
Defines functions plot_catch tidy_catch

Documented in plot_catch tidy_catch

#' Plot catch data over time
#' Functions for plotting catch data over time as a stacked bar plot.
#' @details * `tidy_catch()` Prepares PBS data for `plot_catch()`. This works
#' across one or multiple species. * `plot_catch()` Plots catch. The input data
#' frame must come from `tidy_catch()` or have the columns (in any order):
#' `year`, `gear`, `value` (containing catches or landings).
#' @param dat Input data frame. For `tidy_catch()` should be from [gfdata::get_catch()].
#'   For `plot_catch()` should be from `tidy_catch()` or be formatted similarly.
#'   See details.
#' @param areas Fisheries and Oceans major statistical areas (eg. 3C, 3D, 5A,
#'   5B, etc.). See `gfplot::pbs_areas` for a lookup table with descriptions.
#'   Enter as a regular expression. For example, `c("5A", "5B")` or
#'   `c("5[CDE]+", "5[AB]+")`.
#' @param french Logical for French or English.
#' @param ylab Y axis label.
#' @param xlim X axis limits in years.
#' @param units A named character vector with names referring to text that will
#'   be pasted into the y-axis label and a value defining the quantity to divide
#'   the `value` column by for that unit label. Defaults to
#'   `c('1000 t' = 1000000, 't' = 1000, 'kg' = 1)` if `units = NULL`.
#' @param unreliable An optional numeric vector defining years before which the
#'   data are less reliable. Leave as `NA` to omit.
#' @param blank_plot If `TRUE` then a blank plot with appropriate axes will be
#'   returned. Used in the synopsis report.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' d <- gfdata::get_catch("lingcod")
#' tidy_catch(d, areas = c("5[CDE]+", "5[AB]+", "3[CD]+")) %>%
#'   plot_catch()
#' tidy_catch(d, areas = c("5A", "5B")) %>%
#'   plot_catch()
#' }
#' @name plot_catch

#' @rdname plot_catch
#' @param ... Absorbs arguments intended for other functions
#' @importFrom lubridate yday ymd
#' @export
tidy_catch <- function(dat,
                       areas = NULL,
                       ...) {
  dat <- set_fishing_year(dat, ...)

  if (!is.null(areas)) {
    dat$area <- assign_areas(dat$major_stat_area_name, areas)
    dat <- dat[!is.na(dat$area), , drop = FALSE]
  } else {
    dat$area <- "Coastwide"

  dat <- filter(dat, !is.na(species_common_name), !is.na(year)) %>%
    group_by(year, species_common_name, gear, area) %>%
      landed_kg = sum(landed_kg, na.rm = TRUE),
      discarded_kg = sum(discarded_kg, na.rm = TRUE),
      landed_pcs = sum(landed_pcs, na.rm = TRUE),
      discarded_pcs = sum(discarded_pcs, na.rm = TRUE)
    ) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    arrange(species_common_name, year)

  # Note that discarded_kg only includes trawl discards from 1996+ and
  # trap/hook and line discards from 2006+
  catches <- mutate(dat,
    gear = dplyr::recode(gear,
      UNKNOWN = "Unknown/trawl",
      `BOTTOM TRAWL` = "Bottom trawl",
      `HOOK AND LINE` = "Hook and line",
      `LONGLINE` = "Hook and line",
      `MIDWATER TRAWL` = "Midwater trawl",
      `TRAP` = "Trap",
      `UNKNOWN TRAWL` = "Unknown/trawl"
  ) %>%
    select(year, area, species_common_name, gear, landed_kg, discarded_kg)

  cm <- reshape2::melt(catches,
    id.vars = c("year", "species_common_name", "area", "gear")

  landings <- filter(cm, variable %in% c("landed_kg"))
  discards <- filter(cm, variable %in% c("discarded_kg"))

  landings$gear <- as.character(landings$gear)
  discards$gear <- as.character(discards$gear)
  discards$gear <- "Discarded"

  all_catch <- bind_rows(landings, discards)
  # Make a vector of new levels based on what is actually in the data
  # Without this, pre-filtered catch data may cause an error if some
  # of the gear types are missing in the table.
  # The levels will follow the order of `all_gear_ordered` for present
  # gear types, missing ones are not included in the levels
  gears_present <- unique(all_catch$gear)
  all_gear_ordered <- c("Bottom trawl",
                        "Midwater trawl",
                        "Hook and line",
  relevel_gears <- gears_present[order(match(gears_present, all_gear_ordered))]
  all_catch <- mutate(all_catch,
    gear = forcats::fct_relevel(
      gear, relevel_gears

  all_catch <- group_by(all_catch, year, species_common_name, area, gear) %>%
    summarise(value = sum(value, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%


