
Defines functions plot_retro_recruits

Documented in plot_retro_recruits

#' Make squid plot of retrospectives of recruitment deviations.
#' @details
#' Based on [r4ss::SSplotRetroRecruits()]
#' Inspired by Jim Ianelli and named by Sean Cox, the squid plot is a way to
#' examine retrospective patterns in estimation of recruitment deviations.
#' @param retroSummary List object created by [r4ss::SSsummarize()]
#' @param endyrvec Vector of years representing the final year of values to
#' show for each model
#' @param cohorts Which cohorts to show in plot
#' @param ylim Limits of y-axis
#' @param uncertainty Logical. If `TRUE`, show uncertainty intervals around lines
#' @param labels Vector of plot labels
#' @param main Title for plot
#' @param mcmcVec Either vector of `TRUE`/`FALSE` values indicating which models
#' use MCMC.  Or single value applied to all models
#' @param devs Plot deviations instead of absolute recruitment values?
#' @param relative Show deviations relative to most recent estimate or relative
#' to 0
#' @param labelyears Label cohorts with text at the end of each line?
#' @param legend Add a legend showing which color goes with which line (as
#' alternative to `labelyears`).
#' @param leg.ncols Number of columns for the legend.
#' @export
plot_retro_recruits <- function(
    ylim = NULL,
    uncertainty = FALSE,
    labels = c(
      "Recruitment deviation",
      "Recruitment (billions)",
      "relative to recent estimate",
    main = "Retrospective analysis of recruitment deviations",
    mcmcVec = FALSE,
    devs = TRUE,
    relative = FALSE,
    labelyears = TRUE,
    legend = FALSE,
    leg.ncols = 4){

  addpoly <- function(yrvec,
                      shadecol = rgb(0, 0, 0, .1),
                      col = 1) {
    # add shaded uncertainty intervals behind line
    # modified from [r4ss::SSplotComparisons()]
    polygon(x = c(yrvec, rev(yrvec)),
            y = c(lower, rev(upper)),
            border = NA, col = shadecol)
    lines(yrvec, lower, lty = 3, col = col)
    lines(yrvec, upper, lty = 3, col = col)

  # number of models
  n <- retroSummary[["n"]]

  # get either recruitment deviations or true recruitments
  if(devs) {
    # devs
    recvals <- retroSummary[["recdevs"]]
    recvalsLower <- retroSummary[["recdevsLower"]]
    recvalsUpper <- retroSummary[["recdevsUpper"]]
    scale <- 1
    # recruits
    recvals <- retroSummary[["recruits"]]
    recvalsLower <- retroSummary[["recruitsLower"]]
    recvalsUpper <- retroSummary[["recruitsUpper"]]
    scale <- 1e6 # should generalize this in the future for non-hake species
  # lower and upper quantiles as defined in summary
  lowerCI <- retroSummary[["lowerCI"]]
  upperCI <- retroSummary[["upperCI"]]

  # figure out colors (using the r4ss adaptation of Arni's function)
  colvec <- rich_colors_short(length(cohorts), alpha = 0.7)
  shadecolvec <- rich_colors_short(length(cohorts), alpha = 0.1)
  colvec <- rainbow(length(cohorts), alpha = 0.7)
  shadecolvec <- rainbow(length(cohorts), alpha = 0.1)
  colvec.txt <- colvec
  # make text darker
  for(i in 1:length(colvec)){
    tmp <- col2rgb(colvec[i]) / 255
    colvec.txt[i] <- rgb(tmp[1] / 2,
                         tmp[2] / 2,
                         tmp[3] / 2,
                         alpha = 0.7)

  ylab <- ifelse(devs, labels[1], labels[2])
    ylab <- paste(ylab, labels[3])

  maxage <- max(endyrvec) - min(cohorts)
  xlim <- c(0, maxage)
    xlim <- xlim + c(-0.8, 0.8) # expand x-axis to make room for labels

  # determine y-limits
  if (is.null(ylim)) {
    if (uncertainty) {
      ylim <- c(min(recvalsLower[, 1:n], na.rm = TRUE), max(recvalsUpper[, 1:n], na.rm = TRUE))
    } else {
      ylim <- c(min(recvals[, 1:n], na.rm = TRUE), max(recvals[, 1:n], na.rm = TRUE))
    if (devs) {
      ylim <- c(-1, 1) * 1.1 * max(abs(ylim)) # make symmetric for devs
    } else {
      if (relative) {
        ylim <- c(-1.0 * max(ylim), 1.0 * max(ylim)) # include 0 for recruitments
      } else {
        ylim <- c(0, 1.1 * max(ylim)) # include 0 for recruitments
    ylim <- ylim / scale
  yticks <- NULL
  if (devs) {
    yticks <- floor(ylim[1]):ceiling(ylim[2])

