#' Creates a table containing the age data which are input into the model
#' @param model A model, created by [create_rds_file()]
#' @param fleet Use codes of `fishery` = Commercial fishery and `survey` =
#' Acoustic age 2+ survey
#' @param start_yr Start year in table
#' @param end_yr End year in table
#' @param font_size The table data and header font size in points
#' @param header_font_size The font size for the headers only. If `NULL`,
#' the headers will have the same font size as the table cell data
#' @param vert_spacing The vertical spacing between newlines for this font.
#' If `NULL` this will be calculated as `header_font_size * header_vert_scale`
#' @param header_vert_scale Scale factor to create the vertical spacing value.
#' See `header_vert_spacing`
#' @param ... Arguments passed to [knitr::kable()]
#' @return A [knitr::kable()] object
#' @export
table_input_age_data <- function(model,
fleet = c("fishery", "survey"),
digits = 2,
font_size = 10,
header_font_size = 10,
header_vert_spacing = 12,
header_vert_scale = 1.2,
fleet <- match.arg(fleet)
flt <- ifelse(fleet == "fishery", 1, 2)
ages <- grep("^a[0-9]+$", names(model$dat$agecomp), value = TRUE)
d <- model$dat$agecomp |>
as_tibble() |>
dplyr::filter(fleet == flt) |>
rename(yr = year,
num_samp = Nsamp) |>
select(yr, num_samp, all_of(ages)) |>
rename_at(vars(ages), ~{gsub("^a([0-9]+)$", "\\1", .x)})
yrs <- d$yr
start_yr <- ifelse(start_yr < min(yrs), min(yrs), start_yr)
end_yr <- ifelse(end_yr > max(yrs) | end_yr < start_yr, max(yrs), end_yr)
yrs <- start_yr:end_yr
ages <- grep("[0-9]+", names(d), value = TRUE)
d <- d |>
dplyr::filter(yr %in% yrs) |>
mutate_at(vars(ages), ~{f(.x, digits)}) |>
mutate_at(vars(num_samp), ~{f(.x)})
nms <- names(d)
nms <- gsub("num_samp", "", nms)
nms <- gsub("yr", "", nms)
nms[length(nms)] <- paste0(nms[length(nms)], "+")
names(d) <- nms
col_names <- nms
# Extra header
header <-
"Number\nof samples",
"Age (% of total for each year)" = length(ages))
# Insert custom header fontsize before linebreaker
header_font_size <- font_size
hdr_font_str <- create_fontsize_str(header_font_size,
col_names <- gsub("\\n", paste0("\n", hdr_font_str$quad), col_names)
col_names <- paste0(hdr_font_str$dbl, col_names)
# Add \\makecell{} latex command to headers with newlines
col_names <- linebreaker(col_names, align = "c")
format = "latex",
booktabs = TRUE,
align = "r",
linesep = "",
col.names = col_names,
escape = FALSE,
...) |>
row_spec(0, bold = TRUE) |>
bold = TRUE,
line = FALSE) |>
kable_styling(font_size = font_size,
latex_options = c("repeat_header"))
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