
Defines functions plot_mdd plotly_mdd mdd_table

Documented in mdd_table plotly_mdd plot_mdd

#' Maximum desirable deviation plot
#' @inheritParams plot_validation
#' @return A ggplot2 plot object
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import dplyr
#' @import lazyeval
#' @examples
#' plot_mdd(links, "volume", "count")
#' plot_mdd(links, "volume", "count", color_field = "facility_group")
#' @export
plot_mdd <- function(links, volume, count, color_field = NULL, id = NULL) {

  if(!is.null(id)){ row.names(links) <- links[[id]] }

  # calculate absolute percent error on links
  links <- links %>%
      "error" = lazyeval::interp(
        ~ pct_error(x, y),
        x = as.name(volume),
        y = as.name(count)

  # super high-error links, which can arise because of mistakes in the counts,
  # will disrupt the smoothing. Remove these and throw a warning
  if(any(links$error > 1e3)){
    warning("Some links have extremely high error. Confirm the count data.")
    links <- links %>% filter(error < 1e3)

  # generate the mdd table
  mdd <- mdd_table(to = max(links[, volume]) + 10000)

  # Add ribbon to background
  p <- ggplot() +
      data = mdd %>% mutate(mdd1 = -1 * mdd),
      aes(x = volume, ymax = mdd, ymin = mdd1), alpha = 0.2) +
    coord_cartesian(ylim = c(-100, 125), xlim = c(0, max(links[, count]))) +

    # Add labels
    ylab("Percent error from observed volume") +
    xlab("Observed link volume")

  # if split by color, then add factor variable of the color field
    if(!is.factor(links[[color_field]])){ #unless it's already a factor!
      links <- mutate_(links,
        "color" = lazyeval::interp(~ factor(var), var = as.name(color_field)))
    } else {
      links <- mutate_(links,
        "color" = lazyeval::interp(~ var, var = as.name(color_field)))

    p +
      geom_point(data = links, aes_(
        x = as.name(count), as.name("error"), color = as.name("color")),
        alpha = 0.7) +
  } else {
    p +
      geom_point(data = links, aes_(x = as.name(count), as.name("error")),
        alpha = 0.7)


#' Maximum desirable devation plotly object
#' @inheritParams plot_mdd
#' @return a plotly object
#' @importFrom plotly plot_ly add_trace layout
#' @importFrom magrittr '%>%'
#' @examples
#' plotly_mdd(links, "volume", "count", "facility_group")
#' @export
plotly_mdd <- function(links, volume, count, color_field, id = NULL){

  if(!is.null(id)){ row.names(links) <- links[[id]] }

  mdd <- mdd_table(to = max(links[, volume]) + 10000)

  plotly::plot_ly() %>%
      data = mdd, x = ~volume, y = ~mdd,
      mode = "lines", type = "scatter", color = I("grey"), showlegend = FALSE) %>%
      data = mdd, x = ~volume, y = ~mdd * -1, fill = "tonexty",
      mode = "lines", type = "scatter", color = I("grey"), showlegend = FALSE) %>%
      x = links[[count]], y = pct_error(links[[volume]], links[[count]]),
      mode = "markers", type = "scatter", color = links[[color_field]],
      text = ~paste("ID: ", row.names(links))) %>%
      xaxis = list(title = "Count"),
      yaxis = list(title = "Percent Error from Count", range = c(-100, 200))


#' Create mdd table
#' @description Creates a data frame containing the maximum desirable deviation
#'   for a range of volumes using the guidance provided in NCHRP report 255
#'   (updated by NCHRP 765). The MDD curve is a step-wise function that accepts
#'   larger deviations on roads with lower volume.
#' @param from Where the table should start.
#' @param to the maximum value of the table.
#' @param step the step size for \code{seq()}.
#' @return a data frame containing the maximum desirable deviation for a range
#'   of volumes.
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom magrittr '%>%'
#' @examples
#' mdd_table()
#' mdd_table(from = 10000, to = 100000, step = 20000)
#' @export

mdd_table <- function(from = 1000, to = 151000, step = 10000){
  mdd <- dplyr::data_frame(
    volume = seq(from, to, by = step),
    mdd = seq(from, to, by = step)

  mdd$mdd <- dplyr::case_when(
    mdd$mdd <= 50000 ~ (11.65 * mdd$mdd ^ -.37752) * 100,
    mdd$mdd <= 90000 ~ (400 * mdd$mdd ^ -.7) * 100,
    TRUE ~ (.157 - mdd$mdd * .0000002) * 100

pbsag/outviz documentation built on Dec. 7, 2019, 5:50 a.m.