
Defines functions getMainfolder

Documented in getMainfolder

#' getMainfolder
#' Functions checks for a global setting of the mainfolder (either by setting the environment
#' variable "MADRAT_MAINFOLDER" or by setting the R option with the same name). If none of these
#' is available the user will be asked for a directory. If this is not provided a temporary folder
#' will be used.
#' @param verbose boolean deciding whether status information/updates should be shown or not
#' @param .testmode boolean switch only relevant for internal testing (will simulate user inputs)
#' @author Jan Philipp Dietrich
#' @seealso \code{\link{initializeConfig}}, \code{\link{getConfig}}, \code{\link{setConfig}}
getMainfolder <- function(verbose = TRUE, .testmode = FALSE) {
  # option MADRAT_MAINFOLDER set?
  mainfolder <- getOption("MADRAT_MAINFOLDER")
  if (!is.null(mainfolder)) return(mainfolder)

  # environment variable MADRAT_MAINFOLDER set?
  mainfolder <- Sys.getenv("MADRAT_MAINFOLDER", unset = NA)
  if (!is.na(mainfolder)) return(mainfolder)

  questionLoop <- function(question, testModeAnswer = "y", testmode = .testmode) {
    if (testmode) {
    answer <- ""
    while (!(answer %in% c("y", "n"))) {
      answer <- tolower(readline(question))

  # ask for folder to use
  if (interactive() || .testmode) {
    if (questionLoop("madrat mainfolder for data storage not set! Do you want to set it now? (y/n) ") == "y") {
      repeat {
        if (.testmode) {
          folder <- file.path(tempdir(), "testmaindir")
        } else {
          folder <- gsub('"', "", readline("Please enter main folder path: "), fixed = TRUE)
        if (!dir.exists(folder) && questionLoop("Directory does not exist. Should it be created? (y/n) ") == "y") {
          dir.create(folder, recursive = TRUE)
        if (dir.exists(folder)) {
          mainfolder <- normalizePath(folder, winslash = "/")
          question <- "Should this path be added to the global .Rprofile to be used permanently? (y/n) "
          if (questionLoop(question, testModeAnswer = "n") == "y") {
            write(c("", "# Set mainfolder for madrat package",
                    paste0('options(MADRAT_MAINFOLDER="', mainfolder, '")'), ""),
                  file = "~/.Rprofile", # nolint
                  append = TRUE)
          options(MADRAT_MAINFOLDER = mainfolder) # nolint
        } else {
          message("Please specify either an existing folder or a folder you would like to create!")

  # use temporary directory
  if (verbose) message("Temporary main folder will be used..")
  mainfolder <- file.path(tempdir(), "madrat")
  dir.create(mainfolder, showWarnings = !dir.exists(mainfolder))
pik-piam/madrat documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 11:22 a.m.