#' updateInterfaceMapping
#' Function to update the mapping between interfaces and their origin modules.
#' @param path path of the main folder of the model
#' @param modulepath path to the module folder relative to "path"
#' @author Jan Philipp Dietrich
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils read.csv write.csv
#' @seealso \code{\link{codeCheck}}
updateInterfaceMapping <- function(path=".",modulepath="modules") {
choose_module <- function(modules,title) {
message(paste(1:length(modules), modules, sep=": ", collapse="\n"))
message("\nNumber: ")
identifier <- getLine()
identifier <- as.numeric(strsplit(identifier,",")[[1]])
if (any(!(identifier %in% 1:length(modules)))) stop("This choice (",identifier,") is not possible. Please type in a number between 1 and ",length(modules))
a <- codeCheck(path,modulepath="modules")
interfaces <- unique(as.vector(unlist(a)))
#read current table
out <- read.csv(path(path,modulepath,"module_interface_mapping.csv"))
out[,1] <- as.character(out[,1])
out[,2] <- as.character(out[,2])
rownames(out) <- out[,"interface"]
#remove nonexisting interfaces
out <- out[rownames(out) %in% interfaces,]
tmp <- matrix(NA,length(setdiff(interfaces,rownames(out))),2)
rownames(tmp) <- setdiff(interfaces,rownames(out))
tmp[,1] <- setdiff(interfaces,rownames(out))
colnames(tmp) <- colnames(out)
out <- rbind(out,tmp)
tmp_in <- function(x,y) return(y%in%x)
for(i in interfaces[is.na(out[interfaces,"module"])]) {
m <- sapply(a,tmp_in,i)
out[i,2] <- paste(choose_module(names(m)[m],paste("To which module belongs the interface ",i,"?",sep="")),collapse="|")
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