
Defines functions reportGeneration

Documented in reportGeneration

#' Read in GDX and calculate electricity generation, used in convGDX2MIF.R for the reporting
#' Read in electricity generation data from GDX file, information used in convGDX2MIF.R
#' for the reporting
#' @param gdx a GDX object as created by readGDX, or the path to a gdx
#' @param output a magpie object containing all needed variables generated by other report*.R functions
#' @param reporting_tau boolean determining whether to generate the tau report
#'  reporting at the time slice level (TRUE) or at the yearly level (FALSE, default)
#' @return MAgPIE object - contains the Generation variables
#' @author Sebastian Osorio, Renato Rodrigues, Antoine Levesque
#' @seealso \code{\link{convGDX2MIF}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' reportGeneration(gdx)
#' }
#' @importFrom gdx readGDX
#' @importFrom magclass mbind setNames dimSums getSets getSets<- as.magpie getItems collapseDim getRegions magpie_expand
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace
#' @export
reportGeneration <- function(gdx, output = NULL, reporting_tau = FALSE) {

  if (is.null(output) && !reporting_tau) {
    stop("argument `output` is NULL. Please provide a file containing all needed information")

  # read sets
  tt <- readGDX(gdx, name = "t", field = "l", format = "first_found") # time set
  t0 <- tt[1]
  teel <- readGDX(gdx, name = "teel") # set of electricity generation technologies (non-storage)
  ter <- readGDX(gdx, name = "ter") # set of variable renewable electricity generation technologies
  ternofluc <- readGDX(gdx, name = "ternofluc") # set of non-variable (non-fluctuating) renewable electricity generation technologies
  tefossil <- readGDX(gdx, name = "tefossil") # set of fossil-based electricity generation technologies
  tenr <- readGDX(gdx, name = "tenr") # set of non-renewable electricity generation technologies (includes storage)
  tegas <- readGDX(gdx, name = "tegas") # set of gas generation technologies
  telig <- readGDX(gdx, name = "telig") # set of lignite generation technologies
  tecoal <- readGDX(gdx, name = "tecoal") # set of hard coal generation technologies
  tengcc <- readGDX(gdx, name = "tengcc") # set of NGCC generation technologies
  tehydro <- readGDX(gdx, name = "tehydro") # set of hydropower generation technologies
  tehgen <- readGDX(gdx, name = "tehgen")
  tehydro <- readGDX(gdx, name = "tehydro")
  tebio <- readGDX(gdx, name = "tebio")
  teoil <- readGDX(gdx, name = "teoil")
  techp <- readGDX(gdx, name = "techp")
  teccs <- readGDX(gdx, name = "teccs")
  teothers <- readGDX(gdx, name = "teothers")
  tau <- readGDX(gdx, name = "tau") # set of time slices
  tegas_el <- intersect(tegas, teel)
  tengcc_el <- intersect(tengcc, teel)
  testore <- readGDX(gdx, name = "testore")
  pe2se <- readGDX(gdx, name = "pe2se")
  #pety <- readGDX(gdx, name = "pety") # set of primary energies
  pety <- unique(pe2se[, 1])
  tewaste <- readGDX(gdx, name = "tewaste", format = "first_found", react = 'silent') # set of waste generation technologies
  if(is.null(tewaste)) {tewaste <- "waste"} #in old model versions this set was not defined and only the tech 'waste' existed

  # read parameters
  c_esmdisrate <- readGDX(gdx, name = "c_esmdisrate", field = "l", format = "first_found") # interest rate
  p_ts <- readGDX(gdx, name = "p_ts", field = "l", format = "first_found") # time-step
  p_taulength <- readGDX(gdx, name = c("p_taulength", "pm_taulength"), field = "l", format = "first_found")[, , tau] # number of hours/year per tau
  p_tedata <- readGDX(gdx, name = "p_tedata", field = "l", format = "first_found") # parameter per technology
  o_netimports_tau <- readGDX(gdx, name = "o_netimports_tau", format = "first_found", react = 'silent') # electricity net imports
  c_LIMESversion <- readGDX(gdx, name = "c_LIMESversion", field = "l", format = "first_found")
  c_buildings <- readGDX(gdx, name = c("c_buildings", "report_c_buildings"),
                         field = "l", format = "first_found") #switch on buildings module

  # read variables
  v_seprod <- readGDX(gdx, name = "v_seprod", field = "l", format = "first_found", restore_zeros = FALSE)[, , tau]
  v_storeout <- readGDX(gdx, name = "v_storeout", field = "l", format = "first_found", restore_zeros = FALSE)[, , tau]
  v_storein <- readGDX(gdx, name = "v_storein", field = "l", format = "first_found", restore_zeros = FALSE)[, , tau]
  v_exdemand <- readGDX(gdx, name = "v_exdemand", field = "l", format = "first_found", restore_zeros = FALSE)[, , tau] # demand
  p_othersec_exdemand_DH <- readGDX(gdx, name = "p_othersec_exdemand_DH", field = "l", format = "first_found", react = 'silent') # heat demand provided by DH to other sectors (industry and agriculture) [annual data per sector]

  # Make sure only the sets -> to reduce the size of the variables
  v_seprod <- v_seprod[, , pety]
  p_autocons <- p_tedata[, , "autocons"]

  # create MagPie object of variables with iso3 regions
  v_seprod <- limesMapping(v_seprod)
  v_storeout <- limesMapping(v_storeout)
  v_storein <- limesMapping(v_storein)
  v_exdemand <- limesMapping(v_exdemand)
  p_autocons <- limesMapping(p_autocons)
  if (!is.null(o_netimports_tau)) {
    o_netimports_tau <- limesMapping(o_netimports_tau)
  if (!is.null(p_othersec_exdemand_DH)) {
    p_othersec_exdemand_DH <- limesMapping(p_othersec_exdemand_DH)[,getYears(v_seprod),]

  # give explicit set names
  getSets(v_storeout) <- c("region", "t", "tau", "enty2", "te")
  getSets(v_storein) <- c("region", "t", "tau", "enty2", "te")

  # Check the version so to choose the electricity-related variables
  if (c_LIMESversion >= 2.28) {

    v_seprod_el <- v_seprod[, , "seel"]
    heating <- .readHeatingCfg(gdx)

    if (heating == "fullDH") {
      v_seprod_he <- v_seprod[, , "sehe"]
      v_seprod_he <- collapseDim(v_seprod_he, dim = 3.3)
      p_eldemand <- v_exdemand[, , "seel"]
      # v_seprod_el <- v_seprod[,,"seel"]

    } else {
      p_eldemand <- v_exdemand
      # v_seprod_el <- v_seprod
      v_storein_el <- v_storein
      v_storeout_el <- v_storeout

  } else { #=if c_LIMESversion < 2.26
    p_eldemand <- v_exdemand
    v_seprod_el <- v_seprod

  if (c_LIMESversion >= 2.37) { # First version with heat storage
    if (length(grep("heat_sto", getNames(v_storein))) > 0) {
      v_storein_el <- v_storein[, , "seel"]
      v_storein_el <- v_storein_el[, , setdiff(testore, c("heat_sto"))]

      v_storein_he <- v_storein[, , "sehe"]
      v_storein_he <- collapseDim(v_storein_he, dim = 3.2) # first collapse (to keep the technology name)
      # v_storein_he <- v_storein_he[,,"heat_sto"] #then filter by technology

    if (length(grep("heat_sto", getNames(v_storeout))) > 0) {
      v_storeout_el <- v_storeout[, , "seel"]
      v_storeout_el <- v_storeout_el[, , setdiff(testore, c("heat_sto"))]

      v_storeout_he <- v_storeout[, , "sehe"]
      v_storeout_he <- collapseDim(v_storeout_he, dim = 3.2)
      # v_storeout_he <- v_storeout_he[,,"heat_sto"] #then filter by technology

  #End of if c_LIMESversion >= 2.37

  # Collapse names to avoid some problems
  p_eldemand <- collapseDim(p_eldemand, dim = 3.2)
  v_seprod_el <- collapseDim(v_seprod_el, dim = 3.2)
  v_storein_el <- collapseDim(v_storein_el, dim = 3.2)
  v_storeout_el <- collapseDim(v_storeout_el, dim = 3.2)

