#' @title f-test
#' @description f-test
#' @param sd1 First standard deviation
#' @param sd2 Second standard deviation
#' @param df1 First degrees of freedom
#' @param df2 Second degrees of freedom
#' @param prob Probability
#' @return Test decision
#' @rdname f_test
f_test <- function(sd1, sd2, df1, df2, prob){
if(sd1 > sd2){
F.estimated <- sd1^2/sd2^2
F.quantile <- qf(p = prob, df1 = df1, df2 = df2)
F.estimated <- sd2^2/sd1^2
F.quantile <- qf(p = prob, df1 = df1, df2 = df2)
if(F.estimated < F.quantile){
note <- TRUE
note <- FALSE
return(list(f_estimated = F.estimated, f_quantile = F.quantile, decision = note))
#' @title deform.snet
#' @description Two-epochs deformation analysis based on congruency testing
#' @param snet_1_path Path to the data of the first epoch of the measurements
#' @param snet_2_path Path to the data of the second epoch of the measurements
#' @param sd.apriori Apriori standard deviation
#' @param units Units of the results, Default: 'mm'
#' @param dim_type Dimension type of the network, Default: '1D'
#' @param prob Probability for statistical testing, Default: 0.95
#' @param wdh_model Weightening model for leveling measurements, Default: list("n_dh", "sd_dh", "d_dh", "E")
#' @return dataframe with two columns: "Name" indicating the name of the point and "stable" indicating the stability status of the point (TRUE or FALSE)
#' @details DETAILS
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' if(interactive()){
#' }
#' }
#' @seealso
#' @rdname snet.stable
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr arrange select case_when
#' @importFrom MASS ginv
deform.snet <- function(snet_1_path, snet_2_path, sd.apriori, units = "mm", dim_type = "1D", prob = 0.95, wdh_model = list("n_dh", "sd_dh", "d_dh", "E")){
"%!in%" <- Negate("%in%")
wdh_model <- wdh_model[[1]]
units.lookup.table <- c(mm = 1000, cm = 100, m = 1)
if(length(sd.apriori) == 1){
sd0_i <- sd.apriori[1]
sd0_j <- sd.apriori[1]
sd0_i <- sd.apriori[1]
sd0_j <- sd.apriori[2]
#=================== Reading snets ===============================
snet_i <- suppressWarnings(read_surveynet(file = snet_1_path))
snet_j <- suppressWarnings(read_surveynet(file = snet_2_path))
#=================== Checking snets ==============================
if(!identical(snet_i$observations[, c("from", "to")], snet_j$observations[, c("from", "to")])){
print("Observation plans are not identical in two epochs.")
used_points_i <- unique(c(snet_i$observations$from, snet_i$observations$to))
used_points_j <- unique(c(snet_j$observations$from, snet_j$observations$to))
if(!!any(used_points_i %!in% snet_i[[1]]$Name)){
stop(paste("There is no coordinates for point", paste(used_points_i[which(used_points_i %!in% snet_i[[1]]$Name)], "in reference epoch"), sep = " "))
}else{used_points_i <- snet_i[[1]]$Name
if(!!any(used_points_i %!in% snet_i[[1]]$Name)){
stop(paste("There is no coordinates for point", paste(used_points_j[which(used_points_j %!in% snet_j[[1]]$Name)]), "in target epoch", sep = " "))
}else{used_points_j <- snet_j[[1]]$Name
if(!identical(used_points_i, used_points_i)){
print("Two epochs contains different points.")
if(length(used_points_i) > length(used_points_j)){
print(paste("Points", used_points_i[which(used_points_i %!in% used_points_j)], "do not exist in the target epoch", sep = " "))
used_points <- used_points_j
if(length(used_points_i) < length(used_points_j)){
print(paste("Points", used_points_j$Points$Name[which(used_points_j %!in% used_points_i)], "do not exist in the reference epoch", sep = " "))
used_points <- used_points_i
print("Only the results for common points will be processed.")
