
Defines functions ch4_perm_test

Documented in ch4_perm_test

#' Permutation Test

#' Function to conduct permutation test on different columns

#' @param input Input data frame
#' @param column Column to permute
#' @param ndraws Number of draws; defaults to 1000
#' @param gb Character string of things to group by for the parse statements
#' @param summ How to group things for resampling? Either by cluster, or cluster and type of species.
#' @param seed Random sampling seed
#' @param cri Criteria for determing p-value, should be "<" or "<=" 
#' @param annual Resample annual averages (TRUE)? Or resample tows then calculate annual averages (FALSE)
#' @param save_resamps Save resampled values?

#' @export
#' @examples
#' dd <- ch4_perm_test(input = top100_clusts, column = 'ntows', ndraws = 50)

ch4_perm_test <- function(input, column, ndraws = 1000, gb = "set_year, unq_clust",
                          summ = 'length(species)', clust_cat = "unq_clust", seed = 12345, crit = "<=",
                          annual = TRUE, save_resamps = FALSE){   
  #Check that column is actually a column
  if(column %in% names(input) == FALSE) stop("column has to be a column in input")
  # eval((parse(text = paste0("temp <- input %>% arrange(desc(", column, "))"))))
  #Perm data frame, used to permute column of interest
  #Build up function evaluation 
  if(column == 'nvess') {
    summ <- "length(unique(drvid))"
    # browser()
  if(column == 'ntows') summ <- "length(unique(haul_id))"
  perm <- input %>% group_by(set_year, unq_clust, species) %>% filter
  if(annual == FALSE){
    perm_call <- "perm <- input"
  #If annual == TRUE
  if(annual == TRUE){
    perm_call <- paste0("perm <- input %>% group_by(", gb, ") %>% summarize(",
                        column, " = ", summ, ")")  
  eval(parse(text = perm_call))
  #Define number of unique clusters, using clust_cat
  # unq_call <- paste0("nclusts <- input %>% group_by(", clust_cat, ") %>% distinct()") 
  # unq_call <- paste0("nclusts <- input %>% distinct(", clust_cat, ")") 

  # eval(parse(text = unq_call))
  # nclusts <- nclusts %>% as.data.frame
  nclusts <- data.frame(unq_clust = unique(input$unq_clust))
  # nclusts <- length(unique(input$unq_clust))
  # the_clusts <- unique(perm$unq_clust)
  ncols <- ncol(nclusts)
  #Construct the filtering statement
  filt_statement <- paste(paste0(names(nclusts), " == nclusts[ii, ", 1:ncols, "]"), collapse = ", ")
  #Set the seed
  perm$when <- "after"
  perm[which(perm$set_year <= 2010), 'when'] <- 'before'
  # browser()  
  #If bootstrapping the annual numbers
  if(annual == TRUE){
# browser()
    both_statement <- paste0("both_clusts <- perm %>% group_by(unq_clust) %>% summarize(avg_val = mean(", 
            "), bef_aft = length(unique(when))) %>% filter(bef_aft == 2) %>% arrange(desc(avg_val)) %>% select(unq_clust) ")
    eval(parse(text = both_statement))

    # both_clusts <- perm %>% group_by(unq_clust) %>%
    #   summarize(avg_ntows = mean(ntows), bef_aft = length(unique(when))) %>%
    #   filter(bef_aft == 2) %>% arrange(desc(avg_ntows)) %>% select(unq_clust) 

