
##  Warning!
##  Requires ~8GB RAM to run the script

if (!dir.exists("inst/extdata/restricted_us")) {

  if (["sysname"] != "Linux") {
    warning("It looks like you're not using a Linux system\n
            I cannot automatically unzip and place the
            Understanding Society data files in the correct place.\n
            Manually copy the *.tab files in UKDA-6614-tab/tab
            to inst/extdata/restricted_us/\n
            You can also move the documentation to
            inst/doc/restricted_us [optional]")
  } else {
    dir.create("inst/extdata/restricted_us/", showWarnings = FALSE)

    # Looks like filename is unique; use 6614TAB_ to obtain the filename
    us_zip <- list.files("inst/extdata/", pattern = "6614TAB_",
                         full.names = TRUE)
    unzip(us_zip, exdir = "inst/extdata/restricted_us/")

    # Move documentation
               recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
    system2("mv", args = c("inst/extdata/restricted_us/UKDA-6614-tab/mrdoc",

    # Move data files
            args = c("inst/extdata/restricted_us/UKDA-6614-tab/tab/*.tab",
    system2("rm", c("-rf", "inst/extdata/restricted_us/UKDA-6614-tab/tab/"))

    # Move README and file information
    system2("mv", c("inst/extdata/restricted_us/UKDA-6614-tab/*.*",
    system2("rm", c("-rf", "inst/extdata/restricted_us/UKDA-6614-tab/"))



if (!file.exists("data/us.RData")) {

  # Prepare wave f ====
  usf <- readr::read_tsv("inst/extdata/restricted_us/",
                  na = c("-11", "-10", "-9", "-8", "-7", "-2", "-1")
                  # -11 only available for IEMB
                  # -10 not available for IEMB
                  # -9 missing
                  # -8 Inapplicable
                  # -7 Proxy
                  # -2 Refused
                  # -1 Don't know
  ) %>%
    select(pidp, f_hidp,   # id and household id
           f_hhorig,       # sample origin (i.e. BHPS)
           f_dvage,        # derived age
           f_sex,          # sex corrected
           f_racel,        # ethnic group
           f_hiqual_dv,    # highest qualification
           f_jbstat,       # current economic activity
           f_health,       # long-standing illness or disability
           f_scsf1,        # self-reported general health
           f_jbnssec_dv,   # NS-SEC/social class
           f_jbnssec8_dv,  # NS-SEC 8
           f_jbnssec5_dv,  # NS-SEC 5
           f_jbnssec3_dv,  # NS-SEC 3
           f_mlstat,       # marital status
           f_scopngbhe,    # willing to improve neighbourhood
           f_scopngbhg,    # similar to others in neighbourhood
           f_nbrcoh3,      # people in neighbourhood can be trusted
           f_scopngbha,    # belong to neighbourhood
           f_orga1,        # active in organisation
           f_orga2,        # active in organisation
           f_orga3,        # active in organisation
           f_orga4,        # active in organisation
           f_orga5,        # active in organisation
           f_orga6,        # active in organisation
           f_orga7,        # active in organisation
           f_orga8,        # active in organisation
           f_orga9,        # active in organisation
           f_orga10,       # active in organisation
           f_orga11,       # active in organisation
           f_orga12,       # active in organisation
           f_orga13,       # active in organisation
           f_orga14,       # active in organisation
           f_orga15,       # active in organisation
           f_orga16,       # active in organisation
           f_nbrcoh4,      # people in neighbourhood don't get along
           f_crdark,       # feel safe walking alone at night
           f_siminc,       # Prop friends with similar income
           f_simrace,      # Friends similar ethnicity
           f_poleff4,      # don't have say in what g'ment does
           f_finnow,       # subjective financial status
           f_closenum,     # number of close friends
           f_scghqa,       # GHQ: concentration
           f_scghqb,       # GHQ: loss of sleep
           f_scghqc,       # GHQ: playing a useful role
           f_scghqd,       # GHQ: capable of making decisions
           f_scghqe,       # GHQ: constantly under strain
           f_scghqf,       # GHQ: problem overcoming difficulties
           f_scghqg,       # GHQ: enjoy day-to-day activities
           f_scghqh,       # GHQ: ability to face problems
           f_scghqi,       # GHQ: unhappy or depressed
           f_scghqj,       # GHQ: losing confidence
           f_scghqk,       # GHQ: believe worthless
           f_scghql,       # GHQ: general happiness
           f_ncigs,        # Cigs smoked
           f_netlv_1,      # distance best friend lives
           f_netlv_2,      # distance best friend lives
           f_netlv_3,      # distance best friend lives
           f_netph_1,      # best friend often in touch
           f_netph_2,      # best friend often in touch
           f_netph_3,      # best friend often in touch
           f_save,         # saves money
                           # received core benefit:
           f_benbase1,     #   1 == income support
           f_benbase2,     #   2 == job-seekers allowance
                           # other benefit:
           f_othben5,      #   5 == working tax credit;
           f_othben8,      #   8 == housing benefit
           f_benctc,       # received child tax credit
           f_bendis2,      # disability benefits (ESA == 2)
           f_hubuys,       # who does food shopping? (for cohabiting couples)
           f_hcond17       # clinical depression
           # f_btype6,     # tax credits
           # f_disdif,     # Type of impairment or disability
           # f_hcondno1,   # Diagnosed health condition(s)
           # f_hcondno2, f_hcondno3, f_hcondno4, f_hcondno5, f_hcondno6,
           # f_hcondno7,
           # f_hcondns1,   # still has condition
           # f_hcondns2, f_hcondns3, f_hcondns4, f_hcondns5, f_hcondns6,
           # f_hcondns7,
           # f_scsf2a,     # health limits moderate activities
           # f_scsf2b,     # health limits several flights of stairs
           # f_scsf3a,     # health limits work (last 4 wks)
           # f_scsf3b,     # health limits kind of work (last 4 wks)
           # f_scsf4a,     # mental health accomp. less (last 4 wks)
           # f_scsf4b,     # mental health worked less carefully (last 4 wks)
           # f_scsf5,      # pain interfered w/ work (last 4 wks)
           # f_scsf6a,     # felt calm & peaceful (last 4 wks)
           # f_scsf6b,     # Had lots of energy (last 4 wks)
           # f_scsf6c,     # Felt downhearted/depressed (last 4 wks)
           # f_scsf7,      # health (p or m) interfered w/ social life (4 wks)
           # f_sclfsat1,     # Satisfaction with health
           # f_sclfsato,     # Satisfaction with life overall

  # Prepare wave e ====
  use <- readr::read_tsv("inst/extdata/restricted_us/",
                         na = c("-11", "-10", "-9", "-8", "-7", "-2", "-1")) %>%
    select(pidp, e_hidp,   # id and household id
           e_hhorig,       # sample origin (i.e. BHPS)
           e_dvage,        # derived age
           e_sex,          # sex corrected
           e_racel,        # ethnic group
           e_hiqual_dv,    # highest qualification
           e_jbstat,       # current economic activity
           e_health,       # long-standing illness or disability
           e_scsf1,        # self-reported general health
           e_jbnssec_dv,   # NS-SEC/social class
           e_jbnssec8_dv,  # NS-SEC 8
           e_jbnssec5_dv,  # NS-SEC 5
           e_jbnssec3_dv,  # NS-SEC 3
           e_mlstat,       # marital status
           e_finnow,       # subjective financial status
           e_scghqa,       # GHQ: concentration
           e_scghqb,       # GHQ: loss of sleep
           e_scghqc,       # GHQ: playing a useful role
           e_scghqd,       # GHQ: capable of making decisions
           e_scghqe,       # GHQ: constantly under strain
           e_scghqf,       # GHQ: problem overcoming difficulties
           e_scghqg,       # GHQ: enjoy day-to-day activities
           e_scghqh,       # GHQ: ability to face problems
           e_scghqi,       # GHQ: unhappy or depressed
           e_scghqj,       # GHQ: losing confidence
           e_scghqk,       # GHQ: believe worthless
           e_scghql,       # GHQ: general happiness
           e_ncigs,        # cigs smoked per day
           e_benunemp1,    # job-seekers allowance
           e_btype2,       # income support
           e_btype3,       # sickness benefit, incl. ESA
           # I think there's an error in the coding of Universal Credit
           # it's labelled as e_btype10 but is in the wrong order
           e_btype6,       # tax credits
           e_hcond17       # clinical depression

  # Prepare wave d ====
  usd <- readr::read_tsv("inst/extdata/restricted_us/",
                  na = c("-11", "-10", "-9", "-8", "-7", "-2", "-1")) %>%
    select(pidp, d_hidp,
           d_jbstat,       # economic activity
           d_jbnssec_dv,   # NS-SEC/social class
           d_jbnssec8_dv,  # NS-SEC 8
           d_jbnssec5_dv,  # NS-SEC 5
           d_jbnssec3_dv,  # NS-SEC 3
           d_mlstat,       # marital status
           d_finnow,       # subjective financial situation
           d_scghqa,       # GHQ: concentration
           d_scghqb,       # GHQ: loss of sleep
           d_scghqc,       # GHQ: playing a useful role
           d_scghqd,       # GHQ: capable of making decisions
           d_scghqe,       # GHQ: constantly under strain
           d_scghqf,       # GHQ: problem overcoming difficulties
           d_scghqg,       # GHQ: enjoy day-to-day activities
           d_scghqh,       # GHQ: ability to face problems
           d_scghqi,       # GHQ: unhappy or depressed
           d_scghqj,       # GHQ: losing confidence
           d_scghqk,       # GHQ: believe worthless
           d_scghql,       # GHQ: general happiness
           d_save,         # saves money
           d_benunemp1,    # job-seekers allowance
           d_btype2,       # income support
           d_btype3,       # sickness benefit, incl. ESA
           # I think there's an error in the coding of Universal Credit
           # it's labelled as e_btype10 but is in the wrong order
           d_btype6,       # tax credits
           d_hubuys,       # who does food shopping? (for cohabiting couples)
           d_hcond17     # clinical depression

