
# Monte-Carlo simulation sampling from stochastic g^* and evaluting G-Comp & TMLEs:

# unified estimator naming used throughout the package:
# c("TMLE", "h_IPTW", "MLE")
get.MCS_ests <- function(DatNet.ObsP0,  DatNet.gstar, MC_fit_params, m.h.fit) {
  estnames <- MC_fit_params$estnames
  m.Q.init <- MC_fit_params$m.Q.init
  m.Q.star <- MC_fit_params$m.Q.star

  if (gvars$verbose) {
    message("running Monte Carlo evaluation of the substitution estimators...")

  evaluator <- mcEvalPsi$new(DatNet.ObsP0 = DatNet.ObsP0, DatNet.gstar = DatNet.gstar)
  nOdata <- evaluator$nOdata

  genMC.reps <- function(nrep)  {
    GCOMP <- evaluator$get.gcomp(m.Q.init) # QY.init (G-Comp estimator) - est probY based on model for Q_Y

    if ("TMLE_A" %in% estnames) {
      TMLE <- evaluator$get.tmleA(m.Q.starA = m.Q.star, m.h.fit = m.h.fit) # TMLE A (adjusted by coefficient epsilon on h_bar ratio)
    } else if ("TMLE_B" %in% estnames) {
      TMLE <- evaluator$get.tmleB(m.Q.starB = m.Q.star) # TMLE B (adjusted by intercept epsilon where h_bar were used as weights)
      # print("time_evalMC_tmle: "); print(time_evalMC_tmle)
    } else {
      TMLE <- NA
    time_evalMC_get.fiW <- system.time(
      fiWs_list <- evaluator$get.fiW() # Get fi_W - hold W fixed to observed values
    # print("time_evalMC_get.fiW"); print(time_evalMC_get.fiW)

    # Put all estimators together and add names (defined in out_nms outside of this function):
    mean_psis_all <- c(TMLE = mean(TMLE), MLE = mean(GCOMP), fiWs_list$fiW_Qinit)
    names(mean_psis_all) <- c("TMLE", "MLE", paste("fWi_init_", c(1:nOdata), sep = ""))
    # mean_psis_all <- c(tmle_A = mean(TMLE_A), tmle_B = mean(TMLE_B), tmle_g_iptw = mean(TMLE_gIPTW), mle = mean(GCOMP),
    #                   fiWs_list$fiW_Qinit,
    #                   fiWs_list$fiW_QstarA,
    #                   fiWs_list$fiW_QstarB)
    # names(mean_psis_all) <- c("tmle_A", "tmle_B", "tmle_g_iptw", "mle",
    #                         paste("fWi_init_", c(1:nOdata), sep = ""),
    #                         paste("fWi_star_A_", c(1:nOdata), sep = ""),
    #                         paste("fWi_star_B_", c(1:nOdata), sep = ""))


  # time_eval_MC <- system.time(
    psi_est_mean <- genMC.reps(1)
    # )
  # print("time_eval_MC: "); print(time_eval_MC)

  # ********************************************************
  # ********************************************************
  # Main body of a fcn get.MCS_ests(): MC evalution of the estimators
  # # Allow this part to loop, until desired MCS prob_epsilon for all estimators is reached:
  # nrepeat <- 1
  # psis_reps <- NULL
  # ests_reps <- NULL
  # repeat {
  #   ests_reps <- rbind(ests_reps,
  #                       t(sapply(seq(nQ.MCsims) , genMC.reps))
  #                       )
  #   psi_est_mean <- apply(ests_reps, 2, mean, na.rm = T)
  #   psi_est_var <- apply(ests_reps, 2, var, na.rm = T)
  #   psi_percerr <- 2 * abs(psi_est_mean * max.err_eps) # estimate the maximum allowed epsilon for each estimator, based pre-defined % error:
  #   prob_percerr <- psi_est_var / ((nQ.MCsims * nrepeat) * (psi_percerr)^2)
  #   prob_percerr[psi_est_var < 0.0001] <- 0.0001
  #   fin_ests_sel <- c(1:3) # final vec of estimators for which error is measured
  #   if ( (all(prob_percerr[fin_ests_sel] < 0.05)) | (nrepeat >= 100)) {
  #     break
  #   }
  #   nrepeat <- nrepeat + 1
  # }
  # # print("nrepeat"); print(nrepeat)

  return(list(psi_est_mean = psi_est_mean, psi.evaluator = evaluator))

