
Defines functions pivotSchemaCombos diffDataFrames diffDataEntryForm diffSnuximModels MapDimToOptions RenameDimensionColumns FormatForApi_Dimensions StackPrefixedCols translateFils translateDims

Documented in diffDataEntryForm diffDataFrames diffSnuximModels FormatForApi_Dimensions MapDimToOptions pivotSchemaCombos RenameDimensionColumns StackPrefixedCols translateDims translateFils

#' @export
#' @title Translate Dimensions
#' @description takes a dimensions data frame and translates it into a list item for input to get_analytics
#' @param dimensions_df a dimensions data frame.
#' @return  List of dimensions for the analytics call to datimutils::getAnalytics
translateDims <- function(dimensions_df) {

  dims <- dimensions_df %>% select(dim_uid) %>% unique()

  res <- dims$dim_uid %>% lapply(function(uid) {
    # prepare dim item uids and dim
    dim_uid <- sprintf("'%s'", uid)
    dim_item_uids <- toString(sprintf("'%s'", dimensions_df[dimensions_df$dim_uid == uid, ]$dim_item_uid))

    # prepare param to pass
    # we pre-evaluate so that the api params are set for passing
    res <- paste(dim_uid, "%.d%", "c(", dim_item_uids, ")")
    res <- eval(parse(text = res))


#' @export
#' @title Translate Filters
#' @description takes a filters data frame and translates it into a list item for input to get_analytics
#' @param filters_df a dimensions data frame.
#' @return  List of dimensions for the analytics call to datimutils::getAnalytics
translateFils <- function(dimensions_df) {

  dims <- dimensions_df %>% select(dim_uid) %>% unique()

  res <- dims$dim_uid %>% lapply(function(uid) {
    # prepare dim item uids and dim
    dim_uid <- sprintf("'%s'", uid)
    dim_item_uids <- toString(sprintf("'%s'", dimensions_df[dimensions_df$dim_uid == uid, ]$dim_item_uid))

    # prepare param to pass
    # we pre-evaluate so that the api params are set for passing
    res <- paste(dim_uid, "%.f%", "c(", dim_item_uids, ")")
    res <- eval(parse(text = res))


#' @export
#' @title StackPrefixedCols(data, prefixes)
#' @description Takes columns from data with specified prefixes and stacks them based on the unprefixed
#' portion of the name. Columns not containing one of the prefixes are excluded in returned data.
#' @param data dataframe - contains data to stack
#' @param prefixes string vector - list of prefixes to include in column selection and stacking
#' @return  tibble with superset of columns without prefixes in column names
StackPrefixedCols <- function(data, prefixes) {
  assertthat::assert_that(length(prefixes) > 0, is.data.frame(data))
  SelectAndStripPrefix <- function(prefix, df) {
    dplyr::select(df, dplyr::starts_with(prefix, ignore.case = FALSE)) %>%
      dplyr::rename_all(.funs = stringr::str_remove, pattern = prefix)

  purrr::map(prefixes, SelectAndStripPrefix, data) %>% dplyr::bind_rows()

#' @export
#' @title FormatForApi_Dimensions(data, type_col, dim_id_col, item_id_col)
#' @description Uses specified columns in a data from to produce APIrequest
#' formated dimensions e.g. &dimension=dim-id:dim-item;dim-item
#' Only includes unique dimension, dim-id, dim-item tupples
#' @param data dataframe - containing parameters to incorporate into api call
#' @param type_col string - name of column in data that specifies "dimension"
#' or "filter"
#' @param dim_id_col string - name of column in data that specifies
#' dimension ids - including dx, ou, etc.
#' @param item_id_col string - name of column in data that specifies
#' dimension item ids
#' @return  string ready for api call such as
#' "dimension=dim-id:dim-item;dim-item&filter=dim-id:dim-item;dim-item"
#' Note there is no leading "&" in string
#' @examples
#' df = tibble::tribble(~type, ~dim_id, ~item_id, ~other_col,
#' "dimension",    "LFsZ8v5v7rq", "CW81uF03hvV",
#' "Implementing Partner: AIDSRelief Consortium",
#' "dimension",    "LFsZ8v5v7rq", "C6nZpLKjEJr",
#' "Implementing Partner: African Medical and Research Foundation",
#' "filter", "dx", "BOSZApCrBni", "ART enrollment stage 1",
#' "filter", "dx", "dGdeotKpRed", "ART enrollment stage 2",
#' "dimension", "ou", "O6uvpzGd5pu", "Bo",
#' "filter", "pe", "THIS_FINANCIAL_YEAR","")
#' FormatForApi_Dimensions(df, "type", "dim_id", "item_id")
FormatForApi_Dimensions <- function(data, type_col, dim_id_col, item_id_col) {
  assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::has_name(data, type_col),
                          assertthat::has_name(data, dim_id_col),
                          assertthat::has_name(data, item_id_col))
  data %>%
    dplyr::mutate(type = data[[type_col]],
                  dim_id = data[[dim_id_col]],
                  item_id = data[[item_id_col]])  %>%
    dplyr::select(type, dim_id, item_id) %>%
    unique() %>%
    dplyr::group_by_at(c("type", "dim_id"))  %>%
    dplyr::summarise(items = paste0(item_id, collapse = ";")) %>%
    dplyr::ungroup() %>%
    dplyr::transmute(component = glue::glue("{type}={dim_id}:{items}")) %>%
    .[[1]] %>%
    paste0(collapse = "&")

