#' Bry-Boshan or Harding and Pagan
#' Compute Bry-Boschan or Harding and Pagan turning points dating rules.
#' Purpose: compute BB or HP turning points dating rules
#' @section References:
#' D. Harding & A. Pagan (2002), "Dissecting the Cycle: a Methodological
#' Investigation", Journal of Monetary Economics, n 49, pp. 365-381
#' G. Bry & C. Boschan (1971), "Cyclical Analysis of Time Series:
#' Selected Procedures and Computer Programs", NBER Technical Paper 20
#' @param x A time series (seasonally adjusted).
#' @param ilog 1 for logs of data (multiplicative model)
#' @param ioutput 1 for full output, 0 otherwise
#' @param imcd Short-term MA for step IV:
#' 0 = Let program decide based on MCD
#' 3 = MA(3), 4 = MA(4), 5 = MA(5), 6 = MA(6)
#' @param nma number of terms in MA filter for initial TP
#' (BB use 12-term asymmetric)
#' @return Dates for 'peaks' and 'troughs' in the yearmon format.
brybos <- function(x, ilog, imcd, nma) {
nd <- length(x)
if (ilog == 1) {
if (min(x) > 0) {
x <- log(x)
} else {
warning("Log option chosen with negative values -- levels used")
# Execute Step I of Bry-Boschan procedure
# Check for outliers and replace with fitted values
xspa <- spencer(x)
xo <- bbout(x, xspa, ilog)
# Calculate spencer curve using outlier adjusted series
xspb <- spencer(xo)
# Calculate 12 month moving average
# The original work uses a non-symmetric filter when order is even
# here the procedure always result centered
xma <- MA(xo, nma)
# Calculate MCD smoothed series
# Bry-Boschan pages 24-25
mcdnum <- mcd(x, 12, ilog)
if (imcd == 0) {
mcdfilt <- mcdnum
if (mcdnum < 3)
mcdfilt <- 3
if (mcdnum > 6)
mcdfilt <- 6
mcdx <- MA(x, mcdfilt)
# Set initial and terminal values as in Bry-Boschen
n2 <- mcdfilt / 2
n2t <- trunc(n2)
# if ((n2 - n2t) > 0.01) {
# nm <- n2t
# np <- n2t
# } else {
# nm <- n2t
# np <- n2t - 1
# }
nm <-
np <- n2t # no need for the above code as MA is always centered
# First and last observations (As in BB -- see program TP2)
mcdx[1:nm] <- mcdx[nm + 1]
mcdx[(length(mcdx) - np + 1):length(mcdx)] <-
mcdx[length(mcdx) - np]
} else {
mcdfilt <- imcd
mcdx <- MA(x, mcdfilt)
n2 <- mcdfilt / 2
n2t <- trunc(n2)
nm <- np <- n2t
mcdx[1:nm] <- mcdx[nm + 1]
mcdx[(length(mcdx) - np + 1):length(mcdx)] <-
mcdx[length(mcdx) - np]
# Execute step II of Bry-Boschan procedure
pt1 <- dates1(xma)
if ((sum(pt1$peak) == 0) | (sum(pt1$trough) == 0)) {
warning("No peaks or no troughs for this series. Processing stops")
bcp5 <- NA
bct5 <- NA
# GOTO bottom
} else {
tt <- as.matrix(1:nd)
bcp2 <- tt[pt1$peak == 1,,drop = F]
bct2 <- tt[pt1$trough == 1,,drop = F]
# Make sure dates alternate, peak then trough
# if not choose highest peak and lowest trough
bc2 <- alter2(bcp2, bct2, xma)
bcp2 <- bc2$peak
bct2 <- bc2$trough
# Execute step III of BRy-Boschan procedure
# A. refine previous dates to n6 using xspb
# note: (+/-)6 used instead of BB-Book (+/-)5 -- see documentation
# of BB program TP2 0570 and MDP 0220, 02230 and 0610
bc3 <- refine(bcp2, bct2, xspb, 6)
bcp3 <- bc3$peak
bct3 <- bc3$trough
# B. enforce 15 month minimum P-P and T-T cycles
bc3 <- enfvd(bcp3, bct3, xspb)
bcp3 <- bc3$peak
bct3 <- bc3$trough
