#' Calculate Yields for Livestock
#' @description
#' Provides MAgPIE-FEED data for livestock-yields calculated in the regression
#' for feed (calcRegressionFEED).. No changes to the content have been done,
#' besides renaming and providing weights.
#' @param future if TRUE calculates Constant future and linear trends based on SSP Expert guesses
#' @return MAgPIE-FEED data for livestock-yields and corresonding weights as a
#' list of two MAgPIE objects
#' @author Isabelle Weindl, Lavinia Baumstark, Stephen Wirth
#' @seealso [calcOutput()], [readSource()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' calcOutput("LivestockProductivity")
#' }
#' @importFrom magclass getNames clean_magpie add_dimension
#' @importFrom luscale rename_dimnames
calcLivestockProductivity <- function(future = TRUE) {
stock <- readSource("FAO_online", subtype = "LiveHead")
prim <- readSource("FAO_online", subtype = "LivePrim")
# separate FAO variable number
getNames(stock) <- gsub("\\|", ".", getNames(stock))
getNames(prim) <- gsub("\\|", ".", getNames(prim))
# calculate stockYield
types <- c("Pigs", "Cattle", "Chickens")
names(types) <- c("Meat, pig", "Meat, cattle", "Meat, chicken")
# magpie object of 10 time steps for meat from cattle, chicken and pigs
x1 <- setNames(prim[, , "production"][, , names(types)], unname(types))
# magpie object of 10 time steps for animal numbers for cattle, chicken and pigs
x2 <- collapseNames(stock[, , types, drop = TRUE], collapsedim = 1)
tmp <- intersect(getYears(x1), getYears(x2))
out <- toolNAreplace(x1[, tmp, ] / x2[, tmp, ], x2[, tmp, ], replaceby = dimSums(x1[, tmp, ], dim = 1) /
dimSums(x2[, tmp, ], dim = 1), val.rm = 0)
stockYield <- out$x
weight <- out$weight
getNames(stockYield) <- paste0("stock_yield.", getNames(stockYield))
getNames(weight) <- paste0("stock_yield.", getNames(weight))
# calculate prodYield
types <- c("Eggs", "Milk")
x1 <- setNames(prim[, , "production"][, , c("Eggs, hen, in shell", "Milk, whole fresh cow")], types)
x2 <- setNames(prim[, , c("1062.Eggs, hen, in shell.Laying_(Head)",
"882.Milk, whole fresh cow.Milk_Animals_(Head)")], types)
# prim prod sum / prod head
out <- toolNAreplace(x1 / x2, x2, replaceby = dimSums(x1, dim = 1) / dimSums(x2, dim = 1), val.rm = 0)
prodYield <- out$x
weight2 <- out$weight
getNames(prodYield) <- paste0("producer_yield.", getNames(prodYield))
getNames(weight2) <- paste0("producer_yield.", getNames(weight2))
# put both into one magpie
weight <- mbind(weight, weight2)
yield <- mbind(stockYield[, tmp, ], prodYield[, tmp, ])
getNames(yield) <- getNames(yield, dim = 2)
getNames(weight) <- getNames(weight, dim = 2)
mapping <- data.frame(
groups = c("Pigs", "Cattle", "Chickens", "Eggs", "Milk"),
sys = c("sys_pig", "sys_beef", "sys_chicken", "sys_hen", "sys_dairy"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
yield <- rename_dimnames(yield, dim = 3, query = mapping, from = "groups", to = "sys")
weight <- rename_dimnames(weight, dim = 3, query = mapping, from = "groups", to = "sys")
# preparing output for magpie time steps "past"
past <- findset("past")
yieldPast <- yield[, past, ]
weightPast <- weight[, past, ]
if (future == FALSE) {
return(list(x = yieldPast,
weight = weightPast,
unit = c("t Fresh matter per animal"),
description = "livestock productivity (yield) as stock (meat producers) or producer (dairy/egg) yield"
} else if (future == TRUE) {
histYield <- clean_magpie(yield, what = "sets")
# extrapolate the trends to 2020 to reduce the number of time steps filled by the expertGuess-approach below
# select two 5-year averages for the 2 time steps to be used for extrapolation
average <- 5
dt <- floor(average / 2)
year1 <- tail(getYears(histYield), n = average + dt + 1)[1]
year2 <- tail(getYears(histYield), n = dt + 1)[1]
exyears <- c(year1, year2)
exyears <- as.numeric(gsub("y", "", exyears))
dataset <- mbind(toolTimeAverage(histYield[, seq(exyears[1] - dt, exyears[1] + dt), ], average),