  # Prepare wave c ====
  usc <- readr::read_tsv("inst/extdata/restricted_us/",
                  na = c("-11", "-10", "-9", "-8", "-7", "-2", "-1")) %>%
    select(pidp, c_hidp,
           c_jbnssec_dv,   # NS-SEC/social class
           c_jbnssec8_dv,  # NS-SEC 8
           c_jbnssec5_dv,  # NS-SEC 5
           c_jbnssec3_dv,  # NS-SEC 3
           c_mlstat,       # marital status
           c_scopngbhe,    # willing improve neighbourhood
           c_scopngbhg,    # similar to others in neighbourhood
           c_scopngbha,    # belong neighbourhood
           c_nbrcoh3,      # people in neighbourhood can be trusted
           c_crdark,       # safe walking alone at night
           c_orga1,        # active in organisation
           c_orga2,        # active in organisation
           c_orga3,        # active in organisation
           c_orga4,        # active in organisation
           c_orga5,        # active in organisation
           c_orga6,        # active in organisation
           c_orga7,        # active in organisation
           c_orga8,        # active in organisation
           c_orga9,        # active in organisation
           c_orga10,       # active in organisation
           c_orga11,       # active in organisation
           c_orga12,       # active in organisation
           c_orga13,       # active in organisation
           c_orga14,       # active in organisation
           c_orga15,       # active in organisation
           c_orga16,       # active in organisation
           c_nbrcoh4,      # people in neighbourhood don't get along
           c_poleff4,      # don't have say in what g'ment does
           c_siminc,       # Prop. friends with similar income
           c_simrace,      # Prop. friends similar ethnicity
           c_finnow,       # subjective financial situation
           c_benunemp1,    # job-seekers allowance
           c_btype2,       # income support
           c_btype3,       # sickness benefit (inc. ESA)
           # I think there's an error in the coding of Universal Credit
           # it's labelled as e_btype10 but is in the wrong order
           c_btype6,       # tax credits
           c_closenum,     # Number of close friends
           c_scghqa,       # GHQ: concentration
           c_scghqb,       # GHQ: loss of sleep
           c_scghqc,       # GHQ: playing a useful role
           c_scghqd,       # GHQ: capable of making decisions
           c_scghqe,       # GHQ: constantly under strain
           c_scghqf,       # GHQ: problem overcoming difficulties
           c_scghqg,       # GHQ: enjoy day-to-day activities
           c_scghqh,       # GHQ: ability to face problems
           c_scghqi,       # GHQ: unhappy or depressed
           c_scghqj,       # GHQ: losing confidence
           c_scghqk,       # GHQ: believe worthless
           c_scghql,       # GHQ: general happiness
           c_netlv_1,      # distance best friend lives
           c_netlv_2,      # distance best friend lives
           c_netlv_3,      # distance best friend lives
           c_netph_1,      # best friend often in touch
           c_netph_2,      # best friend often in touch
           c_netph_3,      # best friend often in touch
           c_hcond17       # clinical depression

  # Prepare wave b ====
  usb <- readr::read_tsv("inst/extdata/restricted_us/",
                  na = c("-11", "-10", "-9", "-8", "-7", "-2", "-1")) %>%
    select(pidp, b_hidp,
           b_jbnssec_dv,   # NS-SEC/social class
           b_jbnssec8_dv,  # NS-SEC 8
           b_jbnssec5_dv,  # NS-SEC 5
           b_jbnssec3_dv,  # NS-SEC 3
           b_mlstat,       # marital status
           b_finnow,       # subjective financial situation
           b_scghqa,       # GHQ: concentration
           b_scghqb,       # GHQ: loss of sleep
           b_scghqc,       # GHQ: playing a useful role
           b_scghqd,       # GHQ: capable of making decisions
           b_scghqe,       # GHQ: constantly under strain
           b_scghqf,       # GHQ: problem overcoming difficulties
           b_scghqg,       # GHQ: enjoy day-to-day activities
           b_scghqh,       # GHQ: ability to face problems
           b_scghqi,       # GHQ: unhappy or depressed
           b_scghqj,       # GHQ: losing confidence
           b_scghqk,       # GHQ: believe worthless
           b_scghql,       # GHQ: general happiness
           b_ncigs,        # cigs smoked per day
           b_save,         # saves money
           b_benunemp1,    # job-seekers allowance
           b_btype2,       # income support
           b_btype3,       # sickness benefit (inc. ESA)
           # I think there's an error in the coding of Universal Credit
           # it's labelled as e_btype10 but is in the wrong order
           b_btype6,       # tax credits
           b_hubuys,       # who does food shopping? (for cohabiting couples)
           b_hcondn17      # clinical depression

  # Prepare wave a ====
  usa <- readr::read_tsv("inst/extdata/restricted_us/",
                  na = c("-11", "-10", "-9", "-8", "-7", "-2", "-1")) %>%
    select(pidp, a_hidp,
           a_jbnssec_dv,   # NS-SEC/social class
           a_jbnssec8_dv,  # NS-SEC 8
           a_jbnssec5_dv,  # NS-SEC 5
           a_jbnssec3_dv,  # NS-SEC 3
           a_mlstat,       # marital status
           a_scopngbhe,    # willing to improve neighbourhood
           a_scopngbhg,    # similar to others in neighbourhood
           a_scopngbha,    # belong to neighbourhood
           a_sctrust,      # trust in others (neighbourhood)
           a_finnow,       # subjective financial situation
           a_benunemp1,    # job-seekers allowance
           a_btype2,       # income support
           a_btype3,       # sickness benefit (inc. ESA)
           # I think there's an error in the coding of Universal Credit
           # it's labelled as e_btype10 but is in the wrong order
           a_btype6,       # tax credits
           a_scghqa,       # GHQ: concentration
           a_scghqb,       # GHQ: loss of sleep
           a_scghqc,       # GHQ: playing a useful role
           a_scghqd,       # GHQ: capable of making decisions
           a_scghqe,       # GHQ: constantly under strain
           a_scghqf,       # GHQ: problem overcoming difficulties
           a_scghqg,       # GHQ: enjoy day-to-day activities
           a_scghqh,       # GHQ: ability to face problems
           a_scghqi,       # GHQ: unhappy or depressed
           a_scghqj,       # GHQ: losing confidence
           a_scghqk,       # GHQ: believe worthless
           a_scghql,       # GHQ: general happiness
           a_hcond17       # clinical depression

  # Merge waves ====
  us <- usf %>%
    full_join(use, by = "pidp") %>%
    full_join(usd, by = "pidp") %>%
    full_join(usc, by = "pidp") %>%
    full_join(usb, by = "pidp") %>%
    full_join(usa, by = "pidp")

  rm(usa, usb, usc, usd, use, usf)

    us$pidp == unique(us$pidp),
    !(any(us == -9, na.rm = TRUE))

  # Prepare household responses ====
  hhf <- readr::read_tsv("inst/extdata/restricted_us/",
                  na = c("-11", "-10", "-9", "-8", "-7", "-2", "-1")) %>%
           f_hsownd, f_tenure_dv,
           f_hsbeds,        # no. bedrooms
           f_hsrooms,       # no. other rooms
           f_hhsize,        # no. people currently in household
           f_nkids015,      # no. children 0-15 in hhold
           f_fihhmngrs_dv,  # gross hh income month before interview
           f_rent,          # last rental payment
           f_rentwc,        # weeks covered by last rent payment f_rent
           f_xpmg,          # last mortgage payment
           f_xphsdb,        # problems paying housing costs
           f_xpaltob_g3     # £ spent on alcohol

  hhe <- readr::read_tsv("inst/extdata/restricted_us/",
                  na = c("-11", "-10", "-9", "-8", "-7", "-2", "-1")) %>%
           e_hsownd, e_tenure_dv,
           e_hsbeds,        # no. bedrooms
           e_hsrooms,       # no. other rooms
           e_hhsize,        # no. people currently in household
           e_nkids_dv,      # no. children in hhold
           e_fihhmngrs_dv,  # gross hh income month before interview
           e_rent,          # last rent payment £
           e_rentwc,        # weeks covered by e_rent
           e_xpmg,          # last mortgage payment
           e_xphsdb,        # behind with rent/mortgage
           e_xpaltob_g3     # £ spent on alcohol

  hhd <- readr::read_tsv("inst/extdata/restricted_us/",
                  na = c("-11", "-10", "-9", "-8", "-7", "-2", "-1")) %>%
           d_hsownd, d_tenure_dv,
           d_fihhmngrs_dv,  # gross hh income month before interview
           d_rent,          # last rent payment £
           d_rentwc,        # weeks covered by d_rent
           d_xphsdb,        # problems paying for housing costs
           d_xpmg,        # last mortgage payment
           d_xpaltob_g3     # £ spent on alcohol

  hhc <- readr::read_tsv("inst/extdata/restricted_us/",
                  na = c("-11", "-10", "-9", "-8", "-7", "-2", "-1")) %>%
           c_hsownd, c_tenure_dv,
           c_nkids015,      # no. children (<16) in hhold
           c_fihhmngrs_dv,  # gross hh income month before interview
           c_rent,          # last rent payment £
           c_rentwc,        # period covered c_rent
           c_xpmg,          # last mortgage payment
           c_xphsdb,        # behind with rent/mortgage
           c_xpaltob_g3     # £ spent on alcohol

  hhb <- readr::read_tsv("inst/extdata/restricted_us/",
                  na = c("-11", "-10", "-9", "-8", "-7", "-2", "-1")) %>%
           b_hsownd, b_tenure_dv,
           b_nkids015,      # no. children in hhold (<16)
           b_fihhmngrs_dv,  # gross hh income month before interview
           b_xphsdb,        # problems paying housing costs
           b_xpmg,          # last mortgage payment
           b_rent,          # last rent payment £
           b_rentwc,        # weeks covered b_rent
           b_xpaltob_g3     # £ spent on alcohol

  hha <- readr::read_tsv("inst/extdata/restricted_us/",
                  na = c("-11", "-10", "-9", "-8", "-7", "-2", "-1")) %>%
           a_hsownd, a_tenure_dv,
           a_numchild,      # no. children in hhold
           a_fihhmngrs_dv,  # gross hh income month before interview
           a_rent,          # last rent payment £
           a_rentwc,        # weeks covered last rent payment
           a_xpmg,          # last mortgage payment
           a_xphsdb,        # problems paying housing costs
           a_xpaltob_g3     # £ spent on alcohol

    !(any(hhe == -9, na.rm = TRUE)),
    !(any(hhd == -9, na.rm = TRUE)),
    !(any(hhc == -9, na.rm = TRUE)),
    !(any(hhb == -9, na.rm = TRUE)),
    !(any(hha == -9, na.rm = TRUE))

  # Merge household responses ====
  us <- us %>%
    left_join(hhf, by = "f_hidp") %>%
    left_join(hhe, by = "e_hidp") %>%
    left_join(hhd, by = "d_hidp") %>%
    left_join(hhc, by = "c_hidp") %>%
    left_join(hhb, by = "b_hidp") %>%
    left_join(hha, by = "a_hidp")

  rm(hhf, hhe, hhd, hhc, hhb, hha)

  # # Nurse health assessments ====
  # nhac <- readr::read_tsv("inst/extdata/restricted_us_nha/")
  # nhac <- select(nhac, -c_waist3)  # All NA
  # nhac[nhac == -9] <- NA  # missing
  # nhac[nhac == -8] <- NA  # Inapplicable
  # nhac[nhac == -7] <- NA  # Proxy
  # nhac[nhac == -2] <- NA  # Refused
  # nhac[nhac == -1] <- NA  # Don't know
  # stopifnot(
  #   !(any(nhac == -9, na.rm = TRUE))
  # )
  # nhab <- readr::read_tsv("inst/extdata/restricted_us_nha/",
  #                  col_types = cols(
  #                    b_wtpc        = col_double()
  #                  )
  # )
  # nhab[nhab == -9] <- NA  # missing
  # nhab[nhab == -8] <- NA  # Inapplicable
  # nhab[nhab == -7] <- NA  # Proxy
  # nhab[nhab == -2] <- NA  # Refused
  # nhab[nhab == -1] <- NA  # Don't know
  # stopifnot(
  #   !(any(nhab == -9, na.rm = TRUE))
  # )
  # # Merge nurse health assessments ====
  # us <- left_join(us, nhac, by = "pidp")
  # us <- left_join(us, nhab, by = "pidp")
  # rm(nhac, nhab)

