
Defines functions canada_create_fleet_month_catch_csv_files

Documented in canada_create_fleet_month_catch_csv_files

#' Create CSV files with catch by year and month for Canadian fleets
#' @param lst A list of data frames as returned by
#' [canada_extract_fleet_catch()]
#' @param catch_scale A value to divide the catch by prior to writing to
#' the file
#' @param digits The number of decimal points to report on the catches in
#' the csv files
#' @returns Nothing, creates three CSV files
#' @export
canada_create_fleet_month_catch_csv_files <- function(lst,
                                                      catch_scale = 1000,
                                                      digits = 3){

  if(length(lst) != 3){
    stop("The length of the input list `lst` does not equal 3")
  if(!all(names(lst) %in% c("ft", "ss", "jv"))){
    stop("The names of the elements in the list `lst` are not correct. ",
         "They must be `ft`, `ss`, and `jv`")

  fns <- here(data_tables_path, c(can_ft_catch_by_month_fn,
    stop("One or more of the csv data files does not exist. Files are:\n",
         paste(fns, collapse = "\n"))

        \(df, fn){

          d <- df |>
            group_by(year, month) |>
            summarize(catch = sum(landings) / catch_scale) |>
            ungroup() |>
            mutate(catch = round(catch, digits)) |>
            pivot_wider(names_from = "month", values_from = "catch") |>
            select(year, as.character(1:12)) |>
            pivot_longer(-year, names_to = "month", values_to = "catch") |>
            select(month, year, catch) |>
            mutate(catch = ifelse(is.na(catch), 0, catch))

          write_csv(d, fn)
          message("The file:\n`", fn, "`\nwas written with new catch data\n")
pacific-hake/hake-assessment documentation built on July 21, 2024, 8:19 a.m.