
Defines functions reportExchange

Documented in reportExchange

#' Read in GDX and calculate electricity exchange,  value of exchange and aggregated transmission capacites,  used in convGDX2MIF.R for the reporting
#' Read in electricity exchange data from GDX file,  information used in convGDX2MIF.R
#' for the reporting
#' @param gdx a GDX object as created by readGDX,  or the path to a gdx
#' @return MAgPIE object - contains the capacity variables
#' @author Sebastian Osorio,  Renato Rodrigues
#' @seealso \code{\link{convGDX2MIF}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{reportExchange(gdx)}
#' @importFrom gdx readGDX
#' @importFrom magclass mbind setNames dimSums getSets getSets<- as.magpie getNames<- getItems<- getItems
#' @export
reportExchange <- function(gdx) {

  # read parameters and sets
  trans <- readGDX(gdx, name = "trans") #set of cross-border transmission lines (numeric)
  tau <- readGDX(gdx, name = "tau") #set of tau
  regi <- readGDX(gdx, name = "regi") #set of countries
  tt <- readGDX(gdx, name = "t") #set of time
  tt <- readGDX(gdx, name = "t", field = "l", format = "first_found") # time set
  t0 <- tt[1]
  c_esmdisrate <- readGDX(gdx, name = "c_esmdisrate", field = "l", format = "first_found") #interest rate
  p_tedataconn <- readGDX(gdx, name = "p_tedataconn", field = "l", format = "first_found") #technical parameters of transmission
  p_ts <- readGDX(gdx, name = "p_ts", field = "l", format = "first_found") #time step
  p_taulength <- readGDX(gdx, name = c("p_taulength", "pm_taulength"), field = "l", format = "first_found")[, , tau] #number of hours/year per tau

  # read variables
  v_transflow1 <- readGDX(gdx, name = "v_transflow1", field = "l", format = "first_found")
  v_transflow2 <- readGDX(gdx, name = "v_transflow2", field = "l", format = "first_found")
  v_captrans <- readGDX(gdx, name = "v_captrans", field = "l", format = "first_found")

  #define the losses
  p_losses <- p_tedataconn[, , "loss"]
  p_length <- p_tedataconn[, , "length"]

  #ELECTRICITY PRICES (needed for computing import and export prices)
  # read variables
  m_elecprices <- readGDX(gdx, name = "q_sebal", field = "m", format = "first_found")
  m_elecprices <- m_elecprices[, , "seel"]

  # create MagPie object of m_elecprices with iso3 regions
  m_elecprices <- limesMapping(m_elecprices)[, , tau]

  # calculate marginal value per tau
  m_elecprices  =  m_elecprices/p_taulength

  #compute factor to discount average marginal values
  f_npv <- as.numeric(p_ts)*exp(-as.numeric(c_esmdisrate)*(as.numeric(tt)-as.numeric(t0)))

  #discounting marginal values [Geur/GWh]
  m_elecprices_tmp <- NULL
  for (t2 in 1:length(tt)) {
    m_elecprices_tmp <- mbind(m_elecprices_tmp, m_elecprices[, t2, ]/f_npv[t2])

  # settings mapping path
  mappingPath <- system.file("extdata", "LIMES_country_ISO_3.csv", package = "limes")
  # reading mapping file
  mapping <- read.csv(mappingPath, sep = ";")

  #Create variables for NET EXPORTS of the same size and forman than v_transflow
  v_netflow1 <- v_transflow1*0
  v_netflow2 <- v_transflow2*0

  exports <- NULL
  capexports <- NULL
  valueexports <- NULL
  expo_regi <- NULL
  netexpo_regi <- NULL
  cap_regi <- NULL

  #estimate aggregated (total) exports from each country
  for (regi2 in regi) {

    #initialize variables to aggregate positive flows
    value1 <- 0
    expo1 <- NULL
    netexpo1 <- NULL
    cap_regi1 <- NULL

    #aggregate the positive flows
    conns1 <- trans[which(trans$regi  ==  regi2), ]$conn
    if(sum(as.numeric(conns1))!= 0) {

      for (conns_tmp in conns1) {

        flow_regi1 <- 0
        netflow_regi1 <- 0

        for (tau2 in tau) {
        #aggregate positive flows
        flow_tmp1 <- v_transflow1[, , paste0(tau2, ".", conns_tmp)]*as.numeric(p_taulength[, , tau2]) #in GWh for value
        flow_regi1 <- flow_regi1 + setNames(flow_tmp1/1000, NULL) #cumulate per border link... in TWh for volume
        partMagPie1 <- partMagPie1 + setNames(flow_tmp1/1000, NULL) #cumulate per country... in TWh for volume