used_points <- used_points_i
if(!identical(snet_i$Points$h, snet_j$Points$h)){
stop(print("Approximate coordinates in two epoches must be the same"))
if(!identical(snet_i$points$Name[snet_i$points$Point_object], snet_j$points$Name[snet_j$points$Point_object])){
stop(print("Reference points must be the same"))
snet_i[[1]] <- snet_i[[1]][match(snet_i[[1]]$Name, used_points), ] %>% dplyr::arrange(Point_object, desc = TRUE)
snet_j[[1]] <- snet_j[[1]][match(snet_j[[1]]$Name, used_points), ] %>% dplyr::arrange(Point_object, desc = TRUE)
#=================== Adjustment ============================================
snet_i_adj <- suppressMessages(adjust.snet(adjust = TRUE, survey.net = snet_i, dim_type = "1D", sd.apriori = sd0_i, all = TRUE, prob = prob, wdh_model = wdh_model))
snet_j_adj <- suppressMessages(adjust.snet(adjust = TRUE, survey.net = snet_j, dim_type = "1D", sd.apriori = sd0_j, all = TRUE, prob = prob, wdh_model = wdh_model))
if(any(c(snet_i_adj$Summary$`Test decision`, snet_j_adj$Summary$`Test decision`) != "Model is correct")) {
return(list(snet_1_adj = snet_i_adj[1:3], snet_2_adj = snet_i_adj[1:3]))
stop("One epoch adjustment failed")
points_i <- snet_i_adj$Points
points_j <- snet_j_adj$Points
points_i$Stable <- NA
points_j$Stable <- NA
Qx_i <- snet_i_adj$Matrices$Qx
Qx_j <- snet_j_adj$Matrices$Qx
#=================== Calculating reference accuracy factor ==================
s0_i <- snet_i_adj$Summary$`sigma aposteriori`
s0_j <- snet_j_adj$Summary$`sigma aposteriori`
f_i <- snet_i_adj$Summary$`Degrees of freedom`
f_j <- snet_j_adj$Summary$`Degrees of freedom`
if(f_test(sd1 = s0_i, sd2 = s0_j, df1 = f_i, df2 = f_j, prob = prob)[[3]]){
s0 <- sqrt((f_i*s0_i^2+f_j*s0_j^2)/(f_i + f_j))
f0 <- f_i + f_j
if(s0_i > s0_j){
s0 <- s0_i
f0 <- f_i
print("Two epoches are not equally precised! Computation will be continued with the worse reference standard deviation.")
s0 <- s0_j
f0 <- f_j
print("Two epoches are not equally precised! Computation will be continued with the worse reference standard deviation.")
#=================== Testing whole network ==================================
d_all <- (points_j$h - points_i$h)*units.lookup.table[units]
Qd_all <- Qx_i + Qx_j
Qd_all_ginv <- MASS::ginv(Qd_all)
dd_all <- (crossprod(d_all, Qd_all) %*% d_all)
teta_all_squared <- ((crossprod(d_all, Qd_all_ginv) %*% d_all)/qr(Qd_all)$rank)
snet_test <- f_test(sd1 = sqrt(teta_all_squared), sd2 = s0, df1 = qr(Qd_all)$rank, df2 = f0, prob = prob)
if(sum(points_i$Point_object) == 0){
fix <- "all"
r_points_ind <- !points_i$Point_object
names(r_points_ind) <- points_i$Name
iter <- 0
m <- sum(r_points_ind)
while(!snet_test[[3]] & m > 1) {
iter = iter + 1
r_ind_matrix <- diag(sum(r_points_ind)) == 1
teta_r <- rep(NA, sum(r_points_ind))
for(i in 1:sum(r_points_ind)){
drb <- d_all[r_points_ind][r_ind_matrix[i, ]]
drf <- d_all[r_points_ind][!r_ind_matrix[i, ]]
Qdbb <- Qd_all_ginv[r_points_ind, r_points_ind][r_ind_matrix[i, ], r_ind_matrix[i, ]]
Qdbf <- Qd_all_ginv[r_points_ind, r_points_ind][r_ind_matrix[i, ], !r_ind_matrix[i, ]]
Qdfb <- Qd_all_ginv[r_points_ind, r_points_ind][!r_ind_matrix[i, ], r_ind_matrix[i, ]]
