Man pages for osofr/stremr
Streamlined Estimation for Static, Dynamic and Stochastic Treatment Regimes in Longitudinal Data

define_CVfoldsDefine fold ID column for cross-validation
defineIntervedTRTDefine counterfactual dynamic treatment
defineMONITORvarsHelper routine to define the monitoring indicator and time...
define_single_regressionDirectly specify a single regression model
defModelInterface for defining models
directIPWDirect (bounded) IPW estimator for the expected outcome over...
dt_1tAn example of a dataset in long format with one time-point...
dt_2tAn example of a dataset in long format with two time-points...
fit_CVTMLECV-TMLE wrapper for 'fit_GCOMP'
fit_GCOMPFit sequential GCOMP and TMLE for survival
fit_gMSMEstimate any parametric MSM with previously fitted weights.
fit_hMSMEstimate Survival with any MSM for the survival-hazard...
fit_iterTMLEIterative TMLE wrapper for 'fit_GCOMP'
fit_iTMLEFit the sequential double robust (SDR) procedure, either with...
fit_pooled_GCOMPFit sequential (iterative means) GCOMP by pooling across more...
fit_pooled_TMLEFit TMLE by pooling across more than one regimen
fitPropensityDefine and fit propensity score models.
fit_TMLETMLE wrapper for 'fit_GCOMP'
f_plot_survestPlot survival estimates using base R graphics
get_dataExtract input data from DataStorageClass
get_FUPtimesFollow-up times by regimen
getIPWeightsInverse Probability Weights.
get_MSM_RDsRisk Difference Estimates and SEs for IPW-MSM
get_RDsEvaluate the long format dataset of risk differences over...
get_TMLE_RDsRisk Difference Estimates and SEs for a list of TMLE outputs
get_wtsummaryIP-Weights Summary Tables
ggRDPlot risk differences over time with ggplot2
ggsurvSurvival curves with ggplot2
importDataImport data, define various nodes, define dummies for factor...
iTMLE.updater.glmiTMLE glm learner / updater
iTMLE.updater.xgbiTMLE gbm learner / updater
linear.TMLE.updater.speedglmLinear TMLE glm updater
make_report_rmdGenerate report(s) with modeling stats and survival estimates...
OdataCatCENSAn example of a dataset in long format with categorical...
OdataNoCENSAn example of a dataset in long format with random monitoring...
OdatDT_10KAn example of a dataset in long format with random monitoring...
openFileInOSOpen file
pander.H2OBinomialMetricsPander method for H2OBinomialMetrics S4 class
pander.H2OGridPander method for H2OGrid S4 class
pander.H2ORegressionMetricsPander method for H2ORegressionMetrics S4 class
print.GLMmodelS3 methods for printing model fit summary for glmfit class...
print.H2OensemblemodelS3 methods for printing model fit summary for H2Omodel class...
print.ModelStackS3 methods for printing a collection of learners
print_RDsPrint RD table
print_stremr_optsShow all current option settings
print_tablesS3 methods for printing model fit summaries as pander tables
remove_gRemoving all g model fits from DataStorage object. Clean up...
set_all_stremr_optionsSetting all possible 'stremr' options at once.
stremrRun all estimators (KM, hazard-IPW, direct-IPW, GCOMP plug-in...
stremrOptionsQuerying/setting a single 'stremr' option
stremr-packageEstimate the Survival of Intervention on Exposures and...
summary.GLMmodelS3 methods for fit summary for glmfit class
summary.H2OensemblemodelS3 methods for getting model fit summary for H2Oensemblemodel...
summary.H2ORegressionModelS3 methods for fit summary for h2o
summary.xgb.BoosterS3 methods for fit summary from xgboost
survMSMEstimate Survival with a particular MSM for the...
survNPMSMNon-parametric (saturated) MSM for survival based on...
TMLE.updater.glmiTMLE univariate glm learner / updater
TMLE.updater.NULLiTMLE NULL learner / updater
trim_rows_after_tmaxRemoving not needed rows from observed data (and weights...
osofr/stremr documentation built on Jan. 25, 2022, 8:07 a.m.