#' calcCentralFeedshares
#' @description
#' Calculates future central feed shares for all livestock categories
#' based on the results of a non-linear regression between historical
#' central feed shares and livestock productivity and using Koeppen-
#' Geiger climate zones
#' @return Central feed shares and weights as list of two MAgPIE-objects
#' @author Isabelle Weindl, Benjamin Bodirsky, Stephen Wirth, Jan Philipp Dietrich
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' calcOutput("CentralFeedshares")
#' }
calcCentralFeedshares <- function() {
# 1. Koeppen input berechnen z
# 2. feed share regression coefficients a,b
# 3. livestock productivity x
koeppen <- readSource("Koeppen") # read Koeppen
map <- toolGetMapping(type = "sectoral", name = "KoeppenFeedbasketsmapping.csv",
where = "mappingfolder") # read mapping to Climate regions
map$Koeppen <- paste0("kg_p_", map$Koeppen)
koeppen <- koeppen[, , map$Koeppen]
koeppen[is.na(koeppen)] <- 0 # set NAs to 0
climatezones <- toolAggregate(koeppen, map, from = 1, to = 2, dim = 3) # Aggregate to climate zones
climkg13 <- dimSums(climatezones[, , c("temp", "trop")], dim = 3) # Sum Climatezones to groups temp#trop
climkg4 <- climatezones[, , "cold"] # only cold climate
# calc livst productivity
lvstProd <- calcOutput("LivestockProductivity", aggregate = FALSE)
# read regression coefficients for central feed shares
feedShrRegr <- readSource("FeedShareReg")
# specify systems for which regressions exist (exluding sys_hen and sys_chicken)
systems <- c("sys_beef", "sys_dairy", "sys_pig")
lvstProd <- lvstProd[, , systems]
feedShrRegr <- feedShrRegr[, , systems]
# set climate-specific factor for different production systems
climk <- climkg13[, , rep(1, 3)]
getNames(climk) <- systems
climk[, , "sys_pig"] <- climkg4
func <- function(x, a, b, z) {
# x : stock or producer yield
# a: FeedShare regression coefficient
# b: FeedShare regression coefficient
# z: aggregated climate-specific factor for each Magpie region
out <- z * (1 - ((x * a)^3 / (0.1 + (x * a)^3))) + (1 - z) * (1 - ((x * b)^3 / (0.1 + (x * b)^3)))
# difference in region of 1e-15
# calculate feedshares for livestock commodities
outShr <- func(lvstProd, feedShrRegr[, , "A"], feedShrRegr[, , "B"], climk)
# use livestock production as weight
kl <- c("livst_pig", "livst_rum", "livst_milk")
past <- findset("past")
massbalance <- calcOutput("FAOmassbalance_pre", aggregate = FALSE)[, past, ]
weight <- collapseNames(massbalance[, , kl][, , "dm"][, , "production"])
mapping <- data.frame(
kl = c("livst_pig", "livst_rum", "livst_milk"),
sys = c("sys_pig", "sys_beef", "sys_dairy"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
weight <- rename_dimnames(weight, dim = 3, query = mapping, from = "kl", to = "sys")
weight <- toolHoldConstantBeyondEnd(weight)
return(list(x = outShr,
weight = weight,
unit = "-",
description = "Central feed shares for dairy cattle, beef cattle and pigs",
min = 0,
max = 1
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