#' extractDocumentation
#' Extracts doxygen-like GAMS documentation. Entries are introduced with an @type at the beginning
#' of the line. In case of @realization also GAMS code is read and interpreted, in all other cases
#' only the specific documentation comment is evaluated.
#' @param path path to the file(s) which should be evaluated
#' @param startType set type for first line of code. This can be useful
#' to extract documentation even if no documentation type has been set (e.g
#' reading equations.gms as type realization)
#' @param comment comment chars used for documentation comments
#' @return a nested list of documentation pieces with type as name of each element.
#' Each element contains two lists `content` containing the actual documentation
#' and `cfg` containing optional attributes passed with the type.
#' @author Jan Philipp Dietrich
#' @importFrom stringi stri_extract_all_regex stri_replace_all_regex
#' @seealso \code{\link{goxygen}}
#' @examples
#' mainfile <- paste0(system.file("dummymodel", package = "gms"), "/main.gms")
#' calcfile <- paste0(system.file("dummymodel", package = "gms"),
#' "/modules/02_crazymodule/complex/calculations.gms")
#' # extracting information from the main file of the model
#' extractDocumentation(mainfile)
#' # extracting information from a file with some equations in it
#' extractDocumentation(calcfile)
#' @export
extractDocumentation <- function(path, startType = NULL, comment = "*'") { # nolint
if (length(path) > 1) {
out <- list()
for (p in path) {
out <- append(out, extractDocumentation(p, startType = startType, comment = comment))
escapeRegex <- function(x) {
return(gsub("([.|()\\^{}+$*?]|\\[|\\])", "\\\\\\1", x))
removeComments <- function(x, comment) {
return(grep(paste0("^(", escapeRegex(comment), "|[^*])"), x, value = TRUE))
extractBlock <- function(x, comment) {
code <- "@(\\w*) ?(.*)$"
pattern <- paste0("^(", escapeRegex(comment), ") *", code)
type <- sub(pattern, "\\2", x[1])
# extract attributes
rest <- sub(pattern, "\\3", x[1])
attrPattern <- "^(\\{.+\\})(.*)$"
attributes <- NULL
if (grepl(attrPattern, rest)) {
expr = {
attributes <- yaml::yaml.load(sub(attrPattern, "\\1", rest))
x[1] <- sub("\\{.+\\}", "", x[1])
error = function(e) {
stop(paste0("Failed to parse yaml expression ", rest, "\n", e))
if (type == "equations") {
x[1] <- sub(pattern, "\\1 \\3", x[1])
x <- paste(x, collapse = "\n")
equation <- "(^|\n)[^\n]*?[ \n\t]*\\.\\.([^.]|\n)(.|\n)*?;"
eq <- stri_extract_all_regex(x, equation)[[1]]
if (length(eq) == 1 && is.na(eq)) {
eq <- NULL
} else {
eq <- gamsequation2tex(eq)
x <- stri_replace_all_regex(x, equation, paste(comment, "\n", comment, "#::.equation.::#", "\n", comment, "\n"))
x <- stri_extract_all_regex(x, paste0(escapeRegex(comment), ".*(\\n|$)"))[[1]]
x <- gsub(paste0("(\n|", escapeRegex(comment), " *)"), "", x)
# fill in equations
for (i in names(eq)) {
delim <- ifelse(grepl("CONVERSION FAILED!", i, fixed = TRUE), "```", "")
x[grep("#::.equation.::#", x)[1]] <- paste0(delim, "\n", eq[i], "\n", delim)
type <- "description"
} else if (type == "code") {
com <- grepl(paste0("^", escapeRegex(comment), " *"), x)
x[!com] <- paste0("```\n", x[!com], "\n```")
x[com] <- sub(paste0("^", escapeRegex(comment), " *"), "", x[com])
x[1] <- sub(code, "\\2", x[1])
x <- paste(x, collapse = "\n")
x <- gsub("\n```\n```\n", "\n", x, fixed = TRUE)
x <- strsplit(x, "\n")[[1]]
type <- "description"
} else if (type == "stop") {
} else {
x <- grep(paste0("^", escapeRegex(comment), " *"), x, value = TRUE)
x <- sub(paste0("^", escapeRegex(comment), " *"), "", x)
x[1] <- sub(code, "\\2", x[1])
while (length(x) > 1 && x[1] == "") x <- x[-1]
while (length(x) > 1 && tail(x, 1) == "") x <- x[-length(x)]
if (length(x) == 1) if (is.na(x) || x == "") return(NULL)
if (type == "description") x <- c(x, "")
out <- list()
out[[type]] <- list(
content = x,
cfg = attributes
if (!file.exists(path)) return(list())
x <- readLines(path, warn = FALSE)
x <- removeComments(x, comment)
if (!is.null(startType)) {
x <- c(paste0(comment, " @", startType, " "), x)
regex <- paste0("^", escapeRegex(comment), " @[a-z]*( |(\\{.+\\})|$)")
blocksStart <- suppressWarnings(grep(regex, x))
if (length(blocksStart) == 0) return(list())
blocksEnd <- c(blocksStart[-1] - 1, length(x))
blocks <- list()
for (i in seq_along(blocksStart)) {
blocks <- c(blocks, extractBlock(x[blocksStart[i]:blocksEnd[i]], comment))
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