
Defines functions package2zenodo

Documented in package2zenodo

#' package2zenodo
#' Creates a .zenodo.json for a R package. This file is an
#' (officially unsupported) method to provide ZENODO with metadata information
#' about the package and will overwrite the information ZENODO would otherwise
#' auto-generate from the repository.
#' @param package either the path to the main folder of a package (containing a DESCRIPTION file)
#' or the name of the package. If a path is provided the .zenodo.json file will be directly added
#' to the folder. Otherwise the content of such a file is just returned.
#' @author Jan Philipp Dietrich
#' @importFrom jsonlite toJSON
#' @importFrom desc desc
#' @importFrom withr local_connection
#' @return The metadata information that should be provided to Zenodo in JSON format.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' package2zenodo("citation")
package2zenodo <- function(package = ".") {
  if (file.exists(file.path(package, "DESCRIPTION"))) {
    d <- desc(file = file.path(package, "DESCRIPTION"))
    folder <- package
  } else {
    d <- desc(package = package)
    folder <- NULL

  authors <-  format(d$get_authors(), include = c("family", "given"),
                     braces = list(family = c("", ",")))
  json <- list(title = paste0(d$get("Package"), ": ", d$get("Title")),
               version = d$get("Version"),
               description = paste0("<p>", d$get("Description"), "</p>"),
               creators = lapply(authors, function(x) return(list(name = x))))

  out <- toJSON(json, pretty = TRUE, auto_unbox = TRUE)
  if (!is.null(folder)) {
    zenodofile <- file.path(folder, ".zenodo.json")
    if (file.exists(zenodofile)) {
      message("Updated .zenodo.json file")
    } else {
      message("Added .zenodo.json file")
    # enc2utf8 re-encodes out as utf8, encoding = "" and useBytes = TRUE prevent automatic re-encoding
    writeLines(enc2utf8(out), local_connection(file(zenodofile, "w+", encoding = "")), useBytes = TRUE)

    rbuildignore <- file.path(folder, ".Rbuildignore")
    if (file.exists(rbuildignore)) {
      a <- readLines(rbuildignore)
      if (all(!grepl("zenodo.json", a, fixed = TRUE))) {
        a <- c(a, "^.*\\.zenodo.json$")
        writeLines(a, rbuildignore)
        message("Added .zenodo.json to .Rbuildignore")
  } else {
pik-piam/citation documentation built on Jan. 31, 2024, 10 a.m.