
Defines functions ov_editry_clips

Documented in ov_editry_clips

#' Convert playlist to editry clips
#' Note that in order to use `ov_editry_clips`, the `editry` package must be installed. Install it with: `remotes::install_github('scienceuntangled/editry')` or `install.packages('editry', repos = c('https://openvolley.r-universe.dev', 'https://cloud.r-project.org'))`. The `editry` package also requires `editly` (the underlying node JS package: see [editry::er_install_editly()]).
#' @param playlist data.frame: a playlist as returned by `ov_video_playlist`. Note that only local video sources are supported
#' @param title string: the title text (first slide). Use `NULL` to skip this slide
#' @param title2 string: the second title text (on the second slide). Use `NULL` to skip this slide
#' @param label_col string: the name of the column in `playlist` to use for a label on each clip (created with [editry::er_layer_news_title()]). Common label choices are player names, scores, or descriptions of the play being shown in the clip
#' @param pause logical: if `TRUE`, insert an [editry::er_clip_pause()] clip at the end of the sequence
#' @param seamless logical: if `TRUE`, combine overlapping/adjacent clips. Note that if a `label_col` has been specified, the label from the first clip will be used for the whole of the combined clip (so it may no longer make sense, for example if the label is the player name)
#' @param title_args list: arguments to pass to [editry::er_clip_title_background()] when creating the title slide
#' @param title2_args list: arguments to pass to [editry::er_clip_title2()] when creating the title2 slide
#' @param pause_args list: arguments to pass to [editry::er_clip_pause()] when creating the final slide
#' @param label_args list: arguments to pass to [editry::er_layer_news_title()], used if `label_col` is provided
#' @return A list of [editry::er_clip()] objects, suitable to pass to [editry::er_spec()]
#' @seealso [editry::er_layer_news_title()], [editry::er_layer()], [editry::er_spec()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   ## Example 1
#'   ## Step 1: create our playlist
#'   ## use data from the ovdata package
#'   library(ovdata) ## install via remotes::install_github("openvolley/ovdata") if needed
#'   x <- ovdata_example("190301_kats_beds-clip", as = "parsed")
#'   ## make sure its video element points to our local copy of the corresponding video clip
#'   dv_meta_video(x) <- ovdata_example_video("190301_kats_beds")
#'   ## extract the plays
#'   px <- datavolley::plays(x)
#'   ## use just the attack rows
#'   px <- px[which(px$skill == "Attack"), ]
#'   ## make a new column with player name and attack type
#'   px$label <- paste(px$player_name, px$attack_code, "attack")
#'   ## make the playlist with the new label column included
#'   tm <- ov_video_timing(Attack = c(-3, 2)) ## tighter than normal timing
#'   ply <- ov_video_playlist(px, x$meta, extra_cols = "label", timing = tm)
#'   ## Step 2: convert to editly clip objects and compile to mp4
#'   library(editry)
#'   ## create the clips, one for each row of the playlist
#'   clips <- ov_editry_clips(ply, title = "GKS Katowice\nvs\nMKS Bedzin",
#'                                 title2 = "Attacks", label_col = "label")
#'   ## compile to video
#'   outfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".mp4")
#'   my_spec <- er_spec(out_path = outfile, clips = clips)
#'   er_exec_wait(spec = my_spec, fast = TRUE)
#'   ## and view the output
#'   if (interactive()) browseURL(outfile)
#'   ## ---
#'   ## Example 2
#'   ## without a playlist, make a simple clip from a known segment of video
#'   library(editry)
#'   library(ovdata) ## install via remotes::install_github("openvolley/ovdata") if needed
#'   my_video <- ovdata_example_video("190301_kats_beds") ## path to your video file
#'   my_logo <- "https://github.com/openvolley/community/raw/master/docs/talks/common/ovlogo-blur.png"
#'   clips <- list(er_clip_video(path = my_video, cut_from = 1, cut_to = 8), ## video segment
#'                 ## add an outro banner with logo
#'                 er_clip(duration = 1.5, layers = list(er_layer_fill_color(),
#'                                                       er_layer_image(path = my_logo))),
#'                 ##  and blank finishing screen
#'                 er_clip_pause(duration = 0.25))
#'   outfile <- tempfile(fileext = ".mp4")
#'   my_spec <- er_spec(clips = clips, out_path = outfile, allow_remote_requests = TRUE)
#'   er_exec_wait(spec = my_spec, fast = TRUE)
#'   if (interactive()) browseURL(outfile)
#' }
#' @export
ov_editry_clips <- function(playlist, title = NULL, title2 = NULL, label_col, pause = TRUE, seamless = FALSE, title_args = list(), title2_args = list(), pause_args = list(), label_args = list()) {
    if (!requireNamespace("editry", quietly = TRUE)) stop("the 'editry' package is required for this function. See `help('ov_editry_clips')` for details")
    if (missing(label_col)) label_col <- NULL
    if (!is.null(label_col) && !label_col %in% names(playlist)) label_col <- NULL

    if (isTRUE(seamless)) playlist <- merge_seamless(playlist)

    play_clips <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(playlist)), function(i) {
        lyrs <- list(editry::er_layer_video(path = playlist$video_src[i], cut_from = playlist$start_time[i], cut_to = playlist$start_time[i] + playlist$duration[i]))
        if (!is.null(label_col)) {
            nt_args <- list(text = playlist[[label_col]][i])
            for (nm in names(label_args)) nt_args[[nm]] <- label_args[[nm]]
            lyrs <- c(lyrs, list(do.call(editry::er_layer_news_title, nt_args)))
        editry::er_clip(layers = lyrs)

    title_clip <- list(NULL)
    if (!is.null(title)) {
        t_args <- list(duration = 3, text = title)
        for (nm in names(title_args)) t_args[[nm]] <- title_args[[nm]]
        title_clip <- list(do.call(editry::er_clip_title_background, t_args))

    title2_clip <- list(NULL)
    if (!is.null(title2)) {
        t2_args <- list(duration = 2, text = title2)
        for (nm in names(title2_args)) t2_args[[nm]] <- title2_args[[nm]]
        title2_clip <- list(do.call(editry::er_clip_title2, t2_args))

    pause_clip <- list(NULL)
    if (isTRUE(pause)) {
        p_args <- list(duration = 1.5)
        for (nm in names(pause_args)) p_args[[nm]] <- pause_args[[nm]]
        pause_clip <- list(do.call(editry::er_clip_pause, p_args))

    Filter(Negate(is.null), c(title_clip, title2_clip, play_clips, pause_clip))
openvolley/ovideo documentation built on March 19, 2024, 9:52 p.m.