#' oldBuildHTML
#' Converts a folder with markdown files and a corresponding literature library
#' (if available) to HTML files and creates cross-links between them.
#' Pandoc (https://pandoc.org/) together with pandoc-citeproc need to be installed
#' on the system.
#' @param folder location the HTML files should be written to
#' @param mdfolder path to the markdown folder to be used as source
#' @param literature path to a bibliography, if available (will be ignored
#' if file does not exist)
#' @param citation Citation information in citation file format (optional)
#' @param supplementary a vector of files and/or folders required for the conversion
#' (e.g. an images subdirectory with figures to be shown in the documents)
#' @param addHTML character vector with HTML code which should be added to the body of each HTML file.
#' @author Jan Philipp Dietrich
#' @seealso \code{\link{goxygen}}, \code{\link{buildTEX}}
#' @importFrom utils packageVersion
oldBuildHTML <- function(folder="html", mdfolder="markdown", literature="literature.bib", citation="../CITATION.cff", supplementary=NULL, addHTML=NULL) {
message("Start HTML creation...")
files <- list.files(mdfolder,pattern=".*\\.md$",full.names = TRUE)
moduleNames <- sub("\\.[^.]*$","",basename(files))
if(!dir.exists(folder)) dir.create(folder)
ref <- tempfile()
returnReferences(moduleNames,paste0(moduleNames,".htm"),ref, level=2)
if(is.character(citation) && file.exists(citation)) citation <- read_cff(citation)
returnHTMLNav <- function(names, targets, id="TOCL") {
if("index"%in%names) {
#bring index page to the front
targets <- targets[order(names!="index")]
names <- names[order(names!="index")]
#rename index to overview
names[names=="index"] <- "Overview"
out <- paste0('<nav id="',id,'">','<ul>')
for(i in 1:length(names)) {
out <- c(out,paste0('<li><a href="',targets[i],'">',names[i],'</a></li>'))
out <- c(out,'</ul>','</nav>')
addMainHeaderHTML <- function(citation) {
if(file.exists("images/logo.png")) {
logo <- ' <a href="index.htm"><img id="logo" src="images/logo.png" height="100" alt="model logo" /></a>'
} else {
logo <- NULL
if(!is.null(citation$version)) {
version <- paste0(" | Version ",citation$version)
} else {
version <- NULL
out <- c('<div id="mainheaderbox">',
'<div id="mainheader">',
paste0(' <div id=mainheadertext><h1 id="mainheadertitle">Model Documentation</h1><h3 id="mainheaderversion">',version,'</h3></div>'),
paste0(' <small>created with <a href="https://github.com/pik-piam/goxygen">goxygen</a> ',packageVersion("goxygen"),'</small>'),
addHTML <- c(addHTML,addMainHeaderHTML(citation),returnHTMLNav(moduleNames, paste0(moduleNames,".htm")))
bib <- ifelse(file.exists(literature),paste0("--bibliography=",literature),"")
addText <- function(html,key, content, before=FALSE, occurrence=1) {
cut <- grep(key,html,fixed=TRUE)[occurrence]
if(is.na(cut)) {
warning("Pattern ",key," not found!")
if(before) cut <- cut-1
for(m in moduleNames) {
ofile <- paste0(folder,"/",m,".htm")
system(paste0("pandoc ",mdfolder,"/",m,".md ",ref," -o ",ofile,
" --css template.css ",bib," --toc --mathjax --standalone --metadata link-citations=true --metadata title=",m))
# Add additional code to html file
html <- readLines(ofile)
html <- addText(html, "<h1 ","<div id=\"everything\">",before=TRUE, occurrence=2)
html <- addText(html, "</body>","</div>", before=TRUE)
html <- sub("(<title>)(.*)(</title>)",paste0("\\1",citation$title," | \\2\\3"),html)
html <- addText(html, "<body>", addHTML)
#add mathjax config
addMJConfig <- '<script type="text/x-mathjax-config">
CommonHTML: { linebreaks: { automatic: true, width: "32em" } },
"HTML-CSS": { linebreaks: { automatic: true, width: "32em" } },
SVG: { linebreaks: { automatic: true, width: "32em" } }
html <- addText(html,"<head>", addMJConfig)
for(elem in supplementary) file.copy(elem,folder,recursive = TRUE, overwrite = TRUE)
message("...finished HTML creation!")
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.