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------

## ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#' R6 class for Monte-Carlo evaluation of various substitution estimators for exposures generated under the user-specified stochastic intervention function.
#' This R6 class performs the Monte-Carlo evaluation of the target parameters using the data generated under
#'  the user-specified arbitrary intervention \code{gstar}.
#'  For a given dataset, take \code{E[Y|sA,sW] = m.Q.init} and calcualte estimate of \code{psi_n} under \code{g_star}
#'  using Monte-Carlo integration:
#'  (*) \code{W} can be iid or not (\code{W}'s are never resampled).
#'  (*) Use \code{P_n(W) = 1} for the distribution of \code{W = (W_1,...,W_n)} and draw \code{n} new exposures
#'  \code{A=(A_1,...,A_n)} from the distribution of \code{g_star}.
#'  (*) Evaluate \code{n} summary measures \code{sA=(sA_1,...,sA_n)} using these \code{n} newly sampled exposures \code{A}.
#'  (*) Evaluate the subsititution estimators as an average of n predictions \code{E[Y=1|sA,sW]}.
#'  (*) Repeat \code{nrep} times until convergence of \code{psi_n}.
#' @docType class
#' @format An \code{\link{R6Class}} generator object
#' @keywords R6 class
#' @details
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{DatNet.ObsP0}} - .
#' \item{\code{DatNet.gstar}} - .
#' \item{\code{m.Q.init}} - .
#' \item{\code{m.Q.starA}} - .
#' \item{\code{m.Q.starB}} - .
#' \item{\code{QY.init}} - .
#' \item{\code{QY.starA}} - .
#' \item{\code{QY.starB}} - .
#' \item{\code{nOdata}} - .
#' \item{\code{p}} - .
#' }
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{new(DatNet.ObsP0, DatNet.gstar, ...)}}{...}
#'   \item{\code{get.gcomp(m.Q.init)}}{...}
#'   \item{\code{get.tmleA(m.Q.starA, m.h.fit)}}{...}
#'   \item{\code{get.tmleB(m.Q.starB)}}{...}
#'   \item{\code{get.fiW()}}{...}
#' }
# data.table is used on fiW_Qinit for performing unit-level mean and var evaluation (n-length result)
#' @import data.table
#' @importFrom assertthat assert_that is.count is.flag
#' @export
mcEvalPsi <- R6Class(classname = "mcEvalPsi",
  portable = TRUE,
  class = TRUE,
  public = list(
    DatNet.ObsP0 = NULL,
    DatNet.gstar = NULL,
    m.Q.init = NULL,
    m.Q.starA = NULL,
    m.Q.starB = NULL,
    QY.init = NULL,
    QY.starA = NULL,
    QY.starB = NULL,
    nOdata = NA_integer_,      # no. of samples in the OBSERVED (original) data
    p = NA_integer_,           # no. of times n-size sA were resampled under gstar

    initialize = function(DatNet.ObsP0, DatNet.gstar, ...) {
      self$DatNet.ObsP0 <- DatNet.ObsP0
      self$nOdata <- DatNet.ObsP0$nobs
      self$DatNet.gstar <- DatNet.gstar
      self$p <- DatNet.gstar$p

    # MLE - Predict E[Yg_star] (QY.init) for each i, based on the initial model fit for E[Y|C^Y] (m.Q.init)
    # output is a vector of length n*p
    get.gcomp = function(m.Q.init) {
      self$m.Q.init <- m.Q.init
      DatNet.ObsP0 <- self$DatNet.ObsP0
      DatNet.gstar <- self$DatNet.gstar
      if (DatNet.gstar$Odata$curr_data_A_g0) {
        stop("gcomp predictions must be under Anodes from f.gstar, while current data Anodes in DatNet.gstar are set to the observed data")
      # print("getting predictions for gcomp...")
      QY.init <- m.Q.init$predict(newdata = DatNet.gstar)$getprobA1
      QY.init[DatNet.ObsP0$det.Y] <- DatNet.ObsP0$noNA.Ynodevals[DatNet.ObsP0$det.Y]
      self$QY.init <- QY.init

    # TMLE A - Update QY.init based on the est. coefficient for the clever covariate h_g0/h_gstar in univar. model fluct (m.Q.star_h_A)
    # output is a vector of length n*p
    get.tmleA = function(m.Q.starA, m.h.fit) {
      if (is.null(self$QY.init)) stop("call mcEvalPsi$get.gcomp first")
      h_iptw <- predict.hbars(newdatnet = self$DatNet.gstar, m.h.fit = m.h.fit)
      if (!is.na(m.Q.starA)) {
        self$m.Q.starA <- m.Q.starA
        off <- qlogis(self$QY.init)
        self$QY.starA <- plogis(off + m.Q.starA*h_iptw)
      } else {
        self$QY.starA <- self$QY.init
      # QY.starA[determ.Q] <- samp_data[determ.Q, Ynode] # will be incorrect if W's are resampled

