
function(pkg) get_descendants_distance(deps[["downstream_deps"]], pkg)$id
internal_deps$installable[internal_deps$package_name %in% uninstallable_packages] <- FALSE
# sort the table
internal_deps <- internal_deps[
order(internal_deps$type, internal_deps$distance),
"package_name", "type", "distance", "ref",
"repo", "host", "sha", "cache_dir", "accessible", "installable"
rownames(internal_deps) <- NULL
# install_index: order in which to install packages
internal_deps$install_index <- vapply(internal_deps$package_name,
function(y) which(names(deps[["upstream_deps"]]) == y),
FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)
renv_files <- lapply(internal_deps$cache_dir, get_renv_lock_from_repo_dir, renv_profile = renv_profile)
names(renv_files) <- internal_deps$package_name
project = if (project_type == "local") fs::path_abs(project) else project,
project_type = project_type,
current_pkg = current_pkg,
table = internal_deps,
deps = deps,
direction = direction,
renv_files = renv_files
class = "dependency_structure"
#' @export
print.dependency_structure <- function(x, ...) {
table <- x$table
# do not show the cache dir or install order when printing
table$cache_dir <- NULL
table$install_index <- NULL
if (!all(table$installable)) {
table$package_name <- paste0(table$package_name, ifelse(table$installable, "", "*"))
"packages denoted with '*' cannot be installed as either they or one of their internal",
"dependencies is not accessible\n"
table$accessible <- NULL
table$installable <- NULL
print(table, ...)
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
plot.dependency_structure <- function(x, y, ...) {
# construct visNetwork graph
# todo: put branch below node: https://github.com/almende/vis/issues/3436
nodes <- x$table %>%
id = .data$package_name,
# label does not support html tags
label = paste0(.data$package_name, "\n", .data$ref),
title = paste0("<p>", .data$package_name, "<br/>", .data$type, "<br/>", .data$ref, "</p>"),
value = 3,
group = .data$type,
shape = ifelse(.data$installable, "dot", "square")
) %>%
dplyr::select(c("id", "label", "title", "value", "group", "shape"))
edges <- rbind(
arrows = "to", listed_by = "from"
adj_list_to_edge_df(x$deps[["downstream_deps"]]) %>% dplyr::rename(to = "from", from = "to"),
arrows = "to", listed_by = "to"
get_edge_color <- function(listed_by) {
if (setequal(listed_by, c("from", "to"))) {
"#bad984" # green
} else if (setequal(listed_by, c("from"))) {
} else if (setequal(listed_by, c("to"))) {
"#cc1504" # red
} else {
stop("Unexpected listed_by: ", listed_by)
get_edge_tooltip <- function(from, to, listed_by) {
from <- from[[1]]
to <- to[[1]]
if (setequal(listed_by, c("from", "to"))) {
} else if (setequal(listed_by, c("from"))) {
paste0("<p>", to, "<br/> does not list <br/>", from, "</p>")
} else if (setequal(listed_by, c("to"))) {
paste0("<p>", from, "<br/> does not list <br/>", to, "</p>")
} else {
stop("Unexpected listed_by: ", listed_by)
edges <- edges %>%
dplyr::group_by(.data$from, .data$to) %>%
dplyr::mutate(color = get_edge_color(.data$listed_by)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(title = get_edge_tooltip(.data$from, .data$to, .data$listed_by)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(dashes = !setequal(.data$listed_by, c("from", "to"))) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
plot_title <- paste0("Dependency graph starting from ", x$current_pkg)
if (!all(x$table$accessible)) {
plot_title <- paste0(plot_title, "\n(installable packages denoted by circle nodes)")
graph <- visNetwork::visNetwork(nodes, edges, width = "100%", main = plot_title) %>%
# topological sort
visNetwork::visHierarchicalLayout(sortMethod = "directed", direction = "RL") %>%
# "orange"
visNetwork::visGroups(groupname = "upstream", color = "#edc987") %>%
# "green"
visNetwork::visGroups(groupname = "downstream", color = "#bad984") %>%
