#' @title calcFeedBaskets
#' @description Combines feed baskets of the past
#' with scenario-dependent future feed baskets.
#' @param non_eaten_food if TRUE, non-eaten food is included in feed baskets,
#' if not it is excluded.
#' @param fadeout if TRUE, feed basket calibration fades out till 2050.
#' @param method "new" for additive calibration at end,
#' "old" for multiplikative calibration of calShr and end values.
#' @return List of magpie objects with results on country level, weight on country level, unit and description.
#' @author Isabelle Weindl, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Stephen Wirth, Jan Philipp Dietrich
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' calcOutput("FeedBaskets")
#' }
#' @importFrom magclass mselect getNames getYears add_columns add_dimension magpie_expand convergence
#' @importFrom luscale rename_dimnames
#' @importFrom utils tail
calcFeedBaskets <- function(non_eaten_food = FALSE, # nolint
fadeout = FALSE, method = "new") {
if (method == "new") {
feedBasketsUNCALIB <- calcOutput("FeedBasketsUncalibrated", aggregate = FALSE)
fbaskSys <- calcOutput("FeedBasketsSysPast", aggregate = FALSE)
getSets(fbaskSys) <- c("iso", "year", "sys", "kall")
fbaskSys <- toolHoldConstantBeyondEnd(fbaskSys)
past <- findset("past")
calib <- fbaskSys[, past, ] - feedBasketsUNCALIB[, past, ]
calibCONST <- toolHoldConstantBeyondEnd(calib)
calibDECLINE2050 <- convergence(origin = calibCONST, aim = 0,
start_year = 2010, end_year = 2050, type = "s")
if (fadeout) {
calibChosen <- calibDECLINE2050
} else {
calibChosen <- calibCONST
out <- calibChosen + feedBasketsUNCALIB
# do not allow the calibration to introduce the inconsistency of
# more livestock products in feed basket than produced;
# apply a reduction factor for calibration to avoid this
milkInpDairy <- list(sys = "sys_dairy", kall = "livst_milk") # item showing milk input for dairy production
if (any(feedBasketsUNCALIB[, , milkInpDairy] >= 1)) {
stop("more livestock products in feed basket than being produced already for uncalibrated feed baskets")
calibReductionFact <- (1 - feedBasketsUNCALIB[, , milkInpDairy]) /
calibChosen[, , milkInpDairy] - .Machine$double.eps
calibReductionFact[(calibReductionFact >= 1) | (calibReductionFact <= 0)] <- 1
# Note that calibReductionFact can only be different from 1 (i.e. between 0 and 1), if the positive difference
# "1 - feedBasketsUNCALIB[,,milkInpDairy]" is smaller than the then positive "calibChosen[,,milkInpDairy]";
# so adding "calibChosen" to "feedBasketsUNCALIB" would cause the inconsistency of out[, , milkInpDairy] > 1.
# Then the reduction gives "out[, , milkInpDairy] = 1" so its the smallest possible change giving consistency.
out[, , milkInpDairy] <-
calibChosen[, , milkInpDairy] * calibReductionFact + feedBasketsUNCALIB[, , milkInpDairy]
out[out < 0] <- 0
# change from sys to kli
prodSysRatio <- calcOutput("ProdSysRatioPast", aggregate = FALSE)
prodSysRatio <- toolHoldConstantBeyondEnd(prodSysRatio)
out <- dimSums(out * prodSysRatio, dim = "sys")
### careful from here on: livst_milk is in two of the sets of out
if (non_eaten_food == FALSE) {
otherFoods <- setdiff(getNames(out, dim = "kall"), "non_eaten_food")
out <- out[, , list(kall = otherFoods)]
out <- dimOrder(out, perm = c(3, 1, 2))
weightKLI <- collapseNames(calcOutput("FAOmassbalance_pre",
aggregate = FALSE)[, past, findset("kli")][, , "dm"][, , "production"])
weightKLI <- toolHoldConstantBeyondEnd(weightKLI)
if (any(out[, , list(data1 = "livst_milk", kall = "livst_milk")] >= 1)) {
stop("more livestock products in feed basket than being produced")
return(list(x = out,
weight = weightKLI,
unit = "tDM per tDM",
min = 0,
description = "Detailed feed requirements in DM per DM products generated for 5 livestock commodities"))
} else {
fbaskSys <- calcOutput("FeedBasketsSysPast", aggregate = FALSE)
# create MAgPIE objects which contain 1 for entries belonging to the main share
# and 0 for entries belonging to the anti share
.belong2type <- function(commodities, elems) {
mainshrRum <- c("res_cereals", "res_fibrous", "res_nonfibrous", "pasture")
antishrPig <- c("tece", "trce", "maiz", "rice_pro",
"others", "potato", "cassav_sp", "puls_pro",
"soybean", "rapeseed", "groundnut", "sunflower", "oilpalm", "cottn_pro",
"sugr_beet", "sugr_cane",
"livst_rum", "livst_pig", "livst_chick", "livst_egg", "livst_milk", "fish")
