
# load packages
rm(list = ls())
registerDoParallel(cores = detectCores()-2)

## This scripts illustrates the approximation of the cut distribution
# Plummer's example on HPV
# nhpv considered as Y
nhpv <- c(7, 6, 10, 10, 1, 1, 10, 4, 35, 0, 10, 8, 4)
y1 <- matrix(nhpv, nrow = 1)
# Npart is put in the parameters
Npart <- c(111, 71, 162, 188, 145, 215, 166, 37, 173,
           143, 229, 696, 93)
J <- 13
# posterior is beta in each study, with parameters
posterior_phi_alpha <- 1 + nhpv
posterior_phi_beta <- 1 + Npart - nhpv

sample_module1 <- function(nsamples){
  theta1s <- matrix(nrow = nsamples, ncol = J)
  for (j in 1:J){
    theta1s[,j] <- rbeta(nsamples, shape1 = posterior_phi_alpha[j], shape2 = posterior_phi_beta[j])

# For module 2, ncases considered data
ncases <- c(16, 215, 362, 97, 76, 62, 710, 56, 133,28, 62, 413, 194)
y2 <- matrix(ncases, nrow = 1)
# Npop considered parameters
Npop <- c(26983, 250930, 829348, 157775, 150467, 352445, 553066,
          26751, 75815, 150302, 354993, 3683043, 507218)
Npop_normalized <- log(10**(-3) * Npop)
# Find parameters given Y2
hyper2 <- list(theta2_mean_prior = 0, theta2_prior_sd = sqrt(1000))
dprior2 <- function(theta2, hyper2){
  return(sum(dnorm(theta2, mean = hyper2$theta2_mean_prior, sd = hyper2$theta2_prior_sd, log = TRUE)))

cppFunction("double plummer_module2_loglikelihood_(NumericVector theta1, NumericVector theta2,
            NumericVector ncases, NumericVector Npop_normalized){
            double eval = 0;
            double mu, logmu;
            for (int j = 0; j < 13; j++){
            logmu = theta2(0) + theta1(j) * theta2(1) + Npop_normalized(j);
            mu = exp(logmu);
            eval += ncases(j) * logmu - mu;
            return eval;

get_kernels <- function(theta1, Sigma_proposal, init_mean, init_Sigma){
  target <- function(x) plummer_module2_loglikelihood_(theta1, x, ncases, Npop_normalized) + dprior2(x, hyper2)
  Sigma_proposal_chol <- chol(Sigma_proposal)
  Sigma_proposal_chol_inv <- solve(Sigma_proposal_chol)

  # Markov kernel of the chain
  single_kernel <- function(state){
    chain_state <- state$chain_state
    current_pdf <- state$current_pdf
    proposal_value <- chain_state + fast_rmvnorm_chol(1, rep(0, dimension), Sigma_proposal_chol)[1,]
    proposal_pdf <- target(proposal_value)
    accept <- (log(runif(1)) < (proposal_pdf - current_pdf))
    if (accept){
      return(list(chain_state = proposal_value, current_pdf = proposal_pdf))
    } else {
      return(list(chain_state = chain_state, current_pdf = current_pdf))