# Execute Step IV of Bry-BOschan Procedure
# A. refine previous dates to n6 using of mcdx
# note: (+/-) 6 used instead of BB-Book (+/-)5 -- see documentation
# of BB program TP2 0570 and MDP 0220, 02230 and 0610
bc4 <- refine(bcp3, bct3, mcdx, 6)
bcp4 <- bc4$peak
bct4 <- bc4$trough
span <- max(c(mcdnum, 4))
# A. Refine previous dates to nmax(4,mcd) using X
bc5 <- refine(bcp4, bct4, x, span)
bcp5 <- bc5$peak
bct5 <- bc5$trough
# B. Eliminate turns with 6 months of beginning and end of series
bc5 <- enfvb(bcp5, bct5, x)
bcp5 <- bc5$peak
bct5 <- bc5$trough
# C. Elimination of peaks and troughs at both ends which are lower
# or higher than values closer to end
bc5 <- enfvc(bcp5, bct5, x)
bcp5 <- bc5$peak
bct5 <- bc5$trough
# D. Elimination of P-P and T-T cycles less than 15 months
bc5 <- enfvd(bcp5, bct5, x)
bcp5 <- bc5$peak
bct5 <- bc5$trough
# E. Eliminate phases whose duration is less than 5 months
bc5 <- enfve(bcp5, bct5, x)
bcp5 <- bc5$peak
bct5 <- bc5$trough
} # a partir daqui eh o label 'bottom'
#' cal_ind_p = zeros(rows(cal),1);
#' cal_ind_t = zeros(rows(cal),1);
#' tmp_p = zeros(rows(cal),1);
#' tmp_t = zeros(rows(cal),1);
#' if sumc(bcp5) .> 0;
#' cal_ind_p[bcp5]=ones(rows(bcp5),1);
#' tmp_p[bcp5+1]=ones(rows(bcp5),1);
#' endif;
#' if sumc(bct5) .> 0;
#' cal_ind_t[bct5]=ones(rows(bct5),1);
#' tmp_t[bct5+1]=ones(rows(bct5),1);
#' endif;
#' rec_ind=zeros(rows(cal),1);
#' rec_ind=cumsumc(tmp_p-tmp_t);
#' if bct5[1] .< bcp5[1];
#' rec_ind=1+cumsumc(tmp_p-tmp_t);
#' endif;
#' @ Correct for Missing Values @
#' bcp5=bcp5+i1;
#' bct5=bct5+i1;
#' y_adj=xo; @ X adjusted for outliers @
#' if i1 .> 0;
#' cal_ind_p = miss(zeros(i1,1),0)|cal_ind_p;
#' cal_ind_t = miss(zeros(i1,1),0)|cal_ind_t;
#' rec_ind = miss(zeros(i1,1),0)|rec_ind;
#' y_adj=miss(zeros(i1,1),0)|y_adj;
#' endif;
#' if i2 .> 0;
#' cal_ind_p = cal_ind_p|miss(zeros(i2,1),0);
#' cal_ind_t = cal_ind_t|miss(zeros(i2,1),0);
#' rec_ind = rec_ind|miss(zeros(i2,1),0);
#' y_adj = y_adj|miss(zeros(i2,1),0);
#' endif;
#' retp(rec_ind,cal_ind_p,cal_ind_t,bcp5,bct5);
return(list(peak = zoo::as.yearmon(time(x)[bcp5]),
trough = zoo::as.yearmon(time(x)[bct5])))
# Function alter2 ---------------------------------------------------------
alter2 <- function(bcpn, bctn, x) {
# Enforces alternation between peaks and troughs
# skip the procedure if either peak or trough contain missing values
if (nrow(bcpn) == 0 | nrow(bctn) == 0) {
warning("Missing values in the peak or trough")
return(list(peak = bcpn, trough = bctn))
bcpn <- cbind(bcpn, 1)
bctn <- cbind(bctn, 0)
anmat <- rbind(bcpn, bctn)
anmat <- anmat[order(anmat[, 1]), ]
nv <- 0
j <- 1
while (j <= (nrow(anmat) - 1)) {
cval <- anmat[j, 2]
nval <- anmat[j + 1, 2]
if (nval == cval) {
if (cval == 1) {
# eliminate lesser of two peaks in case of eliminate last peak
s <- as.matrix(rep(FALSE, nrow(anmat)))
d1 <- anmat[j, 1]
d2 <- anmat[j + 1, 1]
if (x[d1] >= x[d2])
s[j + 1,1] <- TRUE
s[j,1] <- TRUE
anmat <- anmat[!s,,drop = F]
nv <- 1
j <- j - 1
} else {
# eliminate greater of two troughs in case of eliminate first trough
s <- as.matrix(rep(FALSE, nrow(anmat)))
d1 <- anmat[j, 1]
d2 <- anmat[j + 1, 1]
if (x[d1] >= x[d2])
s[j,1] <- TRUE
s[j + 1,1] <- TRUE
anmat <- anmat[!s,,drop = F]
nv <- 1
j <- j - 1
j <- j + 1
bcpn <- anmat[anmat[, 2] == 1, 1, drop = F]
bctn <- anmat[anmat[, 2] == 0, 1, drop = F]
return(list(peak = bcpn, trough = bctn))