    #Filter nclusts to only have places with before and after
    nclusts <- as.data.frame(both_clusts)
    ncores <- 6
    # ndraws <- 1000
    #Might have to fix the filt_statement
    samp_vals <- mclapply(1:nrow(nclusts), mc.cores = 6, FUN = function(ii){
      eval(parse(text = paste0("temp <- perm %>% filter(", filt_statement, ")")))
      #Calculate empirical difference
      diff_statement <- paste0("diffs <- temp %>% group_by(when) %>% summarize(avg_val = mean(",
                               column, "))")
      eval(parse(text = diff_statement))
      emp_out <- diffs[which(diffs$when == 'after'), 'avg_val'] - 
        diffs[which(diffs$when == 'before'), 'avg_val']
      emp_out <- emp_out$avg_val
      sampled <- temp
      samp_inds <- lapply(1:ndraws, FUN = function(x){
      resamp <- lapply(1:ndraws, FUN = function(x){
        sampled[, column] <- temp[samp_inds[[x]], column]
        diff_statement <- paste0("diffs <- sampled %>% group_by(when) %>% summarize(avg_val = mean(",
                                 column, "))")
        eval(parse(text = diff_statement))
        samp_out <- diffs[which(diffs$when == 'after'), 'avg_val'] - 
          diffs[which(diffs$when == 'before'), 'avg_val']
        samp_out <- samp_out$avg_val  
      resamp <- unlist(resamp)
      eval(parse(text = paste("p_val <- length(which(resamp", 
                              crit, "emp_out)) / length(resamp)")))
      return(list(p_val = p_val, samples = resamp, emp_out = emp_out))
    # p_vals <- rep(999, nrow(nclusts))
    # resamps <- vector('list', length = nrow(nclusts))
    #And parallelize with mclapply
    # for(ii in 1:nrow(nclusts)){
    #Filter the data to permutate
    # eval(parse(text = paste0("temp <- perm %>% filter(", filt_statement, ")"  )))
    # temp <- temp %>% arrange(dyear)
    #Move to next value if number of years isn't 8
    # if(length(unique(temp$when)) != 2) next
    #Sample permuted values
    # resamp <- unlist(resamp)
    #Store p values and resampled values
    # eval(parse(text = paste("p_vals[ii] <- length(which(resamp", 
    #       crit, "emp_out)) / length(resamp)")))
    # p_vals[ii] <- length(which(resamp <= emp_out)) / length(resamp)    

#If bootstrapping the tows or something
#Resample all the tows in a year then aggregate
if(annual == FALSE){
  #Break up clusters based on number of cores   
  tot <- 1:nrow(nclusts)
  tots <- split(tot, ceiling(seq_along(tot) / (nrow(nclusts) / 6)))
  # Have to work on data structures for this one
  ttt <-  mclapply(1:6, mc.cores = 6, FUN = function(xx){
    the_rows <- tots[[xx]]
    # resamps <- vector('list', length = length(the_rows))
    p_vals <- data.frame(rownum = the_rows, pval = 999)
    resamps <- vector('list', length = length(the_rows))
    for(jj in 1:length(the_rows)){
      ii <- the_rows[jj]
      #Filter the data to permutate
      eval(parse(text = paste0("temp <- perm %>% filter(", filt_statement, ")"  )))
      temp <- temp %>% arrange(dyear)
      #Move to next value if number of years isn't 6
      if(length(unique(temp$dyear)) != 6){
        # cat("nada", '\n')
      #Calculate empirical before/after difference
      emp_out <- temp %>% group_by(when) %>% summarize(avg = mean(hpounds))
      emp_out <- (emp_out[2, 'avg'] - emp_out[1, 'avg'])
      emp_out <- emp_out$avg
      #Run the resampling function
      resamp <- sapply(1:ndraws, FUN = function(x){
        samp1 <- sample(1:nrow(temp), replace = F)
        #Add sampled column
        eval(parse(text = paste0("temp$samp_", column, "<- temp[", "samp1", ", '", column, "']")))
        samp2 <- temp %>% group_by(when) %>% summarize(avg = mean(samp_hpounds))
        out <- samp2[2, 'avg'] - samp2[1, 'avg']
        out <- out$avg         
      eval(parse(text = paste("p_vals[jj, 'pval'] <- length(which(resamp", 
                              crit, "emp_out)) / length(resamp)")))
      resamps[[jj]] <- resamp
    return(list(pval = p_vals, resamps = resamps, emp_out = emp_out))        
  #Format output from the thing
  pp <- lapply(ttt, FUN = function(xx) xx$pval)
  pp <- ldply(pp)
  pp <- cbind(nclusts, pp)
  pp$rownum <- NULL
  p_vals <- pp$pval
  # names(p_vals)[3] <- 'p_val'
  resamps1 <- lapply(ttt, FUN = function(xx) ldply(xx$resamps))
  resamps2 <- ldply(resamps1)
  resamps <- resamps2

