
Defines functions with_unclassed_to is_url_subpath_of `%||%`

Documented in is_url_subpath_of with_unclassed_to

#' If not NULL else
#' @param lhs Left-hand side
#' @param rhs Right-hand side
#' A shorthand for a common comparison
#' @name if_not_null_else
#' @return an object same as \code{lhs} or \code{rhs}
#' @keywords internal
`%||%` <- function(lhs, rhs) if (!length(lhs) || is.null(lhs)) rhs else lhs

#' Accessor for tools namespace
#' used internally for
#'   - tools:::.news_reader_default
#' @return tools namespace
#' @keywords internal
.tools <- memoise::memoise(function() {

#' check if a url originates from a list of repo urls
#' @param url a url which may stem from one of the provided base urls
#' @param urls vector of base urls
#' @return logical vector indicating which base urls have a sub url of
#'   \code{url}
#' @keywords internal
is_url_subpath_of <- function(url, urls) {
  grepl(paste0("(", paste0(gsub("/$", "", urls), collapse = "|"), ")"), url)

#' Evaluate an expression after first removing a range of S3 classes
#' @param x a structured S3-classed object
#' @param .class the class to unclass the object to
#' @param expr an expression to evaluate, avoiding parent classs dispatch
#' @param envir an environment in which the expression is to be evaluated
#' @return the result of \code{expr}
#' @keywords internal
with_unclassed_to <- function(x, .class = 1:length(class(x)), expr,
    envir = parent.frame()) {

  x_expr <- substitute(x)
  orig_class <- class(x)
  if (is.character(.class)) .class = 1:which(class(x) == .class)

  eval(bquote(class(.(x_expr)) <- class(.(x_expr))[-.(.class)]), envir = envir)
  out <- eval(expr, envir = envir)
  eval(bquote(class(.(x_expr)) <- .(orig_class)), envir = envir)

#' Find the S3 method that will be evaluated when an S3 generic is called by
#' an object of class \code{classes}
#' @inheritParams utils::getS3method
#' @param classes a character vector of classes used to search for the
#' appropriate S3 method
#' @importFrom utils getS3method
#' @return a S3 method
#' @keywords internal
firstS3method <- function(f, classes, envir = parent.frame()) {
  s3methods <- lapply(
    f = f,
    envir = envir,
    optional = TRUE)

  # [1][[1]] hacky way of getting first elem while coercing empty list to NULL
  Filter(Negate(is.null), s3methods)[1][[1]]

#' Capture side effects issued by an evaluated expression
#' All messaging condition side effects are captured in the order that they
#' are issued.
#' @param expr an expression to evaluate, capturing output events as they
#'   are issued
#' @param env the environment in which \code{expr} should be evaluated,
#'   defaulting to the calling environment.
#' @param quoted whether \code{expr} is a quoted object and should be evaluated
#'   as is, or whether the expression should be captured from the function call.
#'   Defaults to \code{FALSE}, capturing the passed expression.
#' @inheritParams base::sink
#' @importFrom utils head tail
#' @return an with_eval_recording object
#' @keywords internal
capture_expr_output <- function(expr, split = FALSE, env = parent.frame(),
    quoted = FALSE) {

  expr_quote <- substitute(expr)
  log_file <- tempfile("riskmetric_sink_", fileext = ".txt")
  log_file_con <- file(log_file, "wb")
  on.exit(try(close(log_file_con), silent = TRUE))

  cnds_seek <- numeric()
  cnds_err_traceback <- NULL
  cnds <- list() # messages + warnings + misc conditions

  append_cnd <- function(cnd, envir) {
    cnd_seek <- seek(log_file_con)
    assign("cnds_seek", append(cnds_seek, cnd_seek), envir = envir)
    assign("cnds", append(cnds, list(cnd)), envir = envir)

  n_calls <- length(sys.calls())
  fn_env <- environment()
  sink(log_file_con, split = split)
  res <- withVisible(tryCatch(withCallingHandlers(
    if (!quoted) eval(expr_quote, env) else eval(expr, env),
    condition = function(cnd) {
      if (inherits(cnd, "message") || inherits(cnd, "warning")) {
        calls <- utils::head(utils::tail(sys.calls(), -(8L + n_calls)), -5L)
        cnd$call <- if (length(calls) > 1) calls[[length(calls) - 1]] else NULL
        append_cnd(cnd, fn_env)
      } else if (inherits(cnd, "error")) {
        # trim call stack back to just the scope of the evaluated expression
        calls <- utils::head(utils::tail(sys.calls(), -(8L + n_calls)), -2L)
        cnd$call <- if (length(calls) > 1) calls[[length(calls) - 1]] else NULL
        append_cnd(cnd, fn_env)
        assign("cnds_err_traceback", rev(calls), envir = fn_env)
      } else {
        append_cnd(cnd, fn_env)
    error = function(e) {

  # read as raw so that we can keep carriage return and console-overwrites
  log_text <- rawToChar(readBin(log_file, "raw", file.size(log_file)))
  log_text_line_nchars <- nchar(strsplit(gsub("\r", "\n", log_text), "\n")[[1]])

  # NOTE: Windows might use two newline characters "\r\n"?
  log_newlines <- cumsum(log_text_line_nchars + 1L)

  # rejoin into singular string to split at newlines, as well as any condition
  # emission points
  log_cuts <- sort(unique(c(log_newlines, cnds_seek)))
  log_cuts <- log_cuts[log_cuts < nchar(log_text)]
  log_text <- substring(log_text, c(1, log_cuts + 1L), c(log_cuts, nchar(log_text)))
  log_chars <- cumsum(nchar(log_text))

