
Defines functions `indval`

#' @title (Blocked) Indicator Species Analysis
#' @description
#' Blocked or unblocked versions of Dufrene-Legendre indicator species analysis.
#'    If blocked, then can also calculate conditional probabilities of
#'    gain/loss/stasis using Bayes rule. If blocked, then blocks are assumed to
#'    be sample units and groups are assumed to be the two sample events.
#' @param spe array, where rows = SUs and cols = species.  Values may be numeric
#'    abundances or presence/absence.
#' @param grp vector, describing group membership (required).
#' @param blk vector, describing block membership (optional).
#' @param cond_probs logical, should conditional probabilities be calculated
#'    when blocked structure exists? Default `TRUE`.
#' @param ... further arguments currently ignored.
#' @return
#' List containing items:\cr
#'     - \code{cond_probs}:  conditional probabilities, when blocks exist.\cr
#'     - \code{A}: relative abundance component of IndVal per group.\cr
#'     - \code{B}: relative frequency component of IndVal per group.\cr
#'     - \code{IV}: IndVal, the indicator value per group.\cr
#'     - \code{IVmax}: maximum IndVal in the indicated group.\cr
#'     - \code{IVmax_dir}: signed max IndVal, when blocks exist.\cr
#'     - \code{maxgrp}: the group in which each species attains max IndVal.\cr
#'     - \code{sumIVmax}: sum of max IndVal across all species.\cr
#'     - \code{sig_expected}: number of significant indicator species expected
#'                                                                at random.\cr
#'     - \code{pval}: permutation p-values for each species.\cr
#' @details
#' Unblocked version follows Dufrene and Legendre (1997).  Blocked indicator
#'    species analysis was first available in PC-ORD (McCune and Mefford 2017).
#'    For blocked designs, the current function can also calculate conditional
#'    probabilities of species gains, losses, and stasis across two sampling
#'    events.  Conditional probabilities use Bayes' rule.
#' @references
#' Dufrene, M. and Legendre, P. 1997. Species assemblages and indicator
#'     species: the need for a flexible asymmetrical approach. Ecological
#'     Monographs 67(3):345-366.
#' McCune, B., and M. J. Mefford. 2017. PC-ORD. Multivariate Analysis
#'     of Ecological Data. Version 7. MjM Software Design, Gleneden
#'     Beach, OR.
#' @examples
#' data(braun)
#' spe <- braun$spe[-1,]                 # force an even number
#' # no group structure exists, so lets pretend we have revisit data
#' blk <- rep(1:(NROW(spe)/2), times=2)  # 173 sites 'visited' twice
#' grp <- rep(c(1,2), ea=NROW(spe)/2)    # 'visits' 1 or 2 for each site
#' # unblocked
#' iv  <- indval(spe, grp)
#' # blocked by site
#' ivb <- indval(spe, grp, blk, cond_probs=TRUE)
#' # see effects of blocking
#' plot(iv$IVmax, ivb$IVmax) ; abline(0,1)
#' table(unblocked = iv$maxgrp, blocked = ivb$maxgrp)
#' # given our haphazard group assignment, most species have poor indicator value
#' hist(ivb$IVmax, breaks=22, xlab='Max IndVal', main='')
#' iv$sig_expected   # num indicator species expected at random
#' # see how IndVal compares to conditional gain/loss probabilities blocked by site
#' a <- data.frame(ivb$cond_probs)
#' plot(a$prloss, a$prgain, col=ecole::colvec(ivb$IVmax_dir), pch=16)
#' @seealso \code{labdsv::indval} or \code{indicspecies::strassoc}
#' @export
#' @rdname indval
`indval` <- function(spe, grp, blk = NULL, cond_probs = TRUE, ...) {
    # blocked and unblocked Dufrene and Legendre's IndVal,
    #    along with Bayes conditional probabilities of gain/loss/stasis
    #      Rob Smith, phytomosaic@gmail.com, 05 Nov 2021
    #       GNU General Public License, Version 3.0
    pr      <- NA
    grp     <- as.factor(grp)
    has_blk <- !is.null(blk)
    if (has_blk) blk <- as.factor(blk)
    # compute conditional transition probabilities, using Bayes rule
    if (has_blk & cond_probs) {
        # function for Bayes rule
        `bayes` <- function(v1, v2) {
            tab <- table(v1,v2)  # table of joint and marginal probabilities
            dn  <- dimnames(tab)
            # correct for uncommon cases: single condition in *both* visits
            if(length(unlist(dn)) == 2) {
                if (all(unlist(dn) == '0')) { # all stasis0
                    tab <- matrix(c(tab,0,0,0), nrow=2, ncol=2,
                                  dimnames = list(v1=c(0,1), v2=c(0,1)))
                if (all(unlist(dn) == '1')) { # all stasis1
                    tab <- matrix(c(0,0,0,tab), nrow=2, ncol=2,
                                  dimnames = list(v1=c(0,1), v2=c(0,1)))
            # correct for uncommon cases: single condition in *either* visit
            if(length(unlist(dn)) == 3) {
                if (all(dn[[1]] == '0')) tab <- rbind(tab, '1'=c(0,0))
                if (all(dn[[1]] == '1')) tab <- rbind('0'=c(0,0), tab)