  # Test ====
  stopifnot(  # make sure variables from all waves are present
    any(grepl("a_", colnames(us))),
    any(grepl("b_", colnames(us))),
    any(grepl("c_", colnames(us))),
    any(grepl("d_", colnames(us))),
    any(grepl("e_", colnames(us))),
    any(grepl("f_", colnames(us))),
    any(grepl("hh", colnames(us)))

  # Code region ====
  us$region <- NA
  us$region <- us$f_gor_dv
  us$region[$region)] <- us$e_gor_dv[$region)]
  us$region[$region)] <- us$d_gor_dv[$region)]
  us$region[$region)] <- us$c_gor_dv[$region)]
  us$region[$region)] <- us$b_gor_dv[$region)]
  us$region[$region)] <- us$a_gor_dv[$region)]

  us$region <- factor(us$region, levels = 1:12,
                      labels = c("NE", "NW", "YH", "EM", "WM", "EE",
                                 "LN", "SE", "SW", "WA", "SC", "NI"),
                      ordered = FALSE)

  us <- us %>%
    select(-f_gor_dv, -e_gor_dv, -d_gor_dv, -c_gor_dv, -b_gor_dv, -a_gor_dv)

  # Code respondent origin ====
  # Was going to remove BHPS sample members because of survey fatigue
  # us$origin <- NA
  # us$origin <- us$f_hhorig
  # us$origin[$origin)] <- us$e_hhorig[$origin)]
  # us$origin[$origin)] <- us$d_hhorig[$origin)]
  # us$origin[$origin)] <- us$c_hhorig[$origin)]
  # us$origin[$origin)] <- us$b_hhorig[$origin)]
  # us$origin[$origin)] <- us$a_hhorig[$origin)]

  # us <- us %>%
  #   filter(origin != 3) %>%
  #   filter(origin != 4) %>%
  #   filter(origin != 5) %>%
  #   filter(origin != 6)

  us <- us %>%
    select(-f_hhorig, -e_hhorig, -d_hhorig, -c_hhorig, -b_hhorig, -a_hhorig)

  # Recode age ====
  # cut us$c_dvage to match census
  us$age_full <- NA
  us$age_full <- us$f_dvage
  us$age_full[$age_full)] <- us$e_dvage[$age_full)] + 1
  us$age_full[$age_full)] <- us$d_dvage[$age_full)] + 2
  us$age_full[$age_full)] <- us$c_dvage[$age_full)] + 3
  us$age_full[$age_full)] <- us$b_dvage[$age_full)] + 4
  us$age_full[$age_full)] <- us$a_dvage[$age_full)] + 5
  us$age_full[$age_full)] <- round(mean(us$age_full, na.rm = TRUE))

  us$age <- cut(us$age_full,
                breaks = c(min(us$age_full),
                           17, 19, 24, 29, 44, 59, 64, 74, 84, 89,
                include.lowest = TRUE,
                labels = c("age_16_17", "age_18_19", "age_20_24",
                           "age_25_29", "age_30_44", "age_45_59",
                           "age_60_64", "age_65_74", "age_75_84",
                           "age_85_89", "age_90_plus"))


  us <- us %>%
    select(-f_dvage, -e_dvage, -d_dvage, -c_dvage, -b_dvage, -a_dvage)

  # Recode sex ====
  us$sex <- NA
  us$sex <- us$f_sex
  us$sex[$sex)] <- us$e_sex[$sex)]
  us$sex[$sex)] <- us$d_sex[$sex)]
  us$sex[$sex)] <- us$c_sex[$sex)]
  us$sex[$sex)] <- us$b_sex[$sex)]
  us$sex[$sex)] <- us$a_sex[$sex)]

  us$sex <- factor(us$sex,
                   levels = 1:2,
                   labels = c("sex_male", "sex_female"))

  us$sex <- forcats::fct_relevel(us$sex, "sex_female", "sex_male")

  us <- us %>%
    select(-f_sex, -e_sex, -d_sex, -c_sex, -b_sex, -a_sex)

  # Recode ethnicity ====
  us$eth_full <- NA
  us$eth_full <- us$f_racel
  us$eth_full[$eth_full)] <- us$e_racel[$eth_full)]
  us$eth_full[$eth_full)] <- us$d_racel[$eth_full)]
  us$eth_full[$eth_full)] <- us$c_racel[$eth_full)]
  us$eth_full[$eth_full)] <- us$b_racel[$eth_full)]
  us$eth_full[$eth_full)] <- us$a_racel[$eth_full)]

  us$eth_full <- factor(us$eth_full, levels = c(1:17, 97),
                        labels = c("White British",
                                   "Gypsy or Irish Traveller",
                                   "other White",
                                   "White and Black Caribbean",
                                   "White and Black African",
                                   "White and Asian",
                                   "other mixed",
                                   "other Asian",
                                   "other black",
                                   "other ethnic group"),
                        ordered = FALSE)

  us <- us %>%
    select(-f_racel, -e_racel, -d_racel, -c_racel, -b_racel, -a_racel)

  # Code ethnic minority group
  us$eth_minority <- NA
  us$eth_minority[us$eth_full == "White British"] <- FALSE
  us$eth_minority[us$eth_full != "White British"] <- TRUE

  # Code reduced ethnic groups
  # Reduced ethnic group classes - to match census aggregate files
  us$eth <- NA
  us$eth[us$eth_full == "White British"]             <- 1
  us$eth[us$eth_full == "Irish"]                     <- 2
  us$eth[us$eth_full == "Gypsy or Irish Traveller"]  <- 3
  us$eth[us$eth_full == "other White"]               <- 3
  us$eth[us$eth_full == "White and Black Caribbean"] <- 4
  us$eth[us$eth_full == "White and Black African"]   <- 4
  us$eth[us$eth_full == "White and Asian"]           <- 4
  us$eth[us$eth_full == "other mixed"]               <- 4
  us$eth[us$eth_full == "Indian"]                    <- 5
  us$eth[us$eth_full == "Pakistani"]                 <- 5
  us$eth[us$eth_full == "Bangladeshi"]               <- 5
  us$eth[us$eth_full == "Chinese"]                   <- 5
  us$eth[us$eth_full == "other Asian"]               <- 5
  us$eth[us$eth_full == "Caribbean"]                 <- 6
  us$eth[us$eth_full == "African"]                   <- 6
  us$eth[us$eth_full == "other black"]               <- 6
  us$eth[us$eth_full == "Arab"]                      <- 7
  us$eth[us$eth_full == "other ethnic group"]        <- 7
  us$eth <- factor(us$eth,
                   levels = 1:7,
                   labels = c("eth_british",
                   ordered = FALSE)

  # Recode education ====
  # Create most recent known hiqual
  us$tmp <- NA
  us$tmp <- us$f_hiqual_dv
  us$tmp[$tmp)] <- us$e_hiqual_dv[$tmp)]
  us$tmp[$tmp)] <- us$d_hiqual_dv[$tmp)]
  us$tmp[$tmp)] <- us$c_hiqual_dv[$tmp)]
  us$tmp[$tmp)] <- us$b_hiqual_dv[$tmp)]
  us$tmp[$tmp)] <- us$a_hiqual_dv[$tmp)]

  us$qual <- NA
  us$qual[us$tmp == 9] <- 0  # No qualification
  # GCSE A*-C Level 2; GCSE D-G Level 1. US not split, so all GCSEs L2
  us$qual[us$tmp == 4] <- 2  # L1 or L2: GCSE
  us$qual[us$tmp == 3] <- 3  # L3: AS/A Level
  us$qual[us$tmp == 2] <- 4  # L4: Degree or above
  us$qual[us$tmp == 1] <- 4  # L4: Degree or above
  us$qual[us$tmp == 5] <- 5  # other qualification

  us$qual <- factor(us$qual,
                    levels = c(0, 2:5),
                    labels = c("qual_0",
                    ordered = FALSE)

  us <- us %>%
           -f_hiqual_dv, -e_hiqual_dv, -d_hiqual_dv, -c_hiqual_dv, -b_hiqual_dv,

  # Recode car or van availability ====
  us$car <- NA
  us$car <- us$f_ncars
  us$car[$car)] <- us$e_ncars[$car)]
  us$car[$car)] <- us$d_ncars[$car)]
  us$car[$car)] <- us$c_ncars[$car)]
  us$car[$car)] <- us$b_ncars[$car)]
  us$car[$car)] <- us$a_ncars[$car)]

  us$car <- replace(us$car, us$car > 2 & !$car), 2)
  us$car <- factor(us$car, levels = 0:2,
                   labels = c("car_0", "car_1", "car_2_plus"),
                   ordered = FALSE)

  us <- us %>%
    select(-f_ncars, -e_ncars, -d_ncars, -c_ncars, -b_ncars, -a_ncars)

  # Recode heat ====
  us$heat <- NA
  us$heat <- us$f_heatch
  us$heat[$heat)] <- us$e_heatch[$heat)]
  us$heat[$heat)] <- us$d_heatch[$heat)]
  us$heat[$heat)] <- us$c_heatch[$heat)]
  us$heat[$heat)] <- us$b_heatch[$heat)]
  us$heat[$heat)] <- us$a_heatch[$heat)]

  us$heat[us$heat == 2] <- 0

  us$heat <- factor(us$heat, levels = 0:1,
                    labels = c("heat_no", "heat_yes"),
                    ordered = FALSE)

  us <- us %>%
    select(-f_heatch, -e_heatch, -d_heatch, -c_heatch, -b_heatch, -a_heatch)

  # Recode tenure ====
  us$ten_full <- NA
  us$ten_full <- us$f_hsownd
  us$ten_full[$ten_full)] <- us$e_hsownd[$ten_full)]
  us$ten_full[$ten_full)] <- us$d_hsownd[$ten_full)]
  us$ten_full[$ten_full)] <- us$c_hsownd[$ten_full)]
  us$ten_full[$ten_full)] <- us$b_hsownd[$ten_full)]
  us$ten_full[$ten_full)] <- us$a_hsownd[$ten_full)]

  us$ten_full <- factor(us$ten_full, levels = c(1:5, 97),
                        labels = c("owned_outright",
                        ordered = FALSE)