# "yellow"
visNetwork::visGroups(groupname = "current", color = "#ccc916") %>%
# "grey"
visNetwork::visGroups(groupname = "other", color = "#c5c9c9") %>%
visNetwork::visOptions(highlightNearest = list(algorithm = "all")) %>%
# display option to export as png
visNetwork::visExport() %>%
position = "right",
addEdges = data.frame(
arrows = "from", dashes = c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE), font.vadjust = "15",
color = c(get_edge_color(c("from", "to")), get_edge_color(c("to")), get_edge_color(c("from"))),
label = c("listed by both", "listed by upstream", "listed by downstream")
#' Install dependencies of project
#' Given a `dependency_structure` object, install the R packages
#' @md
#' @param dep_structure (`dependency_structure`) output of function
#' `dependency_table`; uses `dep_structure$table` to infer the packages
#' to apply action to and infer installation order;
#' uses `dep_structure$deps` to infer upstream dependencies
#' @param install_project (`logical`) whether to also install the current
#' package (i.e. the package named in `dependency_structure$current_pkg`),
#' ignored unless `install_direction = "upstream"` (because downstream
#' deps automatically install all their upstream deps)
#' @param install_direction "upstream", "downstream" or "all"; which packages
#' to install (according to dependency structure). By default this is only "upstream"
#' @param install_external_deps logical to describe whether to install
#' external dependencies of package using [remotes::install_deps()] (or [renv::install()] if
#' inside an renv environment) .
#' @param upgrade argument passed to [remotes::install_deps()], defaults to `'never'`. Ignored
#' if inside an `renv` environment.
#' @param package_list (`character`) If not NULL, an additional filter, only packages on this
#' list will be considered and their dependencies installed if needed (advanced usage only).
#' @param dry (`logical`) dry run that outputs what would happen without actually
#' doing it.
#' @param ... Additional args passed to [remotes::install_deps()]. Ignored
#' if inside an `renv` environment.
#' @inheritParams argument_convention
#' @return `data.frame` of performed actions
#' @seealso determine_branch
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' x <- dependency_table(project = "./path/to/project")
#' install_deps(x)
#' # install all dependencies
#' install_deps(x, install_direction = "all")
#' }
#' @export
install_deps <- function(dep_structure,
install_project = TRUE,
install_direction = "upstream",
install_external_deps = TRUE,
upgrade = "never",
package_list = NULL,
dry = FALSE,
verbose = 1,
...) {
stopifnot(methods::is(dep_structure, "dependency_structure"))
stopifnot(is.logical(install_project), is.logical(dry))
install_direction <- check_direction_arg_deprecated(install_direction)
if (dep_structure$direction != "all" && dep_structure$direction != install_direction) {
stop("Invalid install_direction argument for this dependency object")
if (verbose != 1) {
checkmate::assert_int(verbose, lower = 0, upper = 2)
# get the packages to install
pkg_df <- dep_structure$table
pkg_names <- filter_pkgs(pkg_df, install_direction,
include_project = install_project,
package_list = package_list
# we also need to install the upstream dependencies of e.g. the downstream dependencies
# they may have been filtered out by the above
upstream_pkgs <- get_descendants(dep_structure$deps[["upstream_deps"]], pkg_names)
pkg_actions <- compute_actions(pkg_df, pkg_names, "install", upstream_pkgs)
dry = dry,
install_external_deps = install_external_deps,
upgrade = upgrade,
internal_pkg_deps = dep_structure$table$package_name,
#' Check & install downstream dependencies
#' Installs downstream R packages as specified in a
#' `dependency_structure` object and then runs
#' `rcmdcheck` (`R CMD check`) on the downstream dependencies.