# save(samp_vals, file = 'output/samp_vals.Rdata')
# perm %>% filter(unq_clust == 3023)

emps <- lapply(1:nrow(nclusts), FUN = function(ii){
  eval(parse(text = paste0("temp <- perm %>% filter(", filt_statement, ")")))
  #Calculate empirical difference
  diff_statement <- paste0("diffs <- temp %>% group_by(when) %>% summarize(avg_val = mean(",
                           column, "))")
  eval(parse(text = diff_statement))
  emp_out <- diffs[which(diffs$when == 'after'), 'avg_val'] - 
    diffs[which(diffs$when == 'before'), 'avg_val']
  emp_out <- emp_out$avg_val

emps <- unlist(emps)

p_vals <- lapply(samp_vals, FUN = function(x) x[[1]])
p_vals <- unlist(p_vals)

resamps <- lapply(samp_vals, FUN = function(x) x[[2]])

sigs <- data.frame(p_vals = p_vals, sig = "999")  

sigs$sig <- as.numeric(sigs$sig)
sigs$sig <- 'no change'
sigs[(sigs$p_vals <= .05), "sig"] <- 'sig decrease'
sigs[(sigs$p_vals >= .95), "sig"] <- 'sig increase'
sigs[(sigs$p_vals == 999), "sig"] <- 'not enough years'
sigs$emp_diff <- emps

sigs[which(sigs$p_vals == 0 & sigs$emp_diff == 0), 'sig'] <- 'no change'

sigs <- cbind(sigs, nclusts)

#Combine with clust_tows
output <- inner_join(input, sigs, by = names(input)[which(names(input) %in% names(sigs))])

#Modify column names
names(output)[which(names(output) == "p_vals")] <- paste0("p_vals_", column)
names(output)[which(names(output) == "sig")] <- paste0("sig_", column)
names(output)[which(names(output) == "emp_diff")] <- paste0("emp_diff_", column)

#Save the resampled data which is a lot
if(annual == TRUE & save_resamps == TRUE){
  filenm <- paste0('output/resamps_annual_', column, "_nrows_", nrow(sigs), '_ndraws_', ndraws,
  save(resamps, file = filenm)

if(annual == FALSE & save_resamps == TRUE){
  filenm <- paste0("output/resamps_notannual", "_nrows_" , nrow(sigs), "_ndraws_", ndraws,
  save(resamps, file = filenm)  


# ch4_perm_test("ntows")
# #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#   #before after changes with permutation test

#   #look at top 100 clusters; ntows column is number of unique hauls
#   clust_tows <- clust_tows %>% arrange(desc(ntows))
#   top100 <- unique(clust_tows$unq_clust)[1:100]
#   ntow_perm <- clust_tows %>% group_by(dyear, unq_clust) %>% summarize(ntows = length(species)) 

#   p_vals <- rep(999, 100)

#   for(ii in 1:100){
#     temp <- ntow_perm %>% filter(unq_clust == top100[ii], dyear > 2007)
#     if(length(temp$dyear) != 6) next
#     bef <- mean(temp$ntows[1:3])
#     aft <- mean(temp$ntows[4:6])
#     emp_out <- aft - bef

#     resamp <- sapply(1:1000, FUN = function(x){
#       draw <- sample(temp$ntows, replace = F)
#       bef <- mean(draw[1:3])
#       aft <- mean(draw[4:6])
#       out <- aft - bef
#       return(out)
#     })

#     #To look at specific distributions
#     # hist(resamp)  
#     # abline(v = emp_out, lwd = 2, lty = 2, col = 'red')  

#     #p_value of emp_out, which things had decreases?
#     p_vals[ii] <- length(which(resamp <= emp_out)) / length(resamp)
#   }

#   sigs <- data.frame(p_vals = p_vals, sig = "999")
#   sigs$sig <- as.numeric(sigs$sig)
#   sigs$sig <- 'no change'
#   sigs[(sigs$p_vals <= .05), "sig"] <- 'sig decrease'
#   sigs[(sigs$p_vals >= .95), "sig"] <- 'sig increase'
#   sigs[(sigs$p_vals == 999), "sig"] <- 'not enough years'
#   sigs$unq_clust <- top100

#   #Combine with clust_tows
#   top100_clusts <- inner_join(clust_tows, sigs, by = c('unq_clust'))
##   top100_clusts <- plyr::rename(top100_clusts, c("p_vals" = 'p_vals_tows', 'sig' = 'sig_tows'))
peterkuriyama/ch4 documentation built on June 18, 2021, 9:59 a.m.