
# register parallel cores
registerDoParallel(cores = detectCores()-2)
rm(list = ls())

## test MH kernels on a univariate target
## define target distribution
target <- function(x){
  evals <- log(0.5) + dnorm(x, mean = c(-2, 2), sd = 0.2, log = TRUE)
  return(max(evals) + log(sum(exp(evals - max(evals)))))

Sigma_proposal <- diag(2, 1, 1)
Sigma_proposal_chol <- chol(Sigma_proposal)
Sigma_proposal_chol_inv <- solve(chol(Sigma_proposal))

kernels <- get_mh_kernels(target, Sigma_proposal)
single_kernel <- kernels$single_kernel
coupled_kernel <- kernels$coupled_kernel
rinit <- function(){
  x <- rnorm(1, 5, 5)
  return(list(chain_state = x, current_pdf = target(x)))

### Test of the single kernel
niterations <- 25000
state <- rinit()
chain <- matrix(ncol=1, nrow=niterations)
chain[1,] <- state$chain_state
for (t in 2:niterations){
  state <- single_kernel(state)
  chain[t,] <- state$chain_state
it <- floor(seq(from = 1, to  = niterations, length.out = 1000))
qplot(x=it, y=chain[it], geom = "line") + ylab("X") + xlab("iteration")
hist(chain[1000:niterations], nclass = 100, prob = TRUE)
curve(sapply(x, function(y) exp(target(y))), add = T)
mean(chain > 1)

# Markov kernel of the coupled chain
niterations <- 50000
state1 <- rinit()
state2 <- rinit()
chain1 <- matrix(ncol=1, nrow=niterations)
chain2 <- matrix(ncol=1, nrow=niterations)
chain1[1,] <- state1$chain_state
chain2[1,] <- state2$chain_state
meetingtime <- Inf
for (t in 2:niterations){
  coupled_result <- coupled_kernel(state1, state2)
  state1 <- coupled_result$state1
  state2 <- coupled_result$state2
  if (coupled_result$identical && is.infinite(meetingtime)){
    meetingtime <- t
  chain1[t,] <- state1$chain_state
  chain2[t,] <- state2$chain_state
it <- floor(seq(from = 1, to  = niterations, length.out = 1000))
qplot(x=it, y=chain1[it], geom = "line") + ylab("X") + xlab("iteration") + geom_line(aes(y = chain2[it]), colour = "red")

hist(chain1[1000:niterations], nclass = 100, prob = TRUE)
hist(chain2[1000:niterations], nclass = 100, prob = TRUE, add = TRUE, col = rgb(1,0,0,0.5))
curve(sapply(x, function(y) exp(target(y))), add = T)

## a meeting
res <- sample_coupled_chains(single_kernel, coupled_kernel, rinit, m = 3)
H_bar(res, h = function(x) x, k = 3, m = 3)
# #
qplot(x = 0:res$iteration, y = res$samples1[,1], geom = "line") +
  geom_line(aes(x = 0:(res$iteration-1), y = res$samples2[,1]), col = rgb(1,0,0,0.5)) +
  geom_line(aes(x = 1:res$iteration, y = res$samples2[,1]), col = rgb(1,0,0,1), linetype = 2)

### distribution of meeting times
nsamples <- 500
meetingtime <- foreach(irep = 1:nsamples, .combine = c) %dorng% {
  sample_meetingtime(single_kernel, coupled_kernel, rinit)$meetingtime
pierrejacob/debiasedmcmc documentation built on Aug. 22, 2022, 12:41 a.m.