
Defines functions extractmetadata createreport createreportfromdb createoverviewreport createcompletenessreport creatediscrepancyreport description trytocreateoverviewreports createcountryindex createalloverviewreports

Documented in createalloverviewreports createcompletenessreport createcountryindex creatediscrepancyreport createoverviewreport createreport createreportfromdb description extractmetadata trytocreateoverviewreports

# This script defines report creation functions
# Each report has specific data requirements,
# Therefore functions fullfillthe data requirements of each report.
# createreport() and createreportfromdb() are generic function with no predefined template.
# createcompletenessreport(), creatediscrepancyreport() and createoverviewreport()
# are specific functions with a default template.
# The table below illustrates the number countries the number of products to be expected
# in each report type.
# |Report name  |Number of countries | Number of products | function                 |
# |------------:|:-------------------|--------------------|--------------------------|
# |overview     | one                | many               | createoverviewreport      |
# |completeness | many               | one                | createcompletenessreport |
# |discrepancy  | one                | one                | creatediscrepancyreport  |

#' Extract report metadata from trade flow table
#' This can be used to check that the given trade flow data has only
#' one reporter and product or the empty string as expected by some reports.
#' @param tfdata a table of trade flows data
#' @return a list of metadata containing the productcode, reporter and unit elements
#' @export
extractmetadata <- function(tfdata){
    # Extract product code
    productcodeindata <- unique(tfdata$productcode)
    # In cases where there are many products replace this variable by ""
    if(length(productcodeindata)>1) productcodeindata <- ""

    #  Extract reporter
    nbyears <- length(unique(tfdata$year))
    reporterindata <- tfdata %>% group_by(reporter) %>%
        summarise(nrowperyear = n()/nbyears ) %>%
        # The one which has far more than one row per year
        filter(nrowperyear > 4)
    reporterindata <- reporterindata$reporter
    # In cases where there are many countries replace this variable by ""
    if(length(reporterindata)>1) reporterindata <- ""

    # Extract quantity unit
    unitindata <- tfdata %>% group_by(unit) %>%
        summarise(nrowperyear = n()/nbyears) %>%
        # Find the unit appearing most in the data
        filter(nrowperyear > 0.2 * max(nrowperyear))
    unitindata <- unitindata$unit

    return(list(productcode = productcodeindata,
                reporter = reporterindata,
                unit = unitindata))

#' Create data completeness report for comtrade data
#' This function will generate reports for any template that is
#' product specific.  Giving information about all world trade
#' flows for one product.
#' @param tfdata a dataframe containing trade flows data that
#' will be passed to R code run by the template
#' @param inputpath path of the template, defaults to package internal path
#' @param template name of the template file, including .Rmd extension
#' @param fileprefix character string at the begining of the generated pdf file name
#' @param productcodeinreport numeric or character string leave this variable empty if there are many products
#' @param reporterinreport character string leave this variable empty if there are many reporters
#' @param outputdir name of the output directory relative to getwd()
#' @param encoding, encoding of the template file. See also iconv
#' The names of encodings and which ones are available are
#' platform-dependent. All R platforms support ""
#' (for the encoding of the current locale), "latin1" and "UTF-8".
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' createreport(NULL, template="allproducts.Rmd", reporterinreport ="China")
#' }
#' @export
createreport <- function(tfdata,
                         fileprefix = NULL,
                         filesuffix = NULL,
                         productcodeinreport = NULL,
                         reporterinreport = NULL,
                         inputpath = system.file("templates",
                         outputdir = "reports",
                         encoding = "UTF-8",
                         toc = TRUE,
                         keep_tex = FALSE){
    # load optional packages
    #     # Legacy check for colmuns, might be placed in the template
    #     if (!"productcode" %in% names(tfdata)){
    #         stop("Rename raw data columns to EFI convention before running this function.")
    #     }

    # Don't show R code in output
    knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE)

    # If the path is relative, make it an absolute path
    # So that rmarkdown render works properly
    if(substr(outputdir, 1,1) != "/"){
        outputdir <- file.path(getwd(), outputdir)
    # legacy check for a unitque product, report should be also generated for many products
    # if (length(unique(tfdata$productcode)) != 1){
    #         message("There should be only one product in the trade flows data frame")
    #         return(FALSE)
    #     }
    # Create the report file name
    filename <- paste0(fileprefix, productcodeinreport,
                       gsub(" ", "", reporterinreport),
                       filesuffix, ".pdf")
    tryCatch(rmarkdown::render(input = file.path(inputpath, template),
                               output_format = rmarkdown::pdf_document(keep_tex = keep_tex,
                                                                       toc = toc),
                               output_dir = outputdir,
                               output_file = filename,
                               encoding = encoding),
             finally = print("Finally"))

