#' copy_input
#' Function to copy input files to their destination folders
#' @param x Filepath or data frame containing the mapping of files to be deleted
#' @param sourcepath Path to folder containing all input files
#' @param suffix suffix that might be part of input names that should be deleted
#' @param move If TRUE files will be moved instead of copied (default=FALSE)
#' @export
#' @author Jan Philipp Dietrich, David Klein
copy_input <- function(x, sourcepath, suffix = NULL, move = FALSE) { #nolint
if (!requireNamespace("magclass", quietly = TRUE)) stop("The package magclass is required for copying files!")
if (is.character(x)) {
if (!file.exists(x)) stop("Cannot find file mapping!")
map <- read.csv(x, sep = ";", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
} else {
map <- x
x <- map$file
names(x) <- map$destination
if (move) {
message("\nStart moving input files:\n")
} else {
message("\nStart copying input files:\n")
nmax <- max(nchar(x))
for (i in seq_along(x)) {
outputpath <- path(names(x)[i], x[i])
if (file.exists(outputpath)) file.remove(outputpath)
inputpath <- paste0(sourcepath, "/", x[i])
if (!file.exists(inputpath)) {
inputpath <- Sys.glob(sub("^(.*)\\.[^\\.]*$", paste0(sourcepath, "/\\1_", suffix, ".*"), x[i]))
if (length(inputpath) > 1) {
stop("Problem determining the proper input path for file", x[i], "(more than one possible path found)")
} else if (length(inputpath) == 0) {
warning("File ", x[i], " seems to be missing!")
message(" ", format(x[i], width = nmax), " -> FAILED!")
magclass::copy.magpie(inputpath, outputpath)
if (move & !(i != length(x) & (x[i] %in% x[i + seq_along(x)]))) {
message(" ", format(inputpath, width = nmax), " -> ", outputpath)
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