#' @md
#' @param distance (`numeric`) additional filter to only install downstream
#' packages at most this distance from the `dependency_structure$current_pkg`
#' (advanced use only)
#' @param check_args (`list`) arguments passed to `rcmdcheck`
#' @param only_tests (`logical`) whether to only run tests (rather than checks)
#' @inheritParams install_deps
#' @inheritDotParams install_deps
#' @export
#' @return `data.frame` of performed actions
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' x <- dependency_table(project = ".", verbose = 1)
#' check_downstream(x, verbose = 1)
#' check_downstream(x, verbose = 1, only_test = TRUE, check_args = c("--no-manual"))
#' }
check_downstream <- function(dep_structure,
distance = NULL,
check_args = c("--no-multiarch", "--with-keep.source", "--install-tests"),
only_tests = FALSE, install_external_deps = TRUE,
upgrade = "never", package_list = NULL, dry = FALSE,
verbose = 1, ...) {
methods::is(dep_structure, "dependency_structure"),
if (!dep_structure$direction %in% c("all", "downstream")) {
stop("Invalid dependency table - downstream dependencies must be have been calculated")
if (verbose != 1) {
checkmate::assert_int(verbose, lower = 0, upper = 2)
# get the packages to install
pkg_df <- dep_structure$table
pkg_names <- filter_pkgs(pkg_df,
install_direction = "downstream",
include_project = FALSE,
package_list = package_list,
distance = distance
# we also need to install the upstream dependencies of e.g. the downstream dependencies
# they may have been filtered out by the above
upstream_pkgs <- get_descendants(dep_structure$deps[["upstream_deps"]], pkg_names)
actions <- if (only_tests) c("test", "install") else c("check", "install")
pkg_actions <- compute_actions(pkg_df, pkg_names, actions, upstream_pkgs)
dry = dry,
install_external_deps = install_external_deps,
upgrade = upgrade,
internal_pkg_deps = dep_structure$table$package_name,
rcmd_args = list(check = check_args),
#' Update existing stage_dependencies yaml file
#' Using the existing stage_dependencies yaml file
#' 'graph' to define internal dependencies, update the
#' project yaml file to include to include all direct
#' (i.e. distance 1) upstream and downstream repos
#' @param dep_structure, `dep_structure` object, output of `dependency_table`
#' function with `project_type = "local"`
#' @md
#' @export
update_with_direct_deps <- function(dep_structure) {
stopifnot(methods::is(dep_structure, "dependency_structure"))
if (dep_structure$project_type != "local") {
stop("Can only update yaml file for local projects")
yaml_contents <- yaml_from_dep_table(dep_structure$table)
current_repo = yaml_contents$current_repo,
upstream_repos = yaml_contents$upstream_repos,
downstream_repos = yaml_contents$downstream_repos
file = file.path(dep_structure$project, STAGEDDEPS_FILENAME)
#' Build, check and install internal dependencies
#' @inheritParams install_deps
#' @inheritDotParams install_deps
#' @param steps (`character` vector) subset of "build", "check", "install";
#' useful to skip checking for example
#' @param rcmd_args (`list`) with names `build`, `check`,
#' `install` which are vectors that are passed as separate arguments
#' to the `R CMD` commands
#' @param artifact_dir (`character`) directory to place built R packages
#' and logs
#' @return list with entries
#' - artifact_dir: `artifact_dir` directory with log files
#' - pkg_actions: `data.frame` of performed actions
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' x <- dependency_table(project = ".", verbose = 1)
#' build_check_install(x, steps = c("build", "check"), verbose = 1)
#' build_check_install(x, artifact_dir = "../output")
#' }
#' @export
build_check_install <- function(dep_structure,
install_direction = "all",
steps = c("build", "check", "install"),
rcmd_args = list(check = c("--no-multiarch", "--with-keep.source", "--install-tests")),
artifact_dir = tempfile(),
install_external_deps = TRUE,
upgrade = "never",
package_list = NULL,
dry = FALSE, verbose = 1,
...) {
steps <- match.arg(steps, several.ok = TRUE)
methods::is(dep_structure, "dependency_structure"),
if (verbose != 1) {
checkmate::assert_int(verbose, lower = 0, upper = 2)
install_direction <- check_direction_arg_deprecated(install_direction)
if (dep_structure$direction != "all" && dep_structure$direction != install_direction) {
stop("Invalid install_direction argument for this dependency object")
if (!dir.exists(artifact_dir)) {
# get the packages to install
pkg_df <- dep_structure$table
pkg_names <- filter_pkgs(pkg_df,
install_direction = install_direction,
include_project = TRUE,
package_list = package_list
# we also need to install the upstream dependencies of e.g. the downstream dependencies
# they may have been filtered out by the above
upstream_pkgs <- get_descendants(dep_structure$deps[["upstream_deps"]], pkg_names)
pkg_actions <- compute_actions(pkg_df, pkg_names, steps, upstream_pkgs)
dry = dry,
install_external_deps = install_external_deps,
upgrade = upgrade,
internal_pkg_deps = dep_structure$table$package_name,
rcmd_args = rcmd_args,
artifact_dir = artifact_dir,
return(list(artifact_dir = artifact_dir, pkg_actions = pkg_actions))
#' Checks that the staged dependency yamls are consistent with
#' the dependencies listed in the DESCRIPTION files
#' @md
#' @details This function explicitly checks that for all packages in the
#' `dependency_structure` object: all upstream and downstream packages specified
#' in each yaml file are found in the appropriate package DESCRIPTION file
#' @param dep_structure `dependency_structure` object
#' @param skip_if_missing_yaml `logical` should checks be skipped on packages
#' without yaml files. Default `FALSE`
#' @return NULL if successful. An error is thrown if inconsistencies found
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' x <- dependency_table(project = ".")