#' Create report from the database
#' For a given vector of product codes, create reports using a given template.
#' @description Create a report from the database
#' @rdname createrproducteport
#' @param template name of the template file
#' @param products a vector of product codes
#' @param ... arguments passed to \code{\link{createreport}()}
#'     from \code{createcompletenessreport}()
#' @export
createreportfromdb <- function(tableread,
                               products = "all",
    if (products=="all"){
        products <- productsindb(table = tableread)
    # Loop on products
    for (productcodeinreport in products){
        message("creating report for product: ", productcodeinreport)
        dtf <- readdbproduct(productcodeinreport, tableread)
        createreport(tfdata = dtf, ...)

#' Create reports for all products in the given reporter country
#' The location of the report can be changed by changing the outputdir parameter.
#' See arguments of \code{\link{createreport}()}
#' to determine in which folder the template is located.
#' jfsqlevel determines the product group levels,
#' there are approximatley a dozen of product groups under jfsq level 1
#' and sixty product groups under level 2.
#' Depending on the level choosen, there will be a dozen or sixty titles in the overview report.
#' @param reporter_ character name of a country reporting data
#' @param productcode_ vector of product code, NULL by default to generate the report for all products
#' @param template name of the template file.
#' @param outputdir path where report will be saved, relative to the working directory
#' or an absolute path.
#' @param jfsqlevel integer 1 or 2 the level of jfsq product names to be used, see the internal table classificationitto
#' @param ... further arguments passed to \code{\link{createreport}()}
#' @examples
#' createoverviewreport("China", beginyear = 2010, endyear = 2013, outputdir = "/tmp")
#' createoverviewreport("China", beginyear = 2010, endyear = 2013, inputpath = "inst/templates")
#' }
#' @export
createoverviewreport <- function(reporter_,
                                 productcode_ = NULL,
                                 beginyear = 0, endyear = 9999,
                                 template = "overviewtradevalue.Rmd",
                                 outputdir = "reports/overview",
                                 tableread = "validated_flow_yearly",
                                 jfsqlevel = 2,
                                 fileprefix = gsub("\\..*","",template),
                                 dataonly = FALSE, ...){

    message("Trade values are the same in raw flow and validated flow")
    message("The table read will have to be changed to validated_flow to access quantities")

    # If I use the readdbtbl function to join the 2 tables, the following error will be returned
    # Error: x and y don't share the same src. Set copy = TRUE to copy y into x's source (this may be time consuming).
    # Therefore I create the connection object here so that it can be shared between the two tbl() objects.
    db <- getOption("tradeflowsDB")
    DBread <- src_mysql(user=db["user"], host=db["host"],
                        password=db["password"], dbname=db["dbname"])

    # Load trade flow data --------------------------------------------------------
    tfdata <- tbl(DBread, tableread) %>%
        filter(reporter == reporter_&
                   year >= beginyear & year <= endyear) %>%
        select(year, period, reporter, reportercode, partner, partnercode,
               flow, flag, unit, productcode, tradevalue, quantity) %>%
        collect() %>%
        # Remove 4 digit level products
        filter(nchar(as.character(productcode)) == 6)

    # Load itto product names --------------------------------------------------------
    message("Load local table from the package")
    productitto <- tbl(DBread, "product_work") %>%
        select(product = name_short, productcode = code) %>%

    jfsqproductgroups <- classificationitto %>%
        select(productcode = productcodecomtrade,
               product = jfsq2name) %>%
    tfdata <- tfdata %>%
        left_join(jfsqproductgroups, by="productcode") %>%
        # Cosmetic, shorten a few long itto product name
        mutate(product = gsub("OTHER ARTICLES OF PAPER AND PAPERBOARD, READY FOR USE of which: ",
                              "", product))

    # Replace product by jfsq1name if required by the jfsqlevel parameter
    if (jfsqlevel == 1){
        nrowtfdata <- nrow(tfdata)
        jfsqproductgroups <- classificationitto %>%
            select(productcode = productcodecomtrade, jfsq1name) %>%
        tfdata <- tfdata %>%
            left_join(jfsqproductgroups, by="productcode")

        tfdata <- tfdata %>%
            # This replacement of the product column was done
            # To avoid painfull refactoring which might not be needed
            select(-product) %>%
            rename(product = jfsq1name)
        if(FALSE){#debug find out that there is a duplicate product code
            message("there is an issue with SECONDARY PAPER PRODUCTS and WOOD-BASED PANELS")
            bla <- tfdata %>% group_by(productcode) %>%
                summarise(n = n())
            #bla0 <- bla
            bla <- bla %>% mutate(count = n - bla0$n) %>%
            jfsqproductgroups %>% filter(productcode == 441129)
            classificationitto %>% filter(productcodecomtrade == 441129)
        stopifnot(nrowtfdata == nrow(tfdata))