Qdff <- Qd_all_ginv[r_points_ind, r_points_ind][!r_ind_matrix[i, ], !r_ind_matrix[i, ]]
dsb <- drb + solve(Qdbb) %*% Qdbf %*% drf
Qsff <- Qdff - Qdfb %*% solve(Qdbb) %*% Qdbf
dd_b <- (crossprod(dsb, Qdbb) %*% dsb)
teta_r[i] <- dd_b
names(teta_r) <- points_i$Name[r_points_ind]
max_teta_name <- names(teta_r[which(teta_r==max(teta_r))])
points_i[points_i$Name == max_teta_name, "Stable"] <- FALSE
points_j[points_j$Name == max_teta_name, "Stable"] <- FALSE
r_points_ind[which(points_i$Stable == FALSE)] <- FALSE
names(r_points_ind) <- points_i$Name
d_rest <- d_all[r_points_ind]
Qd_rest_ginv <- Qd_all_ginv[r_points_ind, r_points_ind]
dd_rest <- (crossprod(d_rest, Qd_rest_ginv) %*% d_rest)
teta_rest_squared <- ((crossprod(d_rest, Qd_rest_ginv) %*% d_rest)/qr(Qd_rest_ginv)$rank)
snet_test <- f_test(sd1 = sqrt(teta_rest_squared), sd2 = s0, df1 = qr(Qd_rest_ginv)$rank, df2 = f0, prob = prob)
m <- sum(r_points_ind)
# ================== Testing for reference points ============================
r_points_names <- snet_i_adj$Points$Name[!snet_i_adj$Points$Point_object]
o_points_names <- snet_i_adj$Points$Name[snet_i_adj$Points$Point_object]
r_points_ind <- !points_i$Point_object
names(r_points_ind) <- points_i$Name
dr <- d_all[r_points_ind]
names(dr) <- points_i$Name[r_points_ind]
do <- d_all[!r_points_ind]
names(do) <- points_i$Name[!r_points_ind]
Qdrr <- Qd_all_ginv[r_points_ind, r_points_ind]
Qdro <- Qd_all_ginv[r_points_ind, !r_points_ind]
Qdor <- Qd_all_ginv[!r_points_ind, r_points_ind]
Qdoo <- Qd_all_ginv[!r_points_ind, !r_points_ind]
dso <- do + solve(Qdoo) %*% Qdor %*% dr
Qsrr <- Qdrr - Qdro %*% solve(Qdoo) %*% Qdor
dd_r <- (crossprod(dr, Qsrr) %*% dr) # kvadratna forma
teta_r_squared <- ((crossprod(dr, Qsrr) %*% dr)/qr(Qsrr)$rank)
r_test <- f_test(sd1 = sqrt(teta_r_squared), sd2 = s0, df1 = qr(Qsrr)$rank, df2 = f0, prob = prob)
iter <- 0
m <- sum(r_points_ind)
while(!r_test[[3]] & m > 1) {
iter = iter + 1
r_ind_matrix <- diag(sum(r_points_ind)) == 1
teta_r <- rep(NA, sum(r_points_ind))
for(i in 1:sum(r_points_ind)){
drb <- d_all[r_points_ind][r_ind_matrix[i, ]]
drf <- d_all[r_points_ind][!r_ind_matrix[i, ]]
Qdbb <- Qdrr[r_ind_matrix[i, ], r_ind_matrix[i, ]]
Qdbf <- Qdrr[r_ind_matrix[i, ], !r_ind_matrix[i, ]]
Qdfb <- Qdrr[!r_ind_matrix[i, ], r_ind_matrix[i, ]]
Qdff <- Qdrr[!r_ind_matrix[i, ], !r_ind_matrix[i, ]]
dsb <- drb + solve(Qdbb) %*% Qdbf %*% drf
Qsff <- Qdff - Qdfb %*% solve(Qdbb) %*% Qdbf
dd_b <- (crossprod(dsb, Qdbb) %*% dsb)
teta_r[i] <- dd_b
names(teta_r) <- points_i$Name[r_points_ind]
max_teta_name <- names(teta_r[which(teta_r==max(teta_r))])
points_i[points_i$Name == max_teta_name, "Stable"] <- FALSE
points_j[points_j$Name == max_teta_name, "Stable"] <- FALSE
r_points_ind <- is.na(!points_i$Point_object & points_i$Stable)
names(r_points_ind) <- points_i$Name
dr <- d_all[r_points_ind]
names(dr) <- points_i$Name[r_points_ind]
do <- d_all[!r_points_ind]
names(do) <- points_i$Name[!r_points_ind]
Qdrr <- Qd_all_ginv[r_points_ind, r_points_ind]
Qdro <- Qd_all_ginv[r_points_ind, !r_points_ind]
Qdor <- Qd_all_ginv[!r_points_ind, r_points_ind]
Qdoo <- Qd_all_ginv[!r_points_ind, !r_points_ind]
Qsrr <- Qdrr - Qdro %*% solve(Qdoo) %*% Qdor