mainshrPoultry <- c("distillers_grain", "molasses", "oilcakes", "brans")
mainshrPig <- commodities[-match(antishrPig, commodities, nomatch = FALSE)]
main <- new.magpie(cells_and_regions = "GLO",
years = NULL,
names = elems,
fill = 0)
const <- add_dimension(main, dim = 3.3, add = "type", nm = "const")
main[, , mainshrRum][, , c("sys_dairy", "sys_beef")] <- 1
main[, , mainshrPig][, , "sys_pig"] <- 1
main[, , mainshrPoultry][, , c("sys_chicken", "sys_hen")] <- 1
anti <- add_dimension(1 - main, dim = 3.3, add = "type", nm = "anti")
main <- add_dimension(main, dim = 3.3, add = "type", nm = "main")
# define feed commodities that do not change over time; they should not belong to the feed commodities
# that define the main feed share used for the regression analysis
constshr <- c(findset("kap"), "potato", "puls_pro", "sugr_beet", "sugr_cane", "groundnut")
mselect(const, data1 = constshr) <- 1
mselect(anti, data1 = constshr) <- 0
mselect(main, data1 = constshr) <- 0
# additionally hold "brans" constant in ruminant feed baskets
# (not possible for pig system where brans are part of the main share):
const[, , c("sys_beef.brans", "sys_dairy.brans")] <- 1
anti[, , c("sys_beef.brans", "sys_dairy.brans")] <- 0
out <- mbind(main, anti, const)
if (!all(dimSums(out, dim = 3.3) == 1)) {
stop("Something went wrong assigning commodities to types.
Each commodity needs to be assigned to exactly one type!")
# feed within the commodity group "const" is for all animal systems excluded
# from the transition process (from mainShr to antiShr)
ctype <- .belong2type(commodities = getNames(fbaskSys, dim = 2),
elems = getNames(fbaskSys))
past <- findset("past")
year <- tail(past, 1)
# read in the ratio of livestock production allocated to the different systems
prodSysRatio <- calcOutput("ProdSysRatioPast", aggregate = FALSE)
prodSysRatio <- toolHoldConstantBeyondEnd(prodSysRatio)
# use livestock production as weight
kli <- findset("kli")
weightKLI <- collapseNames(calcOutput("FAOmassbalance_pre",
aggregate = FALSE)[, past, kli][, , "dm"][, , "production"])
weightSYS <- dimSums(fbaskSys, dim = 3.2)
weightSYS[, , ] <- 0
for (t in past) {
weightSYS[, t, ] <- dimSums(weightKLI[, t, ] * prodSysRatio[, t, ], dim = 3.1)
weightSYS <- toolHoldConstantBeyondEnd(weightSYS)
weightKLI <- setYears(weightKLI[, year, ], NULL)
.calcFbaskShr <- function(x, main, dim) {
out <- dimSums(x * main, dim = dim) / dimSums(x, dim = dim)
if (anyNA(out)) {
replacement <- as.magpie(apply(out, 3, mean, na.rm = TRUE))
out <- toolNAreplace(out, replaceby = replacement)$x
fbaskShr <- .calcFbaskShr(fbaskSys, ctype, dim = 3.2)
# Read in Central Feedshares and calibrate them to observed shares
outShr <- calcOutput("CentralFeedshares", aggregate = FALSE)
.calcCalibShr <- function(fbaskShr, outShr, start_year, end_year, type) { # nolint
# fill years
fbaskShr <- toolHoldConstantBeyondEnd(fbaskShr)
# calibration of main share:
future <- getYears(fbaskShr)[-match(past, getYears(fbaskShr), nomatch = FALSE)]
diffm <- magpie_expand(fbaskShr[, year, "main",
drop = TRUE][, , getNames(outShr, dim = 1)], outShr[, year, ]) - outShr[, year, ]
outm <- magpie_expand(fbaskShr[, , "main", drop = TRUE][, , getNames(outShr, dim = 1)], outShr)
outm[, future, ] <- outShr[, future, ] + setYears(diffm, NULL)
# convergence to regression values:
outm <- convergence(outm, outShr, start_year = start_year, end_year = end_year, type = type)
# set limit of 10% main share or the share in the last historical year in case it is lower than the limit
outm[, future, ] <- outm[, future, ] * (outm[, future, ] > 0.1) + outm[, year, ] *
(outm[, future, ] < 0.1 & outm[, year, ] < 0.1) + 0.1 * (outm[, future, ] < 0.1 & outm[, year, ] > 0.1)
# add missing systems
missing <- setdiff(getNames(fbaskShr, dim = 1), getNames(outm, dim = 1))
outm <- add_columns(outm, missing, dim = 3.1)
outm[, , missing] <- fbaskShr[, , "main", drop = TRUE][, , missing]
out <- add_dimension(fbaskShr, dim = 3.2, add = "scen", nm = getNames(outm, dim = 2))
out[, , "main"] <- outm
out[, , "anti"] <- 1 - out[, , "main"] - out[, , "const"]
# remove negative values:
out[, , "anti"][which(out[, , "anti"] < 0)] <- 0
out[, , "const"] <- 1 - out[, , "main"] - out[, , "anti"]
if (!all(round(dimSums(out, dim = "type"), 8) == 1)) {
stop("Something went wrong calibrating the fbask shares!")
