
Defines functions mapper1D

Documented in mapper1D

#' mapper1D function
#' This function uses a filter function f: X -> R on a data set X that has n rows (observations) and k columns (variables).
#' @param distance_matrix An n x n matrix of pairwise dissimilarities.
#' @param filter_values A length n vector of real numbers.
#' @param num_intervals A positive integer.
#' @param percent_overlap A number between 0 and 100 specifying how much adjacent intervals should overlap.
#' @param num_bins_when_clustering A positive integer that controls whether points in the same level set end up in the same cluster.
#' @return An object of class \code{TDAmapper} which is a list of items named \code{adjacency} (adjacency matrix for the edges), \code{num_vertices} (integer number of vertices), \code{level_of_vertex} (vector with \code{level_of_vertex[i]} = index of the level set for vertex i), \code{points_in_vertex} (list with \code{points_in_vertex[[i]]} = vector of indices of points in vertex i), \code{points_in_level} (list with \code{points_in_level[[i]]} = vector of indices of points in level set i, and \code{vertices_in_level} (list with \code{vertices_in_level[[i]]} = vector of indices of vertices in level set i.
#' @author Paul Pearson, \email{pearsonp@@hope.edu}
#' @references \url{https://github.com/paultpearson/TDAmapper}
#' @seealso \code{\link{mapper2D}}
#' @keywords mapper1D
#' @examples
#' m1 <- mapper1D(
#'        distance_matrix = dist(data.frame( x=2*cos(0.5*(1:100)), y=sin(1:100) )),
#'        filter_values = 2*cos(0.5*(1:100)),
#'        num_intervals = 10,
#'        percent_overlap = 50,
#'        num_bins_when_clustering = 10)
#' \dontrun{
#' #install.packages("igraph") 
#' library(igraph)
#' g1 <- graph.adjacency(m1$adjacency, mode="undirected")
#' plot(g1, layout = layout.auto(g1) )
#' }
#' @export

mapper1D <- function(
  distance_matrix = dist(data.frame( x=2*cos(0.5*(1:100)), y=sin(1:100) )),
  filter_values = 2*cos(0.5*(1:100)),
  num_intervals = 10,
  percent_overlap = 50,
  num_bins_when_clustering = 10
) {

  # initialize variables
  vertex_index <- 0

  # indexed from 1 to the number of vertices
  level_of_vertex <- c()
  points_in_vertex <- list()
  # filter_values_in_vertex <- list() # just use filter_values[points_in_vertex[[i]]]

  # indexed from 1 to the number of levels
  points_in_level <- list()
  vertices_in_level <- list()
  # filter_values_in_level <- list() # just use filter_values[points_in_level[[i]]]

  filter_min <- min(filter_values)
  filter_max <- max(filter_values)
  interval_length <- (filter_max - filter_min) / (num_intervals - (num_intervals-1) * percent_overlap/100 )
  step_size <- interval_length * (1 - percent_overlap/100)

  # begin mapper main loop
  for (level in 1:num_intervals) {

    min_value_in_level <- filter_min + (level - 1) * step_size
    max_value_in_level <- min_value_in_level + interval_length
    # use & (not &&) for elementwise comparison
    # create a logical vector of indices
    points_in_level_logical <- (min_value_in_level <= filter_values) & (filter_values <= max_value_in_level)
    num_points_in_level <- sum(points_in_level_logical)
    points_in_level[[level]] <- which(points_in_level_logical==TRUE)

    if (num_points_in_level == 0) {
      print('Level set is empty')

    if (num_points_in_level == 1) {
      print('Level set has only one point')
      num_vertices_in_level <- 1
      cluster_indices_within_level <- c(1)

    if (num_points_in_level > 1) {
      # use as.matrix() to put the distance matrix in square form,
      # and as.dist() to put it in vector form
      # This could probably use some optimization...
      level_distance_matrix <- as.dist(as.matrix(distance_matrix)[points_in_level_logical,points_in_level_logical])
      level_max_distance <- max(level_distance_matrix)
      # use R's hclust (provided by stats or fastcluster)
      # in place of Matlab's linkage function.
      level_hcluster_ouput <- hclust(level_distance_matrix,method="single")
      heights <- level_hcluster_ouput$height
      cutoff <- cluster_cutoff_at_first_empty_bin(heights, level_max_distance, num_bins_when_clustering)

      # use as.vector() to get rid fo the names for the vector entries
      cluster_indices_within_level <- as.vector( cutree(level_hcluster_ouput, h=cutoff) )
      num_vertices_in_level <- max( cluster_indices_within_level )

      # points_in_level[[level]] and cluster_indices_within_level have the same length.
      # heights has length 1 less than points_in_level[[level]] and cluster_indices_within_level
      # print(heights)
      # print(points_in_level[[level]])
      # print(cluster_indices_within_level)

    vertices_in_level[[level]] <- vertex_index + (1:num_vertices_in_level)

    for (j in 1:num_vertices_in_level) {

      vertex_index <- vertex_index + 1

      # points_in_level_logical is a logical vector, so use which(points_in_level_logical==TRUE) to convert it to a numerical vector of indices
      #nodeset <- which(points_in_level_logical==TRUE)[cluster_indices_within_level == j]

      level_of_vertex[vertex_index] <- level
      points_in_vertex[[vertex_index]] <- which(points_in_level_logical==TRUE)[cluster_indices_within_level == j]
      #points_in_vertex[[vertex_index]] <- nodeset
      #filter_values_in_vertex[[vertex_index]] <- filter_values[nodeset]


  } # end mapper main loop

  # Note: num_vertices = vertex index.
  # Create the adjacency matrix for the graph, starting with a matrix of zeros
  adja <- mat.or.vec( vertex_index, vertex_index )

  #  for (j in 2:length(vertices_in_level)) {
  for (j in 2:num_intervals) {

    # check that both level sets are nonemtpy
    if ( (length(vertices_in_level[[j-1]]) > 0) & (length(vertices_in_level[[j]]) > 0) ) {

      for (v1 in vertices_in_level[[j-1]]) {
        for (v2 in vertices_in_level[[j]]) {
          # return 1 if the intersection is nonempty
          adja[v1,v2] <- ( length(intersect(points_in_vertex[[v1]],
                                            points_in_vertex[[v2]])) > 0 )
          adja[v2,v1] <- adja[v1,v2]

  } # end constructing adjacency matrix

  mapperoutput <- list(adjacency = adja,
       num_vertices = vertex_index,
       level_of_vertex = level_of_vertex,
       points_in_vertex = points_in_vertex,
       #filter_values_in_vertex = filter_values_in_vertex,
       points_in_level = points_in_level,
       vertices_in_level = vertices_in_level

  class(mapperoutput) <- "TDAmapper"


} # end mapper1D function
paultpearson/TDAmapper documentation built on May 24, 2019, 10:34 p.m.