# Function bbout1, bbout2 (joined in bbout) -------------------------------
bbout <- function(x, xsp, ilog) {
# Checks fo outliers in series and replaces with fitted values
# from spencer curve.
# Additive deviations from series used to check for outliers
# (appropriate for data in logarithms)
# Ratio-deviations from series used to check for outliers
# (appropriate for data in levels)
nd <- length(x)
if (ilog == 1) {
d <- x - xsp
} else {
d <- x / xsp
ds <- scale(d) # returns a matrix (no ts attributes)
dsi <- abs(ds) >= 3.5
# as in BB TP1 line 1340-1350 no changes to first and last obs
dsi[1] <- FALSE
dsi[nd] <- FALSE
xo <- x
tt <- 1:nd
if (sum(dsi) > 0) {
xo[dsi] <- xsp[dsi]
# Function dates1 ---------------------------------------------------------
dates1 <- function(x12) {
nd <- length(x12)
peak1 <- as.matrix(rep(0, nd))
trough1 <- as.matrix(rep(0, nd))
# Step 1
# Determine dates that are higher than any values n6 months
# Determine dates that are lower than any values n6 months
# These are initial peaks and troughs
# Note:
# BB documentation and books says that checks are made for
# n5 months. However, from their subroutine WTP, they look
# for local min/mas in n6 range.
# Handling of initial and terminal dates follows Bry-Bosch
# subroutine WTP
for (i in 2:6) {
if (x12[i] == max(x12[1:(i + 6)]))
peak1[i,1] <- 1
if (x12[i] == min(x12[1:(i + 6)]))
trough1[i,1] <- 1
for (i in 7:(nd - 1)) {
np <- min(c(i + 6, nd))
if (x12[i] == max(x12[(i - 6):np]))
peak1[i,1] <- 1
if (x12[i] == min(x12[(i - 6):np]))
trough1[i,1] <- 1
return(list(peak = peak1, trough = trough1))
# Function enfvb ----------------------------------------------------------
enfvb <- function(bcp, bct, x) {
# Eliminate turns with 6 months of beginning and end of series
# skip the procedure if either peak or trough contain missing values
if (nrow(bcp) == 0 | nrow(bct) == 0) {
warning("Missing values in the peak or trough")
return(list(peak = bcp, trough = bct))
nv <- 0
# check peaks
s <- as.matrix(rep(FALSE, nrow(bcp)))
if (bcp[1,1] <= 6) {
s[1,1] <- TRUE
nv <- 1
if (bcp[nrow(bcp),1] > (length(x) - 6)) {
s[nrow(bcp),1] <- TRUE
nv <- 1
bcp <- bcp[!s,,drop = F]
if (nrow(bcp) == 0 | nrow(bct) == 0) {
return(list(peak = bcp, trough = bct))
# check troughs
s <- as.matrix(rep(FALSE, nrow(bct)))
if (bct[1,1] <= 6) {
s[1,1] <- TRUE
nv <- 1
if (bct[nrow(bct),1] > (length(x) - 6)) {
s[nrow(bct),1] <- TRUE
nv <- 1
bct <- bct[!s,,drop = F]
if (nrow(bcp) == 0 | nrow(bct) == 0) {
return(list(peak = bcp, trough = bct))
if (nv != 0) {
bc <- alter2(bcp, bct, x)
bcp <- bc$peak
bct <- bc$trough
return(list(peak = bcp, trough = bct))
# Function enfvc ----------------------------------------------------------
enfvc <- function(bcp, bct, x) {
# Elimination of peaks (and troughs) at both ends which are lower (or higher)
# than values closer to end
nv <- 0
while (1) {
# A. check first date
# Skip this procedure if either bcp or bct contain missing values
if (nrow(bcp) == 0 | nrow(bct) == 0) {
warning("Missing values in the peak or trough")
return(list(peak = bcp, trough = bct))
m <- min(c(bcp, bct))
if (m == min(bcp)) {
# first TP is a peak
s <- as.matrix(rep(FALSE, nrow(bcp)))
d1 <- bcp[1, 1]
if (x[1] > x[d1]) {
s[1, 1] <- TRUE
nv <- 1
bcp <- bcp[!s,,drop = F]
next # GOTO TOP
} else {
# first TP is a trough
s <- as.matrix(rep(FALSE, nrow(bct)))
d1 <- bct[1, 1]
if (x[1] < x[d1]) {
s[1, 1] <- TRUE
nv <- 1
bcp <- bcp[!s,,drop = F]
next # GOTO TOP
# B. check last date
m <- max(c(bcp, bct))
if (m == max(bcp)) {
# last TP is a peak
s <- as.matrix(rep(FALSE, nrow(bcp)))
d1 <- bcp[nrow(bcp), 1]
if (x[length(x)] > x[d1]) {
s[nrow(bcp), 1] <- TRUE
nv <- 1
bcp <- bcp[!s,,drop = F]
next # GOTO TOP
} else {
# last TP is a trough
s <- as.matrix(rep(FALSE, nrow(bct)))
d1 <- bct[nrow(bct), 1]
if (x[length(x)] < x[d1]) {
s[nrow(bct), 1] <- 1
nv <- 1
bct <- bct[!s, , drop = F]
next # GOTO TOP
} # end TOP look
if (nv != 0) {
bc <- alter2(bcp, bct, x)
bcp <- bc$peak
bct <- bc$trough
return(list(peak = bcp, trough = bct))