  # Reduced categories of tenure to match census aggregates
  us$ten <- NA
  us$ten[us$ten_full == "owned_outright"]      <- 1
  us$ten[us$ten_full == "owned_mortgage_loan"] <- 2
  us$ten[us$ten_full == "shared_ownership"]    <- 2
  us$ten[us$ten_full == "rented"]              <- 3
  us$ten[us$ten_full == "living_rent_free"]    <- 3
  us$ten[us$ten_full == "other_tenure"]        <- NA

  us$ten <- factor(us$ten,
                   levels = 1:3,
                   labels = c("ten_owned_outright",
                   ordered = FALSE)

  us <- us %>%
    select(-f_tenure_dv, -e_tenure_dv, -d_tenure_dv, -c_tenure_dv,
           -b_tenure_dv, -a_tenure_dv) %>%
    select(-f_hsownd, -e_hsownd, -d_hsownd, -c_hsownd, -b_hsownd, -a_hsownd)

  # Recode economic activity ====
  us$econ_act <- NA
  us$econ_act <- us$f_jbstat
  us$econ_act[$econ_act)] <- us$e_jbstat[$econ_act)]
  us$econ_act[$econ_act)] <- us$d_jbstat[$econ_act)]
  us$econ_act[$econ_act)] <- us$c_jbstat[$econ_act)]
  us$econ_act[$econ_act)] <- us$b_jbstat[$econ_act)]
  us$econ_act[$econ_act)] <- us$a_jbstat[$econ_act)]

  # levels checked as correct 2018-01-12
  us$econ_act <- factor(us$econ_act, levels = c(1:11, 97),
                        labels = c("self_emp",

  # Reaggregate some variables to match census
  us$econ_act <- us$econ_act %>%
    forcats::fct_collapse(home_fam = c("home_fam", "maternity"),
                          other    = c("other", "gment_train", "unpaid_fam",

  us$econ_act <- us$econ_act %>%
      eca_emp     = "emp",
      eca_homefam = "home_fam",
      eca_ltsick  = "lt_sick",
      eca_other   = "other",
      eca_retired = "retired",
      eca_selfemp = "self_emp",
      eca_student = "stu_ft",
      eca_unemp   = "unemp"
    ) %>%
    forcats::fct_relevel(  # order alphabetically for simulation
      "eca_emp", "eca_homefam", "eca_ltsick", "eca_other", "eca_retired",
      "eca_selfemp", "eca_student", "eca_unemp"

  us <- us %>%
    select(-f_jbstat, -e_jbstat, -d_jbstat, -c_jbstat, -b_jbstat, -a_jbstat)

  # Overcrowding (> 1 persons per room) ====
  us$rooms <- NA
  # add bedrooms + other accommodation rooms
  us$rooms <- us$f_hsbeds + us$f_hsrooms

  # make sure bedrooms and other rooms are from the same wave, i.e. the
  # same property
  # e.g. e_hsrooms + d_hsbeds might be two different properties
  us$rooms[$rooms)] <-
    us$e_hsbeds[$rooms)] + us$e_hsrooms[$rooms)]
  us$rooms[$rooms)] <-
    us$d_hsbeds[$rooms)] + us$d_hsrooms[$rooms)]
  us$rooms[$rooms)] <-
    us$c_hsbeds[$rooms)] + us$c_hsrooms[$rooms)]
  us$rooms[$rooms)] <-
    us$b_hsbeds[$rooms)] + us$b_hsrooms[$rooms)]
  us$rooms[$rooms)] <-
    us$a_hsbeds[$rooms)] + us$a_hsrooms[$rooms)]

  us$ppr <- NA
  us$ppr <- us$f_hhsize
  us$ppr[$ppr)] <- us$e_hhsize[$ppr)]
  us$ppr[$ppr)] <- us$d_hhsize[$ppr)]
  us$ppr[$ppr)] <- us$c_hhsize[$ppr)]
  us$ppr[$ppr)] <- us$b_hhsize[$ppr)]
  us$ppr[$ppr)] <- us$a_hhsize[$ppr)]

  us$ppr <- us$ppr / us$rooms

  us$ocrowd <- NA
  us$ocrowd[us$ppr >  1] <- 1
  us$ocrowd[us$ppr <= 1] <- 0

  us$ocrowd <- factor(us$ocrowd, levels = c(0, 1),
                      labels = c("ocrowd_no",
                      ordered = FALSE)

  stopifnot(  # check ocrowd coded properly
    all.equal(nrow(filter(us, ppr > 1,  ocrowd == "ocrowd_no")),  0),
    all.equal(nrow(filter(us, ppr <= 1, ocrowd == "ocrowd_yes")), 0)

  # hhsize needed for alcohol consumption
  us <- us %>%
    select(-rooms, -ppr) %>%
    select(-f_hsbeds, -e_hsbeds, -d_hsbeds, -c_hsbeds, -b_hsbeds, -a_hsbeds) %>%
    select(-f_hsrooms, -e_hsrooms, -d_hsrooms, -c_hsrooms, -b_hsrooms,

  # Limiting long-term illness or disability ====
  us$llid <- NA
  us$llid <- us$f_health
  us$llid[$llid)] <- us$e_health[$llid)]
  us$llid[$llid)] <- us$d_health[$llid)]
  us$llid[$llid)] <- us$c_health[$llid)]
  us$llid[$llid)] <- us$b_health[$llid)]
  us$llid[$llid)] <- us$a_health[$llid)]

  us$llid <- replace(us$llid, us$llid == 2, 0)
  us$llid <- factor(us$llid, levels = 0:1,
                    labels = c("llid_no", "llid_yes"))

  us <- us %>%
    select(-f_health, -e_health, -d_health, -c_health, -b_health, -a_health)

  # Recode self-reported general health ====
  us$tmp <- NA
  us$tmp <- us$f_scsf1
  us$tmp[$tmp)] <- us$e_scsf1[$tmp)]
  us$tmp[$tmp)] <- us$d_scsf1[$tmp)]
  us$tmp[$tmp)] <- us$c_sf1[$tmp)]
  us$tmp[$tmp)] <- us$b_sf1[$tmp)]
  us$tmp[$tmp)] <- us$a_sf1[$tmp)]

  us$srgh <- NA
  us$srgh[us$tmp == 1] <- 5  # excellent
  us$srgh[us$tmp == 2] <- 4  # very good
  us$srgh[us$tmp == 3] <- 3  # good
  us$srgh[us$tmp == 4] <- 2  # fair
  us$srgh[us$tmp == 5] <- 1  # poor

  us$srgh <- factor(us$srgh, levels = 5:1,
                    labels = c("srgh_excellent",
                    ordered = FALSE)

  us <- us %>%
    select(-f_scsf1, -e_scsf1, -d_scsf1, -c_sf1, -b_sf1, -a_sf1,

  # Recode social class ====
  us$class8 <- NA
  us$class8 <- us$f_jbnssec8_dv
  us$class8[$class8)] <- us$e_jbnssec8_dv[$class8)]
  us$class8[$class8)] <- us$d_jbnssec8_dv[$class8)]
  us$class8[$class8)] <- us$c_jbnssec8_dv[$class8)]
  us$class8[$class8)] <- us$b_jbnssec8_dv[$class8)]
  us$class8[$class8)] <- us$a_jbnssec8_dv[$class8)]

  # Full NS-SEC, NS-SEC5 and NS-SEC3 have same number of NAs as NSSEC8
  # us$class <- NA
  # us$class <- us$f_jbnssec_dv
  # us$class[$class)] <- us$e_jbnssec_dv[$class)]
  # us$class[$class)] <- us$d_jbnssec_dv[$class)]
  # us$class[$class)] <- us$c_jbnssec_dv[$class)]
  # us$class[$class)] <- us$b_jbnssec_dv[$class)]
  # us$class[$class)] <- us$a_jbnssec_dv[$class)]
  # us$class5 <- NA
  # us$class5 <- us$f_jbnssec5_dv
  # us$class5[$class5)] <- us$e_jbnssec5_dv[$class5)]
  # us$class5[$class5)] <- us$d_jbnssec5_dv[$class5)]
  # us$class5[$class5)] <- us$c_jbnssec5_dv[$class5)]
  # us$class5[$class5)] <- us$b_jbnssec5_dv[$class5)]
  # us$class5[$class5)] <- us$a_jbnssec5_dv[$class5)]
  # us$class3 <- NA
  # us$class3 <- us$f_jbnssec3_dv
  # us$class3[$class3)] <- us$e_jbnssec3_dv[$class3)]
  # us$class3[$class3)] <- us$d_jbnssec3_dv[$class3)]
  # us$class3[$class3)] <- us$c_jbnssec3_dv[$class3)]
  # us$class3[$class3)] <- us$b_jbnssec3_dv[$class3)]
  # us$class3[$class3)] <- us$a_jbnssec3_dv[$class3)]

  us$class8 <- factor(us$class8, levels = 1:9,
                      labels = c("Large employers & higher management",
                      "Higher professional",
                      "Lower management & professional",
                      "Small employers & own account",
                      "Lower supervisory & technical",
                      "Never worked & LT unemployed"),
           ordered = FALSE)

  us <- us %>%
    select(-f_jbnssec_dv, -f_jbnssec8_dv, -f_jbnssec5_dv, -f_jbnssec3_dv) %>%
    select(-e_jbnssec_dv, -e_jbnssec8_dv, -e_jbnssec5_dv, -e_jbnssec3_dv) %>%
    select(-d_jbnssec_dv, -d_jbnssec8_dv, -d_jbnssec5_dv, -d_jbnssec3_dv) %>%
    select(-c_jbnssec_dv, -c_jbnssec8_dv, -c_jbnssec5_dv, -c_jbnssec3_dv) %>%
    select(-b_jbnssec_dv, -b_jbnssec8_dv, -b_jbnssec5_dv, -b_jbnssec3_dv) %>%
    select(-a_jbnssec_dv, -a_jbnssec8_dv, -a_jbnssec5_dv, -a_jbnssec3_dv)

  # # Tax credits ====
  # us$taxcred <- NA
  # us$taxcred <- us$f_btype6
  # us$taxcred[$taxcred)] <- us$e_btype6[$taxcred)]
  # us$taxcred[$taxcred)] <- us$d_btype6[$taxcred)]
  # us$taxcred[$taxcred)] <- us$c_btype6[$taxcred)]
  # us$taxcred[$taxcred)] <- us$b_btype6[$taxcred)]
  # us$taxcred[$taxcred)] <- us$a_btype6[$taxcred)]

  # Marital status ====
  us$marital <- NA
  us$marital <- us$f_mlstat
  us$marital[$marital)] <- us$e_mlstat[$marital)]
  us$marital[$marital)] <- us$d_mlstat[$marital)]
  us$marital[$marital)] <- us$c_mlstat[$marital)]
  us$marital[$marital)] <- us$b_mlstat[$marital)]
  us$marital[$marital)] <- us$a_mlstat[$marital)]

  # checked these levels are correct 2018-01-18
  us$marital <- factor(us$marital, levels = 1:9,
                       labels = c("single",
                                  "surviving_civil_part")) %>%
      separated = c("separated", "sep_civil_part"),
      divorced  = c("divorced", "former_civil_part"),
      widowed   = c("widowed", "surviving_civil_part")) %>%
      mar_civil_part = "civil_part",
      mar_divorced   = "divorced",
      mar_married    = "married",
      mar_separated  = "separated",
      mar_single     = "single",
      mar_widowed    = "widowed"
    ) %>%
    forcats::fct_relevel(  # make alphabetical for simulation
      "mar_civil_part", "mar_divorced", "mar_married", "mar_separated",
      "mar_single", "mar_widowed"

  us <- us %>%
    select(-f_mlstat, -e_mlstat, -d_mlstat, -c_mlstat, -b_mlstat, -a_mlstat)

