
Defines functions ship_to_source read_research_year_bio_file pull_research_survey_file_names pull_survey_weight_at_age calc_proportions pull_survey_age_proportions

Documented in pull_survey_age_proportions pull_survey_weight_at_age

# Age compositions: ----

#' Calculate age proportions for the acoustic age-2+ survey
#' Calculate age proportions for the acoustic age-2+ survey based on
#' the estimated **abundance** at age extrapolated to the KS stratifications.
#' This information is produced by the acoustic team and stored on the
#' network in the `kriged_len_age_abundance_table` file.
#' The original code to generate these proportions was provided by
#' Allan Hicks and can be found on GitHub
#' <https://github.com/iantaylor-NOAA/hake-data/blob/master/Rcode/AcousticData2.R>.
#' Particularly lines 170-174 that explains the file location.
#' The actual code to compute the compositions is pretty trivial,
#' the difficulty is knowing what file to use.
#' As mentioned above, abundance is key here rather than biomass.
#' @param year An integer specifying the year of interest.
#'   The default uses [hake::get_data_yr()] to get the current year for the data.
#' @param round An integer specifying how many digits should be printed.
#'   The default is to print the options for `digits` stored in your R session.
#' @param dir The directory that stores the age-composition data that have been
#'   extrapolated.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' proportions <- pull_survey_age_proportions(
#'   year = 2021, round = 2
#' )
#' # Values to paste into .dat file
#' glue::glue_collapse(proportions, sep = " ")
pull_survey_age_proportions <- function(
  year = hake::get_data_yr(),
  round = options()$digits,
  dir = "//nwcfile/fram/Survey.Acoustics/Survey Time Series Analysis/Historical Summary (for Kriging)/Outputs/Historical Outputs (KS Stratification with aged data)/with extrapolation/"
) {
  # Read file from the network
  the_file <- glue::glue("{dir}{year}/kriged_len_age_abundance_table.xlsx")
  if (!fs::file_exists(the_file)) {
      "The file {the_file} does not exist, it is probably a non-survey year."
  ages <- readxl::read_excel(
    skip = 1,
    path = the_file,
    sheet = 3

  # Get age 1 - 20 subtotals
  abundance <- unlist(
      grepl("Subtotal", ages$"0"),
      grepl("^[1-9]+", colnames(ages))
    use.names = FALSE
  ) |>
  round(calc_proportions(abundance), digits = round)

calc_proportions <- function(data, maxcol = 15) {
  withplusgroup <- c(
    data[1:(maxcol - 1)],
  withplusgroup / sum(withplusgroup) * 100

# Weight at age: ----

#' Pull survey weight-at-age data from the NWFSC Network
#' Bring both survey years and research years together but as of right now the
#' only research years available are 2016, 2017, and 2018 because the other
#' years do not have files on the network that I can grab. Alicia is working on
#' getting everything into a database but that work is going slow.
#' @details
#' This function takes a while because it uses [fs::dir_ls()] to find the
#' appropriate file names when looking for the research-year data.
#' @param dir The directory of interest for the NWFSC Network Acoustic Survey
#'   data. The default is `"\\\\nwcfile\\fram\\Survey.Acoustics"`.
#' @param summary_file_name A string with the extension of xlsx that lives in
#'   the directory `Data Processing/Historic Biodata` beneath `dir`.
#' @export
pull_survey_weight_at_age <- function(
  dir = "\\\\nwcfile\\fram\\Survey.Acoustics",
  summary_file_name = "1977-2023_Survey_Biodata.xlsx"
) {
  summary_file <- fs::path(
    "Data Processing",
    "Historic Biodata",