#' check_yamls_consistent(x)
#' }
check_yamls_consistent <- function(dep_structure, skip_if_missing_yaml = FALSE) {
stopifnot(methods::is(dep_structure, "dependency_structure"))
stopifnot(dep_structure$direction == "all")
extract_package_name <- function(repo_and_host, table) {
table$package_name[table$repo == repo_and_host$repo & table$host == repo_and_host$host]
error_msg <- c()
for (index in seq_len(nrow(dep_structure$table))) {
package_name <- dep_structure$table$package_name[[index]]
if (!dep_structure$table$accessible[index]) {
message("Skipping package ", package_name, " as it is inaccessible")
yaml_deps <- get_yaml_deps_info(unlist(dep_structure$table$cache_dir[[index]]))
# if there is no yaml file then skip checks
if (skip_if_missing_yaml && is.function(yaml_deps$current_repo)) {
# check that packages upstream in the yaml file are upstream deps
upstream_packages_in_yaml <- vapply(yaml_deps$upstream_repos, extract_package_name, dep_structure$table,
FUN.VALUE = character(1)
upstream_packages_in_desc <- dep_structure$deps[["upstream_deps"]][[package_name]]
# the dep_structure$deps only lists the internal package
error_msg <- c(error_msg, check_set_equal(
upstream_packages_in_yaml, upstream_packages_in_desc,
paste0("The internal upstream packages listed in the yaml don't agree with those in the DESCRIPTION files for package ", package_name, ": "),
return_error = TRUE
downstream_packages_in_yaml <- vapply(yaml_deps$downstream_repos, extract_package_name, dep_structure$table,
FUN.VALUE = character(1)
downstream_packages_in_desc <- dep_structure$deps[["downstream_deps"]][[package_name]]
error_msg <- c(error_msg, check_set_equal(
downstream_packages_in_yaml, downstream_packages_in_desc,
paste0("The internal downstream packages listed in the yaml don't agree with those in the DESCRIPTION files for package ", package_name, ": "),
return_error = TRUE
if (length(error_msg) > 0) {
stop(paste(error_msg, collapse = "\n"))
#' List the external R packages required to be installed
#' @param available_packages (`data.frame`) A dataframe of the format given by
#' `as.data.frame(utils::available.packages)`. It is unlikely this default needs to be changed;
#' however you need to ensure the `options("repos")` contains the urls of all expected repos
#' (e.g. Bioconductor).
#' @param from_internal_dependencies Vector chosen from `c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo", "Suggests", "Enhances")`
#' which fields of the DESCRIPTION file of the internal packages should be included. Default:
#' `c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo", "Suggests")`
#' @param from_external_dependencies Vector chosen from `c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo", "Suggests", "Enhances")`
#' which fields of the DESCRIPTION file of the internal packages should be included. Default:
#' `c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo")`
#' @inheritParams build_check_install
#' @return A vector of 'external' R packages required to install
#' the selected 'internal' packages, ordered by install order (unless `from_external_dependencies`
#' does not include `"Depends"`, `"Imports"` and `"LinkingTo"`). The core R packages
#' (e.g. `methods`, `utils`) are not included. The output can be used with `remotes::system_requirements`
#' to extract the system requirements needed for your packages, see example below.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' x <- dependency_table("openpharma/stageddeps.electricity",
#' project_type = "repo@host", feature = "main"
#' )
#' # get external package dependencies
#' ex_deps <- get_all_external_dependencies(x)
#' print(ex_deps)
#' # get system dependencies (in this case there are none)
#' unique(unlist(lapply(ex_deps,
#' function(pkg, ...) {
#' remotes::system_requirements(package = pkg, ...)
