
Defines functions reportLoadFactor

Documented in reportLoadFactor

#' Read in GDX and calculate the load factor, used in convGDX2MIF.R for the reporting
#' Read in electricity generation data from GDX file, information used in convGDX2MIF.R
#' for the reporting
#' @param gdx a GDX object as created by readGDX, or the path to a gdx
#' @param output a magpie object containing all needed variables generated by other report*.R functions
#' @param reporting_tau boolean determining whether to generate the tau report
#' @return MAgPIE object - contains the capacity variables
#' @author Sebastian Osorio
#' @seealso \code{\link{convGDX2MIF}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{reportLoadFactor(gdx)}
#' @importFrom gdx readGDX
#' @importFrom magclass mbind setNames dimSums getSets getSets<- as.magpie
#' @export
reportLoadFactor <- function(gdx,output=NULL, reporting_tau = FALSE) {

  if (is.null(output) && !reporting_tau) {
    stop("argument `output` is NULL. Please provide a file containing all needed information")

  # read sets
  tt <- readGDX(gdx, name = "t", field = "l", format = "first_found") # time set
  t0 <- tt[1]
  teel <- readGDX(gdx, name = "teel") # set of electricity generation technologies (non-storage)
  ter <- readGDX(gdx, name = "ter") # set of variable renewable electricity generation technologies
  ternofluc <- readGDX(gdx, name = "ternofluc") # set of non-variable (non-fluctuating) renewable electricity generation technologies
  tefossil <- readGDX(gdx, name = "tefossil") # set of fossil-based electricity generation technologies
  tenr <- readGDX(gdx, name = "tenr") # set of non-renewable electricity generation technologies (includes storage)
  tegas <- readGDX(gdx, name = "tegas") # set of gas generation technologies
  telig <- readGDX(gdx, name = "telig") # set of lignite generation technologies
  tecoal <- readGDX(gdx, name = "tecoal") # set of hard coal generation technologies
  tengcc <- readGDX(gdx, name = "tengcc") # set of NGCC generation technologies
  tehydro <- readGDX(gdx, name = "tehydro") # set of hydropower generation technologies
  tehgen <- readGDX(gdx, name = "tehgen")
  tehydro <- readGDX(gdx, name = "tehydro")
  tebio <- readGDX(gdx, name = "tebio")
  teoil <- readGDX(gdx, name = "teoil")
  techp <- readGDX(gdx, name = "techp")
  teccs <- readGDX(gdx, name = "teccs")
  teothers <- readGDX(gdx, name = "teothers")
  tau <- readGDX(gdx, name = "tau") # set of time slices
  tegas_el <- intersect(tegas, teel)
  tengcc_el <- intersect(tengcc, teel)
  testore <- readGDX(gdx, name = "testore")
  pe2se <- readGDX(gdx, name = "pe2se")
  pety <- unique(pe2se[, 1])
  tewaste <- readGDX(gdx, name = "tewaste", format = "first_found", react = 'silent') # set of waste generation technologies
  if(is.null(tewaste)) {tewaste <- "waste"} #in old model versions this set was not defined and only the tech 'waste' existed

  # read parameters
  c_LIMESversion <- readGDX(gdx, name = "c_LIMESversion", field = "l", format = "first_found")

  # read variables
  v_seprod <- readGDX(gdx, name = "v_seprod", field = "l", format = "first_found", restore_zeros = FALSE)[, , tau]
  v_cap <- readGDX(gdx, name = c("v_cap", "vm_cap"), field = "l", format = "first_found") #used for the load factor calculation per tau

  # Make sure only the sets -> to reduce the size of the variables
  v_seprod <- v_seprod[, , pety]

  # create MagPie object of variables with iso3 regions
  v_seprod <- limesMapping(v_seprod)
  v_cap <- limesMapping(v_cap)[,as.numeric(tt),]