  # generation per aggregated technology per country

  varList_el <- list(
    # Conventional
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity (TWh/yr)"                  = c(teel),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Biomass (TWh/yr)"          = intersect(teel, tebio),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Biomass|w/o CCS (TWh/yr)"  = intersect(teel, setdiff(tebio, teccs)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Coal (TWh/yr)"             = intersect(teel, c(tecoal, telig)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Coal|w/o CCS (TWh/yr)"     = intersect(teel, setdiff(c(tecoal, telig), teccs)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Coal|w/ CCS (TWh/yr)"      = intersect(teel, intersect(c(tecoal, telig), teccs)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Hard Coal (TWh/yr)"        = intersect(teel, c(tecoal)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Hard Coal|w/o CCS (TWh/yr)" = intersect(teel, setdiff(c(tecoal), teccs)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Hard Coal|w/ CCS (TWh/yr)" = intersect(teel, intersect(c(tecoal), teccs)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Lignite (TWh/yr)"          = intersect(teel, c(telig)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Lignite|w/o CCS (TWh/yr)"  = intersect(teel, setdiff(c(telig), teccs)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Lignite|w/ CCS (TWh/yr)"   = intersect(teel, intersect(c(telig), teccs)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Oil (TWh/yr)"              = intersect(teel, c(teoil)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Gas (TWh/yr)"              = intersect(teel, c(tegas)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Gas|w/o CCS (TWh/yr)"      = intersect(teel, setdiff(tegas_el, teccs)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Gas|w/ CCS (TWh/yr)"       = intersect(teel, intersect(tegas_el, teccs)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Gas CC|w/o CCS (TWh/yr)"   = intersect(teel, setdiff(tengcc_el, teccs)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Gas CC|w/ CCS (TWh/yr)"    = intersect(teel, intersect(tengcc_el, teccs)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Gas CC (TWh/yr)"           = intersect(teel, c(tengcc_el)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Gas OC (TWh/yr)"           = intersect(teel, setdiff(tegas_el, tengcc_el)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Other (TWh/yr)"            = intersect(teel, c(teothers)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Hydrogen (TWh/yr)"         = intersect(teel, c(tehgen)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Hydrogen FC (TWh/yr)"      = intersect(teel, c("hfc")),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Hydrogen OC (TWh/yr)"      = intersect(teel, c("hct")),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Hydrogen CC (TWh/yr)"      = intersect(teel, c("hcc")),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Nuclear (TWh/yr)"          = intersect(teel, c("tnr")),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Waste (TWh/yr)"            = intersect(teel, c(tewaste)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Other Fossil (TWh/yr)"     = intersect(teel, c(teothers, tewaste, teoil)),

    # general aggregation
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Fossil (TWh/yr)"                 = intersect(teel, c(tefossil)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Fossil|w/o CCS (TWh/yr)"         = intersect(teel, setdiff(tefossil, teccs)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Fossil|w/ CCS (TWh/yr)"          = intersect(teel, intersect(tefossil, teccs)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Variable renewable (TWh/yr)"     = intersect(teel, c(ter)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Non-variable renewable (TWh/yr)" = intersect(teel, c(ternofluc)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Renewable (TWh/yr)"              = intersect(teel, c(ter, ternofluc)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Non-renewable (TWh/yr)"          = intersect(teel, tenr), # this does not include storage

    # Renewable
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Wind (TWh/yr)"         = intersect(teel, c("windon", "windoff")),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Wind|Onshore (TWh/yr)" = intersect(teel, c("windon")),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Wind|Offshore (TWh/yr)" = intersect(teel, c("windoff")),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Solar (TWh/yr)"        = intersect(teel, c("spv", "csp")),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Solar|PV (TWh/yr)"     = intersect(teel, c("spv")),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Solar|CSP (TWh/yr)"    = intersect(teel, c("csp")),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Hydro (TWh/yr)"        = intersect(teel, c(tehydro))

  varList_stGen <- list(
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Storage (TWh/yr)"                       = setdiff(testore, c("heat_sto")),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Storage|Pump Hydro (TWh/yr)"            = "psp",
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Storage|Stat Batteries (TWh/yr)"        = "batteries",
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Storage|Hydrogen electrolysis (TWh/yr)" = "helec"

  varList_stCons <- list(
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Storage Consumption (TWh/yr)"                       = setdiff(testore, c("heat_sto")),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Storage Consumption|Pump Hydro (TWh/yr)"            = "psp",
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Storage Consumption|Stat Batteries (TWh/yr)"        = "batteries",
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Storage Consumption|Hydrogen electrolysis (TWh/yr)" = "helec",
    "Primary Energy|Electricity|Hydrogen (TWh/yr)"                                    = "helec"

  #Heat-related lists
  if (c_LIMESversion >= 2.33) {

    if (heating == "fullDH") {
      # Additional sets needed
      teoel <- readGDX(gdx, name = "teoel") # set of electricity-only generation technologies
      tedh <- readGDX(gdx, name = "tedh") # set of District Heating generation technologies
      tedhelec <- readGDX(gdx, name = "tedhelec") # set of electric District Heating generation technologies
      teheelec <- readGDX(gdx, name = "teheelec") # set of electric-based Heating generation technologies
      teohecen <- readGDX(gdx, name = "teohecen") # set of centralized heat-only generation technologies
      tehedec <- readGDX(gdx, name = "tehedec") # set of decentralized heat generation technologies

      # 1) HEAT FROM DH: CHP AND Heat-only

      v_heatwaste_DH <- readGDX(gdx, name = "v_heatwaste_DH", field = "l", format = "first_found",  restore_zeros  =  FALSE)[, , tau]
      if(is.null(v_heatwaste_DH)) { #No split of heat demand

        v_heatwaste_DH <- 0 #Assume all the wasted heat (v_heatwaste in the previous sbal equation) occurs in decentral
      } else { #split of heat demand between DH and decentral P2H

        v_heatwaste_DH <- limesMapping(v_heatwaste_DH) #[GWh]


      #total useful energy generated by Dh
      o_seprodtotalDH_UE <-
        dimSums(v_seprod_he[,,tedh], dim = c(3.2, 3.3)) -
        collapseNames(v_storein_he) +
      #Total useful energy generate by DH to buildings
      o_bd_seprodtotalDH_UE <- o_seprodtotalDH_UE - p_othersec_exdemand_DH

      # 1 (cont) Decentralized heat
      if (c_buildings == 1) {

        # Useful energy
        varList_UE_P2H <- list(
          # 1.a) ALL heat production
          # "Useful Energy|Heat|Electricity (TWh/yr)"          =intersect(tehe, c(teheelec)),

          # 1.d) Decentralized heating (only electricity-based)
          "Useful Energy|Heating|Buildings|Decentral|Electricity|Total (TWh/yr)"                       = intersect(tehedec, teheelec),
          "Useful Energy|Heating|Buildings|Decentral|Electricity|Heat Pump (TWh/yr)"                   = intersect(tehedec, c("hp_sh_dec", "hp_wh_dec")),
          "Useful Energy|Heating|Buildings|Decentral|Electricity|Resistance (TWh/yr)"                  = intersect(tehedec, "resheat_dec"),
          "Useful Energy|Heating|Buildings|Decentral|Electricity|Conventional (TWh/yr)"                = intersect(tehedec, c("convheat_dec", "convwh_dec")),
          "Useful Energy|Heating|Buildings|Decentral|Electricity|Conventional space heater (TWh/yr)"   = intersect(tehedec, "convheat_dec"),
          "Useful Energy|Heating|Buildings|Decentral|Electricity|Conventional water heater (TWh/yr)"   = intersect(tehedec, "convwh_dec")

