
#* Melt multiple sets of columns in parallel
#* Essentially this is a wrapper around \code{reshape2::melt.data.frame} that
#* is able to \code{cbind} several melt operations. This is useful when a wide
#* data frame contains uncertainty or flag information in paired columns.
#* @param x A data.frame
#* @param id.vars vector of ID variable names
#* @param variable.name Column name to use to store variables
#* @param ... Named arguments specifying the \code{measure.vars} to be stored to the
#*   column name specified.
#* @param factorsAsStrings Control whether factors are converted to character when melted as
#*   measure variables.
#* @return A molten data.frame
#* @export
#* @examples
#* data(pocmajsum)
#* parallel.melt(pocmajsum,
#*               id.vars=c("core", "depth"),
#*               values=c("Ca", "Ti", "V"),
#*               err=c("Ca_sd", "Ti_sd", "V_sd"))
parallel.melt <- function(x, id.vars, ..., variable.name="param", factorsAsStrings=TRUE) {
  combos <- list(...)
  combonames <- names(combos)
  if(length(combonames) != length(combos)) stop("All arguments must be named")
  lengths <- unique(sapply(combos, length))
  if(length(lengths) > 1) stop("All melted columns must have the same number of source columns")
  melted <- lapply(combonames, function(varname) {
    reshape2::melt(x, id.vars=id.vars, measure.vars=combos[[varname]], value.name=varname,
                   variable.name=variable.name, factorsAsStrings=factorsAsStrings)
  iddata <- melted[[1]][c(id.vars, variable.name)]
  melted <- lapply(melted, function(df) df[names(df) %in% names(combos)])

  do.call(cbind, c(list(iddata), melted))

# Calculate geographic distances
# Calculates distances from latitudes and longitudes. Math is done such that
# passing vectors for each parameter is allowed provided that vectors are the same
# length for corresponding arguments. Returns a vector of distances if location1
# or location2 is of length 1, or a distance matrix otherwise. If only one
# location is specified, a distance matrix between locations is calculated.
# Distance is based on the haversine formula.
# @param long1 longitude of location 1
# @param lat1  latitude of location 1
# @param long2 longitude of location 2 (optional)
# @param lat2 latitude of location 2 (optional)
# @param labels labels assigned to location 1 (for dist matrix)
# @param labels2 labels assigned to location 2 (for dist matrix; optional)
# @param R radius of the earth (using the same as \code{geosphere} package)
# @return A vector of distances if location1 or location2 is of length 1, or a
#   distance matrix otherwise.
# @export
# @examples
# #compute distance from one point to another
# geodist(-64.35984, 45.09176, -63.57532, 44.64886)
# #compute a distance matrix
# locs <- c("wolfville, ns", "halifax, ns", "yarmouth, ns", "sydney, ns", "amherst, ns")
# lons <- c(-64.35984, -63.57532, -66.11738, -60.19422, -64.21672)
# lats <- c(45.09176, 44.64886, 43.83746, 46.13679, 45.81667)
# #compute distances from one point to a vector of distances
# geodist(-64.45665, 44.73701, lons, lats)
geodist <- function(long1, lat1, long2=NULL, lat2=NULL, labels=NULL, labels2=NULL, R=6378137) {
  if(length(long1) != length(lat1)) {
    stop("Lat/lon arguments for location 1 must be of same length")
  if(length(long2) != length(lat2)) {
    stop("Lat/lon arguments for location 2 must be of same length")
  if(is.null(lat2) && is.null(long2)) {
    #assign values of long1 and lat1 so distance matrix is calculated
    long2 <- long1
    lat2 <- lat1
    labels2 <- labels

  if((length(lat1) == 1) || (length(lat2) == 1)) {
    #return single vector of distances
    long1 <- long1*pi/180.0
    lat1 <- lat1*pi/180.0
    long2 <- long2*pi/180.0
    lat2 <- lat2*pi/180.0

    delta.long <- (long2 - long1)
    delta.lat <- (lat2 - lat1)
    a <- sin(delta.lat/2)^2 + cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * sin(delta.long/2)^2
    c <- 2 * asin(pmin(1,sqrt(a)))
    return(R * c)
  } else {
    stop("Cannot produce matrix from data")

#' Create A Continuous Date Sequnce
#' @param year A vector of years
#' @param month A vector of months (default, 1:12)
#' @param day A vector of days (default, 1:31)
#' @return A data.frame with columns YEAR, MONTH, DAY, and DATE
#' @export
#' @examples
#' hydat_date_seq(2000:2011)
#' hydat_month_seq(2000:2011)
hydat_date_seq <- function(year, month = 1:12, day = 1:31) {
  # create the "expected" output given year month and day input
  YEAR <- NULL; rm(YEAR); MONTH <- NULL; rm(MONTH); DAY <- NULL; rm(DAY)
  DATE <- NULL; rm(DATE)
  expand.grid(YEAR = year, MONTH = month, DAY = day) %>%
    dplyr::arrange(YEAR, MONTH, DAY) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(DATE = suppressWarnings(lubridate::ymd(paste(YEAR, MONTH, DAY)))) %>%
    dplyr::filter(!is.na(DATE)) %>%

#' @rdname hydat_date_seq
#' @export
hydat_month_seq <- function(year, month = 1:12) {
  # create the "expected" output given year month
  expand.grid(YEAR = year, MONTH = month) %>%
    dplyr::arrange(YEAR, MONTH) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(DATE = suppressWarnings(lubridate::ymd(paste(YEAR, MONTH, 1)))) %>%
paleolimbot/hydatr documentation built on May 3, 2019, 5:49 p.m.