toolTimeAverage(histYield[, seq(exyears[2] - dt, exyears[2] + dt), ], average))
extra2020 <- time_interpolate(dataset = dataset,
interpolated_year = 2020,
integrate_interpolated_years = FALSE,
extrapolation_type = "linear")
for (i in getNames(histYield)) {
extra2020[, , i] <- toolConditionalReplace(extra2020[, , i], "<0", min(histYield[, , i]))
histYield <- mbind(histYield, extra2020)
# selecting data for years included in magpie time steps "time"
magYears <- findset("time")
histYield <- histYield[, intersect(getYears(histYield), magYears), ]
weight <- weight[, intersect(getYears(weight), magYears), ]
outputConstant <- toolHoldConstantBeyondEnd(histYield)
weight <- toolHoldConstantBeyondEnd(weight)
expertGuess <- function(histYield) {
# Expert guesses are a number-coded matrix to indicate magnitude of future yield gain
# 1low
# 2medium
# 3high
# 4catch-up
# 5exceptional
yieldScen <- readSource("ExpertGuessSSPLivestockProduction", "ssp1")
yieldScen <- add_dimension(yieldScen, dim = 3.2, add = "scen", nm = "ssp1")
for (i in 2:5) {
scen <- paste("ssp", i, sep = "")
yieldScen <- add_columns(yieldScen, dim = 3.2, addnm = scen)
yieldScen[, , scen] <- readSource("ExpertGuessSSPLivestockProduction", scen)
scenario <- scenario2 <- yieldScen
scenario2[, , ] <- NA
animal <- "sys_beef"
# low
scenario2[, , animal][which(scenario[, , animal] == 1)] <- 0.0002
# medium
scenario2[, , animal][which(scenario[, , animal] == 2)] <- 0.0004
# high
scenario2[, , animal][which(scenario[, , animal] == 3)] <- 0.0008
# catch-up
scenario2[, , animal][which(scenario[, , animal] == 4)] <- 0.0016
animal <- "sys_dairy"
# low
scenario2[, , animal][which(scenario[, , animal] == 1)] <- 0.02
# medium
scenario2[, , animal][which(scenario[, , animal] == 2)] <- 0.04
# high
scenario2[, , animal][which(scenario[, , animal] == 3)] <- 0.06
# exceptional
scenario2[, , animal][which(scenario[, , animal] == 5)] <- 0.12
# Chicken
animal <- "sys_chicken"
# low
scenario2[, , animal][which(scenario[, , animal] == 1)] <- 0.00001
# medium
scenario2[, , animal][which(scenario[, , animal] == 2)] <- 0.00004
# high
scenario2[, , animal][which(scenario[, , animal] == 3)] <- 0.0001
# Eggs
animal <- "sys_hen"
# low
scenario2[, , animal][which(scenario[, , animal] == 1)] <- 0.04 * 0.001
# high
scenario2[, , animal][which(scenario[, , animal] == 3)] <- 0.08 * 0.001
# catch-up
scenario2[, , animal][which(scenario[, , animal] == 4)] <- 0.14 * 0.001
# Pork
animal <- "sys_pig"
# low
scenario2[, , animal][which(scenario[, , animal] == 1)] <- 0.0004
# high
scenario2[, , animal][which(scenario[, , animal] == 3)] <- 0.001
# catch-up
scenario2[, , animal][which(scenario[, , animal] == 4)] <- 0.0016
productivity <- add_dimension(histYield, dim = 3.2, add = "scen", nm = paste0("ssp", 1:5))
productivity <- add_columns(productivity, addnm = c("y2030", "y2050", "y2100"), dim = 2.1)
productivity[, c("y2030", "y2050", "y2100"), ] <- setYears(productivity[, c("y2020"), ], NULL)
productivity[, c("y2030", "y2050", "y2100"), ] <- productivity[, c("y2030", "y2050", "y2100"), ] +
setYears(scenario2[, "y2030", ], NULL) * 10
productivity[, c("y2050", "y2100"), ] <- productivity[, c("y2050", "y2100"), ] + setYears(scenario2[, "y2050", ],
NULL) * 20
productivity[, c("y2100"), ] <- productivity[, c("y2100"), ] + setYears(scenario2[, "y2100", ], NULL) * 50
productivity <- time_interpolate(dataset = productivity, interpolated_year = 2020 + (1:26) * 5,
integrate_interpolated_years = TRUE, extrapolation_type = "linear")
output <- expertGuess(histYield = histYield)
output <- add_columns(output, addnm = "constant", dim = 3.2)
output[, , "constant"] <- outputConstant
return(list(x = output,
weight = weight,
unit = c("t Fresh matter per animal"),
description = "livestock productivity (yield) as stock (meat producers) or producer (dairy/egg) yield"
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