
Defines functions mergestatistics

#' Merge Statistics
#' Support function to merge run statistics which have been derived 
#' with \code{\link{runstatistics}}
#' @param dir Path to the run statistics repository
#' @param file path to an rds-file the data should be written to and from which
#' (if existing) already merged data can be read from
#' @param renew if set to TRUE the full data.table will be created again from scratch,
#' if set to FALSE merging will start with the existing file (if it exists) and just add
#' missing entries 
#' @param quickcheck If active, the function compares last modification dates of repository data and 
#' and merged statistics and cancels execution in case that there is no newer file in the data repository
#' (assuming that merge statistics are already complete). This is useful if this function is run
#' frequently and execution time plays a role, but might lead to cases in which the function is not run
#' even if the merge statistics are incomplete.
#' @param pattern detection pattern for rda files that should be merged
#' @return A data table containing the merged run statistics or NULL in case the data was not recalculated
#' @author Jan Philipp Dietrich
#' @importFrom data.table as.data.table rbindlist
#' @importFrom utils type.convert
#' @export

mergestatistics <- function(dir=".", file=NULL, renew=FALSE, quickcheck=FALSE, pattern="*\\.[rR]da") {
  if(quickcheck && file.exists(file) && all(file.info(Sys.glob(paste0(dir,"/*")))$mtime<file.info(file)$mtime)) {
  out <- NULL
  id  <- NULL
  if(!is.null(file) & !renew) {
    if(file.exists(file)) out <- readRDS(file)
    id <- out$.id
  cwd <- getwd()
  files <- list.files(pattern = pattern, recursive=TRUE)
  if(length(id)>0) {
    names(files) <- gsub("\\.[rR]da","",files)
    tmp <- setdiff(names(files),id)
    files <- files[tmp]
  if(length(files)==0) return(out)
  stats <- NULL
  outlist <- list()
  for(f in files) {
    if(anyNA(stats$modelstat)) {
      modelstat <- "unknown"
    } else if(all(stats$modelstat<=2)) {
      modelstat <- "optimal"
    } else if(all(stats$modelstat<=2 | stats$modelstat==7)) {
      modelstat <- "non-optimal"
    } else {
      modelstat <- "infeasible"
    stats$solution <- modelstat
    stats$id <- gsub("\\.[rR]da","",f)
    outlist[[stats$id]] <- as.data.table(t(unlist(c(stats[c("user","date","version_management","revision","revision_date","solution")],runtime=as.numeric(stats[["runtime"]], units="hours"),stats$config))))
  out <- rbind(out,rbindlist(outlist, fill=TRUE, idcol=TRUE),fill=TRUE)
  out <- as.data.table(lapply(out, function(x) return(type.convert(as.character(x), as.is=TRUE))))
  names(out) <- make.unique(names(out))
  out <- out[!is.na(out$user),]
  if(!is.null(file)) saveRDS(out, file=file, version = 2)
pik-piam/lucode documentation built on June 10, 2020, 6:55 p.m.