calShr <- .calcCalibShr(fbaskShr, outShr,
start_year = year,
end_year = 2050, type = "linear")
# Read in efficiencies and calibrate them
outEff <- calcOutput("FeedEfficiencyFuture", aggregate = FALSE)
.calcMultiplier <- function(x, year) {
out <- x / setYears(x[, year, ], NULL)
out[is.nan(out) | is.infinite(out)] <- 1
multEff <- .calcMultiplier(outEff, year)
.calcFshare <- function(fbaskSys, ctype, calShr, weightSYS, year) {
.calcConvergeWeight <- function(x, years = NULL, start = year, converge = TRUE) {
.calcWeight <- function(x, dim = 3.2) {
x <- x + dimSums(x, dim = 1) / sum(x) * 10^-10
return(x / dimSums(x, dim = dim))
w <- .calcWeight(x, 3.2)
w <- setYears(w[, rep(1, length(years)), ], years)
if (converge) {
# convergence to global mean weights (assuming that production systems will get more similar over time)
wglo <- magpie_expand(.calcWeight(dimSums(x * weightSYS[, getYears(x), ],
dim = 1) / dimSums(weightSYS[, getYears(x), ],
dim = 1), 3.2), w)
w <- convergence(w, wglo, start_year = start, end_year = tail(years, 1), type = "linear")
if (!all(round(dimSums(w, dim = 3.2), 8) == 1)) {
stop("Something went wrong in the weight calculation (sum!=1)!")
fbaskSysRef <- setYears(fbaskSys[, year, ], NULL)
mainWeight <- .calcConvergeWeight(years = getYears(calShr),
start = year,
x = fbaskSysRef * ctype[, , "main"],
converge = FALSE)
antiWeight <- .calcConvergeWeight(years = getYears(calShr),
start = year,
x = fbaskSysRef * ctype[, , "anti"],
converge = TRUE)
# no convergence to global targets for systems
# where the main feed share stays constant over time: "sys_chicken","sys_hen"
tmp <- .calcConvergeWeight(start = year, years = getYears(calShr),
x = (fbaskSysRef[, , c("sys_chicken", "sys_hen")]
* ctype[, , c("sys_chicken", "sys_hen")][, , "anti"]),
converge = FALSE)
antiWeight[, , c("sys_chicken", "sys_hen")] <- tmp
constWeight <- .calcConvergeWeight(start = year,
years = getYears(calShr),
x = fbaskSysRef * ctype[, , "const"],
converge = FALSE)
weight <- mbind(mainWeight, antiWeight, constWeight)
fshare <- dimSums(weight * calShr, dim = 3.3) # problem with "type"
fbaskSysCal <- fshare * dimSums(fbaskSysRef, dim = 3.2)
if (any(round(fbaskSysCal[, year, ] - fbaskSys[, year, ], 9) != 0)) {
stop("Something went wrong in the fbask calibration!")
fbaskSysCal <- .calcFshare(fbaskSys, ctype, calShr, weightSYS, year)
########### application of total feed efficiency trends and main feed share trends
dataSys <- fbaskSysCal * multEff
dataSys[, past, ] <- fbaskSys
# make sure that self-demand stays below a given threshold
selfDemand <- c("sys_pig.livst_pig", "sys_beef.livst_rum",
"sys_chicken.livst_chick", "sys_hen.livst_egg",
threshold <- 0.8
if (any(dataSys[, , selfDemand] >= threshold)) {
stop("Some systems were demanding more than ",
threshold * 100, "% of itself as feed!")
# calculation of product-specific feed basket data (for livst_chick,livst_egg,livst_milk,livst_pig,livst_rum)
data <- dimSums(prodSysRatio * dataSys, dim = 3.1)
# remove non_eaten_food if not established as product yet
if (!non_eaten_food) {
data <- data[, , "non_eaten_food", invert = TRUE]
weightKLI <- weightKLI[, , "non_eaten_food", invert = TRUE]
getSets(data, fulldim = FALSE)[3] <- "kli.k.scen"
return(list(x = data,
weight = weightKLI,
unit = "1",
min = 0,
description = "Detailed feed requirements in DM per DM products
generated for 5 livestock commodities"))
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