                if (all(dn[[2]] == '0')) tab <- cbind(tab, '1'=c(0,0))
                if (all(dn[[2]] == '1')) tab <- cbind('0'=c(0,0), tab)
            # proceed
            tx  <- addmargins(tab) # joint and marginal *counts*
            tot <- tx[3,3]         # marginal grand total
            p   <- tx / tot        # joint and marginal *probabilities*
            # GAIN
            pB_A <- p[1,2]         # pr absence at visit-1, given presence at visit-2
            pB   <- p[1,3]         # pr absence at visit-1
            pA   <- p[3,2]         # pr presence at visit-2, from any initial state
            pA_B <- pB_A * pA / pB # cond pr presence at visit-2, from initial absence
            prgain <- pA_B         # conditional probability of GAIN
            if(any(c(pB_A,pA,pB) == 0)) prgain <- 0 # handle zero-division
            # LOSS
            pB_A <- p[2,1]         # pr presence at visit-1, given absence at visit-2
            pB   <- p[2,3]         # pr presence at visit-1
            pA   <- p[3,1]         # pr absence at visit-2, from any initial state
            pA_B <- pB_A * pA / pB # cond pr absence at visit-2, from initial presence
            prloss <- pA_B         # conditional probability of LOSS
            if(any(c(pB_A,pA,pB) == 0)) prloss <- 0 # handle zero-division
            # STASIS1
            pB_A <- p[2,2]         # pr presence at visit-1, given presence at visit-2
            pB   <- p[2,3]         # pr presence at visit-1
            pA   <- p[3,2]         # pr presence at visit-2, from any initial state
            pA_B <- pB_A * pA / pB # cond pr presence at visit-2, from initial presence
            prsta1 <- pA_B         # conditional probability of STASIS1
            if(any(c(pB_A,pA,pB) == 0)) prsta1 <- 0 # handle zero-division
            # STASIS0
            pB_A <- p[1,1]         # pr absence at visit-1, given absence at visit-2
            pB   <- p[1,3]         # pr absence at visit-1
            pA   <- p[3,1]         # pr absence at visit-2, from any initial state
            pA_B <- pB_A * pA / pB # cond pr absence at visit-2, from initial absence
            prsta0 <- pA_B         # conditional probability of STASIS0
            if(any(c(pB_A,pA,pB) == 0)) prsta0 <- 0 # handle zero-division
            return(c(prgain=prgain, prloss=prloss, prsta0=prsta0, prsta1=prsta1))
        # TODO: checks to ensure 1 -> 2 order -- right now this is only assumed!
        # TODO: check that this can handle *unbalanced* group sizes...
        ii <- grp == levels(grp)[1] # index *initial* visits
        ff <- grp == levels(grp)[2] # index *final* visits
        pa <- (spe > 0) * 1         # force binary presence/absence
        pr <- t(sapply(1:NCOL(pa), function(j)
            bayes(v1 = pa[ii,j], v2 = pa[ff,j])))
        rownames(pr) <- colnames(pa)
    # if blocked, then relativize *within* blocks
    if (has_blk) {
        for (j in 1:NCOL(spe)) {
            for (b in unique(blk)) {
                i     <- blk == b     # row index for blocks
                z     <- spe[i, j]    # raw abundances
                zsum  <- sum(z)       # sum abundances
                spe[i, j] <- if (zsum == 0) z else z / zsum  # relativize
    # proceed with IndVal
    A_num  <- apply(spe, 2, function(j) tapply(j, grp, mean)) # mean abu per grp
    A_den  <- apply(A_num, 2, sum)          # sum of the mean abu across all grps
    A      <- sweep(A_num, 2, A_den, '/')   # A = rel abu per grp = specificity
    B_num  <- apply(spe>0, 2, function(j) tapply(j, grp, sum))  # occ per grp
    B_den  <- c(table(grp))                 # total count of SUs per grp
    B      <- sweep(B_num, 1, B_den, '/')   # B = rel frq per grp = fidelity
    IV     <- A * B                         # IV = IndVal
    IVmax  <- c(pmax(t(IV)[,1], t(IV)[,2])) # max IndVal
    maxgrp <- apply(IV, 2, which.max)       # max group
    sumIVmax <- sum(IVmax)                  # sum of max IndVal across spp
    alpha    <- c(0.050, 0.010, 0.001)      # significance level
    s        <- NCOL(spe) * alpha           # num signif expected at random
    s        <- data.frame(alpha=as.character(alpha), species_expected = s)
    rownames(s) <- NULL
    IVmax_dir   <- NA
    if (has_blk) {
        IVmax_dir <- IVmax # signed IndVal: POS 'increasers', NEG 'decreasers'
        IVmax_dir[maxgrp == 1] <- IVmax_dir[maxgrp == 1] * (-1) # signed IndVal
    # TODO: permutations....
    out <- list(cond_probs = pr,
                A          = t(A),
                B          = t(B),
                IV         = t(IV),
                IVmax      = IVmax,
                IVmax_dir  = IVmax_dir,
                maxgrp     = maxgrp,
                sumIVmax   = sumIVmax,
                sig_expected = s,
                pval       = NA)
    attr(out, 'is_blocked_indval') <- has_blk
phytomosaic/ecole documentation built on Jan. 2, 2022, 11:24 p.m.