  # Couple ====
  # This is couple, married or not
  # In waves f_, d_ and b_ asked about domestic chores
  # if there's any answer (or they're married) they're part of a couple
  # I have to assume the remaining NAs are single
  us$couple <- NA
  us$couple[us$f_hubuys > 0 & !$f_hubuys)] <- 1
  us$couple[$couple) & us$marital == "mar_married"] <- 1
  us$couple[$couple) & us$d_hubuys > 0 & !$d_hubuys)] <- 1
  us$couple[$couple) & us$b_hubuys > 0 & !$b_hubuys)] <- 1

  us <- us %>%
    select(-f_hubuys, -d_hubuys, -b_hubuys)

  # Neighbourhood cohesion ====
  # Paper 13 neighbourhood cohesion:
  #   extent to which neighbours pull together to improve neighbourhood
  # No direct analogy but proxy:
  #   willing to improve neighbourhood, and
  #   similar to others in neighbourhood

  # Willing to improve neighbourhood
  us$imp_nhood <- NA
  us$imp_nhood <- us$f_scopngbhe
  us$imp_nhood[$imp_nhood)] <- us$c_scopngbhe[$imp_nhood)]
  us$imp_nhood[$imp_nhood)] <- us$a_scopngbhe[$imp_nhood)]

  # Similar to others in neighbourhood
  us$sim_nhood <- NA
  us$sim_nhood <- us$f_scopngbhg
  us$sim_nhood[$sim_nhood)] <- us$c_scopngbhg[$sim_nhood)]
  us$sim_nhood[$sim_nhood)] <- us$a_scopngbhg[$sim_nhood)]

  # dplyr::case_when() doesn't yet work inside mutate()
  # <= 2 == strongly agree + agree
  # >= 3 == Neither + disagree + strongly disagree
  us <- us %>%
    mutate(nhood_coh = if_else(imp_nhood <= 2 & sim_nhood <= 2,
                               "ncoh_yes", "ncoh_no"))

    # more agree + strongly agree than cohesive neighbourhoods
    nrow(us[us$imp_nhood <= 2 & !$imp_nhood), ]) >
      nrow(us[us$nhood_coh == "ncoh_yes" & !$nhood_coh), ]),

    nrow(us[us$sim_nhood <= 2 & !$sim_nhood), ]) >
      nrow(us[us$nhood_coh == "ncoh_yes" & !$nhood_coh), ])

  us <- us %>%
    select(-imp_nhood, -sim_nhood,
           -f_scopngbhe, -c_scopngbhe, -a_scopngbhe,
           -f_scopngbhg, -c_scopngbhg, -a_scopngbhg)

  # Neighbourhood trust ====
  # Waves f and c are different to how wave a is coded
  # Wave f and c: strongly agree + agree == trust
  # wave a: most people can be trusted == trust
  us$nhood_trust <- NA
  us$nhood_trust <- if_else(us$f_nbrcoh3 <= 2, "trust_yes", "trust_no")
  us$nhood_trust[$nhood_trust)] <-
    if_else(us$c_nbrcoh3[$nhood_trust)] <= 2,
  us$nhood_trust[$nhood_trust)] <-
    if_else(us$a_sctrust[$nhood_trust)] == 1,

  us <- us %>%
    select(-f_nbrcoh3, -c_nbrcoh3, -a_sctrust)

  # Neighbourhood belonging ====
  us$nhood_belong <- NA
  us$nhood_belong <- us$f_scopngbha
  us$nhood_belong[$nhood_belong)] <-
  us$nhood_belong[$nhood_belong)] <-

  us$nhood_belong <- if_else(us$nhood_belong <= 2, "belong_yes", "belong_no")

  us <- us %>%
    select(-f_scopngbha, -c_scopngbha, -a_scopngbha)

  # Civic participation ====
  civic_vars <- colnames(us[, grep("f_orga", colnames(us))])
  civic_vars <- civic_vars[civic_vars != "f_orga96"]  # 'none of these'

  us$civic <- NA
  us$civic <- rowSums(us[, civic_vars])

  civic_vars <- colnames(us[, grep("c_orga", colnames(us))])
  civic_vars <- civic_vars[civic_vars != "c_orga96"]  # 'none of these'

  us$civic[$civic)] <- rowSums(us[$civic), civic_vars])
  us$civic <- if_else(us$civic >= 1, "civic_yes", "civic_no")

  us <- us %>%
    select(-f_orga1,  -f_orga2,  -f_orga3,  -f_orga4,  -f_orga5,  -f_orga6,
           -f_orga7,  -f_orga8,  -f_orga9,  -f_orga10, -f_orga11, -f_orga12,
           -f_orga13, -f_orga14, -f_orga15, -f_orga16,
           -c_orga1,  -c_orga2,  -c_orga3,  -c_orga4,  -c_orga5,  -c_orga6,
           -c_orga7,  -c_orga8,  -c_orga9,  -c_orga10, -c_orga11, -c_orga12,
           -c_orga13, -c_orga14, -c_orga15, -c_orga16)

  # Social cohesion ====
  # People in this neighbourhood get along - paper 13
  # People in this neighbourhood DON'T get along - US
  # Reverse, so take strongly disagree + disagree
  us$social_coh <- NA
  us$social_coh <- us$f_nbrcoh4
  us$social_coh[$social_coh)] <- us$c_nbrcoh4[$social_coh)]
  us$social_coh <- if_else(us$social_coh >= 4, "scoh_yes", "scoh_no")

  us <- us %>%
    select(-f_nbrcoh4, -c_nbrcoh4)

  # Safe walking alone at night ====
  us$safe_alone <- NA
  us$safe_alone <- us$f_crdark
  us$safe_alone[$safe_alone)] <- us$c_crdark[$safe_alone)]

  # Recode to safe or unsafe
  # 1 = very safe
  us$safe_alone[us$safe_alone == 2] <- 1  # fairly safe

  us$safe_alone[us$safe_alone == 3] <- 2  # a bit unsafe
  us$safe_alone[us$safe_alone == 4] <- 2  # very unsafe
  us$safe_alone[us$safe_alone == 5] <- 2  # don't go out after dark

  us$safe_alone <- factor(us$safe_alone, levels = 1:2,
                          labels = c("safe_yes",

  us <- us %>%
    select(-f_crdark, -c_crdark)

  # Similar income to friends ====
  # Paper 13 doesn't specify which levels map to 'hetergeneous' or homogeneous
  # friendship. Assume ~ <= 1/2 is hetero
  us$sim_inc <- NA
  us$sim_inc <- us$f_siminc
  us$sim_inc[$sim_inc)] <- us$c_siminc[$sim_inc)]

  us$sim_inc <- if_else(us$sim_inc >= 3, "siminc_het", "siminc_hom")

  us <- us %>%
    select(-f_siminc, -c_siminc)

  # Similiar ethnicity to friends ====
  # Paper 13 again doesn't specify which levels map to hetero/homo
  # Assume again ~ <= 1/2 hetero; >= 1/2 homo
  us$sim_eth <- NA
  us$sim_eth <- us$f_simrace
  us$sim_eth[$sim_eth)] <- us$c_simrace[$sim_eth)]

  us$sim_eth <- if_else(us$sim_eth >= 3, "simeth_het", "simeth_hom")

  us <- us %>%
    select(-f_simrace, -c_simrace)

  # Political efficacy ====
  # Don't have a say in what government does, reversed
  us$pol_eff <- NA
  us$pol_eff <- us$f_poleff4
  us$pol_eff[$pol_eff)] <- us$c_poleff4[$pol_eff)]

  us$pol_eff <- if_else(us$pol_eff >= 4, "poleff_yes", "poleff_no")

  us <- us %>%
    select(-f_poleff4, -c_poleff4)

  # Financial situation ====
  us$fin_sit <- NA
  us$fin_sit <- us$f_finnow
  us$fin_sit[$fin_sit)] <- us$e_finnow[$fin_sit)]
  us$fin_sit[$fin_sit)] <- us$d_finnow[$fin_sit)]
  us$fin_sit[$fin_sit)] <- us$c_finnow[$fin_sit)]
  us$fin_sit[$fin_sit)] <- us$b_finnow[$fin_sit)]
  us$fin_sit[$fin_sit)] <- us$a_finnow[$fin_sit)]

  us$fin_sit <- if_else(us$fin_sit <= 2, "fin_good", "fin_bad")

  us <- us %>%
    select(-f_finnow, -e_finnow, -d_finnow, -c_finnow, -b_finnow, -a_finnow)

  # Social isolation ====
  # >=1 close friend
  us$soc_isol <- NA
  us$soc_isol <- us$f_closenum
  us$soc_isol[$soc_isol)] <- us$c_closenum[$soc_isol)]

  us$soc_isol <- if_else(us$soc_isol > 0, "isol_no", "isol_yes")

  us <- us %>%
    select(-f_closenum, -c_closenum)

  # Income ====
  # I've tested:
  #   - total earnings annually (x_prearna)
  #   - total earnings weekly (x_prearnw)
  #   - total personal income annually (x_prfitba)
  #   - total personal income weekly (x_prfitw)
  #    All (even when combined) have low response rates and ~ 77k missing cases