  # make empty plot with axes
  par(mar = c(4.1, 4.1, 0.2, 0.2))
       type = "n", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, xlab = labels[4],
       ylab = ylab, main = main, axes = FALSE
  axis(1, at = 0:maxage)
  axis(2, at = yticks, las = 1)
  abline(h = 0, col = "grey")

  if (legend) ylim <- ylim + c(0, .1 * (ylim[2] - ylim[1]))
  if (length(mcmcVec) == 1) mcmcVec <- rep(mcmcVec, n)
  if (any(mcmcVec)) mcmc <- retroSummary[["mcmc"]]
  for (imodel in (1:n)[mcmcVec]) {
    if (devs) {
      tmp <- unique(c(
        grep("_RecrDev_", names(mcmc[[imodel]])),
        grep("_InitAge_", names(mcmc[[imodel]])),
        grep("ForeRecr_", names(mcmc[[imodel]]))
    } else {
      tmp <- unique(grep("Recr_", names(mcmc[[imodel]])))

    if (length(tmp) > 0) { # there are some mcmc values to use
      mcmc.tmp <- mcmc[[imodel]][, tmp] # subset of columns from MCMC for this model
      mcmclabs <- names(mcmc.tmp)
      lower <- apply(mcmc.tmp, 2, quantile, prob = lowerCI) # hard-wired probability
      med <- apply(mcmc.tmp, 2, quantile, prob = 0.5) # hard-wired probability
      upper <- apply(mcmc.tmp, 2, quantile, prob = upperCI) # hard-wired probability
      recvals$Label <- gsub("Multiple_labels", "Main_RecrDev", recvals$Label)
      yrs_recvals_labels <- gsub("^.*RecrDev_([0-9]+)$", "\\1", recvals[["Label"]])
      yrs_mcmclabs_labels <- gsub("^.*RecrDev_([0-9]+)$", "\\1", mcmclabs)
      recvals[, imodel] <- med[match(yrs_recvals_labels, yrs_mcmclabs_labels)]
      recvalsLower[, imodel] <- lower[match(recvalsLower[["Label"]], mcmclabs)]
      recvalsUpper[, imodel] <- upper[match(recvalsUpper[["Label"]], mcmclabs)]

  outputTable <- NULL

  for (iy in 1:length(cohorts)) {
    y <- cohorts[iy]
    cohortvals <- recvals[recvals[["Yr"]] == y, 1:n]
    # combine rows where the parameter labels may differ
    if (nrow(cohortvals) > 1) {
      cohortvals2 <- rep(NA, n)
      for (icol in 1:n) {
        cohortvals2[icol] <- cohortvals[!is.na(cohortvals[, icol]), icol]
      cohortvals <- cohortvals2
    cohortvals <- as.numeric(cohortvals) / scale

    goodmodels <- (1:n)[endyrvec - y >= 0]
    # which of the values is the final and initial
    final <- which(endyrvec == max(endyrvec[goodmodels], na.rm = TRUE))
    initial <- which(endyrvec == min(endyrvec[goodmodels], na.rm = TRUE))
    if (relative) {
      # relative to final estimate
      if (uncertainty) {
        # polygon showing uncertainty
          yrvec = endyrvec[goodmodels] - y,
          lower = cohortvalsLower[goodmodels] - cohortvals[final],
          upper = cohortvalsUpper[goodmodels] - cohortvals[final],
          shadecol = shadecolvec[iy], col = colvec[iy]
      # output the points that were plotted
      outputTable <- rbind(
          cohort = y,
          age = endyrvec[goodmodels] - y,
          yval = cohortvals[goodmodels] - cohortvals[final]
      # line with estimates
      lines(endyrvec[goodmodels] - y,
            cohortvals[goodmodels] - cohortvals[final],
            type = "o", col = colvec[iy], lwd = 3, pch = 16
      if (labelyears) {
          x = endyrvec[initial] - y - 0.5,
          y = cohortvals[initial] - cohortvals[final],
          labels = y,
          col = colvec.txt[iy],
          cex = .7
    } else {
      # true value
      if (uncertainty) {
          yrvec = endyrvec[goodmodels] - y,
          lower = cohortvalsLower[goodmodels],
          upper = cohortvalsUpper[goodmodels],
          shadecol = shadecolvec[iy], col = colvec[iy]
      # output the points that were plotted
      outputTable <- rbind(
          cohort = y,
          age = endyrvec[goodmodels] - y,
          yval = cohortvals[goodmodels]
      # line with estimates
      lines(endyrvec[goodmodels] - y,
            type = "o", col = colvec[iy], lwd = 3, pch = 16
      if (labelyears) {
          x = endyrvec[final] - y + 0.5,
          y = cohortvals[final],
          labels = y,
          col = colvec.txt[iy],
          cex = .7
  # add legend if requested
  if (legend) {
           lwd = 3, lty = 1, pch = 16, col = colvec, legend = cohorts,
           title = "Cohort birth year", ncol = leg.ncols,
           bg = rgb(1, 1, 1, .3), box.col = NA

pacific-hake/hake-assessment documentation built on Feb. 17, 2025, 1:58 p.m.