
Defines functions ensure preconditions postconditions conditions_ get_prevalidated_fn print.validated_function missing_args_error

Documented in ensure get_prevalidated_fn postconditions preconditions print.validated_function

#' Ensure checks that certain preconditions and postconditions of a function are true.
#' @param checker_fn function. A function to run with validated pre- and postconditions.
#' @param preconditions list. A list of preconditions to check.
#' @param postconditions list. A list of postconditions to check.
#' @examples
#'   add <- ensure(pre = list(x %is% numeric, y %is% numeric),
#'     post = list(result %is% numeric),
#'     function(x, y) { x + y })
#' @return The original function, but also of class validated_function, with added validations.
#' @export
ensure <- function(checker_fn, preconditions = list(), postconditions = list()) {
  if (methods::is(checker_fn, "validated_function")) {
    stop("The function has already been validated.")
  pre <- substitute(preconditions)
  post <- substitute(postconditions)
  validated_fn <- function(...) {
    args <- lapply(as.list(sys.call()[-1]), function(expr) {
      eval(expr, parent.frame(3))
    formals <- names(formals(checker_fn))

    # Goal here is to (a) impute names the user doesn't give with the formals
    # and (b) detect if any formals are missing so we can place in their defaults
    # or error
    missing_formals <- setdiff(formals, names(args))
    if (is.null(names(args))) {
      names(args) <- head(formals, length(args))
    } else {
      empty_names <- vapply(names(args), checkr::is.empty, logical(1))
      names(args)[empty_names] <- head(missing_formals, sum(empty_names))

    # Get all the non-empty arguments to impute missing arguments.
    has_default_arg <- function(arg) { nchar(arg) > 0 ||
                                       is.null(arg) ||
                                       identical(arg, "") ||
                                       identical(arg, NA) }
    default_args <- Filter(has_default_arg, formals(checker_fn))
    for (pos in seq_along(default_args)) {
      if (!(names(default_args)[[pos]] %in% names(args))) {
        args[[names(default_args)[[pos]]]] <- default_args[[pos]]

    # Sometimes we have args that have a default of NULL that are missing.
    # This is difficult to populate, but alas.
    missing_defaults <- setdiff(names(default_args), names(args))
    if (length(missing_defaults) > 0) {
      length(args) <- length(args) + length(missing_defaults)
      names(args) <- Filter(Negate(checkr::is.empty),
        union(names(args), missing_defaults))

    # Run the preconditions
      args <- lapply(args, function(expr) eval(expr, envir = parent.frame(3)))
      checkr:::validate_(pre, env = args)
    }, error = function(e) {
        e <- as.character(e)
        flag <- "object '.*not found"
        if (grepl(flag, e)) {
          missing_args_error(gsub("' not found", "",
            gsub("object '", "", regmatches(e, regexpr(flag, e)))))
        } else { stop(e) }

    # Now we need to add the result to the list of arguments so we can post-validate
    # Assignment here must be careful to assign NULL correctly
    # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7944809/assigning-null-to-a-list-element-in-r
    args["result"] <- list(do.call(checker_fn, args))

    checkr:::validate_(post, env = args)

  formals(validated_fn) <- formals(checker_fn)
  class(validated_fn) <- append(class(checker_fn), "validated_function", 0)

#' Get the stated preconditions of a validated function.
#' @param fn validated_function. The function to get the preconditions for.
#' @return a call containing the preconditions.
#' @export
preconditions <- function(fn) conditions_(fn, "pre")

#' Get the stated postconditions of a validated function.
#' @param fn validated_function. The function to get the postconditions for.
#' @return a call containing the postconditions.
#' @export
postconditions <- function(fn) conditions_(fn, "post")

conditions_ <- function(fn, key) { environment(fn)[[key]] }

#' Get the pre-validated function that is wrapped in validations.
#' @param fn validated_function. The function to get the pre-validated function for.
#' @return a call containing the postconditions.
#' @export
get_prevalidated_fn <- function(fn) { environment(fn)$checker_fn }

#' Print validated functions more clearly.
#' @param x function. The function to print.
#' @param ... list. Additional arguments to pass to print.
#' @export
print.validated_function <- function(x, ...) {
    preconditions = preconditions(x),
    postconditions = postconditions(x),
    fn = get_prevalidated_fn(x)),

missing_args_error <- function(missing_args) {
  stop("Error on missing arguments: ",
    paste0(missing_args, collapse = ", "), call. = FALSE)
peterhurford/checkr documentation built on May 25, 2019, 1:50 a.m.