        #estimating value of exports (the price paid is the one of country to which is exported [if exports is because marginal costs are lower])
        regi_tmp_iso2 <- trans[match(conns_tmp, trans$conn), ]$reg #country to which is exported (ISO2)
        regi_tmp_iso3 <- mapping[match(regi_tmp_iso2, mapping$LIMES_ISO2), ]$LIMES_ISO3 #country to which is exported (ISO3)
        price_conn1 <- m_elecprices_tmp[regi_tmp_iso3, , tau2] #price in country to which is exported (price paid for the exports)
        getItems(flow_tmp1,  dim  =  1) <- regi_tmp_iso3
        value_tmp1 <- setNames(flow_tmp1, NULL)*(1-as.numeric(p_losses[, , conns_tmp]))*setNames(price_conn1, NULL)
        getItems(value_tmp1,  dim  =  1) <- mapping[match(regi2, mapping$LIMES_ISO2), ]$LIMES_ISO3
        value1 <- value1 + value_tmp1

        #calculate the NET EXPORTS (positive flows)
        v_netflow1[, , paste0(tau2, ".", conns_tmp)] <- v_transflow1[, , paste0(tau2, ".", conns_tmp)]-v_transflow2[, , paste0(tau2, ".", conns_tmp)]*as.numeric(1-p_losses[, , conns_tmp])

        #aggregate positive NET flows
        netflow_tmp1 <- v_netflow1[, , paste0(tau2, ".", conns_tmp)]*as.numeric(p_taulength[, , tau2]) #in GWh for value
        netflow_regi1 <- netflow_regi1 + setNames(netflow_tmp1/1000, NULL) #cumulate per border link... in TWh for volume


        cap1 <- cap1 + setNames(v_captrans[, , conns_tmp], NULL)

        #exports to every country (positive flows)
        flow_regi <- setNames(flow_regi1, NULL)
        getItems(flow_regi,  dim  =  1) <- mapping[match(regi2, mapping$LIMES_ISO2), ]$LIMES_ISO3
        a <- paste0("Exports to ",  mapping[match(trans[match(conns_tmp, trans$conn), ]$reg, mapping$LIMES_ISO2), ]$LIMES_ISO3, "|Electricity (TWh/yr)")
        expo1 <- mbind(expo1, setNames(flow_regi, a))

        #net exports to every country (positive flows)
        netflow_regi <- setNames(netflow_regi1, NULL)
        getItems(netflow_regi,  dim  =  1) <- mapping[match(regi2, mapping$LIMES_ISO2), ]$LIMES_ISO3
        a <- paste0("Net exports to ",  mapping[match(trans[match(conns_tmp, trans$conn), ]$reg, mapping$LIMES_ISO2), ]$LIMES_ISO3, "|Electricity (TWh/yr)")
        netexpo1 <- mbind(netexpo1, setNames(netflow_regi, a))

        #cross-border transmission capacity (positive flows)
        cap_regi_tmp <- v_captrans[, , conns_tmp]
        getItems(cap_regi_tmp,  dim  =  1) <- mapping[match(regi2, mapping$LIMES_ISO2), ]$LIMES_ISO3
        a <- paste0("Transmission capacity with ",  mapping[match(trans[match(conns_tmp, trans$conn), ]$reg, mapping$LIMES_ISO2), ]$LIMES_ISO3, "|Electricity (GW)")
        cap_regi1 <- mbind(cap_regi1, setNames(cap_regi_tmp, a))



    #initialize variables to aggregate negative flows
    partMagPie2 <- 0
    cap2 <- 0
    value2 <- 0
    expo2 <- NULL
    netexpo2 <- NULL
    cap_regi2 <- NULL

    #aggreate negative flows
    conns2 <- trans[which(trans$reg  ==  regi2), ]$conn
    if(sum(as.numeric(conns2)) != 0) {

      for (conns_tmp in conns2) {

        flow_regi2 <- 0
        netflow_regi2 <- 0

        for (tau2 in tau) {
        #aggregate negative flows
        flow_tmp2 <- v_transflow2[, , paste0(tau2, ".", conns_tmp)]*as.numeric(p_taulength[, , tau2]) #in GWh for value
        flow_regi2 <- flow_regi2 + setNames(flow_tmp2/1000, NULL) #cumulate per border link... in TWh for volume
        partMagPie2 <- partMagPie2 + setNames(flow_tmp2/1000, NULL) #cumulate per country...in TWh for volume

