#' Creates LaTeX code to make a probability of risk table with various
#' probabilities of things happening with the stock
#' @param model A model from this project
#' @param forecast_yrs A vector of forecast years
#' @param index Index for which forecast year data to use. e.g. 1 = second
#' forecast year compared to the first. If there were N forecast years, this
#' can be from 1 to N-1
#' @param digits The number of decimal places to print in the table output
#' @param type One of `probability` or `percent`. If `probability`, the table
#' columns will be decimal probabilities, if `percent` they will be expressed
#' as percentages and a percent symbol (%) will be added to the column headers
#' @param font_size The table data and header font size in points
#' @param header_font_size The font size for the headers only. If `NULL`,
#' the headers will have the same font size as the table cell data
#' @param vert_spacing The vertical spacing between newlines for this font.
#' If `NULL` this will be calculated as `header_font_size * header_vert_scale`
#' @param header_vert_scale Scale factor to create the vertical spacing value.
#' See `header_vert_spacing`
#' @param ... Arguments passed to [knitr::kable()]
#' @return LaTeX code to render the table
#' @export
table_risk <- function(model,
index = 1,
digits = 2,
type = c("probability", "percent"),
font_size = 10,
header_font_size = 10,
header_vert_spacing = 12,
header_vert_scale = 1.2,
type <- match.arg(type)
if(index > length(model$risks)){
stop("`index` must be less than or equal to ", length(model$risks))
risk <- model$risks[[index]] |>
# Remove columns about MSY which are DFO values
risk <- risk |>
# Fix tiny catch of less than 0.49 to zero, only for first (catch) column
ct_col <- grep(paste0("^ForeCatch_",
model$endyr + index, "$"),
value = TRUE)
ct_col_sym <- sym(ct_col)
risk <- risk |>
mutate(!!ct_col_sym := ifelse(!!ct_col_sym < 0.49,
# Format all columns except catch to be zero decimal points and have a
# percent sign and the catch to have a comma separator
if(type == "probability"){
risk <- risk |>
mutate_at(vars(-(!!ct_col_sym)), ~{f(.x / 100, digits)})
risk <- risk |>
mutate_at(vars(-(!!ct_col_sym)), ~{paste0(f(.x, digits), "\\%")})
risk <- risk |>
mutate(!!ct_col_sym := f(!!ct_col_sym)) |>
mutate(let = paste0(letters[seq_len(nrow(risk))], ":")) |>
select(let, everything()) %>%
setNames(c("", names(.)[-1]))
# Add nice header names
col_names <- c("",
paste0("Catch (t)\nin ", forecast_yrs[index]),
forecast_yrs[index + 1],
"}}$\n< $\\bm{\\mathrm{B}_{",
forecast_yrs[index + 1],
"}}$\n< ", b_40_for_latex_table),
forecast_yrs[index + 1],
"}}$\n< ", b_25_for_latex_table),
forecast_yrs[index + 1],
"}}$\n< ", b_10_for_latex_table),
"> 100\\%"),
paste0(forecast_yrs[index + 1],
"\nDefault HR\ncatch\n",
"< ",
if(type == "percent"){
col_names[-1] <- paste0(col_names[-1], "\n(\\%)")
# Insert header fontsize if it wasn't supplied
header_font_size <- font_size
hdr_font_str <- create_fontsize_str(header_font_size,
# Insert font specs around all column headers
col_names <- gsub("\\n", paste0("\n", hdr_font_str$quad), col_names)
col_names <- paste0(hdr_font_str$dbl, col_names)
# Add \\makecell{} latex command to headers with newlines (\n)
col_names <- linebreaker(col_names, align = "c")
format = "latex",
booktabs = TRUE,
align = c("l", rep("r", ncol(risk) - 1)),
linesep = "",
col.names = col_names,
escape = FALSE,
...) |>
row_spec(0, bold = TRUE) |>
kable_styling(font_size = font_size,
latex_options = c("repeat_header"))
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