  # Markov kernel of the coupled chain
  coupled_kernel <- function(state1, state2){
    chain_state1 <- state1$chain_state
    chain_state2 <- state2$chain_state
    current_pdf1 <- state1$current_pdf
    current_pdf2 <- state2$current_pdf
    proposal_value <- rmvnorm_reflectionmax(chain_state1, chain_state2, Sigma_proposal_chol, Sigma_proposal_chol_inv)
    proposal1 <- proposal_value$xy[,1]
    proposal2 <- proposal_value$xy[,2]
    identical_proposal <- proposal_value$identical
    proposal_pdf1 <- target(proposal1)
    proposal_pdf2 <- proposal_pdf1
    if (!identical_proposal){
      proposal_pdf2 <- target(proposal2)
    logu <- log(runif(1))
    accept1 <- FALSE
    accept2 <- FALSE
    if (is.finite(proposal_pdf1)){
      accept1 <- (logu < (proposal_pdf1 - current_pdf1))
    if (is.finite(proposal_pdf2)){
      accept2 <- (logu < (proposal_pdf2 - current_pdf2))
    if (accept1){
      chain_state1 <- proposal1
      current_pdf1 <- proposal_pdf1
    if (accept2){
      chain_state2 <- proposal2
      current_pdf2 <- proposal_pdf2
    identical_ <- ((proposal_value$identical) && (accept1) && (accept2))
    return(list(state1 = list(chain_state = chain_state1, current_pdf = current_pdf1),
                state2 = list(chain_state = chain_state2, current_pdf = current_pdf2),
                identical = identical_))
  rinit <- function(){
    chain_state <- fast_rmvnorm_chol(1, mean = init_mean, init_Sigma)[1,]
    current_pdf <- target(chain_state)
    return(list(chain_state = chain_state, current_pdf = current_pdf))
  return(list(target = target, coupled_kernel = coupled_kernel, single_kernel = single_kernel, rinit = rinit))

## (modify nsamples if desired)
# first sample theta1's and compute posterior mean under first model
nsamples <- 1000
theta1s <- sample_module1(nsamples)
theta1hat <- colMeans(theta1s)
## then try to perform inference on theta2 given theta1hat
dimension <- 2
Sigma_proposal <- diag(0.1, dimension, dimension)
init_mean <- rep(0, dimension)
init_Sigma <- diag(1, dimension, dimension)
## first run standard MCMC
filename <- "plummer.tuning.RData"
pb <- get_kernels(theta1hat, Sigma_proposal, init_mean, init_Sigma)
niterations <- 5e3
chain <- matrix(0, nrow = niterations, ncol = dimension)
state <- pb$rinit()
for (iteration in 1:niterations){
  state <- pb$single_kernel(state)
  chain[iteration,] <- state$chain_state
matplot(chain, type = "l")
# then refine the initial distribution and the estimate of posterior covariance matrix
chain_postburn <- chain[2e3:niterations,]
init_mean <- colMeans(chain_postburn)
init_Sigma <- cov(chain_postburn)
Sigma_proposal <- init_Sigma
pb <- get_kernels(theta1hat, Sigma_proposal, init_mean, init_Sigma)
chain <- matrix(0, nrow = niterations, ncol = dimension)
state <- pb$rinit()
for (iteration in 1:niterations){
  state <- pb$single_kernel(state)
  chain[iteration,] <- state$chain_state
matplot(chain, type = "l")
chain_postburn <- chain[2e3:niterations,]
init_mean <- colMeans(chain_postburn)
init_Sigma <- cov(chain_postburn)
Sigma_proposal <- init_Sigma
# the chain seems to mix OK

## Now let theta1 vary too and see how
## meeting times behave with the tuning selected as above
theta1s <- sample_module1(nsamples)
meetingtimes_1 <-  foreach(irep = 1:nsamples) %dorng% {
  pb <- get_kernels(theta1s[irep,], Sigma_proposal, init_mean, init_Sigma)
  sample_meetingtime(pb$single_kernel, pb$coupled_kernel, pb$rinit)
save(meetingtimes_1, file = filename)
load(file = filename)
meetingtime <- sapply(meetingtimes_1, function(x) x$meetingtime)
## the meeting times are quite short
k <- 100
m <- 1000

# now we will re-estimate the target covariance matrix using unbiased MCMC
c_chains_1 <-  foreach(irep = 1:nsamples) %dorng% {
  pb <- get_kernels(theta1s[irep,], Sigma_proposal, init_mean, init_Sigma)
  sample_coupled_chains(pb$single_kernel, pb$coupled_kernel, pb$rinit, m = m)
save(nsamples, k, m, meetingtimes_1, c_chains_1, file = filename)
load(file = filename)
max(sapply(c_chains_1, function(x) x$meetingtime))

mean_estimators <-  foreach(irep = 1:nsamples) %dorng% {
  H_bar(c_chains_1[[irep]], h = function(x) x, k = k, m = m)

square_estimators <-  foreach(irep = 1:nsamples) %dorng% {
  H_bar(c_chains_1[[irep]], h = function(x) x^2, k = k, m = m)