        #estimating value of exports (the price paid is the one of country to which is exported [if exports is because marginal costs are lower])
        regi_tmp_iso2 <- trans[match(conns_tmp, trans$conn), ]$regi #country to which is exported (ISO2)
        regi_tmp_iso3 <- mapping[match(regi_tmp_iso2, mapping$LIMES_ISO2), ]$LIMES_ISO3 #country to which is exported (ISO3)
        price_conn2 <- m_elecprices_tmp[regi_tmp_iso3, , tau2] #price in country to which is exported (price paid for the exports)
        getItems(flow_tmp2,  dim  =  1) <- regi_tmp_iso3
        #setNames(flow_tmp2, NULL)
        #setNames(price_conn2, NULL)
        value_tmp2 <- setNames(flow_tmp2, NULL)*(1-as.numeric(p_losses[, , conns_tmp]))*setNames(price_conn2,  NULL)
        getItems(value_tmp2,  dim  =  1) <- mapping[match(regi2, mapping$LIMES_ISO2), ]$LIMES_ISO3
        value2 <- value2 + value_tmp2

        #calculate the NET EXPORTS (negative flows)
        v_netflow2[, , paste0(tau2, ".", conns_tmp)] <- v_transflow2[, , paste0(tau2, ".", conns_tmp)]-v_transflow1[, , paste0(tau2, ".", conns_tmp)]*as.numeric(1-p_losses[, , conns_tmp])

        #aggregate negative NET flows
        netflow_tmp2 <- v_netflow2[, , paste0(tau2, ".", conns_tmp)]*as.numeric(p_taulength[, , tau2]) #in GWh for value
        netflow_regi2 <- netflow_regi2 + setNames(netflow_tmp2/1000, NULL) #cumulate per border link... in TWh for volume


        cap2 <- cap2 + setNames(v_captrans[, , conns_tmp], NULL)

        #exports to every country (negative flows)
        flow_regi <- setNames(flow_regi2, NULL)
        getItems(flow_regi,  dim  =  1) <- mapping[match(regi2, mapping$LIMES_ISO2), ]$LIMES_ISO3
        a <- paste0("Exports to ",  mapping[match(trans[match(conns_tmp, trans$conn), ]$regi, mapping$LIMES_ISO2), ]$LIMES_ISO3, "|Electricity (TWh/yr)")
        expo2 <- mbind(expo2, setNames(flow_regi, a))

        #net exports to every country (negative flows)
        netflow_regi <- setNames(netflow_regi2, NULL)
        getItems(netflow_regi,  dim  =  1) <- mapping[match(regi2, mapping$LIMES_ISO2), ]$LIMES_ISO3
        a <- paste0("Net exports to ",  mapping[match(trans[match(conns_tmp, trans$conn), ]$regi, mapping$LIMES_ISO2), ]$LIMES_ISO3, "|Electricity (TWh/yr)")
        netexpo2 <- mbind(netexpo2, setNames(netflow_regi, a))

        #cross-border transmission capacity
        cap_regi_tmp <- v_captrans[, , conns_tmp]
        getItems(cap_regi_tmp,  dim  =  1) <- mapping[match(regi2, mapping$LIMES_ISO2), ]$LIMES_ISO3
        a <- paste0("Transmission capacity with ",  mapping[match(trans[match(conns_tmp, trans$conn), ]$regi, mapping$LIMES_ISO2), ]$LIMES_ISO3, "|Electricity (GW)")
        cap_regi2 <- mbind(cap_regi2, setNames(cap_regi_tmp, a))


    #For cross-border dependent data it is necessary to create the rows for each country (so all the countries have the same dimensions)
    regi_tmp1 <- mapping[match(trans[match(conns1, trans$conn), ]$reg, mapping$LIMES_ISO2), ]$LIMES_ISO3
    regi_tmp2 <- mapping[match(trans[match(conns2, trans$conn), ]$regi, mapping$LIMES_ISO2), ]$LIMES_ISO3
    regi_noexp <- setdiff(mapping$LIMES_ISO3, union(regi_tmp1, regi_tmp2))
    expo3 <- NULL
    netexpo3 <- NULL
    cap_regi3 <- NULL
    for (regi_noexp_tmp in regi_noexp) {
      #exports to every country
      flow_regi <- setNames(flow_tmp2, NULL)*0
      getItems(flow_regi,  dim  =  1) <- mapping[match(regi2, mapping$LIMES_ISO2), ]$LIMES_ISO3
      a <- paste0("Exports to ",  regi_noexp_tmp, "|Electricity (TWh/yr)")
      expo3 <- mbind(expo3, setNames(flow_regi, a))