  research_data <- purrr::map_df(
    .f = read_research_year_bio_file

  # Must read in haul data to get the date
  hauls <- readxl::read_excel(
    sheet = "Haul"
  ) |>
    dplyr::select(SURVEY, HAUL, EQ_DATE_TIME) |>
    dplyr::distinct() |>
      Date = as.Date(EQ_DATE_TIME, tryFormats = "%m/%d/%Y"),
      Year = format(Date, "%Y"),
      Month = as.numeric(format(Date, "%m"))
  # Read in bio data and combine with date from haul
  # You have to specify the col_types because the first few rows of the data do
  # not have weights and are blank so read_excel thinks that they are logical
  # and all weights get transcribed to 0 or 1. :(
  all <- readxl::read_excel(
    sheet = "Specimen",
    col_types = c(rep("numeric", 15), rep("text", 3), "guess")
  ) |>
      # 22500 is hake
      SPECIES_CODE == 22500,
    ) |>
      y = hauls,
      by = c("SURVEY", "HAUL")
    ) |>
      Year = as.numeric(substr(SURVEY, 1, 4)),
      Source = ship_to_source(SHIP),
      SEX = dplyr::case_when(
        tolower(SEX) == "f" ~ "F",
        tolower(SEX) == "m" ~ "M",
        tolower(SEX) == "x" ~ "U",
        SEX == 1 ~ "F",
        SEX == 2 ~ "M",
        SEX == 3 ~ "U",
        TRUE ~ "U"
    ) |>
      Weight_kg = WEIGHT,
      Length_cm = LENGTH,
      Age_yrs = AGE,
      Sex = SEX
    ) |>
      Source, Weight_kg, Sex, Age_yrs, Length_cm, Month, Year

  out <- dplyr::bind_rows(
  ) |>
    Source, Year, Month, Sex, Age_yrs

pull_research_survey_file_names <- function(
  dir = "\\\\nwcfile\\fram\\Survey.Acoustics"
) {
  # Search for HakeRes which is the hake research survey or for 1992 Hake Sum
  # MF_WER because the 1992 data are yet to be included in the survey years
  fs::dir_ls(dir, regexp = "HakeRes") |>
   purrr::map(.f = fs::dir_ls, type = "dir", regexp = "Data_") |>
   discard(.p = \(x) length(x) == 0) |>
     .f = fs::dir_ls,
     regexp = "biodata_specimen_[AWSUIG]{2}[A-Z]+\\.|biodata_specimen\\.",
     recurse = TRUE
   ) |>
   discard(.p = \(x) length(x) == 0)

read_research_year_bio_file <- function(file_name) {
  dir_of_file <- dirname(file_name)
  haul_file <- fs::dir_ls(dir_of_file, regexp = "haul")
  # If haul file does not exist, then find year and guess month
  if (length(haul_file) == 1) {
  haul_data <- readxl::read_excel(haul_file) |>
    dplyr::rename(DateTime = dplyr::starts_with("EQ")) |>
    dplyr::select(Haul, DateTime1) |>
    tidyr::fill(DateTime1, .direction = "updown")
  } else {
    year <- gsub(".+([[1-2][0-9]{3}).+", "\\1", dir_of_file)
    month <- "07"
    temp <- readxl::read_excel(file_name)
    haul_data <- dplyr::select(temp, HAUL) |>
      dplyr::distinct() |>
      dplyr::rename_with(.fn = stringr::str_to_title) |>
        DateTime1 = glue::glue("{month}/01/{year}")
  if (any(grepl("/", haul_data[["DateTime1"]]))) {
    format_date <- ifelse(
        pattern = "[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{4}"
    haul_data[["DateTime1"]] <- as.Date(
      tryFormats = format_date
  } else {
    which_are_na <- which(haul_data[["DateTime1"]] == 0)
    haul_data[["DateTime1"]][which_are_na] <- haul_data[["DateTime1"]][
      setdiff(seq(NROW(haul_data)), which_are_na)[1]]
    haul_data[["DateTime1"]] <- as.Date(
      origin = "1899-12-30"
  bio_data <- readxl::read_excel(file_name) |>
    dplyr::rename_with(.fn = stringr::str_to_title) |>
      y = haul_data,
      by = "Haul"
    ) |>
      Month = as.numeric(format(DateTime1, "%m"))
    ) |>
      Source = ship_to_source(Ship),
      Weight_kg = Weight,
      Age_yrs = Age,
      Length_cm = Length,
      Sex = dplyr::case_when(
        tolower(Sex) == "f" ~ "F",
        tolower(Sex) == "m" ~ "M",
        tolower(Sex) == "x" ~ "U",
        Sex == 1 ~ "F",
        Sex == 2 ~ "M",
        Sex == 3 ~ "U",
        TRUE ~ "U"
      Year = as.numeric(format(DateTime1, "%Y"))
    ) |>
      Source, Weight_kg, Sex, Age_yrs, Length_cm, Month, Year
    ) |>
    dplyr::filter(!is.na(Weight_kg)) |>

ship_to_source <- function(x) {
      x %in% c(499, 584, 2026) ~ "Canada Acoustic",
      x %in% c(19, 21, 160, 499) ~ "U.S. Acoustic",
      TRUE ~ "U.S. Acoustic"
pacific-hake/hake-assessment documentation built on Jan. 14, 2025, 9:12 p.m.