      # Gross heat (disaggregated between heat-only and CHP technologies)
      # Load additional parameters
      p_DH_losses <- readGDX(gdx, name = "p_DH_losses", field = "l", format = "first_found") # District heating losses [--] - same for all DH technologies
      p_DH_losses <- limesMapping(p_DH_losses)
      p_bd_ratio_ue2fe_DH <- readGDX(gdx, name = "p_bd_ratio_ue2fe_DH", field = "l", format = "first_found") # Ratio useful energy to final energy [--] - same for all DH technologies
      p_bd_ratio_ue2fe_DH <- limesMapping(p_bd_ratio_ue2fe_DH)
      # Need to create a variable with t, regi, te for gross production (v_seprod has these indexes)
      o_gross2ue <- new.magpie(cells_and_regions = getItems(v_seprod_he, dim = 1), years = getYears(v_seprod_he), names = NULL,
                               fill = 0, sort = FALSE, sets = NULL)
      o_grossprod_he <- new.magpie(cells_and_regions = getItems(v_seprod_he, dim = 1), years = getYears(v_seprod_he), names = c(tedh),
                                   fill = 0, sort = FALSE, sets = NULL)
      # Value from 2015 is used to scale the heat efficiency (etah), then we need a matrix with the same sets as v_seprod_he to estimate gross heat later
      o_gross2ue[, as.numeric(tt), ] <- ((1 - p_DH_losses) * p_bd_ratio_ue2fe_DH)

      varList_GrossHe_DH <- list(
        # 1.b) CHP
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|CHP (TWh/yr)"                                         = c(techp),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|CHP|Biomass (TWh/yr)"                                 = intersect(techp, tebio),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|CHP|Coal (TWh/yr)"                                    = intersect(techp, c(tecoal, telig)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|CHP|Hard Coal (TWh/yr)"                               = intersect(techp, c(tecoal)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|CHP|Lignite (TWh/yr)"                                 = intersect(techp, c(telig)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|CHP|Oil (TWh/yr)"                                     = intersect(techp, c(teoil)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|CHP|Gas (TWh/yr)"                                     = intersect(techp, c(tegas)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|CHP|Gas CC (TWh/yr)"                                  = intersect(techp, c(tengcc_el)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|CHP|Gas OC (TWh/yr)"                                  = intersect(techp, setdiff(tegas_el, tengcc_el)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|CHP|Hydrogen (TWh/yr)"                                = intersect(techp, tehgen),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|CHP|Other (TWh/yr)"                                   = intersect(techp, c(teothers)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|CHP|Waste (TWh/yr)"                                   = intersect(techp, tewaste),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|CHP|Other Fossil (TWh/yr)"                            = intersect(techp, c(teothers, tewaste, teoil)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|CHP|Fossil (TWh/yr)"                                  = intersect(techp, c(tefossil)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|CHP|Renewable (TWh/yr)"                               = intersect(techp, c(ter, ternofluc)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|CHP|Non-renewable (TWh/yr)"                           = intersect(techp, tenr),

        # 1.c) Only-heat (centralized boilers)
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|Heat-only (TWh/yr)"                                = c(teohecen),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|Heat-only|Biomass (TWh/yr)"                        = intersect(teohecen, tebio),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|Heat-only|Coal (TWh/yr)"                           = intersect(teohecen, c(tecoal, telig)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|Heat-only|Hard Coal (TWh/yr)"                      = intersect(teohecen, c(tecoal)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|Heat-only|Lignite (TWh/yr)"                        = intersect(teohecen, c(telig)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|Heat-only|Oil (TWh/yr)"                            = intersect(teohecen, c(teoil)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|Heat-only|Gas (TWh/yr)"                            = intersect(teohecen, c(tegas)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|Heat-only|Other (TWh/yr)"                          = intersect(teohecen, c(teothers)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|Heat-only|Waste (TWh/yr)"                          = intersect(teohecen, c(tewaste)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|Heat-only|Other Fossil (TWh/yr)"                   = intersect(teohecen, c(teothers, tewaste, teoil)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|Heat-only|Electricity (TWh/yr)"                    = intersect(teohecen, c(tedhelec)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|Heat-only|Electricity|Heat Pump (TWh/yr)"          = intersect(teohecen, "hp_large"),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|Heat-only|Electricity|Electric Boiler (TWh/yr)"    = intersect(teohecen, "elboil_large"),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|Heat-only|Solar (TWh/yr)"                          = intersect(teohecen, c("sol_heat")),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|Heat-only|Geothermal (TWh/yr)"                     = intersect(teohecen, c("geo_heat")),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|Heat-only|Fossil (TWh/yr)"                         = intersect(teohecen, c(tefossil)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|Heat-only|Renewable (TWh/yr)"                      = intersect(teohecen, c(ter, ternofluc)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|Heat-only|Non-renewable (TWh/yr)"                  = intersect(teohecen, tenr),

        # 1.d) District Heating
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating (TWh/yr)"                             = c(tedh),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|Biomass (TWh/yr)"                     = intersect(tedh, tebio),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|Coal (TWh/yr)"                        = intersect(tedh, c(tecoal, telig)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|Hard Coal (TWh/yr)"                   = intersect(tedh, c(tecoal)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|Lignite (TWh/yr)"                     = intersect(tedh, c(telig)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|Oil (TWh/yr)"                         = intersect(tedh, c(teoil)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|Gas (TWh/yr)"                         = intersect(tedh, c(tegas)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|Hydrogen (TWh/yr)"                    = intersect(tedh, c(tehgen)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|Other (TWh/yr)"                       = intersect(tedh, c(teothers)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|Waste (TWh/yr)"                       = intersect(tedh, c(tewaste)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|Other Fossil (TWh/yr)"                = intersect(tedh, c(teothers, tewaste, teoil)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|Electricity (TWh/yr)"                 = intersect(tedh, c(tedhelec)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|Electricity|Heat Pump (TWh/yr)"       = intersect(tedh, "hp_large"),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|Electricity|Electric Boiler (TWh/yr)" = intersect(tedh, "elboil_large"),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|Solar (TWh/yr)"                       = intersect(tedh, c("sol_heat")),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|Geothermal (TWh/yr)"                  = intersect(tedh, c("geo_heat")),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|Fossil (TWh/yr)"                      = intersect(tedh, c(tefossil)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|Renewable (TWh/yr)"                   = intersect(tedh, c(ter, ternofluc)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|Non-renewable (TWh/yr)"               = intersect(tedh, tenr)

      if("hgen_heat" %in% tehgen) { #Hydrogen is a new technology, need to ensure it works with older versions
        varList_GrossHe_DH <- c(
          list("Secondary Energy|Gross|Heat|District Heating|Heat-only|Hydrogen (TWh/yr)"                       = intersect(teohecen, c(tehgen)))


# Standard Reporting ------------------------------------------------------

  if (!reporting_tau) { # for normal reporting

    # and converting from GWh to TWh
    tmp1 <- NULL

    for (var in names(varList_el)) {
      tmp1 <- mbind(tmp1, setNames(dimSums(dimSums(v_seprod_el[, , varList_el[[var]]], dim = c(3.2, 3.3))
                                          * p_taulength, dim = 3.1)
                                  / 1000,

    # general aggregation
    tmp1 <- mbind(tmp1, setNames(dimSums((dimSums(v_seprod_el[, , c(teel)], dim = c(3.2, 3.3))
                                         + dimSums(v_storeout_el, dim = c(3.2)))
                                        * p_taulength, dim = 3.1)
                                / 1000,
                                "Secondary Energy|Electricity|w/ storage (TWh/yr)"))
    tmp1 <- mbind(tmp1, setNames(dimSums((dimSums(v_seprod_el[, , c(teel)], dim = c(3.2, 3.3))
                                         + dimSums(v_storeout_el, dim = c(3.2))
                                         - dimSums(v_storein_el, dim = c(3.2)))
                                        * p_taulength, dim = 3.1)
                                / 1000,
                                "Secondary Energy|Electricity|w/o losses (TWh/yr)"))

    tmp2 <- NULL
    # when there is endogenous heating switch
    if (c_LIMESversion >= 2.33) {

      # Electricity (new technologies)
      tmp2 <- mbind(tmp2, setNames(dimSums(dimSums(v_seprod_el[, , intersect(tebio, teccs)], dim = c(3.2, 3.3)) * p_taulength, dim = 3.1) / 1000,
                                   "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Biomass|w/ CCS (TWh/yr)"))

      if (heating == "fullDH") {

        # Transformation input ----(etah)--->>>> transformation output -----(distribution losses)---->>> final energy|heat -------(ratio of energy service to energy consumption)------>>>> useful energy
        # Transformation input = primary energy/final energy (in the case of electricity) (in reporttPrimaryEnergy)
        # Transformation output = gross energy (in this file)
        # Final energy

        #Total useful energy from DH (reported as total and not per tech)
        tmp2 <- mbind(tmp2, setNames(dimSums(o_seprodtotalDH_UE * p_taulength, dim = 3) / 1000,
                                     "Useful Energy|Heating|Heat|Total (TWh/yr)"))

        # 1 (cont) Decentralized heat
        if (c_buildings == 1) {
          for (var in names(varList_UE_P2H)) {
            tmp2 <- mbind(tmp2, setNames(dimSums(dimSums(v_seprod_he[, , varList_UE_P2H[[var]]], dim = c(3.2, 3.3)) * p_taulength, dim = 3) / 1000, var))