  # General Health Questionnaire (GHQ) ====
  recode_ghq <- function(varname) {
    x <- NA
    x <- us[[paste0("f_", varname)]]
    x[] <- us[[paste0("f_", varname)]][]
    x[] <- us[[paste0("e_", varname)]][]
    x[] <- us[[paste0("d_", varname)]][]
    x[] <- us[[paste0("c_", varname)]][]
    x[] <- us[[paste0("b_", varname)]][]
    x[] <- us[[paste0("a_", varname)]][]


  us$ghq_conc     <- recode_ghq("scghqa")
  us$ghq_sleep    <- recode_ghq("scghqb")
  us$ghq_useful   <- recode_ghq("scghqc")
  us$ghq_decision <- recode_ghq("scghqd")
  us$ghq_strain   <- recode_ghq("scghqe")
  us$ghq_diff     <- recode_ghq("scghqf")
  us$ghq_enjoy    <- recode_ghq("scghqg")
  us$ghq_face     <- recode_ghq("scghqh")
  us$ghq_unhappy  <- recode_ghq("scghqi")
  us$ghq_confid   <- recode_ghq("scghqj")
  us$ghq_worth    <- recode_ghq("scghqk")
  us$ghq_happy    <- recode_ghq("scghql")

  us$ghq_conc     <- if_else(us$ghq_conc <= 2,
                             "ghq_conc_good", "ghq_conc_bad")

  us$ghq_sleep    <- if_else(us$ghq_sleep <= 2,
                             "ghq_sleep_good", "ghq_sleep_bad")

  us$ghq_useful   <- if_else(us$ghq_useful <= 2,
                             "ghq_useful_good", "ghq_useful_bad")

  us$ghq_decision <- if_else(us$ghq_decision <= 2,
                             "ghq_decision_good", "ghq_decision_bad")

  us$ghq_strain   <- if_else(us$ghq_strain <= 2,
                             "ghq_strain_good", "ghq_strain_bad")

  us$ghq_diff     <- if_else(us$ghq_diff <= 2,
                             "ghq_diff_good", "ghq_diff_bad")

  us$ghq_enjoy    <- if_else(us$ghq_enjoy <= 2,
                             "ghq_enjoy_good", "ghq_enjoy_bad")

  us$ghq_face     <- if_else(us$ghq_face <= 2,
                             "ghq_face_good", "ghq_face_bad")

  us$ghq_unhappy  <- if_else(us$ghq_unhappy <= 2,
                             "ghq_unhappy_good", "ghq_unhappy_bad")

  us$ghq_confid   <- if_else(us$ghq_confid <= 2,
                             "ghq_confid_good", "ghq_confid_bad")

  us$ghq_worth    <- if_else(us$ghq_worth <= 2,
                             "ghq_worth_good", "ghq_worth_bad")

  us$ghq_happy    <- if_else(us$ghq_happy <= 2,
                             "ghq_happy_good", "ghq_happy_bad")

  us <- us %>%
    select(-f_scghqa, -e_scghqa, -d_scghqa, -c_scghqa, -b_scghqa, -a_scghqa,
           -f_scghqb, -e_scghqb, -d_scghqb, -c_scghqb, -b_scghqb, -a_scghqb,
           -f_scghqc, -e_scghqc, -d_scghqc, -c_scghqc, -b_scghqc, -a_scghqc,
           -f_scghqd, -e_scghqd, -d_scghqd, -c_scghqd, -b_scghqd, -a_scghqd,
           -f_scghqe, -e_scghqe, -d_scghqe, -c_scghqe, -b_scghqe, -a_scghqe,
           -f_scghqf, -e_scghqf, -d_scghqf, -c_scghqf, -b_scghqf, -a_scghqf,
           -f_scghqg, -e_scghqg, -d_scghqg, -c_scghqg, -b_scghqg, -a_scghqg,
           -f_scghqh, -e_scghqh, -d_scghqh, -c_scghqh, -b_scghqh, -a_scghqh,
           -f_scghqi, -e_scghqi, -d_scghqi, -c_scghqi, -b_scghqi, -a_scghqi,
           -f_scghqj, -e_scghqj, -d_scghqj, -c_scghqj, -b_scghqj, -a_scghqj,
           -f_scghqk, -e_scghqk, -d_scghqk, -c_scghqk, -b_scghqk, -a_scghqk,
           -f_scghql, -e_scghql, -d_scghql, -c_scghql, -b_scghql, -a_scghql)

  # Cigarettes smoked ====
  us$cig <- NA
  us$cig <- us$f_ncigs
  us$cig[$cig)] <- us$e_ncigs[$cig)]
  us$cig[$cig)] <- us$b_ncigs[$cig)]

  us$cig <- if_else(us$cig > 0, "cig_yes", "cig_no")

  us <- us %>%
    select(-f_ncigs, -e_ncigs, -b_ncigs)

  # Alcohol ====
  # units = (volume (ml) * ABV) / 1000
  # 1 pint = 568.261ml (Google)
  # Source of alcohol costs: institute alcohol studies
  # All dates 2012 data
  # ABV from and IAS
  # Beer:    £2.70  pint 3.6% abv
  # Lager:   £2.96  pint 5.2% abv
  # Cider:   £1.82  pint 5.3% abv
  # Sherry:  £6.55  70cl 17.5% abv
  # Wine:    £4.04  75cl 12% abv
  # Whiskey: £15.35 70cl 40% abv
  # Vodka:   £13.86 70cl 37.5% abv

  units <- data.frame(
    beer    = c(2.7,   3.6,  568),
    lager   = c(2.96,  5.2,  568),
    cider   = c(1.82,  5.3,  568),
    sherry  = c(6.55,  17.5, 700),
    wine    = c(4.04,  12.0, 750),
    whiskey = c(15.35, 40.0, 700),
    vodka   = c(13.86, 37.5, 700)
  units <-
  colnames(units) <- c("cost", "abv", "ml")

  units$units     <- (units$ml * units$abv) / 1000
  # source:

  units$unit_cost <- units$units / units$cost
  units$unit_cost <- round(units$unit_cost, digits = 2)
  unit_cost <- median(units$unit_cost)

  us <- us %>%
    mutate(f_alc = (f_xpaltob_g3 / (f_hhsize - f_nkids015)) / unit_cost / 4,
           e_alc = (e_xpaltob_g3 / (e_hhsize - e_nkids_dv)) / unit_cost / 4,
           d_alc = (d_xpaltob_g3 / (d_hhsize - d_nkids015)) / unit_cost / 4,
           c_alc = (c_xpaltob_g3 / (c_hhsize - c_nkids015)) / unit_cost / 4,
           b_alc = (b_xpaltob_g3 / (b_hhsize - b_nkids015)) / unit_cost / 4,
           a_alc = (a_xpaltob_g3 / (a_hhsize - a_numchild)) / unit_cost / 4)

  us$alcohol <- NA
  us$alcohol <- us$f_alc
  us$alcohol[$alcohol)] <- us$e_alc[$alcohol)]
  us$alcohol[$alcohol)] <- us$d_alc[$alcohol)]
  us$alcohol[$alcohol)] <- us$c_alc[$alcohol)]
  us$alcohol[$alcohol)] <- us$b_alc[$alcohol)]
  us$alcohol[$alcohol)] <- us$a_alc[$alcohol)]

  # Low/high risk thresholds
  # cmo2016a, p. 4
  us$alcohol <- if_else(us$alcohol <= 14, "alcohol_low", "alcohol_high")

  us <- us %>%
    select(-f_xpaltob_g3, -e_xpaltob_g3, -d_xpaltob_g3,
           -c_xpaltob_g3, -b_xpaltob_g3, -a_xpaltob_g3,
           -f_alc, -e_alc, -d_alc, -c_alc, -b_alc, -a_alc)
  rm(units, unit_cost)

  # Best friend distance ====
  us <- us %>%
    rowwise() %>%
    mutate(f_bfdist = min(f_netlv_1, f_netlv_2, f_netlv_3),
           c_bfdist = min(c_netlv_1, c_netlv_2, c_netlv_3))

  us$bf_dist <- NA
  us$bf_dist <- us$f_bfdist
  us$bf_dist[$bf_dist)] <- us$f_bfdist[$bf_dist)]

  # Paper: < 5 mins. Use < 1 mile as proxy
  us$bf_dist <- if_else(us$bf_dist > 1, "bfdist_far", "bfdist_near")

  us <- us %>%
    select(-f_bfdist, -c_bfdist,
           -f_netlv_1, -f_netlv_2, -f_netlv_3,
           -c_netlv_1, -c_netlv_2, -c_netlv_3)

  # Best friend often in touch ====
  # Paper: frequent contact == at least weekly
  us <- us %>%
    rowwise() %>%
    mutate(f_bfoften = min(f_netph_1, f_netph_2, f_netph_3),
           c_bfoften = min(c_netph_1, c_netph_2, c_netph_3))

  us$bf_often <- NA
  us$bf_often <- us$f_bfoften
  us$bf_often[$bf_often)] <- us$c_bfoften[$bf_often)]

  us$bf_often <- if_else(us$bf_often > 1, "bfoften_not", "bfoften_often")

  us <- us %>%
    select(-f_bfoften, -c_bfoften,
           -f_netph_1, -f_netph_2, -f_netph_3,
           -c_netph_1, -c_netph_2, -c_netph_3)

  # Savings ====
  # Budgeting/money management skills
  # Too many NAs save_reg
  us$save <- NA
  us$save <- us$f_save
  us$save[$save)] <- us$d_save[$save)]
  us$save[$save)] <- us$b_save[$save)]
  us$save <- if_else(us$save == 1, "save_yes", "save_no")

  us <- us %>%
    select(-f_save, -d_save, -b_save)

  # Number of children ====
  us$nkids <- NA
  us$nkids <- us$f_nkids015
  us$nkids[$nkids)] <- us$e_nkids_dv[$nkids)]
  us$nkids[$nkids)] <- us$d_nkids015[$nkids)]
  us$nkids[$nkids)] <- us$c_nkids015[$nkids)]
  us$nkids[$nkids)] <- us$b_nkids015[$nkids)]
  us$nkids[$nkids)] <- us$a_numchild[$nkids)]

  us <- us %>%
    select(-f_nkids015, -e_nkids_dv, -d_nkids015, -c_nkids015, -b_nkids015,

  # Can't use numeric data with rakeR::extract() easily because it creates a
  # new variable for each level of the variable (i.e. one for each unique
  # integer)
  # Recode and top-code to 5 kids
  us$kids <- cut(us$nkids,
                 breaks = c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, max(us$nkids, na.rm = TRUE)),
                 labels = c("kids_0", "kids_1", "kids_2", "kids_3", "kids_4",
                 right = FALSE, include.lowest = TRUE)

  # Household income and poverty ====
  # Many measures of poverty based on household income (i.e. children do not
  # earn but are not in poverty if earning adults aren't)

  # US provides monthly hh income. Convert to annual.
  # Poverty defined as <60% median income
  # Median income in 2011 was £23,200 (source: ons2013c, p. 5)
  us$hh_income <- us$f_fihhmngrs_dv
  us$hh_income[$hh_income)] <- us$e_fihhmngrs_dv[$hh_income)]
  us$hh_income[$hh_income)] <- us$d_fihhmngrs_dv[$hh_income)]
  us$hh_income[$hh_income)] <- us$c_fihhmngrs_dv[$hh_income)]
  us$hh_income[$hh_income)] <- us$b_fihhmngrs_dv[$hh_income)]
  us$hh_income[$hh_income)] <- us$a_fihhmngrs_dv[$hh_income)]

  # Set negative values to 0
  us$hh_income[us$hh_income < 0] <- 0L

  us <- us %>%
    select(-f_fihhmngrs_dv, -e_fihhmngrs_dv, -d_fihhmngrs_dv, -c_fihhmngrs_dv,
           -b_fihhmngrs_dv, -a_fihhmngrs_dv)

  # Number of cohabitants ====
  us$cohab <- NA
  us$cohab <- us$f_hhsize
  us$cohab[$cohab)] <- us$e_hhsize[$cohab)]
  us$cohab[$cohab)] <- us$d_hhsize[$cohab)]
  us$cohab[$cohab)] <- us$c_hhsize[$cohab)]
  us$cohab[$cohab)] <- us$b_hhsize[$cohab)]
  us$cohab[$cohab)] <- us$a_hhsize[$cohab)]

  us$cohab <- us$cohab - 1  # remove the respondent!