      #net exports to every country
      netflow_regi <- setNames(netflow_tmp2, NULL)*0
      getItems(netflow_regi,  dim  =  1) <- mapping[match(regi2, mapping$LIMES_ISO2), ]$LIMES_ISO3
      a <- paste0("Net exports to ",  regi_noexp_tmp, "|Electricity (TWh/yr)")
      netexpo3 <- mbind(netexpo3, setNames(netflow_regi, a))

      #transmission capacity to every country
      cap_regi_tmp <- cap_regi_tmp*0
      getItems(cap_regi_tmp,  dim  =  1) <- mapping[match(regi2, mapping$LIMES_ISO2), ]$LIMES_ISO3
      a <- paste0("Transmission capacity with ", regi_noexp_tmp, "|Electricity (GW)")
      cap_regi3 <- mbind(cap_regi3, setNames(cap_regi_tmp, a))


    #concatenate exports (positive,  negative and unexistant flows)
    expo <- mbind(expo1, expo2, expo3)
    expo_regi <- mbind(expo_regi, expo)

    #concatenate net exports (positive,  negative and unexistant flows)
    netexpo <- mbind(netexpo1, netexpo2, netexpo3)
    netexpo_regi <- mbind(netexpo_regi, netexpo)

    #concatenate cross-border capacities (positive,  negative and unexistant flows)
    cap_regi4 <- mbind(cap_regi1, cap_regi2, cap_regi3)
    cap_regi <- mbind(cap_regi, cap_regi4)

    #sum positive and negative flows
    cap <- cap1 + cap2
    value <- value1 + value2
    #add country to the names
    #concatenate data from different countries (regi)
    exports <- mbind(exports, partMagPie)
    capexports <- mbind(capexports, cap)
    valueexports <- mbind(valueexports, value)

  # create MagPie object of exports volume and transmission capacity with iso3 regions
  #MagPie object of value of exports was already created

  imports <- NULL
  capimports <- NULL
  valueimports <- NULL
  impo_regi <- NULL
  capimports_km <- NULL

  #estimate aggregated (total) imports from each country
  for (regi2 in regi) {

    #initialize variables to aggregate positive flows
    partMagPie1 <- 0
    cap1 <- 0
    value1 <- 0
    impo1 <- NULL
    cap1_km <- 0

    #aggregate the positive flows
    conns1 <- trans[which(trans$reg  ==  regi2), ]$conn
    if(length(conns1) != 0) {

      for (conns_tmp in conns1) {

        flow_regi1 <- 0

        for (tau2 in tau) {
        #aggregate positive flows
        flow_tmp1 <- v_transflow1[, , paste0(tau2, ".", conns_tmp)]*as.numeric(p_taulength[, , tau2])*(1-as.numeric(p_losses[, , conns_tmp])) #in GWh for value
        flow_regi1 <- flow_regi1 + setNames(flow_tmp1/1000, NULL) #cumulate per border link... in TWh for volume
        partMagPie1 <- partMagPie1 + setNames(flow_tmp1/1000, NULL) #cumulate per country... in TWh for volume

        #estimating value of imports (the price paid is the one of the importer country [if imports is because marginal costs are higher])
        regi_tmp_iso2 <- trans[match(conns_tmp, trans$conn), ]$regi #country from which is imported (ISO2)
        regi_tmp_iso3 <- mapping[match(regi_tmp_iso2, mapping$LIMES_ISO2), ]$LIMES_ISO3 #country from which is imported (ISO3)
        price_conn1 <- m_elecprices_tmp[mapping[match(regi2, mapping$LIMES_ISO2), ]$LIMES_ISO3, , tau2] #price in country that imports (price paid for the exports)
        getItems(flow_tmp1,  dim  =  1) <- mapping[match(regi2, mapping$LIMES_ISO2), ]$LIMES_ISO3
        value_tmp1 <- setNames(flow_tmp1, NULL)*setNames(price_conn1, NULL)
        getItems(value_tmp1,  dim  =  1) <- mapping[match(regi2, mapping$LIMES_ISO2), ]$LIMES_ISO3
        value1 <- value1 + value_tmp1

        cap1 <- cap1 + setNames(v_captrans[, , conns_tmp], NULL)
        cap1_km <- cap1_km + setNames(v_captrans[, , conns_tmp]*p_length[, , conns_tmp], NULL)

