#' @title calcExcretion
#' @description calculates excretion during grazing, cropland-grazing,
#' confinement and collected for fuel.
#' Based on MAgPIE Feed baskets, slaughter biomass and
#' simple allocation rules.
#' @param cellular if TRUE value is calculate and returned (set aggregate to FALSE!) on cellular level
#' @param cells Switch between "magpiecell" (59199) and "lpjcell" (67420)
#' @param attributes npk (default) or npkc (inclusing carbon) can be selected
#' @return List of magpie object with results on country level, weight on country level, unit and description.
#' @author Benjamin Leon Bodirsky
#' @seealso
#' [calcExcretionIPCC()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' calcOutput("Excretion")
#' }
#' @importFrom magclass getNames<-
calcExcretion <- function(cellular = FALSE, cells = "lpjcell", attributes = "npk") {
# read in sets
nutrients <- c("nr", "p", "k")
past <- findset("past")
kres <- findset("kres")
kli2 <- findset(set = "kli", alias = TRUE)
kli <- findset(set = "kli")
# read in inputs
developmentState <- calcOutput("DevelopmentState", aggregate = FALSE)
croplandGrazingShare <- collapseNames(1 - developmentState[, past, "SSP2"]) * 0.25
fuelShare <- collapseNames(calcOutput("ManureFuelShr", aggregate = FALSE)[, past, "SSP2"])
getNames(fuelShare, dim = 1) <- paste0("alias_", getNames(fuelShare, dim = 1))
feed <- calcOutput("FeedPast", balanceflow = TRUE, aggregate = FALSE, nutrients = nutrients)[, past, ][, , kli2]
# calculate feeding categories
leftOnPasture <- collapseNames(feed[, , "pasture"] * (1 - fuelShare))
removedForFuel <- collapseNames(feed[, , "pasture"] * (fuelShare))
leftOnCropland <- dimSums(feed[, , kres] * croplandGrazingShare, dim = 3.2)
feedTotal <- dimSums(feed, dim = 3.2)
confinement <- feedTotal - leftOnPasture - removedForFuel - leftOnCropland
feedingSystems <- mbind(add_dimension(leftOnPasture, dim = 3.1, nm = "grazing"),
add_dimension(removedForFuel, dim = 3.1, nm = "fuel"),
add_dimension(leftOnCropland, dim = 3.1, nm = "stubble_grazing"),
add_dimension(confinement, dim = 3.1, nm = "confinement"))
slaughterFeedShare <- calcOutput("SlaughterFeedShare", aggregate = FALSE, balanceflow = TRUE)
slaughterFeedShare <- collapseNames(slaughterFeedShare[, past, nutrients][, , "constant"][, , kli])
getNames(slaughterFeedShare, dim = 1) <- paste0("alias_", getNames(slaughterFeedShare, dim = 1))
excretion <- feedingSystems * (1 - slaughterFeedShare)
excretion[is.na(excretion)] <- 0
getNames(excretion, dim = 2) <- substring(getNames(excretion, dim = 2), 7)
if (cellular) {
livestockProduction <- collapseNames(calcOutput("LivestockGridded", details = TRUE, aggregate = FALSE)[, , "dm"])
productionWeights <- new.magpie(cells_and_regions = getItems(livestockProduction, dim = 1),
years = getItems(livestockProduction, dim = 2),
names = outer(getNames(excretion, dim = 1),
getNames(excretion, dim = 2), paste, sep = "."),
fill = 0,
sets = c(getSets(livestockProduction, fulldim = FALSE)[1:2],
livstRumMilk <- c("livst_rum", "livst_milk")
productionWeights[, , "grazing"][, , livstRumMilk] <- livestockProduction[, , "ext"][, , livstRumMilk]
productionWeights[, , "fuel"][, , livstRumMilk] <- livestockProduction[, , "ext"][, , livstRumMilk]
productionWeights[, , "stubble_grazing"][, , livstRumMilk] <- livestockProduction[, , "int"][, , livstRumMilk]
productionWeights[, , "confinement"][, , livstRumMilk] <- livestockProduction[, , "int"][, , livstRumMilk]
livstChickEggPig <- c("livst_chick", "livst_egg", "livst_pig")
productionWeights[, , livstChickEggPig] <- dimSums(livestockProduction[, , livstChickEggPig], dim = 3.1)
mapping <- toolGetMappingCoord2Country()
mapping$coordiso <- paste(mapping$coords, mapping$iso, sep = ".")
excretion <- toolAggregate(excretion[getItems(livestockProduction, dim = 1.3), , ],
rel = mapping, weight = productionWeights + 10^(-10),
from = "iso", to = "coordiso", dim = 1)
excretion <- round(excretion, digits = 8)
if (attributes == "npkc") {
cnRatio <- collapseNames(readSource("IPCC", subtype = "manure_table5p5c", convert = FALSE)[, , "cn_ratio"])
excretion <- add_columns(excretion, addnm = "c", dim = 3.3)
excretion[, , "c"] <- excretion[, , "nr"] * cnRatio
unit <- "Mt Nr, P, K , C"
} else {
unit <- "Mt Nr, P, K"
if (cellular) {
if (cells == "magpiecell") {
excretion <- toolCoord2Isocell(excretion, cells = cells)
return(list(x = excretion,
weight = NULL,
unit = unit,
min = 0,
description = "Excreted nutrients per animal type and animal waste system",
isocountries = !cellular))
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