  us <- us %>%
    select(-f_hhsize, -e_hhsize, -d_hhsize, -c_hhsize, -b_hhsize, -a_hhsize)

  # Clinical depression ====
  us$depress <- NA_integer_

  hconds <- colnames(us)[grepl("_hcond", colnames(us))]
  for (i in hconds) {
    us[[i]] <- as.integer(us[[i]])
    us$depress[$depress) & us[[i]] == 17 & ![[i]])] <- 1

  us$depress[$depress)] <- us$f_hcond17[$depress)]
  us$depress[$depress)] <- us$e_hcond17[$depress)]
  us$depress[$depress)] <- us$d_hcond17[$depress)]
  us$depress[$depress)] <- us$c_hcond17[$depress)]
  us$depress[$depress)] <- us$b_hcondn17[$depress)]
  us$depress[$depress)] <- us$a_hcond17[$depress)]

  us$depress <- factor(us$depress, levels = 0:1,
                       labels = c("depress_no", "depress_yes"),
                       ordered = FALSE)

  # IHD and stroke ====
  # Air pollution is associated with IHD and stroke (among others)
  # This ihd measure therefore includes IND and stroke
  # IHD includes angina and myocardial infarction (MI)
  us$ihd <- NA_integer_
  for (i in hconds) {
    us[[i]] <- as.integer(us[[i]])
    us$ihd[$ihd) & ![[i]]) &
             us[[i]] == 4 |  # coronary heart disease
             us[[i]] == 5 |  # angina
             us[[i]] == 6 |  # myocardial infarction
             us[[i]] == 7] <- 1   # stroke
  us$ihd[$ihd)] <- 0

  us$ihd <- factor(us$ihd, levels = 0:1,
                   labels = c("ihd_no", "ihd_yes"))

  us <- us %>%
    select(-f_hcond17, -e_hcond17, -d_hcond17, -c_hcond17, -b_hcondn17,

  us <- us %>%
    select(-f_hcondno1:-f_hcondno8) %>%
    select(-e_hcondno1:-e_hcondno7) %>%
    select(-d_hcondno1:-d_hcondno10) %>%
    select(-c_hcondno1:-c_hcondno8) %>%

  # Problems paying housing costs ====
  us$prob_pay <- us$f_xphsdb
  us$prob_pay[$prob_pay)] <- us$e_xphsdb[$prob_pay)]
  us$prob_pay[$prob_pay)] <- us$d_xphsdb[$prob_pay)]
  us$prob_pay[$prob_pay)] <- us$c_xphsdb[$prob_pay)]
  us$prob_pay[$prob_pay)] <- us$b_xphsdb[$prob_pay)]
  us$prob_pay[$prob_pay)] <- us$a_xphsdb[$prob_pay)]

  us <- us %>%
    select(-f_xphsdb, -e_xphsdb, -d_xphsdb, -c_xphsdb, -b_xphsdb, -a_xphsdb)

  us$prob_pay <- factor(us$prob_pay, levels = 1:2,
                        labels = c("prob_pay_yes", "prob_pay_no"))

  # Housing costs ====
  # household income is based on monthly, so standardise on monthly
  us$f_rent[us$f_rentwc == 1 & !$f_rentwc)] <-
    us$f_rent[us$f_rentwc == 1 & !$f_rentwc)]  * 52 / 12
  us$f_rent[us$f_rentwc == 2 & !$f_rentwc)] <-
    us$f_rent[us$f_rentwc == 2 & !$f_rentwc)]  * 52 / 2 / 12
  us$f_rent[us$f_rentwc == 3 & !$f_rentwc)] <-
    us$f_rent[us$f_rentwc == 3 & !$f_rentwc)]  * 52 / 3 / 12
  us$f_rent[us$f_rentwc == 4 & !$f_rentwc)] <-
    us$f_rent[us$f_rentwc == 4 & !$f_rentwc)]  * 52 / 4 / 12
  us$f_rent[us$f_rentwc == 7 & !$f_rentwc)] <-
    us$f_rent[us$f_rentwc == 7 & !$f_rentwc)]  / 2
  us$f_rent[us$f_rentwc == 8 & !$f_rentwc)] <-
    us$f_rent[us$f_rentwc == 8 & !$f_rentwc)]  * 8  / 12
  us$f_rent[us$f_rentwc == 9 & !$f_rentwc)] <-
    us$f_rent[us$f_rentwc == 9 & !$f_rentwc)]  * 9  / 12
  us$f_rent[us$f_rentwc == 10 & !$f_rentwc)] <-
    us$f_rent[us$f_rentwc == 10 & !$f_rentwc)] * 10 / 12
  us$f_rent[us$f_rentwc == 13 & !$f_rentwc)] <-
    us$f_rent[us$f_rentwc == 13 & !$f_rentwc)] / 3
  us$f_rent[us$f_rentwc == 26 & !$f_rentwc)] <-
    us$f_rent[us$f_rentwc == 26 & !$f_rentwc)] / 6
  us$f_rent[us$f_rentwc == 52 & !$f_rentwc)] <-
    us$f_rent[us$f_rentwc == 52 & !$f_rentwc)] / 12
  us$f_rent[us$f_rentwc == 90 & !$f_rentwc)] <-
    us$f_rent[us$f_rentwc == 90 & !$f_rentwc)] * 52 / 12
  us$f_rent[us$f_rentwc == 95 & !$f_rentwc)] <- NA  # one-off payment
  us$f_rent[us$f_rentwc == 96 & !$f_rentwc)] <- NA  # none of these

  us$e_rent[us$e_rentwc == 1 & !$e_rentwc)] <-
    us$e_rent[us$e_rentwc == 1 & !$e_rentwc)]  * 52 / 12
  us$e_rent[us$e_rentwc == 2 & !$e_rentwc)] <-
    us$e_rent[us$e_rentwc == 2 & !$e_rentwc)]  * 52 / 2 / 12
  us$e_rent[us$e_rentwc == 3 & !$e_rentwc)] <-
    us$e_rent[us$e_rentwc == 3 & !$e_rentwc)]  * 52 / 3 / 12
  us$e_rent[us$e_rentwc == 4 & !$e_rentwc)] <-
    us$e_rent[us$e_rentwc == 4 & !$e_rentwc)]  * 52 / 4 / 12
  us$e_rent[us$e_rentwc == 7 & !$e_rentwc)] <-
    us$e_rent[us$e_rentwc == 7 & !$e_rentwc)]  / 2
  us$e_rent[us$e_rentwc == 8 & !$e_rentwc)] <-
    us$e_rent[us$e_rentwc == 8 & !$e_rentwc)]  * 8  / 12
  us$e_rent[us$e_rentwc == 9 & !$e_rentwc)] <-
    us$e_rent[us$e_rentwc == 9 & !$e_rentwc)]  * 9  / 12
  us$e_rent[us$e_rentwc == 10 & !$e_rentwc)] <-
    us$e_rent[us$e_rentwc == 10 & !$e_rentwc)] * 10 / 12
  us$e_rent[us$e_rentwc == 13 & !$e_rentwc)] <-
    us$e_rent[us$e_rentwc == 13 & !$e_rentwc)] / 3
  us$e_rent[us$e_rentwc == 26 & !$e_rentwc)] <-
    us$e_rent[us$e_rentwc == 26 & !$e_rentwc)] / 6
  us$e_rent[us$e_rentwc == 52 & !$e_rentwc)] <-
    us$e_rent[us$e_rentwc == 52 & !$e_rentwc)] / 12
  us$e_rent[us$e_rentwc == 90 & !$e_rentwc)] <-
    us$e_rent[us$e_rentwc == 90 & !$e_rentwc)] * 52 / 12
  us$e_rent[us$e_rentwc == 95 & !$e_rentwc)] <- NA  # one-off payment
  us$e_rent[us$e_rentwc == 96 & !$e_rentwc)] <- NA  # none of these

  us$d_rent[us$d_rentwc == 1 & !$d_rentwc)] <-
    us$d_rent[us$d_rentwc == 1 & !$d_rentwc)]  * 52 / 12
  us$d_rent[us$d_rentwc == 2 & !$d_rentwc)] <-
    us$d_rent[us$d_rentwc == 2 & !$d_rentwc)]  * 52 / 2 / 12
  us$d_rent[us$d_rentwc == 3 & !$d_rentwc)] <-
    us$d_rent[us$d_rentwc == 3 & !$d_rentwc)]  * 52 / 3 / 12
  us$d_rent[us$d_rentwc == 4 & !$d_rentwc)] <-
    us$d_rent[us$d_rentwc == 4 & !$d_rentwc)]  * 52 / 4 / 12
  us$d_rent[us$d_rentwc == 7 & !$d_rentwc)] <-
    us$d_rent[us$d_rentwc == 7 & !$d_rentwc)]  / 2
  us$d_rent[us$d_rentwc == 8 & !$d_rentwc)] <-
    us$d_rent[us$d_rentwc == 8 & !$d_rentwc)]  * 8  / 12
  us$d_rent[us$d_rentwc == 9 & !$d_rentwc)] <-
    us$d_rent[us$d_rentwc == 9 & !$d_rentwc)]  * 9  / 12
  us$d_rent[us$d_rentwc == 10 & !$d_rentwc)] <-
    us$d_rent[us$d_rentwc == 10 & !$d_rentwc)] * 10 / 12
  us$d_rent[us$d_rentwc == 13 & !$d_rentwc)] <-
    us$d_rent[us$d_rentwc == 13 & !$d_rentwc)] / 3
  us$d_rent[us$d_rentwc == 26 & !$d_rentwc)] <-
    us$d_rent[us$d_rentwc == 26 & !$d_rentwc)] / 6
  us$d_rent[us$d_rentwc == 52 & !$d_rentwc)] <-
    us$d_rent[us$d_rentwc == 52 & !$d_rentwc)] / 12
  us$d_rent[us$d_rentwc == 90 & !$d_rentwc)] <-
    us$d_rent[us$d_rentwc == 90 & !$d_rentwc)] * 52 / 12
  us$d_rent[us$d_rentwc == 95 & !$d_rentwc)] <- NA  # one-off payment
  us$d_rent[us$d_rentwc == 96 & !$d_rentwc)] <- NA  # none of these