        #End of if c_buildings == 1

        varList_el <- list(
          # 2.a) CHP
          "Secondary Energy|Electricity|CHP (TWh/yr)"               = c(techp),
          "Secondary Energy|Electricity|CHP|Biomass (TWh/yr)"       = intersect(techp, tebio),
          "Secondary Energy|Electricity|CHP|Waste (TWh/yr)"         = intersect(techp, tewaste),
          "Secondary Energy|Electricity|CHP|Coal (TWh/yr)"          = intersect(techp, c(tecoal, telig)),
          "Secondary Energy|Electricity|CHP|Hard Coal (TWh/yr)"     = intersect(techp, c(tecoal)),
          "Secondary Energy|Electricity|CHP|Lignite (TWh/yr)"       = intersect(techp, c(telig)),
          "Secondary Energy|Electricity|CHP|Oil (TWh/yr)"           = intersect(techp, c(teoil)),
          "Secondary Energy|Electricity|CHP|Gas (TWh/yr)"           = intersect(techp, c(tegas)),
          "Secondary Energy|Electricity|CHP|Gas CC (TWh/yr)"        = intersect(techp, c(tengcc_el)),
          "Secondary Energy|Electricity|CHP|Gas OC (TWh/yr)"        = intersect(techp, setdiff(tegas_el, tengcc_el)),
          "Secondary Energy|Electricity|CHP|Hydrogen (TWh/yr)"      = intersect(techp, tehgen),
          "Secondary Energy|Electricity|CHP|Other (TWh/yr)"         = intersect(techp, c(teothers)),
          "Secondary Energy|Electricity|CHP|Other Fossil (TWh/yr)"  = intersect(techp, c(teothers, tewaste, teoil)),
          "Secondary Energy|Electricity|CHP|Fossil (TWh/yr)"        = intersect(techp, c(tefossil)),
          "Secondary Energy|Electricity|CHP|Renewable (TWh/yr)"     = intersect(techp, c(ter, ternofluc)),
          "Secondary Energy|Electricity|CHP|Non-renewable (TWh/yr)" = intersect(techp, tenr),

          # 2.b) Electricity-only
          "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Electricity-only (TWh/yr)"                  = c(teoel),
          "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Electricity-only|Biomass (TWh/yr)"          = intersect(teoel, tebio),
          "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Electricity-only|Biomass|w/o CCS (TWh/yr)"  = intersect(teoel, setdiff(tebio, teccs)),
          "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Electricity-only|Coal (TWh/yr)"             = intersect(teoel, c(tecoal, telig)),
          "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Electricity-only|Coal|w/o CCS (TWh/yr)"     = intersect(teoel, setdiff(c(tecoal, telig), teccs)),
          "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Electricity-only|Coal|w/ CCS (TWh/yr)"      = intersect(teoel, intersect(c(tecoal, telig), teccs)),
          "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Electricity-only|Hard Coal (TWh/yr)"        = intersect(teoel, c(tecoal)),
          "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Electricity-only|Hard Coal|w/o CCS (TWh/yr)" = intersect(teoel, setdiff(c(tecoal), teccs)),
          "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Electricity-only|Hard Coal|w/ CCS (TWh/yr)" = intersect(teoel, intersect(c(tecoal), teccs)),
          "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Electricity-only|Lignite (TWh/yr)"          = intersect(teoel, c(telig)),
          "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Electricity-only|Lignite|w/o CCS (TWh/yr)"  = intersect(teoel, setdiff(c(telig), teccs)),
          "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Electricity-only|Lignite|w/ CCS (TWh/yr)"   = intersect(teoel, intersect(c(telig), teccs)),
          "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Electricity-only|Oil (TWh/yr)"              = intersect(teoel, c(teoil)),
          "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Electricity-only|Gas (TWh/yr)"              = intersect(teoel, c(tegas)),
          "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Electricity-only|Gas|w/o CCS (TWh/yr)"      = intersect(teoel, setdiff(tegas_el, teccs)),
          "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Electricity-only|Gas|w/ CCS (TWh/yr)"       = intersect(teoel, intersect(tegas_el, teccs)),
          "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Electricity-only|Gas CC (TWh/yr)"           = intersect(teoel, c(tengcc_el)),
          "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Electricity-only|Gas OC (TWh/yr)"           = intersect(teoel, setdiff(tegas_el, tengcc_el)),
          "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Electricity-only|Other (TWh/yr)"            = intersect(teoel, c(teothers)),
          "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Electricity-only|Hydrogen (TWh/yr)"         = intersect(teoel, c(tehgen)),
          "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Electricity-only|Waste (TWh/yr)"            = intersect(teoel, c(tewaste)),
          "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Electricity-only|Other Fossil (TWh/yr)"     = intersect(teoel, c(teothers, tewaste, teoil)),
          "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Electricity-only|Fossil (TWh/yr)"           = intersect(teoel, c(tefossil)),
          "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Electricity-only|Fossil|w/o CCS (TWh/yr)"   = intersect(teoel, setdiff(tefossil, teccs)),
          "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Electricity-only|Fossil|w/ CCS (TWh/yr)"    = intersect(teoel, intersect(tefossil, teccs)),
          "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Electricity-only|Renewable (TWh/yr)"        = intersect(teoel, c(ter, ternofluc)),
          "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Electricity-only|Non-renewable (TWh/yr)"    = intersect(teoel, tenr) # this does not include storage

        for (var in names(varList_el)) {
          tmp2 <- mbind(tmp2, setNames(dimSums(dimSums(v_seprod_el[, , varList_el[[var]]], dim = c(3.2, 3.3)) * p_taulength, dim = 3) / 1000, var))

        #End of if heating == "fullDH"

      #End of if c_LIMESversion >= 2.33

    # add global values
    tmp3 <- mbind(tmp1, tmp2)

    tmp4 <- NULL

    # Storage generation

    for (var in names(varList_stGen)) {
      tmp4 <- mbind(tmp4, setNames(dimSums(dimSums(v_storeout_el[, , varList_stGen[[var]]], dim = c(3.2))
                                          * p_taulength, dim = 3.1)
                                  / 1000,

    # Storage consumption

    for (var in names(varList_stCons)) {
      tmp4 <- mbind(tmp4, setNames(dimSums(dimSums(v_storein_el[, , varList_stCons[[var]]], dim = c(3.2))
                                          * p_taulength, dim = 3.1)
                                  / 1000,

    # Storage losses
    tmp4 <- mbind(tmp4, setNames(dimSums((dimSums(v_storein_el, dim = c(3.2)) - dimSums(v_storeout_el, dim = c(3.2))) * p_taulength / 1000, dim = 3.1),
                                 "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Storage Losses (TWh/yr)"))

    # Heat storage
    if (heating == "fullDH") {
      #tmp4 <- mbind(tmp4, setNames(dimSums(v_storeout_he[, , ] * p_taulength, dim = 3) / 1000, "Useful Energy|Heating|Storage (TWh/yr)"))
      #tmp4 <- mbind(tmp4, setNames(dimSums(v_storein_he[, , ] * p_taulength, dim = 3) / 1000, "Useful Energy|Heating|Storage Consumption (TWh/yr)"))
      #tmp4 <- mbind(tmp4, setNames(dimSums((v_storein_he - v_storeout_he) * p_taulength / 1000, dim = 3), "Useful Energy|Heating|Storage Losses (TWh/yr)"))

    # Hydrogen (from electrolysis) used in hydrogen-based generation plants
    if (c_LIMESversion >= 2.36) {

      # Read additional variables only available after this model version
      v_prodP2XSe <- readGDX(gdx, name = c("v_otherse", "v_prodP2XSe"), field = "l", format = "first_found", restore_zeros = FALSE)[, , "pehgen"] # [GWh]
      v_prodP2XSe <- limesMapping(v_prodP2XSe[, , tau])

      # compute factor to discount average marginal values
      f_npv <- as.numeric(p_ts) * exp(-as.numeric(c_esmdisrate) * (as.numeric(tt) - as.numeric(t0)))