    # Change productcode to a factor
    # do it here, after the merge with jfsqproductgroups
    tfdata <- tfdata %>%
        mutate(productcode = as.factor(productcode),
               year = as.numeric(year))

    # Select only productcode
        tfdata <- tfdata %>% filter(productcode %in% productcode_)

    # Return the data mostly for development purposes
    # Change beginyear and endyear for use in the file name
    if(beginyear == 0) beginyear <- ""
    if(endyear == 9999) endyear <- ""

    # Create the report
                 template = template,
                 outputdir = outputdir,
                 reporterinreport = reporter_,
                 fileprefix = fileprefix,
                 filesuffix = paste0(beginyear, endyear,"jfsq",jfsqlevel),

#' Create the completeness report
#' @param productcode_ vector of product codes
#' @param ... arguments passed to \code{\link{createreport}()}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' createcompletenessreport(440799, beginyear = 2010, endyear = 2011)
#' }
#' @export
createcompletenessreport <- function(productcode_,
                                     beginyear = 0, endyear = 9999,
                                     template =  "completeness.Rmd",
                                     outputdir = "reports/completeness",
                                     tableread  = "raw_flow_yearly",
                                     toc = TRUE, ...){
    #### Load data ####
    rawtbl <- readdbtbl(tableread) %>%
        # dplyr verbs executed on tbl objects are translated to SQL statements
        # have to use this underscore trick because of the non standard evaluation
        # see vignette("nse") for more information on this
        filter(productcode == productcode_ &
                   year >= beginyear & year <= endyear)
    dtf <- rawtbl %>% collect %>%
        # Mysql datatype year is loaded as a character string
        # convert the year column to an integer
        mutate(year = as.integer(year))
    # delete mysqlconnection object, to avoid message of the type:
    # "Auto-disconnecting mysql connection (0, 3)"

    # Change beginyear and endyear for use in the file name
    if(beginyear == 0) beginyear <- ""
    if(endyear == 9999) endyear <- ""

    #### Create the report ####
    createreport(tfdata = dtf,
                 template = template,
                 productcode = productcode_,
                 outputdir = outputdir,
                 toc = toc,
                 fileprefix = "completeness",
                 filesuffix = paste0(beginyear, endyear),

#' Create a discrepancy report
#' @param productcode vector of product codes
#' @param reporter_ one single country name
#' @param ... arguments passed to \code{\link{createreport}()}
#' @examples
#' creatediscrepancyreport(440799, "Cameroon", outputdir = "reports/discrepancies")
#' creatediscrepancyreport(440710, "Thailand", beginyear = 2010, endyear = 2012)
#' }
#' @export
creatediscrepancyreport <- function(productcode_, reporter_,
                                    beginyear = 0, endyear = 9999,
                                    template =  "discrepancy.Rmd",
                                    outputdir = "reports/discrepancies",
                                    tableread = "raw_flow_yearly",
                                    toc = FALSE, ...){
    dtf <- readdbtbl(tableread) %>%
        filter(productcode == productcode_ &
                   year >= beginyear & year <= endyear &
                   (reporter == reporter_ | partner == reporter_)) %>%

    # Change beginyear and endyear for use in the file name
    if(beginyear == 0) beginyear <- ""
    if(endyear == 9999) endyear <- ""

    createreport(tfdata = dtf,
                 template = template,
                 productcode = productcode_,
                 reporter = reporter_,
                 outputdir = outputdir,
                 toc = toc,
                 fileprefix = "discrepancies",
                 filesuffix = paste0(beginyear, endyear),

#' Product description
#' To be used in a markdown formated document.
#' Use:
#' description(c(440799, 440795))
#' @param productcodes numeric vector of product codes
#' @export
description <- function(productcodes){
    descr <- classificationcomtrade$HS %>%
        filter(productcode %in% productcodes)
    # Individual codes and description remove product code if its
    # at the begining of the description
    if (sum(as.character(descr$productcode) !=
            substring(descr$description, 1, 6))==0){
        descr$description <- substring(descr$description,7)
    for(code in descr$productcode){
        cat("\n\n__",code,":__ ", sep="")
        cat(descr$description[descr$productcode == code])