# Function enfvd ----------------------------------------------------------
enfvd <- function(bcp, bct, x) {
# Enforce 15 month P-P and T-T cycles.
# If violated, choose highest peak and lowest trough
# Skip this procedure if either bcp or bct contain missing values
if (nrow(bcp) == 0 | nrow(bct) == 0) {
warning("Missing values in the peak or trough")
return(list(peak = bcp, trough = bct))
nv <- 0
# Check peak to peak
i <- 2
while (i <= nrow(bcp)) {
if ((bcp[i,1] - bcp[i - 1,1]) < 15) {
s <- as.matrix(rep(FALSE, nrow(bcp)))
# note eliminate latest peak if equal
d1 <- bcp[i - 1,1]
d2 <- bcp[i,1]
if (x[d1] >= x[d2]) s[i,1] <- TRUE else s[i - 1,1] <- TRUE
bcp <- bcp[!s,,drop = F]
nv <- 1
if (nrow(bcp) == 0 | nrow(bct) == 0) {
return(list(peak = bcp, trough = bct))
i <- i - 1
i <- i + 1
if (nv != 0) {
bc <- alter2(bcp, bct, x)
bcp <- bc$peak
bct <- bc$trough
nv <- 0
# Check Trough to Trough
i <- 2
while (i <= nrow(bct)) {
if ((bct[i,1] - bct[i - 1,1]) < 15) {
s <- as.matrix(rep(FALSE, nrow(bct)))
d1 <- bct[i - 1,1]
d2 <- bct[i,1]
# Note: eliminate first trough if equal
if (x[d1] < x[d2]) s[i,1] <- TRUE else s[i - 1,1] <- TRUE
bct <- bct[!s,,drop = F]
nv <- 1
if (nrow(bcp) == 0 | nrow(bct) == 0) {
return(list(peak = bcp, trough = bct))
i <- i - 1
i <- i + 1
if (nv != 0) {
bc <- alter2(bcp, bct, x)
bcp <- bc$peak
bct <- bc$trough
return(list(peak = bcp, trough = bct))
# Function enfve ----------------------------------------------------------
enfve <- function(bcp, bct, x){
# This follows the BB code, subroutine TP3 (lines 0250-580)
# If a violation is found the two turning points are eliminated
# If the violation occurs at the last turning point, then only
# the last turn is eliminated
# Skip this procedure if either bcp or bct contain missing values
if (nrow(bcp) == 0 | nrow(bct) == 0) {
warning("Missing values in the peak or trough")
return(list(peak = bcp, trough = bct))
bcp <- cbind(bcp,1)
bct <- cbind(bct,0)
anmat <- rbind(bcp, bct)
anmat <- anmat[order(anmat[,1]),]
nv <- 0
# Check all phases except last
j <- 1
while (j <= (nrow(anmat) - 2)) {
# bcp <- cbind(bcp,1)
# bct <- cbind(bct,0)
# anmat <- rbind(bcp, bct)
# anmat <- anmat[order(anmat[,1]),]
if ((j + 1) > (nrow(anmat) - 1)) break # This is included because dates
# and anmat is modified in loop
cind <- anmat[j,1]
nind <- anmat[j + 1,1]
if ((nind - cind) < 5) {
nv <- 1
s <- as.matrix(rep(FALSE, nrow(anmat)))
s[j,1] <- TRUE
s[j + 1,1] <- TRUE
anmat <- anmat[!s,,drop = F]
bcp <- anmat[anmat[,2] == 1,1,drop = F]
bct <- anmat[anmat[,2] == 0,1,drop = F]
if ((nrow(bcp) == 0) | (nrow(bct) == 0)) {
return(list(peak = bcp, trough = bct))
j <- j + 1
# Check final phase
cind <- anmat[nrow(anmat) - 1,1]
nind <- anmat[nrow(anmat),1]
if ((nind - cind) < 5) {
nv <- 1
anmat <- anmat[1:(nrow(anmat) - 1),, drop = F]
bcp <- anmat[anmat[,2] == 1,1,drop = F]
bct <- anmat[anmat[,2] == 0,1,drop = F]
if ((nrow(bcp) == 0) | (nrow(bct) == 0)) {
return(list(peak = bcp, trough = bct))
return(list(peak = bcp[,1], trough = bct[,1]))