      # Marginal value for hydrogen  - Hydrogen price
      m_p2x <- readGDX(gdx, name = c("q_p2x", "q_aggdemXSE_el_year", "q_balP2XSe"), field = "m", format = "first_found", restore_zeros = FALSE)[, , "pehgen"] # [Geur/GWh]
      m_p2x <- limesMapping(m_p2x)
      m_p2x_year <- new.magpie(cells_and_regions = getItems(m_p2x, dim = 1), years = getYears(m_p2x), names = NULL,
                               fill = NA, sort = FALSE, sets = NULL)
      if (length(grep("1", getNames(m_p2x))) > 0) { # In some versions q_p2x is tau-dependent
        m_p2x <- m_p2x[, , tau] / p_taulength
        for (regi2 in getItems(m_p2x, dim = 1)) {
          for (year2 in getYears(m_p2x)) {
            if (dimSums(v_prodP2XSe[regi2, year2, ], 3) == 0) {
              m_p2x_year[regi2, year2, ] <- 1e6 * dimSums(m_p2x[regi2, year2, ] * p_taulength, dim = 3.1) / dimSums(p_taulength, 3) # calculate weighted average (in eur/MWh)
            } else {
              m_p2x_year[regi2, year2, ] <- 1e6 * dimSums(m_p2x[regi2, year2, ] * p_taulength * v_prodP2XSe[regi2, year2, ], dim = 3) /
                dimSums(p_taulength * v_prodP2XSe[regi2, year2, ], 3) # calculate weighted average (in eur/MWh)

      } else {
        m_p2x_year <- 1e6 * m_p2x

      ## Create magpie to save marginal value to compute required calculations
      o_p2x_disc <- new.magpie(cells_and_regions = getItems(v_prodP2XSe, dim = 1), years = getYears(v_prodP2XSe), names = NULL,
                               fill = NA, sort = FALSE, sets = NULL)

      for (t2 in getYears(o_p2x_disc)) {
        if (t2 %in% getYears(m_p2x_year)) {
          o_p2x_disc[, t2, ] <- m_p2x_year[, t2, ] / as.numeric(f_npv[getYears(o_p2x_disc) %in% t2]) # [Geur 2010/GWh]
      #o_p2x_disc <- abs(o_p2x_disc) # depending on how the constraint is formulated

      tmp4 <- mbind(tmp4, setNames(o_p2x_disc, "Price|Primary Energy|Hydrogen [electrolysis] (Eur2010/MWh)")) # Convert from Geur/GWh to eur/MWh

      # Hydrogen produced from electricity (electrolysis input - losses)
      tmp4 <- mbind(tmp4, setNames(dimSums(p_taulength * v_prodP2XSe, 3) / 1000, "Secondary Energy|Hydrogen|Electricity (TWh/yr)"))

      # Hydrogen from external sources used in electricity production (from version 2.37 there is the option of external demand of H2, so it is not possible to know anymore if the imported H2 is exclusively used for electricity production)
      if (c_LIMESversion == 2.36) {

        # Read additional variables only available after this model version
        v_p2xse <- readGDX(gdx, name = c("v_p2xse", "v_demP2XSe_4el"), field = "l", format = "first_found", restore_zeros = FALSE) # [GWh]
        v_p2xse <- limesMapping(v_p2xse[, , tau])
        v_p2xse <- v_p2xse[, , tau]

        # Because of some tests in v2.36, there might be some runs in which some variables might be renamed to the names used in 2.37
        if (length(grep("hcc", getNames(v_p2xse))) > 0) {
          if (length(grep("pehgen.seel", getNames(v_p2xse))) > 0) {
            v_p2xse <- v_p2xse[, , "pehgen.seel"]
          v_p2xse <- v_p2xse[, , tehgen]

          varList_hgen <- list(
            "Primary Energy|Hydrogen [electrolysis]|Electricity (TWh/yr)"               = c(tehgen),
            "Primary Energy|Hydrogen [electrolysis]|Electricity|Hydrogen FC (TWh/yr)" = "hfc",
            "Primary Energy|Hydrogen [electrolysis]|Electricity|Hydrogen OC (TWh/yr)" = "hct",
            "Primary Energy|Hydrogen [electrolysis]|Electricity|Hydrogen CC (TWh/yr)" = "hcc"

          for (var in names(varList_hgen)) {
            tmp4 <- mbind(tmp4, setNames(dimSums(dimSums(v_p2xse[, , varList_hgen[[var]]], dim = c(3.2)) * p_taulength, dim = 3) / 1000, var))

        } else {

          tmp4 <- mbind(tmp4, setNames(dimSums(v_p2xse[, , ] * p_taulength, dim = 3) / 1000, "Primary Energy|Hydrogen [electrolysis]|Electricity (TWh/yr)"))

        # Hydrogen produced by electrolysis and used to generate electricity
        o_hgen_ext_el <- pmax(setNames(output[, , "Primary Energy|Hydrogen|Electricity (TWh/yr)"], NULL) - setNames(tmp4[, , "Secondary Energy|Hydrogen|Electricity (TWh/yr)"], NULL), 0)
        tmp4 <- mbind(tmp4, setNames(o_hgen_ext_el, "Primary Energy|Hydrogen [external]|Electricity (TWh/yr)"))

        # Weighted price for hydrogen
        o_pricehgen_weighted <- (setNames(output[, , "Price|Primary Energy|Hydrogen [external] (Eur2010/GJ)"], NULL) * setNames(tmp4[, , "Primary Energy|Hydrogen [external]|Electricity (TWh/yr)"], NULL) * 3.6 + # Eur/GJ to eur/MWh
                                   setNames(tmp4[, , "Price|Primary Energy|Hydrogen [electrolysis] (Eur2010/MWh)"], NULL) * setNames(tmp4[, , "Primary Energy|Hydrogen [electrolysis]|Electricity (TWh/yr)"], NULL)) /
          (setNames(tmp4[, , "Primary Energy|Hydrogen [external]|Electricity (TWh/yr)"], NULL) + setNames(tmp4[, , "Primary Energy|Hydrogen [electrolysis]|Electricity (TWh/yr)"], NULL))
        tmp4 <- mbind(tmp4, setNames(o_pricehgen_weighted, "Price|Primary Energy|Hydrogen (Eur2010/MWh)"))

        #End of if c_LIMESversion == 2.36

      # Hydrogen could be produced internally (electrolysis) or externally (imported at fixed price) and used in the power sector or in other sectors, without specifying the exact supply chain, e.g., not clear whether hydrogen produced from electrolysis is used in electricity generation
      if (c_LIMESversion >= 2.37) {

        # H2 production
        # Internal hydrogen (produced through electrolysis)
        tmp4 <- mbind(tmp4, setNames(setNames(tmp4[, , "Secondary Energy|Hydrogen|Electricity (TWh/yr)"], NULL), "Primary Energy|Hydrogen [electrolysis] (TWh/yr)"))
        v_demP2XSe_4el <- readGDX(gdx, name = c("v_demP2XSe_4el", "v_p2xse", "v_pedem", "vm_pedem"), field = "l", format = "first_found", restore_zeros = FALSE)[, , "pehgen"] # [GWh] - in Robert's version, there is no specific variable for H2 produced from electrolysis used in generation, so we take it directly from pedem (no imports allowed)
        if (length(grep("pehgen.seel", getNames(v_demP2XSe_4el))) > 0) {
          v_demP2XSe_4el <- v_demP2XSe_4el[, , paste0("pehgen.seel.", tehgen)] # In the case of 'v_p2xse' and v_pedem, it was technology-dependent
        v_demP2XSe_4el <- limesMapping(v_demP2XSe_4el)
        if (length(grep("[.]hct", getNames(v_demP2XSe_4el))) > 0) { # In the case of 'v_p2xse' and v_pedem, it was technology-dependent
          v_demP2XSe_4el <- dimSums(v_demP2XSe_4el, dim = 3.2)
        tmp4 <- mbind(tmp4, setNames(dimSums(v_demP2XSe_4el * p_taulength, dim = 3.1) / 1000, "Primary Energy|Hydrogen [electrolysis]|Power Sector (TWh/yr)"))
        v_demP2XSe_4nel <- readGDX(gdx, name = c("v_demP2XSe_4nel", "v_hgen_othersec"), field = "l", format = "first_found", restore_zeros = FALSE)[, , "pehgen"] # [GWh]
        v_demP2XSe_4nel <- limesMapping(v_demP2XSe_4nel)
        tmp4 <- mbind(tmp4, setNames(dimSums(v_demP2XSe_4nel * p_taulength, dim = 3.1) / 1000, "Primary Energy|Hydrogen [electrolysis]|Other sectors (TWh/yr)"))