#' @export
#' @title RenameDimensionColumns(data, type)
#' @description Renames the original column names of datapackcommons::dim_items_sets,
#' by prepending the string in the type parameter
#' @param data the unique dim_cop_type that is passed in the MapDimToOptions method
#' @param type It will pre-pend the string in type to the columns names
#' @return  The dataframe with renamed column names for dimensions
RenameDimensionColumns <- function(data, type) {
  data %>%
    dplyr::rename(!!paste0(type, "_dim_uid") := dim_uid,
                  !!paste0(type, "_dim_name") := dim_name,
                  !!paste0(type, "_dim_cop_type") := dim_cop_type,
                  !!paste0(type, "_dim_item_name") := dim_item_name,
                  !!paste0(type, "_option_name") := option_name,
                  !!paste0(type, "_option_uid") := option_uid,
                  !!paste0(type, "_sort_order") := sort_order,
                  !!paste0(type, "_weight") := weight,
                  !!paste0(type, "_model_sets") := model_sets) %>%

#' @export
#' @title MapDimToOptions(data, items_to_options, allocate)
#' @description A function that maps dimensions from a dataframe to the options sets
#' @param data dataframe - dimension name and dimension UID, along with the quantity
#' @param items_to_options dimension item sets dataframe filtered by one of the model sets
#' @param allocate If allocate is set to "distriute", mutates a column in the returned df with
#' the weight being multiplied to the value
#' @return If there are no options provided, returns the analytics output, else if there are no dim_uid
#' in the options list, joins the data using crossing or left join,
#' else if the allocation is set to "distriute", then renames them adds a value column and
#' finally performs the renaming of the dimension columns.
MapDimToOptions <- function(data, items_to_options, allocate) {

  if (NROW(items_to_options) == 0) {

  dimension_uid <- unique(items_to_options$dim_uid)
  cop_category <- unique(items_to_options$dim_cop_type)
  assertthat::assert_that(NROW(dimension_uid) == 1, NROW(cop_category) == 1)

  if (is.na(dimension_uid)) {
    # We are in a scenario of distributing to category options in the absence of a source dimension
    # so we need cartesian product of data with item_to_dim entries
    joined_data <- tidyr::crossing(data,
                                   dplyr::select(items_to_options, -dim_item_uid))
  } else {
    dim_name <-  items_to_options[[1, "dim_name"]]
    joined_data <- data %>%
      dplyr::left_join(items_to_options, by = stats::setNames("dim_item_uid", dim_name))

  if (allocate == "distribute") {
    joined_data %>%
      dplyr::mutate(Value = Value * weight) %>%
  } else {
    joined_data %>%

#' @export
#' @title diffSnuximModels(model_old, model_new, full_diff = TRUE)
#' @description A function that compares old and new snuxim models
#' @param model_old list - snuxim model
#' @param model_new list - snuxim model
#' @param full_diff If TRUE compares model difference fully
#' @return deltas representing difference in data of both models
diffSnuximModels <- function(model_old,
                             full_diff = TRUE,
                             d2_session = dynGet("d2_default_session",
                                                 inherits = TRUE)
) {

  # only include countries present in both files
  if (full_diff) {
    country_details <- dplyr::union(names(model_old),
  } else {
    country_details <- dplyr::intersect(names(model_old),

  # bind list item rows and add relevant columns
  model_old_filtered <- dplyr::bind_rows(model_old[country_details]) %>%
    dplyr::filter(!is.na(value)) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(value = round(value, 5),
                  percent = round(percent, 5)) %>%
    rename(value.old = value,
           percent.old = percent)
  #dplyr::mutate(value = round(value, 2)) %>%
  #dplyr::mutate(old = 1)

  model_new_filtered <- dplyr::bind_rows(model_new[country_details]) %>%
    dplyr::filter(!is.na(value)) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(value = round(value, 5),
                  percent = round(percent, 5)) %>%
    rename(value.new = value,
           percent.new = percent)
  #dplyr::mutate(value = round(value, 2)) %>%
  #dplyr::mutate(old = 1)
  deltas  <-  dplyr::full_join(model_new_filtered, model_old_filtered) %>%
    dplyr::filter(value.new != value.old |
                    percent.new != percent.old |
                    is.na(value.new) |
                    is.na(value.old) |
                    is.na(percent.new) |