  # find where to insert emitted conditions among output
  cnd_i <- findInterval(cnds_seek, log_chars)
  cnds_new_index <- cnd_i + seq_along(cnd_i)

  # inject conditions throughout console output as they were emitted
  outputs <- rep(list(NULL), length(log_text) + length(cnds_new_index))
  if (length(cnds_new_index) > 0L) {
    outputs[cnds_new_index] <- cnds
    outputs[-cnds_new_index] <- log_text
  } else {
    outputs <- log_text

  any_output_error <- any(vapply(outputs, inherits, logical(1L), "error"))

    .recording = list(
      expr = if (!quoted) expr_quote else expr,
      attributes = attributes(res$value),
      visible = res$visible,
      traceback = cnds_err_traceback,
      output = outputs[nzchar(outputs)]),
    class = c("with_eval_recording", class(res$value)))

is_error <- function(expr_output) {
  any(vapply(attr(expr_output, "output"), inherits, logical(1L), "error"))

#' Handle pretty printing of expression output
#' @param x expr_output to print
#' @param playback a \code{logical} indicating whether evaluation output
#'   should be played back (\code{FALSE}), or whether the result value should
#'   be printed as is (\code{TRUE}, the default)
#' @param cr a \code{logical} indicating whether carriage returns should be
#'   printed, possibly overwriting characters in the output.
#' @param ... additional arguments unused
#' @param sleep an \code{numeric} indicating a time to sleep between printing
#'   each line to console. This can be helpful if the original output overwrites
#'   valuable information in the log that is eventually overwritten and you
#'   would like to watch it play out as it was formatted.
#' @export
#' @return a print message
#' @keywords internal
print.with_eval_recording <- function(x, playback = FALSE, cr = TRUE, ...,
    sleep = 0) {

  # extract expr execution recording
  rec <- attr(x, ".recording")

  # extract value
  val <- x
  attributes(val) <- rec$attributes
  if (!playback) return(print(val))

  if (rec$expr[[1]] == "{") {
    x_call_str <- vapply(
      function(xi) paste0(deparse(xi), collapse = "\n"),
  } else {
    x_call_str <- capture.output(rec$expr)

  x_call_str[1] <- paste(">", x_call_str[1])
  x_call_str[-1] <- paste("+", x_call_str[-1])
  str_call <- paste(x_call_str, collapse = "\n")

  str_traceback <- paste(
      "%s %s",
    collapse = "\n")

  cat(str_call, "\n", sep = "")
  for (i in rec$output) {
    if (inherits(i, "message")) {
      message(i$message, appendLF = FALSE)
    } else if (inherits(i, "warning")) {
      message(gsub("^simple", "", .makeMessage(i)), appendLF = FALSE)
    } else if (inherits(i, "error")) {
      message(sprintf("Error%s: %s\n",
        if (!is.null(i$call)) sprintf(" in %s", format(i$call)) else "",
        i$message), appendLF = FALSE)
    } else if (inherits(i, "condition")) {
    } else if (cr) {
    } else if (nzchar(gsub("\r", "", i))) {
      cat(gsub("\r", "\n", i))
    if (sleep > 0L) Sys.sleep(sleep)
  if (!is.null(rec$traceback) && length(rec$traceback))
    cat(str_traceback, "\n", sep = "")
  else if (rec$visible)

#' Suppress messages and warnings based on one or more regex matches
#' @param expr An expression to evaluate
#' @param ... Named parameters, where the name indicates the class of conditions
#'   to capture and the value is a vector of regular expressions that, when
#'   matched against the respective condition message, should suppress that
#'   condition.
#' @param .opts A named list of arguments to pass to \code{grepl}
#' @param .envir The environment in which \code{expr} is to be evaluated
#' @return a message printed on console
#' @keywords internal
suppressMatchingConditions <- function(expr, ..., .opts = list(),
    .envir = parent.frame()) {

  optioned_grepl <- function(pattern, x)
    do.call(grepl, append(list(pattern = pattern, x = x), .opts))

  generate_cond_handler <- function(cond_regexes) {
    function(cond) {
      if (any(sapply(cond_regexes, optioned_grepl, conditionMessage(cond))))

    append(list(expr), lapply(list(...), generate_cond_handler)))

#' Evaluate an expression in the context of a pkg_ref
#' \code{pkg_ref} objects are environments and can be passed to \code{with}
#' in much the same way. This specialized function makes sure that any fields
#' within the \code{pkg_ref} have been appropriately evaluated before trying
#' to execute the expression.
#' @inheritParams base::with
#' @return the value of the evaluated expr.
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
with.pkg_ref <- function(data, expr, ...) {
  expr <- substitute(expr)
  for (n in intersect(names(data), all.names(expr))) data[[n]]
  eval(expr, as.list(data), enclos = parent.frame())

is_available_cran <- function(x, repos, p) {
  x %in% memoise_available_packages(repos = repos)[,"Package"] ||
    (!is.null(memoise_cran_mirrors()) &&
       # isTRUE added to catch any issues where the cran mirror isn't available
         c(memoise_cran_mirrors()$URL, "https://cran.rstudio.com/"))))

is_available_bioc <- function(x, p){
  x %in% memoise_bioc_available()[,"Package"] ||
    (!is.null(memoise_bioc_mirrors()) &&
       isTRUE(is_url_subpath_of(p$repo_base_url, memoise_bioc_mirrors()$URL)))
pharmaR/riskmetric documentation built on Sept. 18, 2024, 7:31 a.m.