        # External hydrogen, i.e., imported hydrogen (H2 demand - H2 produced by electrolysers)
        c_sharehgen <- readGDX(gdx, name = "c_sharehgen", field = "l", format = "first_found")
        if (c_sharehgen == 1) {
          v_imp_XSe_4el <- new.magpie(cells_and_regions = getItems(v_demP2XSe_4el, dim = 1), years = getYears(v_demP2XSe_4el), names = NULL,
                                          fill = 0, sort = FALSE, sets = NULL)
          v_imp_XSe_4nel <- new.magpie(cells_and_regions = getItems(v_demP2XSe_4el, dim = 1), years = getYears(v_demP2XSe_4el), names = NULL,
                                       fill = 0, sort = FALSE, sets = NULL)
        } else {
          v_imp_XSe_4el <- readGDX(gdx, name = c("v_imp_XSe_4el","v_imp_XSe_4el_tau"), field = "l", format = "first_found", restore_zeros = FALSE)[, , "pehgen"] # [GWh]
          v_imp_XSe_4el <- limesMapping(v_imp_XSe_4el)

          v_imp_XSe_4nel <- readGDX(gdx, name = "v_imp_XSe_4nel", field = "l", format = "first_found", restore_zeros = FALSE)[, , "pehgen"] # [GWh]
          v_imp_XSe_4nel <- limesMapping(v_imp_XSe_4nel)

        tmp4 <- mbind(tmp4, setNames(v_imp_XSe_4el / 1000, "Primary Energy|Hydrogen [external]|Power Sector (TWh/yr)"))
        tmp4 <- mbind(tmp4, setNames(v_imp_XSe_4nel / 1000, "Primary Energy|Hydrogen [external]|Other sectors (TWh/yr)"))
        tmp4 <- mbind(tmp4, setNames(collapseDim(tmp4[, , "Primary Energy|Hydrogen [external]|Power Sector (TWh/yr)"], dim = 3.1) +
                                      collapseDim(tmp4[, , "Primary Energy|Hydrogen [external]|Other sectors (TWh/yr)"], dim = 3.1)
                                     , "Primary Energy|Hydrogen [external] (TWh/yr)"))

        # H2 demand
        # Hydrogen sold to other sectors (i.e., not used for electricity generation) - exogenous
        tmp4 <- mbind(tmp4, setNames(
                        setNames(tmp4[,, "Primary Energy|Hydrogen [external]|Other sectors (TWh/yr)"], NULL) +
                          setNames(tmp4[,, "Primary Energy|Hydrogen [electrolysis]|Other sectors (TWh/yr)"], NULL),
                         "Final Energy|Hydrogen|Other sectors (TWh/yr)"))
        tmp4 <- mbind(tmp4, setNames(
          setNames(tmp4[,, "Primary Energy|Hydrogen [external]|Power Sector (TWh/yr)"], NULL) +
            setNames(tmp4[,, "Primary Energy|Hydrogen [electrolysis]|Power Sector (TWh/yr)"], NULL),
                         "Final Energy|Hydrogen|Power Sector (TWh/yr)"))
        tmp4 <- mbind(tmp4, setNames(
          setNames(tmp4[,, "Primary Energy|Hydrogen [external] (TWh/yr)"], NULL) +
            setNames(tmp4[,, "Primary Energy|Hydrogen [electrolysis] (TWh/yr)"], NULL),
                          "Final Energy|Hydrogen (TWh/yr)"))

        # Total hydrogen used in the model
        tmp4 <- mbind(tmp4, setNames(setNames(tmp4[, , "Final Energy|Hydrogen (TWh/yr)"], NULL), "Primary Energy|Hydrogen (TWh/yr)"))

        # Weighted price for hydrogen
        o_pricehgen_weighted <- (setNames(output[, , "Price|Primary Energy|Hydrogen [external] (Eur2010/GJ)"], NULL) * setNames(tmp4[, , "Primary Energy|Hydrogen [external] (TWh/yr)"], NULL) * 3.6 + # Eur/GJ to eur/MWh
                                   setNames(tmp4[, , "Price|Primary Energy|Hydrogen [electrolysis] (Eur2010/MWh)"], NULL) * setNames(tmp4[, , "Primary Energy|Hydrogen [electrolysis] (TWh/yr)"], NULL)) /
          setNames(tmp4[, , "Primary Energy|Hydrogen (TWh/yr)"], NULL)
        tmp4 <- mbind(tmp4, setNames(o_pricehgen_weighted, "Price|Primary Energy|Hydrogen (Eur2010/MWh)"))

        #End of if c_LIMESversion >= 2.37

      # Seasonal storage of hydrogen -> input and output in electrolysers
      tau2season <- readGDX(gdx, name = "tau2season", format = "first_found", react = 'silent') # mapping of tau's belonging to each season
      if(is.null(tau2season)) { #this set disappeared by April 2023
        seasons <- c("winter", "spring", "summer", "autumn")
        for (i in seq_len(length(seasons))) {
          taus <- c(tau2season$tau[tau2season$season == seasons[i]])
          if (length(taus) == 0) {
            o_outputhelec <- new.magpie(cells_and_regions = getItems(v_prodP2XSe, dim = 1),
                                        years = getYears(v_prodP2XSe),
                                        names = paste0("Output|Hydrogen|Electrolysis|",
                                                       " (TWh/yr)"),
                                        fill = NA,
                                        sort = FALSE,
                                        sets = NULL)

            o_inputhelec <- new.magpie(cells_and_regions = getItems(v_storein_el, dim = 1),
                                       years = getYears(v_storein_el),
                                       names = paste0("Input|Hydrogen|Electrolysis|",
                                                      " (TWh/yr)"),
                                       fill = NA,
                                       sort = FALSE,
                                       sets = NULL)

            tmp4 <- mbind(tmp4, o_outputhelec)
            tmp4 <- mbind(tmp4, o_inputhelec)
          } else {
            tmp4 <- mbind(tmp4,
                          setNames(dimSums(v_prodP2XSe[, , taus] * p_taulength[, , taus], dim = 3) / 1000,
                                   paste0("Output|Hydrogen|Electrolysis|", seasons[i], " (TWh/yr)")))
            p_eta_helec <- p_tedata[, , "eta.helec"]
            p_eta_helec <- limesMapping(p_eta_helec)
            o_inputhelec <- v_storein_el[, , "helec"]
            o_inputhelec <- collapseDim(o_inputhelec, dim = 3.2)
            tmp4 <- mbind(tmp4, setNames(dimSums(o_inputhelec[, , taus] * p_taulength[, , taus], dim = 3) * p_eta_helec / 1000,
                                         paste0("Input|Hydrogen|Electrolysis|", seasons[i], " (TWh/yr)")))

    #End of if c_LIMESversion >= 2.36

    # aggregate tmp
    tmp5 <- mbind(tmp3, tmp4)

    # Gross production and demand
    tmp6 <- NULL
    # Need to create a variable with t, regi, te for gross production (v_seprod has these indexes)
    o_grossprod <- new.magpie(cells_and_regions = getItems(v_seprod_el, dim = 1), years = getYears(v_seprod_el), names = c(teel),
                              fill = 0, sort = FALSE, sets = NULL)
    # Estimate annual gross production for different technologies (in TWh/yr)
    for (teel2 in teel) {
      o_grossprod[, , teel2] <- dimSums(collapseDim(dimSums(v_seprod_el[, , teel2], dim = c(3.2)), dim = 3.2) * p_taulength / 1000, dim = 3) / (1 - p_autocons[, , teel2])