teta_r_squared <- ((crossprod(dr, Qsrr) %*% dr)/qr(Qsrr)$rank)
r_test <- f_test(sd1 = sqrt(teta_r_squared), sd2 = s0, df1 = qr(Qsrr)$rank, df2 = f0, prob = prob)
m <- sum(r_points_ind)
#================== Testing for object points ==============================
points_i$Stable[r_points_ind] <- TRUE
points_i$Stable[!points_i$Stable] <- NA
points_j$Stable[r_points_ind] <- TRUE
points_j$Stable[!points_j$Stable] <- NA
o_points_ind <- !r_points_ind
names(o_points_ind) <- points_i$Name
dso <- do + solve(Qdoo) %*% Qdor %*% dr
teta_o_squared <- ((crossprod(dso, Qdoo) %*% dso)/qr(Qdoo)$rank)
o_test <- f_test(sd1 = sqrt(teta_o_squared), sd2 = s0, df1 = qr(Qdoo)$rank, df2 = f0, prob = prob)
iter <- 0
m <- sum(o_points_ind)
while(!o_test[[3]] & m > 1) {
iter = iter + 1
o_ind_matrix <- diag(sum(is.na(points_i$Stable))) == 1
teta_o <- rep(NA, sum(is.na(points_i$Stable)))
dobs <- rep(NA, sum(is.na(points_i$Stable)))
Qdoo_o <- Qd_all_ginv[o_points_ind, o_points_ind]
for(i in 1:sum(o_points_ind)){
drb <- (points_j$h[is.na(points_i$Stable)][o_ind_matrix[i, ]] - points_i$h[is.na(points_i$Stable)][o_ind_matrix[i, ]])*units.lookup.table[units]
drf <- (points_j$h[is.na(points_i$Stable)][!o_ind_matrix[i, ]] - points_i$h[is.na(points_i$Stable)][!o_ind_matrix[i, ]])*units.lookup.table[units]
Qdbb <- Qdoo_o[o_ind_matrix[i, ], o_ind_matrix[i, ]]
Qdbf <- Qdoo_o[o_ind_matrix[i, ], !o_ind_matrix[i, ]]
Qdfb <- Qdoo_o[!o_ind_matrix[i, ], o_ind_matrix[i, ]]
Qdff <- Qdoo_o[!o_ind_matrix[i, ], !o_ind_matrix[i, ]]
dsb <- drb + solve(Qdbb) %*% Qdbf %*% drf
Qsff <- Qdff - Qdfb %*% solve(Qdbb) %*% Qdbf
dd_b <- (crossprod(dsb, Qdbb) %*% dsb)
teta_o[i] <- dd_b
dobs[i] <- drb
names(teta_o) <- points_i$Name[o_points_ind]
names(dobs) <- points_i$Name[o_points_ind]
max_teta_name <- names(teta_o[which(teta_o==max(teta_o))])
max_do <- dobs[which(teta_o == max(teta_o))]
points_i[points_i$Name == max_teta_name, "Stable"] <- FALSE
points_j[points_j$Name == max_teta_name, "Stable"] <- FALSE
o_points_ind <- is.na(points_i$Stable)
names(o_points_ind) <- points_i$Name
# Qdrr <- Qd_all_ginv[o_points_ind, o_points_ind]
# Qdro <- Qd_all_ginv[o_points_ind, !o_points_ind]
# Qdor <- Qd_all_ginv[!o_points_ind, o_points_ind]
# Qdoo <- Qd_all_ginv[!o_points_ind, !o_points_ind]
Qdrr <- Qd_all_ginv[(!r_points_ind & o_points_ind), (!r_points_ind & o_points_ind)]
Qdro <- Qd_all_ginv[(!r_points_ind & !o_points_ind), (!r_points_ind & o_points_ind)]
Qdor <- Qd_all_ginv[(!r_points_ind & o_points_ind), (!r_points_ind & !o_points_ind)]
Qdoo <- Qd_all_ginv[(!r_points_ind & !o_points_ind), (!r_points_ind & !o_points_ind)]
do <- d_all[!r_points_ind & o_points_ind]
Qsrr <- Qdrr - Qdro %*% solve(Qdoo) %*% Qdor
teta_o_squared <- ((crossprod(do, Qsrr) %*% do)/qr(Qsrr)$rank)
o_test <- f_test(sd1 = sqrt(teta_o_squared), sd2 = s0, df1 = qr(Qsrr)$rank, df2 = f0, prob = prob)
m <- sum(o_points_ind)
if(!o_test[[3]] & m == 1){
points_i[o_points_ind, "Stable"] <- FALSE
points_j[o_points_ind, "Stable"] <- FALSE
points_i$Stable[is.na(points_i$Stable)] <- TRUE
points_j$Stable[is.na(points_j$Stable)] <- TRUE
return(points_i %>% dplyr::select(id, Name, Stable))
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