# Function MA -------------------------------------------------------------
MA <- function(x, n) {
if (n == 1) return(x)
xsp <- forecast::ma(x, n)
# First nm observations (As in BB for MA12 -- modify for mcd)
n2 <- n / 2
n2t <- trunc(n2)
nm <-
np <- n2t # no need for the above code as MA is always centered
xsp[1:nm] <-
(cumsum(x[1:(nm + np)]) / 1:(nm + np))[(np + 1):(nm + np)]
# Last np observations (As in BB for MA12 -- modify for mcd)
nd <- length(x)
xsp[(nd - np + 1):nd] <-
rev((cumsum(x[rev((nd - (np + nm - 1)):nd)]) / 1:(nm + np))[1:nm])
# Function mcd1, mcd2 (combined in mcd) -----------------------------------
mcd <- function(series, h, ilog) {
# This procedure calculates the months of cyclical dominance of a series
# With logs differences are used
c <- spencer(series)
nd <- length(series)
if (ilog == 1) {
i <- series - c
} else {
i <- series / c
mcdv <- vector('numeric', length = h)
if (ilog == 1) {
for (j in 1:h) {
num <- sum(abs(diff(i,j)))
den <- sum(abs(diff(c,j)))
mcdv[j] <- num/den
} else {
for (j in 1:h) {
num <- sum(abs(i[(1 + j):nd] / i[1:(nd - j)] - 1))
den <- sum(abs(c[(1 + j):nd] / c[1:(nd - j)] - 1))
mcdv[j] <- num/den
if (is.na(which(mcdv < 1)[1])) {
stop("MCD beyond given h-limit. Increase h !!!")
} else {
mcd <- which(mcdv < 1)[1]
# Function refine ---------------------------------------------------------
refine <- function(bcp, bct, x, n) {
# Refine turning point dates
# The original dates are bcp (peaks) and bct (troughs)
# these are refined using the series x. The new dates are
# those highest (for peaks) or lowest (for troughs) which are
# within n periods of the old dates
# Notes, peaks and troughs must alternate, and this is checked and
# the dates modified if necessary
# for each peak date find highest n months
bcpn <- bcp
for (i in 1:nrow(bcp)) {
d <- bcp[i,1]
i1 <- max(c(n / 2, d - n))
i1 <- ceiling(i1)
i2 <- min(c(length(x) - n / 2, d + n))
i2 <- floor(i2)
tt <- i1:i2
b <- cbind(x[i1:i2], tt)
b <- b[order(b[, 1]), ]
# check for ties - chose earliest of the ties (earliest peak)
b <- b[b[, 1] == b[nrow(b), 1], , drop = F]
bcpn[i,1] <- min(b[, 2])
# for each trough date find lowest in spencer curve n 5 months
bctn <- bct
for (i in 1:nrow(bct)) {
d <- bct[i,1]
#tt <- -n:n ?? bug in the code?
i1 <- max(c(n / 2, d - n))
i1 <- ceiling(i1)
i2 <- min(c(length(x) - n / 2, d + n))
i2 <- floor(i2)
tt <- i1:i2
b <- cbind(x[i1:i2], tt)
b <- b[order(b[, 1]), ]
# check for ties -- choose latest of the ties (latest trough)
b <- b[b[, 1] == b[1, 1], , drop = F] ## DIFERENTE DO loop anterior...
bctn[i,1] <- max(b[, 2])
# make sure dates alternate
return(alter2(bcpn, bctn, x))
# myfun <- function(x) list(a = x, b = 2*x)
# lresult <- structure(NA,class = "result")
# "[<-.result" <- function(x,...,value) {
# args <- as.list(match.call())
# args <- args[-c(1:2,length(args))]
# length(value) <- length(args)
# for (i in seq(along = args)) {
# a <- args[[i]]
# if (!missing(a)) eval.parent(substitute(a <- v,list(a = a,v = value[[i]])))
# }
# x
# }
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