    varList_elGr <- list(
      # Conventional
      "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity (TWh/yr)"                  = c(teel),
      "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Biomass (TWh/yr)"          = intersect(teel, tebio),
      "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Biomass|w/o CCS (TWh/yr)"  = intersect(teel, setdiff(tebio, teccs)),
      "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Coal (TWh/yr)"             = intersect(teel, c(tecoal, telig)),
      "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Coal|w/o CCS (TWh/yr)"     = intersect(teel, setdiff(c(tecoal, telig), teccs)),
      "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Coal|w/ CCS (TWh/yr)"      = intersect(teel, intersect(c(tecoal, telig), teccs)),
      "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Hard Coal (TWh/yr)"        = intersect(teel, c(tecoal)),
      "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Hard Coal|w/o CCS (TWh/yr)" = intersect(teel, setdiff(c(tecoal), teccs)),
      "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Hard Coal|w/ CCS (TWh/yr)" = intersect(teel, intersect(c(tecoal), teccs)),
      "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Lignite (TWh/yr)"          = intersect(teel, c(telig)),
      "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Lignite|w/o CCS (TWh/yr)"  = intersect(teel, setdiff(c(telig), teccs)),
      "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Lignite|w/ CCS (TWh/yr)"   = intersect(teel, intersect(c(telig), teccs)),
      "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Oil (TWh/yr)"              = intersect(teel, c(teoil)),
      "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Gas (TWh/yr)"              = intersect(teel, c(tegas)),
      "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Gas|w/o CCS (TWh/yr)"      = intersect(teel, setdiff(tegas_el, teccs)),
      "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Gas|w/ CCS (TWh/yr)"       = intersect(teel, intersect(tegas_el, teccs)),
      # "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Gas CC|w/o CCS (TWh/yr)"   =intersect(teel, setdiff(tengcc_el, teccs)),
      # "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Gas CC|w/ CCS (TWh/yr)"    =intersect(teel, intersect(tengcc_el, teccs)),
      "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Gas CC (TWh/yr)"           = intersect(teel, c(tengcc_el)),
      "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Gas OC (TWh/yr)"           = intersect(teel, setdiff(tegas_el, tengcc_el)),
      "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Other (TWh/yr)"            = intersect(teel, c(teothers)),
      "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Hydrogen (TWh/yr)"         = intersect(teel, c(tehgen)),
      # "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Hydrogen FC (TWh/yr)"      =intersect(teel, c("hfc")),
      # "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Hydrogen OC (TWh/yr)"      =intersect(teel, c("hct")),
      # "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Hydrogen CC (TWh/yr)"      =intersect(teel, c("hcc")),
      "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Nuclear (TWh/yr)"          = intersect(teel, c("tnr")),
      "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Waste (TWh/yr)"            = intersect(teel, c(tewaste)),
      "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Other Fossil (TWh/yr)"     = intersect(teel, c(teothers, tewaste, teoil)),

      # general aggregation
      "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Fossil (TWh/yr)"                 = intersect(teel, c(tefossil)),
      "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Fossil|w/o CCS (TWh/yr)"         = intersect(teel, setdiff(tefossil, teccs)),
      "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Fossil|w/ CCS (TWh/yr)"          = intersect(teel, intersect(tefossil, teccs)),
      "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Variable renewable (TWh/yr)"     = intersect(teel, c(ter)),
      "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Non-variable renewable (TWh/yr)" = intersect(teel, c(ternofluc)),
      "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Renewable (TWh/yr)"              = intersect(teel, c(ter, ternofluc)),
      "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Non-renewable (TWh/yr)"          = intersect(teel, tenr), # this does not include storage

      # Renewable
      "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Wind (TWh/yr)"         = intersect(teel, c("windon", "windoff")),
      "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Wind|Onshore (TWh/yr)" = intersect(teel, c("windon")),
      "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Wind|Offshore (TWh/yr)" = intersect(teel, c("windoff")),
      "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Solar (TWh/yr)"        = intersect(teel, c("spv", "csp")),
      "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Solar|PV (TWh/yr)"     = intersect(teel, c("spv")),
      "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Solar|CSP (TWh/yr)"    = intersect(teel, c("csp")),
      "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Hydro (TWh/yr)"        = intersect(teel, c(tehydro))

    if (c_LIMESversion >= 2.33) {
      varList_elGr <- append(varList_elGr, list("Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Biomass|w/ CCS (TWh/yr)" = intersect(teccs, tebio)))

    for (var in names(varList_elGr)) {
      tmp6 <- mbind(tmp6, setNames(dimSums(o_grossprod[, , varList_elGr[[var]]], 3), var)) # o_grossprod is already in TWh/yr

    if (heating == "fullDH") {

      # Gross electricity (split between electricity-only and CHP technologies)
      varList_elGrEoChp <- list(
        # 2.a) CHP
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|CHP (TWh/yr)"               = c(techp),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|CHP|Biomass (TWh/yr)"       = intersect(techp, tebio),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|CHP|Waste (TWh/yr)"         = intersect(techp, tewaste),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|CHP|Coal (TWh/yr)"          = intersect(techp, c(tecoal, telig)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|CHP|Hard Coal (TWh/yr)"     = intersect(techp, c(tecoal)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|CHP|Lignite (TWh/yr)"       = intersect(techp, c(telig)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|CHP|Oil (TWh/yr)"           = intersect(techp, c(teoil)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|CHP|Gas (TWh/yr)"           = intersect(techp, c(tegas)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|CHP|Gas CC (TWh/yr)"        = intersect(techp, c(tengcc_el)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|CHP|Gas OC (TWh/yr)"        = intersect(techp, setdiff(tegas_el, tengcc_el)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|CHP|Hydrogen (TWh/yr)"      = intersect(techp, tehgen),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|CHP|Other (TWh/yr)"         = intersect(techp, c(teothers)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|CHP|Other Fossil (TWh/yr)"  = intersect(techp, c(teothers, tewaste, teoil)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|CHP|Fossil (TWh/yr)"        = intersect(techp, c(tefossil)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|CHP|Renewable (TWh/yr)"     = intersect(techp, c(ter, ternofluc)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|CHP|Non-renewable (TWh/yr)" = intersect(techp, tenr),

        # 2.b) Electricity-only
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Electricity-only (TWh/yr)"                  = c(teoel),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Electricity-only|Biomass (TWh/yr)"          = intersect(teoel, tebio),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Electricity-only|Biomass|w/o CCS (TWh/yr)"  = intersect(teoel, setdiff(tebio, teccs)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Electricity-only|Coal (TWh/yr)"             = intersect(teoel, c(tecoal, telig)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Electricity-only|Coal|w/o CCS (TWh/yr)"     = intersect(teoel, setdiff(c(tecoal, telig), teccs)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Electricity-only|Coal|w/ CCS (TWh/yr)"      = intersect(teoel, intersect(c(tecoal, telig), teccs)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Electricity-only|Hard Coal (TWh/yr)"        = intersect(teoel, c(tecoal)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Electricity-only|Hard Coal|w/o CCS (TWh/yr)" = intersect(teoel, setdiff(c(tecoal), teccs)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Electricity-only|Hard Coal|w/ CCS (TWh/yr)" = intersect(teoel, intersect(c(tecoal), teccs)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Electricity-only|Lignite (TWh/yr)"          = intersect(teoel, c(telig)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Electricity-only|Lignite|w/o CCS (TWh/yr)"  = intersect(teoel, setdiff(c(telig), teccs)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Electricity-only|Lignite|w/ CCS (TWh/yr)"   = intersect(teoel, intersect(c(telig), teccs)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Electricity-only|Oil (TWh/yr)"              = intersect(teoel, c(teoil)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Electricity-only|Gas (TWh/yr)"              = intersect(teoel, c(tegas)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Electricity-only|Gas|w/o CCS (TWh/yr)"      = intersect(teoel, setdiff(tegas_el, teccs)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Electricity-only|Gas|w/ CCS (TWh/yr)"       = intersect(teoel, intersect(tegas_el, teccs)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Electricity-only|Gas CC (TWh/yr)"           = intersect(teoel, c(tengcc_el)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Electricity-only|Gas OC (TWh/yr)"           = intersect(teoel, setdiff(tegas_el, tengcc_el)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Electricity-only|Other (TWh/yr)"            = intersect(teoel, c(teothers)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Electricity-only|Hydrogen (TWh/yr)"         = intersect(teoel, c(tehgen)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Electricity-only|Waste (TWh/yr)"            = intersect(teoel, c(tewaste)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Electricity-only|Other Fossil (TWh/yr)"     = intersect(teoel, c(teothers, tewaste, teoil)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Electricity-only|Fossil (TWh/yr)"           = intersect(teoel, c(tefossil)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Electricity-only|Fossil|w/o CCS (TWh/yr)"   = intersect(teoel, setdiff(tefossil, teccs)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Electricity-only|Fossil|w/ CCS (TWh/yr)"    = intersect(teoel, intersect(tefossil, teccs)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Electricity-only|Renewable (TWh/yr)"        = intersect(teoel, c(ter, ternofluc)),
        "Secondary Energy|Gross|Electricity|Electricity-only|Non-renewable (TWh/yr)"    = intersect(teoel, tenr) # this does not include storage

      for (var in names(varList_elGrEoChp)) {
        tmp6 <- mbind(tmp6, setNames(dimSums(o_grossprod[, , varList_elGrEoChp[[var]]], 3), var)) # o_grossprod is already in TWh/yr

