
Defines functions createProject2 createProject

Documented in createProject

#' Create project's folder based on pre-defined folder structure
#' @description A generic function to create a project's folder based on pre-defined folder structure.
#' @param dir a character specifies where to create the project's folder.
#' @param structure a character specifies the pre-defined folder structure to be used.
#' @return A message to confirm that the project's folder is created at the designed place.
#' @export
createProject <- function(dir, structure = c("OUCRU_RCT_wInterim")){
  ## to create project directory
  ## initial version: 23 July 2015

  if (length(structure) > 1) {structure <- "OUCRU_RCT_wInterim"}

  ## create destination folder

  ## copy folder structure into destination folder
  file.copy(from = file.path(system.file(package = "C306"), "structure", structure, "."),
            to = dir, recursive = TRUE)
  file.rename(from = file.path(dir, "OUCRU_RCT_wInterim.Rproj"), to = file.path(dir, paste0(basename(dir), ".Rproj")))

  # inform
  cat(paste("Project", basename(dir), "was created in", dirname(dir), "\n", sep = " "))
#' @export
createProject2 <- function(dir, structure = c("Project")){
  ## to create project directory
  ## initial version: 23 July 2015

  if (length(structure) > 1) {structure <- "Project"}

  ## create destination folder

  ## copy folder structure into destination folder
  file.copy(from = file.path(system.file(package = "C306"), "structure", structure, "."),
            to = dir, recursive = TRUE)
  file.rename(from = file.path(dir, "Analysis"), to = file.path(dir, paste0(basename(dir), "_Analysis")))
  file.rename(from = file.path(dir, "Published"), to = file.path(dir, paste0(basename(dir), "_Published")))

  ## populate workflowr
  if ("workflowr" %in% rownames(installed.packages())) {
    workflowr::wflow_start(file.path(dir, paste0(basename(dir), "_Published")), existing = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE)

  # inform
  cat(paste("Project", basename(dir), "was created in", dirname(dir), "\n", sep = " "))
oucru-biostats/C306 documentation built on July 16, 2024, 2:33 p.m.