  # Check the version so to choose the electricity-related variables
  if (c_LIMESversion >= 2.28) {

    v_seprod_el <- v_seprod[, , "seel"]
    heating <- .readHeatingCfg(gdx)

    if (heating == "fullDH") {
      v_seprod_he <- v_seprod[, , "sehe"]
      v_seprod_he <- collapseDim(v_seprod_he, dim = 3.3)


  } else { #=if c_LIMESversion < 2.26
    v_seprod_el <- v_seprod

  # Collapse names to avoid some problems
  v_seprod_el <- collapseDim(v_seprod_el, dim = 3.2)

  # generation per aggregated technology per country
  # and converting from GWh to TWh
  tmp1 <- NULL

  varList_el <- list(
    # Conventional
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity (TWh/yr)"                  = c(teel),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Biomass (TWh/yr)"          = intersect(teel, tebio),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Biomass|w/ CCS (TWh/yr)"   = intersect(teel, intersect(tebio, teccs)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Biomass|w/o CCS (TWh/yr)"  = intersect(teel, setdiff(tebio, teccs)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Coal (TWh/yr)"             = intersect(teel, c(tecoal, telig)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Coal|w/o CCS (TWh/yr)"     = intersect(teel, setdiff(c(tecoal, telig), teccs)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Coal|w/ CCS (TWh/yr)"      = intersect(teel, intersect(c(tecoal, telig), teccs)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Hard Coal (TWh/yr)"        = intersect(teel, c(tecoal)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Hard Coal|w/o CCS (TWh/yr)" = intersect(teel, setdiff(c(tecoal), teccs)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Hard Coal|w/ CCS (TWh/yr)" = intersect(teel, intersect(c(tecoal), teccs)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Lignite (TWh/yr)"          = intersect(teel, c(telig)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Lignite|w/o CCS (TWh/yr)"  = intersect(teel, setdiff(c(telig), teccs)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Lignite|w/ CCS (TWh/yr)"   = intersect(teel, intersect(c(telig), teccs)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Oil (TWh/yr)"              = intersect(teel, c(teoil)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Gas (TWh/yr)"              = intersect(teel, c(tegas)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Gas|w/o CCS (TWh/yr)"      = intersect(teel, setdiff(tegas_el, teccs)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Gas|w/ CCS (TWh/yr)"       = intersect(teel, intersect(tegas_el, teccs)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Gas CC|w/o CCS (TWh/yr)"   = intersect(teel, setdiff(tengcc_el, teccs)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Gas CC|w/ CCS (TWh/yr)"    = intersect(teel, intersect(tengcc_el, teccs)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Gas CC (TWh/yr)"           = intersect(teel, c(tengcc_el)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Gas OC (TWh/yr)"           = intersect(teel, setdiff(tegas_el, tengcc_el)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Other (TWh/yr)"            = intersect(teel, c(teothers)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Hydrogen (TWh/yr)"         = intersect(teel, c(tehgen)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Hydrogen FC (TWh/yr)"      = intersect(teel, c("hfc")),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Hydrogen OC (TWh/yr)"      = intersect(teel, c("hct")),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Hydrogen CC (TWh/yr)"      = intersect(teel, c("hcc")),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Nuclear (TWh/yr)"          = intersect(teel, c("tnr")),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Waste (TWh/yr)"            = intersect(teel, c(tewaste)),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Other Fossil (TWh/yr)"     = intersect(teel, c(teothers, tewaste, teoil)),

    # Renewable
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Wind (TWh/yr)"         = intersect(teel, c("windon", "windoff")),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Wind|Onshore (TWh/yr)" = intersect(teel, c("windon")),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Wind|Offshore (TWh/yr)" = intersect(teel, c("windoff")),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Solar (TWh/yr)"        = intersect(teel, c("spv", "csp")),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Solar|PV (TWh/yr)"     = intersect(teel, c("spv")),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Solar|CSP (TWh/yr)"    = intersect(teel, c("csp")),
    "Secondary Energy|Electricity|Hydro (TWh/yr)"        = intersect(teel, c(tehydro))

  # Standard Reporting ------------------------------------------------------

  if (!reporting_tau) {
    #Names of variables in output
    names_output <- getNames(output)