  us$c_rent[us$c_rentwc == 1 & !$c_rentwc)] <-
    us$c_rent[us$c_rentwc == 1 & !$c_rentwc)]  * 52 / 12
  us$c_rent[us$c_rentwc == 2 & !$c_rentwc)] <-
    us$c_rent[us$c_rentwc == 2 & !$c_rentwc)]  * 52 / 2 / 12
  us$c_rent[us$c_rentwc == 3 & !$c_rentwc)] <-
    us$c_rent[us$c_rentwc == 3 & !$c_rentwc)]  * 52 / 3 / 12
  us$c_rent[us$c_rentwc == 4 & !$c_rentwc)] <-
    us$c_rent[us$c_rentwc == 4 & !$c_rentwc)]  * 52 / 4 / 12
  us$c_rent[us$c_rentwc == 7 & !$c_rentwc)] <-
    us$c_rent[us$c_rentwc == 7 & !$c_rentwc)]  / 2
  us$c_rent[us$c_rentwc == 8 & !$c_rentwc)] <-
    us$c_rent[us$c_rentwc == 8 & !$c_rentwc)]  * 8  / 12
  us$c_rent[us$c_rentwc == 9 & !$c_rentwc)] <-
    us$c_rent[us$c_rentwc == 9 & !$c_rentwc)]  * 9  / 12
  us$c_rent[us$c_rentwc == 10 & !$c_rentwc)] <-
    us$c_rent[us$c_rentwc == 10 & !$c_rentwc)] * 10 / 12
  us$c_rent[us$c_rentwc == 13 & !$c_rentwc)] <-
    us$c_rent[us$c_rentwc == 13 & !$c_rentwc)] / 3
  us$c_rent[us$c_rentwc == 26 & !$c_rentwc)] <-
    us$c_rent[us$c_rentwc == 26 & !$c_rentwc)] / 6
  us$c_rent[us$c_rentwc == 52 & !$c_rentwc)] <-
    us$c_rent[us$c_rentwc == 52 & !$c_rentwc)] / 12
  us$c_rent[us$c_rentwc == 90 & !$c_rentwc)] <-
    us$c_rent[us$c_rentwc == 90 & !$c_rentwc)] * 52 / 12
  us$c_rent[us$c_rentwc == 95 & !$c_rentwc)] <- NA  # one-off payment
  us$c_rent[us$c_rentwc == 96 & !$c_rentwc)] <- NA  # none of these

  us$b_rent[us$b_rentwc == 1 & !$b_rentwc)] <-
    us$b_rent[us$b_rentwc == 1 & !$b_rentwc)]  * 52 / 12
  us$b_rent[us$b_rentwc == 2 & !$b_rentwc)] <-
    us$b_rent[us$b_rentwc == 2 & !$b_rentwc)]  * 52 / 2 / 12
  us$b_rent[us$b_rentwc == 3 & !$b_rentwc)] <-
    us$b_rent[us$b_rentwc == 3 & !$b_rentwc)]  * 52 / 3 / 12
  us$b_rent[us$b_rentwc == 4 & !$b_rentwc)] <-
    us$b_rent[us$b_rentwc == 4 & !$b_rentwc)]  * 52 / 4 / 12
  us$b_rent[us$b_rentwc == 7 & !$b_rentwc)] <-
    us$b_rent[us$b_rentwc == 7 & !$b_rentwc)]  / 2
  us$b_rent[us$b_rentwc == 8 & !$b_rentwc)] <-
    us$b_rent[us$b_rentwc == 8 & !$b_rentwc)]  * 8  / 12
  us$b_rent[us$b_rentwc == 9 & !$b_rentwc)] <-
    us$b_rent[us$b_rentwc == 9 & !$b_rentwc)]  * 9  / 12
  us$b_rent[us$b_rentwc == 10 & !$b_rentwc)] <-
    us$b_rent[us$b_rentwc == 10 & !$b_rentwc)] * 10 / 12
  us$b_rent[us$b_rentwc == 13 & !$b_rentwc)] <-
    us$b_rent[us$b_rentwc == 13 & !$b_rentwc)] / 3
  us$b_rent[us$b_rentwc == 26 & !$b_rentwc)] <-
    us$b_rent[us$b_rentwc == 26 & !$b_rentwc)] / 6
  us$b_rent[us$b_rentwc == 52 & !$b_rentwc)] <-
    us$b_rent[us$b_rentwc == 52 & !$b_rentwc)] / 12
  us$b_rent[us$b_rentwc == 90 & !$b_rentwc)] <-
    us$b_rent[us$b_rentwc == 90 & !$b_rentwc)] * 52 / 12
  us$b_rent[us$b_rentwc == 95 & !$b_rentwc)] <- NA  # one-off payment
  us$b_rent[us$b_rentwc == 96 & !$b_rentwc)] <- NA  # none of these

  us$a_rent[us$a_rentwc == 1 & !$a_rentwc)] <-
    us$a_rent[us$a_rentwc == 1 & !$a_rentwc)]  * 52 / 12
  us$a_rent[us$a_rentwc == 2 & !$a_rentwc)] <-
    us$a_rent[us$a_rentwc == 2 & !$a_rentwc)]  * 52 / 2 / 12
  us$a_rent[us$a_rentwc == 3 & !$a_rentwc)] <-
    us$a_rent[us$a_rentwc == 3 & !$a_rentwc)]  * 52 / 3 / 12
  us$a_rent[us$a_rentwc == 4 & !$a_rentwc)] <-
    us$a_rent[us$a_rentwc == 4 & !$a_rentwc)]  * 52 / 4 / 12
  us$a_rent[us$a_rentwc == 7 & !$a_rentwc)] <-
    us$a_rent[us$a_rentwc == 7 & !$a_rentwc)]  / 2
  us$a_rent[us$a_rentwc == 8 & !$a_rentwc)] <-
    us$a_rent[us$a_rentwc == 8 & !$a_rentwc)]  * 8  / 12
  us$a_rent[us$a_rentwc == 9 & !$a_rentwc)] <-
    us$a_rent[us$a_rentwc == 9 & !$a_rentwc)]  * 9  / 12
  us$a_rent[us$a_rentwc == 10 & !$a_rentwc)] <-
    us$a_rent[us$a_rentwc == 10 & !$a_rentwc)] * 10 / 12
  us$a_rent[us$a_rentwc == 13 & !$a_rentwc)] <-
    us$a_rent[us$a_rentwc == 13 & !$a_rentwc)] / 3
  us$a_rent[us$a_rentwc == 26 & !$a_rentwc)] <-
    us$a_rent[us$a_rentwc == 26 & !$a_rentwc)] / 6
  us$a_rent[us$a_rentwc == 52 & !$a_rentwc)] <-
    us$a_rent[us$a_rentwc == 52 & !$a_rentwc)] / 12
  us$a_rent[us$a_rentwc == 90 & !$a_rentwc)] <-
    us$a_rent[us$a_rentwc == 90 & !$a_rentwc)] * 52 / 12
  us$a_rent[us$a_rentwc == 95 & !$a_rentwc)] <- NA  # one-off payment
  us$a_rent[us$a_rentwc == 96 & !$a_rentwc)] <- NA  # none of these

  us <- us %>%
    select(-f_rentwc, -e_rentwc, -d_rentwc, -c_rentwc, -b_rentwc, -a_rentwc)

  us$hh_cost <- us$f_xpmg
  us$hh_cost[$hh_cost)] <- us$f_rent[$hh_cost)]

  us$hh_cost[$hh_cost)] <- us$e_xpmg[$hh_cost)]
  us$hh_cost[$hh_cost)] <- us$e_rent[$hh_cost)]

  us$hh_cost[$hh_cost)] <- us$d_xpmg[$hh_cost)]
  us$hh_cost[$hh_cost)] <- us$d_rent[$hh_cost)]

  us$hh_cost[$hh_cost)] <- us$c_xpmg[$hh_cost)]
  us$hh_cost[$hh_cost)] <- us$c_rent[$hh_cost)]

  us$hh_cost[$hh_cost)] <- us$b_xpmg[$hh_cost)]
  us$hh_cost[$hh_cost)] <- us$b_rent[$hh_cost)]

  us$hh_cost[$hh_cost)] <- us$a_xpmg[$hh_cost)]
  us$hh_cost[$hh_cost)] <- us$a_rent[$hh_cost)]

  # top code to £20,000
  us$hh_cost[us$hh_cost > 20000] <- 20000

  us <- us %>%
    select(-f_xpmg, -e_xpmg, -d_xpmg, -c_xpmg, -b_xpmg, -a_xpmg) %>%
    select(-f_rent, -e_rent, -d_rent, -c_rent, -b_rent, -a_rent)

  # Benefits ====
  us$uc_replace <- 0
  us$uc_replace[us$f_benbase1 == 1] <- 1  # income support
  us$uc_replace[us$f_benbase2 == 1] <- 1  # JSA
  us$uc_replace[us$f_othben5  == 1] <- 1  # working tax credit
  us$uc_replace[us$f_othben8  == 1] <- 1  # housing benefit
  us$uc_replace[us$f_benctc   == 1] <- 1  # housing benefit (2 == no)
  us$uc_replace[us$f_bendis2  == 1] <- 1  # ESA

  us$uc_replace[$uc_replace) & us$e_benunemp1 == 1] <- 1  # JSA
  us$uc_replace[$uc_replace) & us$e_btype2    == 1] <- 1  # income sup
  us$uc_replace[$uc_replace) & us$e_btype3    == 1] <- 1  # ESA
  us$uc_replace[$uc_replace) & us$e_btype6    == 1] <- 1  # tax cred

  us$uc_replace[$uc_replace) & us$d_benunemp1 == 1] <- 1  # JSA
  us$uc_replace[$uc_replace) & us$d_btype2    == 1] <- 1  # income sup
  us$uc_replace[$uc_replace) & us$d_btype3    == 1] <- 1  # ESA
  us$uc_replace[$uc_replace) & us$d_btype6    == 1] <- 1  # tax cred

  us$uc_replace[$uc_replace) & us$c_benunemp1 == 1] <- 1  # JSA
  us$uc_replace[$uc_replace) & us$c_btype2    == 1] <- 1  # income sup
  us$uc_replace[$uc_replace) & us$c_btype3    == 1] <- 1  # ESA
  us$uc_replace[$uc_replace) & us$c_btype6    == 1] <- 1  # tax cred

  us$uc_replace[$uc_replace) & us$b_benunemp1 == 1] <- 1  # JSA
  us$uc_replace[$uc_replace) & us$b_btype2    == 1] <- 1  # income sup
  us$uc_replace[$uc_replace) & us$b_btype3    == 1] <- 1  # ESA
  us$uc_replace[$uc_replace) & us$b_btype6    == 1] <- 1  # tax cred

  us$uc_replace[$uc_replace) & us$a_benunemp1 == 1] <- 1  # JSA
  us$uc_replace[$uc_replace) & us$a_btype2    == 1] <- 1  # income sup
  us$uc_replace[$uc_replace) & us$a_btype3    == 1] <- 1  # ESA
  us$uc_replace[$uc_replace) & us$a_btype6    == 1] <- 1  # tax cred

  us <- us %>%
    select(-f_benbase1, -f_benbase2, -f_othben5, -f_othben8, -f_benctc,
           -e_benunemp1, -e_btype2,  -e_btype3, -e_btype6,
           -d_benunemp1, -d_btype2,  -d_btype3, -d_btype6,
           -c_benunemp1, -c_btype2,  -c_btype3, -c_btype6,
           -b_benunemp1, -b_btype2,  -b_btype3, -b_btype6,
           -a_benunemp1, -a_btype2,  -a_btype3, -a_btype6)

  # Save data frame ====
  save(us, file = "data/us.RData", compress = "xz")

philmikejones/thesis documentation built on May 31, 2019, 2:50 p.m.