        #imports from every country (positive flows)
        flow_regi <- setNames(flow_regi1, NULL)
        getItems(flow_regi,  dim  =  1) <- mapping[match(regi2, mapping$LIMES_ISO2), ]$LIMES_ISO3
        a <- paste0("Imports from ",  mapping[match(trans[match(conns_tmp, trans$conn), ]$regi, mapping$LIMES_ISO2), ]$LIMES_ISO3, "|Electricity (TWh/yr)")
        impo1 <- mbind(impo1, setNames(flow_regi, a))

    #initialize variables to aggregate negative flows
    partMagPie2 <- 0
    cap2 <- 0
    value2 <- 0
    impo2 <- NULL
    cap2_km <- 0

    #aggreate negative flows
    conns2 <- trans[which(trans$regi  ==  regi2), ]$conn
    if(sum(as.numeric(conns2)) != 0) {

      for (conns_tmp in conns2) {

        flow_regi2 <- 0

        for (tau2 in tau) {
        #aggregate negative flows
        flow_tmp2 <- v_transflow2[, , paste0(tau2, ".", conns_tmp)]*as.numeric(p_taulength[, , tau2])*(1-as.numeric(p_losses[, , conns_tmp])) #in GWh for value
        flow_regi2 <- flow_regi2 + setNames(flow_tmp2/1000, NULL) #cumulate per border link... in TWh for volume
        partMagPie2 <- partMagPie2 + setNames(flow_tmp2/1000, NULL) #cumulate per country.. in TWh for volume

        #estimating value of imports (the price paid is the one of the importer country [if imports is because marginal costs are higher])
        regi_tmp_iso2 <- trans[match(conns_tmp, trans$conn), ]$reg #country from which is imported (ISO2)
        regi_tmp_iso3 <- mapping[match(regi_tmp_iso2, mapping$LIMES_ISO2), ]$LIMES_ISO3 #country from which is imported (ISO3)
        price_conn2 <- m_elecprices_tmp[mapping[match(regi2, mapping$LIMES_ISO2), ]$LIMES_ISO3, , tau2] #price in country that imports (price paid for the exports)
        getItems(flow_tmp2,  dim  =  1) <- mapping[match(regi2, mapping$LIMES_ISO2), ]$LIMES_ISO3
        value_tmp2 <- setNames(flow_tmp2, NULL)*setNames(price_conn2, NULL)
        getItems(value_tmp2,  dim  =  1) <- mapping[match(regi2, mapping$LIMES_ISO2), ]$LIMES_ISO3
        value2 <- value2 + value_tmp2
        cap2 <- cap2 + setNames(v_captrans[, , conns_tmp], NULL)
        cap2_km <- cap2_km + setNames(v_captrans[, , conns_tmp]*p_length[, , conns_tmp], NULL)

        #imports from every country (negative flows)
        flow_regi <- setNames(flow_regi2, NULL)
        getItems(flow_regi,  dim  =  1) <- mapping[match(regi2, mapping$LIMES_ISO2), ]$LIMES_ISO3
        a <- paste0("Imports from ", as.vector(mapping[match(trans[match(conns_tmp, trans$conn), ]$reg, mapping$LIMES_ISO2), ]$LIMES_ISO3), "|Electricity (TWh/yr)")
        impo2 <- mbind(impo2, setNames(flow_regi, a))

    #it is necessary to create the rows for each country (so all the countries have the same dimensions)
    regi_tmp1 <- mapping[match(trans[match(conns1, trans$conn), ]$regi, mapping$LIMES_ISO2), ]$LIMES_ISO3
    regi_tmp2 <- mapping[match(trans[match(conns2, trans$conn), ]$reg, mapping$LIMES_ISO2), ]$LIMES_ISO3
    regi_noimp <- setdiff(mapping$LIMES_ISO3, union(regi_tmp1, regi_tmp2))
    impo3 <- NULL
    for (regi_noimp_tmp in regi_noimp) {
      #exports to every country (negative flows)
      flow_regi <- setNames(flow_tmp2/1000, NULL)*0
      getItems(flow_regi,  dim  =  1) <- mapping[match(regi2, mapping$LIMES_ISO2), ]$LIMES_ISO3
      a <- paste0("Imports from ", regi_noimp_tmp, "|Electricity (TWh/yr)")
      impo3 <- mbind(impo3, setNames(flow_regi, a))