#' },
#' os = "ubuntu",
#' os_release = "20.04"
#' )))
#' }
#' @export
get_all_external_dependencies <- function(dep_structure,
available_packages = as.data.frame(utils::available.packages()),
install_direction = "upstream",
package_list = NULL,
from_internal_dependencies = c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo", "Suggests"),
from_external_dependencies = c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo")) {
stopifnot(methods::is(dep_structure, "dependency_structure"))
stopifnot(methods::is(available_packages, "data.frame"))
stopifnot(all(c("Depends", "Suggests", "Imports", "Package") %in% colnames(available_packages)))
match.arg(from_internal_dependencies, c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo", "Suggests", "Enhances"), several.ok = TRUE)
match.arg(from_external_dependencies, c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo", "Suggests", "Enhances"), several.ok = TRUE)
install_direction <- check_direction_arg_deprecated(install_direction)
if (dep_structure$direction != "all" && dep_structure$direction != install_direction) {
stop("Invalid install_direction argument for this dependency object")
r_core_packages <- c(
"base", "compiler", "datasets", "graphics", "grDevices", "grid",
"methods", "parallel", "splines", "stats", "stats4", "tcltk", "tools", "translations", "utils"
# get the packages to consider
pkg_df <- dep_structure$table
pkg_names <- filter_pkgs(pkg_df,
install_direction = install_direction,
include_project = TRUE,
package_list = package_list
# we also need to consider the upstream dependencies of e.g. the downstream dependencies
# they may have been filtered out by the above.
# deps["upstream_deps"] is a topologically sorted list where dep_structure$deps["upstream_deps"]["x"]
# are the upstream deps of package x, get_descendants gets all of the children of a list parents_to_children
# so in this case are upstream "descendants"
upstream_pkgs <- get_descendants(dep_structure$deps[["upstream_deps"]], pkg_names)
# the external packages we have considered
external_packages <- character(0)
# and those to consider
packages_to_consider <- unique(unlist(
dep_structure$deps$external[names(dep_structure$deps$external) %in% c(upstream_pkgs, pkg_names)],
function(df) df$package[df$type %in% from_internal_dependencies]
while (length(packages_to_consider) > 0) {
if (any(!packages_to_consider %in% c(available_packages$Package, r_core_packages))) {
"Cannot find information about package(s) ",
toString(packages_to_consider[!packages_to_consider %in% c(available_packages$Package, r_core_packages)]),
" check that options('repos') contains expected repos"
# get appropriate rows of data.frame
filtered_available_packages <- available_packages[available_packages$Package %in% packages_to_consider, ]
# get appropriate columns
deps <- unname(unlist(filtered_available_packages[, from_external_dependencies]))
# parse to get new packages
new_packages_to_consider <- unique(unlist(lapply(deps, parse_deps_table)))
# move those that have been processed to external_packages vector and
# update the packages to be considered for the next iteration
external_packages <- c(external_packages, packages_to_consider)
packages_to_consider <- setdiff(new_packages_to_consider, external_packages)
# order external dependencies by install order
# when ordering we use Depends, Imports and LinkingTo as they are needed for installation
if (!all(c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo") %in% from_external_dependencies)) {
message("Packages will not be ordered as this requires 'Depends', 'Imports' and 'LinkingTo' to
included in from_external_dependencies argument.")
} else {
external_package_table <- available_packages[available_packages$Package %in% external_packages, ]
package_deps <- apply(external_package_table, 1, function(row) {
unique(unlist(lapply(c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo"), function(x) parse_deps_table(row[x]))))
names(package_deps) <- external_package_table$Package
ordered_external_packages <- topological_sort(package_deps)
# there may be packages missed in ordered_external_packages (e.g. if a package is only in suggests)
# so make sure they are added in
external_packages <- c(ordered_external_packages, setdiff(external_packages, ordered_external_packages))
# remove R core packages when returning the packages
return(external_packages[!external_packages %in% r_core_packages])
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