    # TMLE B - Update QY.init based on the est. intercept of the model fluct (m.Q.star_h_B)
    # output is a vector of length n*p
    get.tmleB = function(m.Q.starB) {
      if (is.null(self$QY.init)) stop("call mcEvalPsi$get.gcomp first")
      if (!is.na(m.Q.starB)) {
        self$m.Q.starB <- m.Q.starB
        off <- qlogis(self$QY.init)
        self$QY.starB <- plogis(off + m.Q.starB)
      } else {
        self$QY.starB <- self$QY.init
      # QY.star_B[determ.Q] <- samp_data[determ.Q, Ynode]  # will be incorrect when W's are resampled

    # m.Q.starB - epsilon_N based on the least favorable model update
    # boot_idx - bootstrap index
    get.boot.tmleB = function(m.Q.starB, boot_idx = NULL) {
      if (is.null(self$QY.init)) stop("call mcEvalPsi$get.gcomp first")
      if (is.null(boot_idx)) boot_idx <- TRUE

      if (!is.na(m.Q.starB)) {
        # off <- qlogis(self$QY.init) # - offset
        QY.starB <- plogis(qlogis(self$QY.init)[boot_idx] + m.Q.starB)
      } else {
        QY.starB <- self$QY.init[boot_idx]
      # QY.star_B[determ.Q] <- samp_data[determ.Q, Ynode]  # will be incorrect when W's are resampled

    # get an estimate of fiW (hold ALL W's fixed at once) - a component of TMLE Var
    # Creates a vector of size n*p, where each of n obs is then averaged p times.
    get.fiW = function() {
    # get.fiW = function(m.Q.starA, m.Q.starB) {
      if (is.null(self$QY.init)) stop("call mcEvalPsi$get.gcomp first")
      # *******fi_W based on Q,N.init model ******
      ID <- rep.int(c(1 : self$nOdata), self$p)
      # taking average over p samples for each of n obs
      fiW_Qinit <- data.table::data.table(ID = ID, fiW = self$QY.init)
      fiW_Qinit.mean <- fiW_Qinit[, lapply(.SD, mean, na.rm=TRUE), by="ID", .SDcols=c("fiW") ][["fiW"]]
      fiW_Qinit.var <- fiW_Qinit[, lapply(.SD, var, na.rm=TRUE), by="ID", .SDcols=c("fiW") ][["fiW"]]

      # *******DISABLED*******
      # fi_W based on Q.N.star models (A & B TMLEs)
      # fiW_QstarA <- rep_len(0, self$nOdata)
      # fiW_QstarB <- rep_len(0, self$nOdata)
      # if (!self$onlyTMLE_B) {
      #   fiW_QstarA <- self$get.tmleA(m.Q.starA) # or: fiW_QstarA <- self$QY.starA
      # } else {
      #   fiW_QstarA <- rep_len(0, self$nOdata)
      # }
      # fiW_QstarB <- self$get.tmleB(m.Q.starB) # or: fiW_QstarB <- self$QY.starB

      return(list(fiW_Qinit = fiW_Qinit.mean, fiW_Qinit.var = fiW_Qinit.var))
      # return(list(fiW_Qinit = fiW_Qinit.mean, fiW_Qinit.var = fiW_Qinit.var, fiW_QstarA = fiW_QstarA, fiW_QstarB = fiW_QstarB))

    # get.TMLE.gIPTW <- function(QY.init) {
    #   g_iptw <- iptw_est(k=k, data=samp_data, node_l=node_l, m.gN=m.g0N, f.gstar=f.gstar, f.g_args=f.g_args,
    #                       family=family, NetInd_k=NetInd_k, lbound=lbound, max_npwt=max_npwt, f.g0=f.g0, f.g0_args=f.g0_args)
    #   determ.Q <- samp_data$determ.Q
    #   if (!is.na(m.Q.star_iptw)) {
    #     off <- qlogis(QY.init)
    #     QY.star <- plogis(off + m.Q.star_iptw*g_iptw)
    #     #************************************************
    #     # QY.star[determ.Q] <- 1
    #     QY.star[determ.Q] <- samp_data[determ.Q, Ynode]
    #     #************************************************
    #     return(QY.star)
    #   }
    # },

  active = list(
    plchld = function() {}
  private = list(
    placeholder = list()
osofr/tmlenet documentation built on May 24, 2019, 4:58 p.m.