      # Gross heat
      # Estimate annual gross production for different technologies (in TWh/yr)
      for (tehe2 in getNames(o_grossprod_he)) {
        o_grossprod_he[, , tehe2] <- dimSums(collapseDim(v_seprod_he[, , tehe2], dim = c(3.2, 3.3)) * p_taulength / 1000, dim = 3) / o_gross2ue

      # Gross heat (disaggregated between heat-only and CHP technologies)
      for (var in names(varList_GrossHe_DH)) {
        tmp6 <- mbind(tmp6, setNames(dimSums(o_grossprod_he[, , varList_GrossHe_DH[[var]]], 3), var)) # o_grossprod_he is already in TWh/yr

      # Final energy (Final Energy|Heat|*)
      # Take estimations from useful energy, divide by the ue2fe factor, and change name
      items <- getItems(tmp5, dim = 3)[grep("Useful Energy|District Heating", getItems(tmp5, dim = 3))]
      items <- items[items != "Useful Energy|Heating|Storage Consumption (TWh/yr)" & items != "Useful Energy|Heating|Storage Losses (TWh/yr)"]
      for (var_name in items) {
        tmp6 <- mbind(tmp6, setNames(tmp5[, , var_name] / p_bd_ratio_ue2fe_DH, str_replace(var_name, "Useful", "Final")))

      #End of heating if

    # Net imports
    o_netimpots <- new.magpie(cells_and_regions = getItems(p_eldemand, dim = 1), years = getYears(p_eldemand), names = tau,
                              fill = 0, sort = FALSE, sets = NULL)
    o_netimpots <- dimSums(p_eldemand * p_taulength / 1000, dim = 3) - setNames(tmp1[, , "Secondary Energy|Electricity|w/o losses (TWh/yr)"], NULL)

    # Gross demand (gross electricity production + net imports), following official german statistics procedure
    o_grossdem <- dimSums(o_grossprod, dim = c(3.1)) + o_netimpots
    tmp6 <- mbind(tmp6, setNames(o_grossdem, "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Gross Demand (TWh/yr)"))
    tmp6 <- mbind(tmp6, setNames(dimSums(o_grossprod[, , intersect(teel, c(ter, ternofluc))], dim = 3) / o_grossdem,
                                 "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Share of renewables in gross demand (--)"))
    tmp6 <- mbind(tmp6, setNames(dimSums(o_grossprod[, , intersect(teel, c(ter))], dim = 3) / o_grossdem,
                                 "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Share of variable renewables in gross demand (--)"))
    tmp6 <- mbind(tmp6, setNames(dimSums(o_grossprod[, , intersect(teel, c("windon","windoff"))], dim = 3) / o_grossdem,
                                 "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Share of wind energy in gross demand (--)"))
    tmp6 <- mbind(tmp6, setNames(dimSums(o_grossprod[, , intersect(teel, c("spv","csp"))], dim = 3) / o_grossdem,
                                 "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Share of solar energy in gross demand (--)"))

    # merge tmp's
    tmp7 <- mbind(tmp5, tmp6)

    v_seprodmax <- readGDX(gdx, name = "v_seprodmax", field = "l", format = "first_found", restore_zeros = FALSE)[, , tau]
    v_seprodmax <- limesMapping(v_seprodmax)
    o_genvres <- setNames(tmp1[, , "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Variable renewable (TWh/yr)"], NULL)
    tmp8 <- NULL
    tmp8 <- mbind(tmp8, setNames(dimSums(dimSums(v_seprodmax[, , intersect(teel, ter)], dim = c(3.2)) * p_taulength, dim = 3) / 1000 - o_genvres,
                                 "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Curtailment (TWh/yr)"))

    # merge tmp's
    tmp <- mbind(tmp7, tmp8)

  } else { #if not the reportTau

# Tau reporting -----------------------------------------------------------
    f_renameTau <- function(vecOriginal) {
      vecModif <- vecOriginal
      names(vecModif) <- gsub("Secondary Energy", "Load", names(vecModif))
      names(vecModif) <- gsub("Useful Energy", "Load|Useful", names(vecModif))
      names(vecModif) <- gsub("TWh/yr", "GW", names(vecModif))


    f_computeTauVec <- function(varName, varList, data) {

      sets2Sum <- setdiff(getSets(data), c("region", "t", "tau"))
      if (!is.null(varList[[varName]])) {
        .tmp <- dimSums(data[, , varList[[varName]]],
                        dim = sets2Sum)
      } else {
        .tmp <- dimSums(data,
                        dim = sets2Sum)

      .nm <- paste(varName, getNames(.tmp), sep = "___")
      .nm <- gsub("^(.*)( \\(.*\\))___(.*)$", "\\1|\\3\\2", .nm)
      .tmp <- setNames(.tmp, .nm)

    f_computeTau <- function(varList, data) {

      out <- do.call("mbind",
                     lapply(names(varList), f_computeTauVec, varList, data))

    #Add BECCS to the list
    if(!is.null((intersect(tebio, teccs)))) {
      varList_el <- c(varList_el,
                         "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Biomass|w/ CCS (TWh/yr)"  = intersect(teel, intersect(tebio, teccs))

    # Reporting tau
    varList_elTau <- f_renameTau(varList_el)
    varList_stGenTau <- f_renameTau(varList_stGen)
    varList_stConsTau <- f_renameTau(varList_stCons)
    varList_stLoss <-
      list("Load|Electricity|Storage Net Charging (GW)"                           = setdiff(testore, c("heat_sto")),
           "Load|Electricity|Storage Net Charging|Pump Hydro (GW)"                = "psp",
           "Load|Electricity|Storage Net Charging|Stat Batteries (GW)"            = "batteries",
           "Load|Electricity|Storage Net Charging|Hydrogen electrolysis (GW)"     = "helec"

    tmp1 <- mbind(
      f_computeTau(varList_elTau, v_seprod_el),
      f_computeTau(varList_stGenTau, v_storeout_el),
      f_computeTau(varList_stConsTau, v_storein_el),
      f_computeTau(varList_stLoss, v_storein_el - v_storeout_el)

    if (!is.null(o_netimports_tau)) {
      varList_Imports <- list("Secondary Energy|Electricity|Net Imports (TWh/yr)" = NULL)
      varList_Imports <- f_renameTau(varList_Imports)
      tmp1 <- mbind(tmp1,
                   f_computeTau(varList_Imports, o_netimports_tau))

    x <- new.magpie(getRegions(tmp1), getYears(tmp1), getNames(p_taulength))
    tmp2 <- setNames(magpie_expand(p_taulength, x),
                     paste0("Tau length|", getNames(p_taulength), " (h)")
    tmp3 <- mbind(tmp1, tmp2)

    #Heat related
    tmp4 <- NULL
    if (heating == "fullDH") {

      #Total UE generated by DH
      varList_totalDH_UE <- list("Load|Useful|Heating|Heat|Total (GW)" = NULL)
      varList_totalDH_UE <- f_renameTau(varList_totalDH_UE)
      tmp4 <- mbind(tmp4,
                    f_computeTau(varList_totalDH_UE, o_seprodtotalDH_UE))
      varList_GrossStHeat <- list("Load|Gross|Heat|Storage Net Charging (GW)" = "heat_sto")
      varList_GrossStHeat <- f_renameTau(varList_GrossStHeat)
      tmp4 <- mbind(tmp4,
                                 (v_storein_he - v_storeout_he) / o_gross2ue)) #v_storein

      # Reporting tau
      varList_GrossHe_DHTau <- f_renameTau(varList_GrossHe_DH)

      tmp4 <- mbind(tmp4,
        f_computeTau(varList_GrossHe_DHTau, v_seprod_he / o_gross2ue)

      if (c_buildings == 1) {

        ## Reporting tau
        #Power to heat
        varList_UE_P2HTau <- f_renameTau(varList_UE_P2H)
        tmp4 <- mbind(tmp4,
          f_computeTau(varList_UE_P2HTau, v_seprod_he)
        #Dh for buildings
        varList_bd_totalDH_UE <- list("Load|Useful|Heating|Buildings|Heat|Total (GW)" = NULL)
        varList_bd_totalDH_UE <- f_renameTau(varList_bd_totalDH_UE)
        tmp4 <- mbind(tmp4,
                      f_computeTau(varList_bd_totalDH_UE, o_bd_seprodtotalDH_UE))

      } #end if buildings

    } #end if fullDH

    tmp <- mbind(tmp3, tmp4)

pik-piam/limes documentation built on Sept. 13, 2024, 1:36 a.m.