    #concatenate imports (positive,  negative and unexistant flows)
    impo <- mbind(impo1, impo2, impo3)
    impo_regi <- mbind(impo_regi, impo)

    #sum positive and negative flows
    cap <- cap1 + cap2
    cap_km <- cap1_km + cap2_km
    value <- value1 + value2
    #add country to the names
    #concatenate data from different countries (regi)
    imports <- mbind(imports, partMagPie)
    capimports <- mbind(capimports, cap)
    capimports_km <- mbind(capimports_km, cap_km)
    valueimports <- mbind(valueimports, value)

  # create MagPie object of imports volume and transmission capacity with iso3 regions
  imports <- limesMapping(imports)
  capimports <- limesMapping(capimports)
  capimports_km <- limesMapping(capimports_km)
  #MagPie object of value of imports was already created

  #add variable name for the report
  tmp1<-setNames(exports, "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Exports (TWh/yr)")
  tmp2 <- setNames(imports, "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Imports (TWh/yr)")

  # add exports and imports
  tmp3 <- mbind(tmp1, tmp2)

  tmp4 <- NULL
  #Net imports to/from Russia
  v_netimports_ru <- readGDX(gdx, name = "v_netimports_ru", field = "l", format = "first_found")
  v_netimports_ru <- limesMapping(v_netimports_ru)
  tmp4 <- mbind(tmp4, setNames(dimSums(v_netimports_ru * p_taulength, dim = 3) / 1000, "Net Imports from RUS|Electricity (TWh/yr)"))
  tmp4 <- mbind(tmp4, setNames(dimSums(-v_netimports_ru * p_taulength, dim = 3) / 1000, "Net Exports to RUS|Electricity (TWh/yr)"))

  tmp4 <- mbind(tmp4, setNames(exports - imports - dimSums(v_netimports_ru * p_taulength, dim = 3) / 1000, "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Net Exports (TWh/yr)"))
  tmp4 <- mbind(tmp4, setNames(imports - exports + dimSums(v_netimports_ru * p_taulength, dim = 3) / 1000, "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Net Imports (TWh/yr)"))

  # add exchange values
  tmp5 <- mbind(tmp3, tmp4)

  #add variable name transmission capacity
  tmp6<-setNames(capexports[, as.numeric(tt), ], "Export Transmission Capacity|Electricity (GW)")
  tmp7<-setNames(capimports[, as.numeric(tt), ], "Import Transmission Capacity|Electricity (GW)")

  #add capacity to export and import
  tmp8 <- mbind(tmp6, tmp7)

  #concatenate exchange and capacities
  tmp9 <- mbind(tmp5, tmp8)

  #transmission capacity (under current configuration,  export and import capacity are the same)
  tmp10 <- NULL
  tmp10 <- setNames(tmp7, "Capacity|Electricity|Transmission Grid (GW)")
  tmp10 <- mbind(tmp10,  setNames(capimports_km[, as.numeric(tt), ], "Capacity|Electricity|Transmission Grid-km (GWkm)"))

  tmp11 <- mbind(tmp9, tmp10)

  tmp12 <- NULL
  tmp12 <- setNames(valueexports, "Revenue|Electricity|Exports (billion eur2010/yr)")
  tmp12 <- mbind(tmp12,  setNames(valueimports, "Cost|Electricity|Imports (billion eur2010/yr)"))
  tmp12 <- mbind(tmp12,  setNames(valueimports-valueexports, "Total Energy System Cost|Power Sector|Trade Costs (billion eur2010/yr)"))

  tmp13 <- mbind(tmp11, tmp12)

  tmp14 <- NULL
  tmp14 <- mbind(expo_regi, impo_regi, netexpo_regi)
  tmp14 <- mbind(tmp14, cap_regi[, as.numeric(tt), ])
  # erasing all the data regarding connections that do not exist (created before to fit the size of the variables)
  for (regi2 in getItems(tmp14,  dim  =  1)) { for (name in getNames(tmp14)){
    if (sum(tmp14[regi2, , name]) == 0) {
      tmp14[regi2, , name] <- NA

  #concatenate all
  tmp <- mbind(tmp13, tmp14)

pik-piam/limes documentation built on Jan. 27, 2024, 4:45 a.m.