    #Find the positions where generation and capacities are
    pos_gen <- grep("Secondary Energy[|]Electricity[|]",names_output)
    pos_cap <- grep("Capacity[|]Electricity[|]",names_output)

    #Technologies for which generation and capacity are calculated
    var_gen_tmp <- gsub("Secondary Energy[|]Electricity[|]","",names_output[pos_gen])
    var_gen_tmp <- gsub(" [(]TWh/yr[)]","",gsub(" [(]--[)]","",var_gen_tmp))
    unit_gen_tmp <- sapply(strsplit(names_output[pos_gen]," [(]"),function(x) x[2]) #strsplit splits the vector with var names (in form of list) and sapply allows accessing all the second elements in the list
    unit_gen_tmp <- paste0("(",unit_gen_tmp)

    var_cap_tmp <- gsub("Capacity[|]Electricity[|]","",names_output[pos_cap])
    var_cap_tmp <- gsub(" [(]GWh[)]","",gsub(" [(]GW[)]","",var_cap_tmp))
    unit_cap_tmp <- sapply(strsplit(names_output[pos_cap]," [(]"),function(x) x[2]) #strsplit splits the vector with var names (in form of list) and sapply allows accessing all the second elements in the list
    unit_cap_tmp <- paste0("(",unit_cap_tmp)

    #find which variables match
    tech_match <- intersect(var_gen_tmp,var_cap_tmp)

    #Rebuild the variable names (w/ units) - the cleanest way would be using the units extracted above
    var_gen <- paste0("Secondary Energy|Electricity|",tech_match," (TWh/yr)")
    var_cap <- paste0("Capacity|Electricity|",tech_match," (GW)")

    #Calculate the load factor (need to convert units)
    o_loadfactor <- setNames(output[,,var_gen],tech_match)/(8760*setNames(output[,,var_cap],tech_match)/1000) #estimate factor ensuring gen and cap have the same names
    o_loadfactor <- setNames(o_loadfactor,paste0("Load Factor|Electricity|",tech_match," (--)"))

    #Correct some infinite that might result from capacities being 0
    o_loadfactor[is.infinite(o_loadfactor)] <- NaN

    #Save in new var
    tmp <- o_loadfactor

  } else { #if not the reportTau

    # Tau reporting -----------------------------------------------------------
    #Same function as above but for load factors
    f_renameTau <- function(vecOriginal) {
      vecModif <- vecOriginal
      names(vecModif) <- gsub("Secondary Energy", "Load Factor", names(vecModif))
      names(vecModif) <- gsub("TWh/yr", "--", names(vecModif))


    f_computeTauVec <- function(varName, varList, data1, data2) {

      sets2Sum1 <- setdiff(getSets(data1), c("region", "t", "tau", "ttot"))
      sets2Sum2 <- setdiff(getSets(data2), c("region", "t", "tau", "ttot"))
      if (!is.null(varList[[varName]])) {
        .tmp <- dimSums(data1[, , varList[[varName]]], dim = sets2Sum1) /
          dimSums(data2[, , varList[[varName]]], dim = sets2Sum2)
      } else {
        .tmp <- dimSums(data1, dim = sets2Sum1) /
          dimSums(data2, dim = sets2Sum2)

      .nm <- paste(varName, getNames(.tmp), sep = "___")
      .nm <- gsub("^(.*)( \\(.*\\))___(.*)$", "\\1|\\3\\2", .nm)
      .tmp <- setNames(.tmp, .nm)

    f_computeTau <- function(varList, data1, data2) {

      out <- do.call("mbind",
                     lapply(names(varList), f_computeTauVec, varList, data1, data2))

    tmp <- NULL

    # Reporting tau
    varList_elTau_LF <- f_renameTau(varList_el)
    tmp <- mbind(tmp, f_computeTau(varList_elTau_LF, v_seprod_el, v_cap))

  } #End reportTau

pik-piam/limes documentation built on Jan. 27, 2024, 4:45 a.m.