#' Fault tolerant report creation for the server
#' Can be used with lapply to generate reports for a list of countries.
#' @param reporter character containing one reporter name
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' countries <- c("Finland","France")
#' lapply(countries, trytocreateoverviewreports)
#' }
#' @export
trytocreateoverviewreports <- function(reporter,
                                       tableread = "validated_flow_yearly",
                                       outputdir = "reports/overview"){
    try(createoverviewreport(reporter, jfsqlevel = 1, template = "overviewquantity.Rmd",
                             tableread = tableread, outputdir = outputdir))
    try(createoverviewreport(reporter, jfsqlevel = 1, template = "overviewtradevalue.Rmd",
                             tableread = tableread, outputdir = outputdir))

#' Generate a list of reports
#' @param inputpath path of the template, defaults to package internal path
#' @param template name of the template file, including .Rmd extension
#' @param outputdir name of the output directory relative to getwd()
#' @param filename name of the output file
#' @param encoding, encoding of the template file
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' countries <- data_frame(reporter = c("Finland", "France"))
#' createcountryindex(countries)
#' }
#' @export
createcountryindex <- function(countries,
                               template = "countryindex.Rmd",
                               inputpath = system.file("templates",
                               outputdir = "reports/overview",
                               filename = "countryindex.html",
                               encoding = "UTF-8"){
    # This doesn't check if files realy exist
    rmarkdown::render(input = file.path(inputpath, template),
                      output_format = rmarkdown::html_document(),
                      output_dir = outputdir,
                      output_file = filename,
                      encoding = encoding)

#' Create overview reports for all countries available
#' @param tableread character name of a database table
#' @param path where reports will be located
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' createalloverviewreports("validated_flow_yearly", "/tmp")
#' }
#' @export
createalloverviewreports <- function(tableread = "validated_flow_yearly",
                                     outputdir = "reports/overview"){
    flowavailable <- readdbtbl(tableread) %>%
        select(reporter) %>%
        distinct() %>%
    lapply(flowavailable$reporter, trytocreateoverviewreports,
           tableread = tableread, outputdir = outputdir)
    createcountryindex(flowavailable, outputdir = outputdir)

if (FALSE){
    ###################### #
    # Overview reports     #
    ###################### #
    # Use the default template built within the package
    createoverviewreport(reporter_ = "Italy")
    # Use the template in development for quick itteration without package building

    ###################### #
    # Completeness reports #
    ###################### #
    # Use the default template built within the package
    # You need to rebuild the package for template updates to take effect
    createcompletenessreport(productcode_ = 440799)
    createcompletenessreport(productcode_ = 440710)
    # Use the template in development before package is build and select some years
    createcompletenessreport(440799, beginyear = 2010, endyear = 2011, inputpath = "inst/templates")
    # Use the createreportfromdb function with the template that will be exported with the package
    createreportfromdb("raw_flow_yearly", 440799, template = "completeness.Rmd",
                       outputdir = "reports/completeness/")

#     pandoc: Cannot decode byte '\xfc': Data.Text.Encoding.Fusion.streamUtf8: Invalid UTF-8 stream
#     Error: pandoc document conversion failed with error 1

    createcompletenessreport(tradeflows::sawnwoodexample, outputdir = directory)
    # report for the "black hole" dataset
    swd99 <- renamecolumns(dtf, "comtrade", "efi")
    createcompletenessreport(swd99, outputdir = directory)
    # another dataset
    swdall <- renamecolumns(swdall)
    createcompletenessreport(swdall, "4407", outputdir = directory)
    # Complete dataset from server
    dtf <- renamecolumns(dtf)
    createcompletenessreport(dtf, outputdir = directory)

    ####################### #
    # Discrepancies reports #
    ####################### #
    creatediscrepancyreport(productcode_ = 440799, reporter_ = "Germany")
    # Old way using only the createreport() functio
    swd99 <- renamecolumns(dtf, "comtrade", "efi")
    createreport(swd99, outputdir = directory, template = "discrepancies.Rmd")

    ############################### #
    # Network visualisation reports #
    ############################### #
    directory <- "docs/development/networkvisualisation/"
    swd99 <- renamecolumns(dtf, "comtrade", "efi")
    createreport(swd99, outputdir = directory, template="asdfdsa.Rmd")
paul4forest/tradeflows documentation built on Oct. 8, 2019, 10:35 a.m.