cross_estimator <- foreach(irep = 1:nsamples) %dorng% {
  H_bar(c_chains_1[[irep]], h = function(x) x[1]*x[2], k = k, m = m)

post_mean <- rowMeans(sapply(mean_estimators, function(x) x))
post_var <- rowMeans(sapply(square_estimators, function(x) x)) - post_mean^2
post_cross <- mean(sapply(cross_estimator, function(x) x)) - prod(post_mean)
Sigma_proposal <- diag(post_var)
Sigma_proposal[1,2] <- Sigma_proposal[2,1] <- post_cross
init_Sigma <- Sigma_proposal
## we could check that the estimated covariance is positive semi-definite, e.g. by running
## with the above tuning parameters, we are now ready to produce the final results

filename <- "plummer.results.RData"
## Using the new covariance matrix estimate we draw new meeting times
nsamples <- 10000
theta1s <- sample_module1(nsamples)
dimension <- 2
meetingtimes_2 <-  foreach(irep = 1:nsamples) %dorng% {
  theta1 <- theta1s[irep,]
  pb <- get_kernels(theta1, Sigma_proposal, init_mean, init_Sigma)
  sample_meetingtime(pb$single_kernel, pb$coupled_kernel, pb$rinit)
save(nsamples, meetingtimes_2, file = filename)
meetingtime <- sapply(meetingtimes_2, function(x) x$meetingtime)

k <- 100
m <- 10*k
### Now we run the final pairs of chains
c_chains_2 <-  foreach(irep = 1:nsamples) %dorng% {
  theta1 <- theta1s[irep,]
  pb <- get_kernels(theta1, Sigma_proposal, init_mean, init_Sigma)
  sample_coupled_chains(pb$single_kernel, pb$coupled_kernel, pb$rinit, m = m)
save(k, m, nsamples, meetingtimes_2, c_chains_2, file = filename)

sum(sapply(c_chains_2, function(x) x$iteration))

mean_estimators <-  foreach(irep = 1:nsamples) %dorng% {
  H_bar(c_chains_2[[irep]], k = k, m = m)

square_estimators <-  foreach(irep = 1:nsamples) %dorng% {
  H_bar(c_chains_2[[irep]], h = function(x) x^2, k = k, m = m)

cross_estimators <-  foreach(irep = 1:nsamples) %dorng% {
  H_bar(c_chains_2[[irep]], h = function(x) x[1] * x[2], k = k, m = m)

est_mean <- rep(0, dimension)
est_var <- rep(0, dimension)

for (component in 1:dimension){
  estimators <- sapply(mean_estimators, function(x) x[component])
  cat("estimated mean: ", mean(estimators), "+/- ", 2*sd(estimators)/sqrt(nsamples), "\n")
  s_estimators <- sapply(square_estimators, function(x) x[component])
  cat("estimated second moment: ", mean(s_estimators), "+/- ", 2*sd(s_estimators)/sqrt(nsamples), "\n")
  cat("estimated variance: ", mean(s_estimators) - mean(estimators)^2, "\n")
  est_mean[component] <- mean(estimators)
  est_var[component] <- mean(s_estimators) - est_mean[component]^2
c_estimators <- sapply(cross_estimators, function(x) x)
cat("estimated covariance: ", mean(c_estimators) - prod(est_mean), "\n")

### exact cut distribution from parallel MCMC runs
## Modify niterations
niterations <- 1000
theta2s <- foreach(itheta = 1:nrow(theta1s), .combine = rbind) %dorng% {
  theta1 <- theta1s[itheta,]
  pb <-  get_kernels(theta1, Sigma_proposal, init_mean, init_Sigma)
  chain <- pb$rinit()
  for (iter in 1:niterations){
    chain <- pb$single_kernel(chain)
save(theta2s, file = "plummer.mcmc.RData")
# load(file = "plummer.mcmc.RData")

# colMeans(theta2s)
# sqrt(diag(cov(theta2s)))
pierrejacob/debiasedmcmc documentation built on Aug. 22, 2022, 12:41 a.m.