  # add other columns
  ancestors <- lapply(
                            fields = "ancestors[name]",
                            d2_session = d2_session),

  deltas <- dplyr::mutate(deltas,
                          psnu = datimutils::getOrgUnits(deltas$psnu_uid,
                                                         d2_session = d2_session),
                          ou = purrr::map_chr(ancestors, purrr::pluck, 1, 3, .default = NA_character_),
                          snu1 = purrr::map_chr(ancestors, purrr::pluck, 1, 4, .default = NA_character_))


#' @export
#' @title diffDataEntryForm(uid_a, uid_b)
#' @description A function that compares two data entry forms based on uid inputs
#' that access sqlviews
#' @param dataset_a a dataset uid
#' @param dataset_b a dataset uid
#' @param d2_session a d2_session
#' @return a list of all three differences
diffDataEntryForm <- function(
    d2_session = dynGet("d2_default_session", inherits = TRUE)
) {

  # pull the sql views
  a <-  datimutils::getSqlView(sql_view_uid = "DotdxKrNZxG",
                             variable_keys = c("dataSets"),
                             variable_values = c(uid_a)) %>%
        dplyr::rename("A.dataset" = "dataset")

  b <- datimutils::getSqlView(sql_view_uid = "DotdxKrNZxG",
                                variable_keys = c("dataSets"),
                                variable_values = c(uid_b)) %>%
      dplyr::rename("B.dataset" = "dataset")

  # run the diff
  res <- diffDataFrames(



#' @export
#' @title diffDataFrames(dataframe_a, dataframe_b)
#' @description A function that compares two dataframes and returns a list
#' combination of joins between those two dataframes
#' @param dataset_a a dataframe
#' @param dataset_b a dataframe
#' @return a list of all three differences
diffDataFrames <- function(
  ) {

  # ensure data frames are present as params
  if (is.null(dataframe_a) || is.null(dataframe_b)) {
    stop("one or both of your dataframe values are empty!")

  # ensure the class of the objects going in
  if (!is.data.frame(dataframe_a) || !is.data.frame(dataframe_b)) {
    stop("one or both of these are not dataframes!")

  # ensure names of the data frames are the same
  # filter out dataset column so as not to trip error
  if (!identical(names(dataframe_a)[!grepl("dataset", names(dataframe_a))],
                names(dataframe_b)[!grepl("dataset", names(dataframe_b))])
     ) {
    stop("your dataframes seem to have different names!")

  # in a but not b
  a_not_b <- tryCatch({
    dplyr::anti_join(dataframe_a, dataframe_b)
  }, error = function(e) {

  # in b but not a
  b_not_a <- tryCatch({
    dplyr::anti_join(dataframe_b, dataframe_a)
  }, error = function(e) {

  # in a and b
  a_and_b <- tryCatch({
    dplyr::inner_join(dataframe_a, dataframe_b)
  }, error = function(e) {

  # list
  diff_list <-
      "a_not_b" = a_not_b,
      "b_not_a" = b_not_a,
      "a_and_b" = a_and_b



#' @export
#' @title pivotSchemaCombos(cop_year)
#' @description grabs the pertinent schema and pivots data long
#' @param cop_year the specific cop year for the schema
#' @param schema optional param if you wish to enter a manual schema
#' @return a pivoted schema

pivotSchemaCombos <- function(schema = NULL, cop_year = NULL) {

  # choose the right schema
  if (is.null(cop_year) && is.null(schema)) {

    stop("you must enter a cop year or a schema!")

  } else if (is.null(cop_year) && !is.null(schema)) {

    valid_schema_indicators <- schema

  } else if (cop_year == 2024) {

    valid_schema_indicators <-
             (dataset == "mer" & col_type == "past") |
               (dataset == "datapack" & col_type == "calculation")) %>%
      select(indicator_code, valid_ages, valid_sexes, valid_kps) %>%

  } else if (cop_year == 2023) {

    valid_schema_indicators <-
             (dataset == "mer" & col_type == "past") |
               (dataset == "datapack" & col_type == "calculation")) %>%
      select(indicator_code, valid_ages, valid_sexes, valid_kps) %>%

  } else if (cop_year < 2023 || cop_year > 2024) {

    stop("cop year not supported!")


  # extract combos from nested lists
  valid_schema_combos <-
    lapply(unique(valid_schema_indicators$indicator_code), function(y) {

      q <- valid_schema_indicators %>%
          indicator_code == y

      combos <-
          q$valid_ages[[1]] %>%
            rename(valid_ages = name, age_option_uid = id) %>%
            select(valid_ages, age_option_uid),
          q$valid_sexes[[1]] %>%
            rename(valid_sexes = name, sex_option_uid = id) %>%
            select(valid_sexes, sex_option_uid),
          q$valid_kps[[1]] %>%
            rename(valid_kps = name, kp_option_uid = id) %>%
            select(valid_kps, kp_option_uid)
        ) %>%
        mutate(indicator_code = q$indicator_code[1]) %>%
        select(indicator_code, valid_ages, valid_sexes, valid_kps, age_option_uid, sex_option_uid, kp_option_uid)

    }) %>%
pepfar-datim/data-pack-commons documentation built on Feb. 6, 2024, 9:46 p.m.