#' @rdname plot_catch
#' @export
plot_catch <- function(dat,
                       french = FALSE,
                       ylab = en2fr("Catch", french), xlim = c(1954, 2017),
                       units = NULL,
                       unreliable = c(1996, 2006),
                       blank_plot = FALSE) {
  if (is.null(units)) {
    units <- c(
      `1000 t` = 1000000,
      `t` = 1000, `kg` = 1

  gears <- c(
    "Bottom trawl",
    "Midwater trawl",
    "Hook and line",

  if (french) {
    gears <- rosettafish::en2fr(gears)
    dat$gear <- as.character(dat$gear)
    dat$gear <- rosettafish::en2fr(dat$gear)

  pal <- c(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(
    n = length(gears) - 2,
  ), "grey60", "grey30")[c(2, 1, 4, 3, 5, 6)]
  names(pal) <- gears
  dat$gear <- factor(dat$gear, levels = gears)

  scale_val <- units[[1]]
  ylab_gg <- paste0(ylab, " (", names(units)[1], ")")

  for (i in seq_along(units)) {
    if (max(dat$value) < (1000 * units[[i]])) {
      scale_val <- units[[i]]
      ylab_gg <- paste0(ylab, " (", names(units)[i], ")")

  if (!blank_plot) {
    dat <- left_join(
        year = seq(min(xlim), max(xlim)),
        area = levels(as.factor(dat$area)), gear = levels(dat$gear)
      ), dat,
      by = c("year", "area", "gear")
    dat$value[is.na(dat$value)] <- 0

  yrs <- xlim
  g <- ggplot(data = dat)

  g <- g + geom_vline(xintercept = seq(yrs[1], yrs[2]), col = "grey98") +
      xintercept = seq(mround(yrs[1], 5), yrs[2], 5),
      col = "grey95"

  stacked_data <- group_by(dat, area, year) %>%
    summarise(catch = sum(value / scale_val, na.rm = FALSE))

  if (!is.na(unreliable[[1]])) {
    for (i in seq_along(unreliable)) {
      g <- g + ggplot2::geom_rect(
        data = data.frame(x = NA), # fake
        xmin = xlim[1] - 1, xmax = unreliable[[i]], ymin = 0,
        ymax = max(stacked_data$catch, na.rm = TRUE) * 1.07,
        fill = "#00000010", inherit.aes = FALSE

  if (!blank_plot) {
    g <- g + geom_col(
      data = dat,
      aes_string("year", "value/scale_val", colour = "gear", fill = "gear")
    ) +
      ylim(0, max(stacked_data$catch, na.rm = TRUE) * 1.05)

  if (blank_plot) {
    g <- g + ylim(0, 1)
  g <- g +
    theme_pbs() +
      values = pal, drop = FALSE, breaks = gears,
      labels = gears
    ) +
      values = pal, drop = FALSE, breaks = gears,
      labels = gears
    ) +
    coord_cartesian(xlim = xlim + c(-0.5, 0.5), expand = FALSE) +
    xlab("") + ylab(ylab_gg) +
    ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
    ggplot2::labs(fill = "", colour = "") +
    labs(title = en2fr("Commercial catch", french)) +
    # ggplot2::theme(legend.justification = c(0, 1), legend.position = c(0, 1)) +
    ggplot2::theme(legend.background = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = "#FFFFFF99"))

  if (french) {
    g <- g + ggplot2::theme(
      legend.text =
        ggplot2::element_text(size = ggplot2::rel(0.6), colour = "grey20")
    ) +
      scale_y_continuous(labels = function(x) format(x, big.mark = " ", scientific = FALSE)) # e.g. 1 000

  if (!all(dat$area == "Coastwide") && !all(dat$area == rosettafish::en2fr("Coastwide"))) {
    g <- g + facet_wrap(~area, ncol = 1)

pbs-assess/gfplot documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 12:14 p.m.