#' @title calcProduction
#' @description Distributes crop, pasture and livestock production in space to 0.5 degree
#' @param products setname of products ("kcr", "kli", "pasture")
#' @param cellular if TRUE production is calculate on cellular level
#' @param cells Switch between "magpiecell" (59199) and "lpjcell" (67420)
#' @param calibrated if FALSE, lpj yields will be used uncalibrated,
#' if true, calibrated on FAP production on country level
#' @param attributes "All" for all crop attributes, or specify e.g. DM (dry matter), Nr (nitrogen) for memory reduction
#' @param irrigation if TRUE, additional information on irrigated and rainfed production is provided
#' @return List of magpie objects with results on country level, weight on country level, unit and description.
#' @author Benjamin Leon Bodirsky
#' @seealso
#' [calcLanduseInitialisation()],
#' [calcCroparea()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' calcOutput("Production")
#' }
#' @importFrom magclass getSets magpie_expand new.magpie getCPR
#' @importFrom magpiesets findset
calcProduction <- function(products = "kcr", cellular = FALSE, # nolint
cells = "lpjcell", calibrated = TRUE,
attributes = "all", irrigation = FALSE) {
selectyears <- findset("past")
if (products == "kcr") {
magCropTypes <- findset("kcr")
missing <- c("betr", "begr")
magCropTypes <- setdiff(magCropTypes, missing)
if (!cellular) {
if (irrigation) {
stop("Irrigation not yet implemented for this resolution")
productionMAG <- collapseNames(calcOutput("FAOmassbalance_pre",
aggregate = FALSE)[, , "production"][, , magCropTypes])
productionMAG <- add_columns(productionMAG, addnm = missing, dim = 3.1)
productionMAG[, , missing] <- 0
} else {
### crop production cellular ###
yieldsLPJ <- calcOutput("LPJmL_new", version = "ggcmi_phase3_nchecks_9ca735cb",
climatetype = "GSWP3-W5E5:historical", subtype = "harvest",
stage = "smoothed", aggregate = FALSE)[, selectyears, ]
mappingCountryCell <- toolGetMappingCoord2Country()
mappingCountryCell$coordiso <- paste(mappingCountryCell$coords, mappingCountryCell$iso, sep = ".")
# crop mapping from LPJmL to MAgPIE categories
mappingMAG2LPJ <- toolGetMapping(type = "sectoral", name = "MAgPIE_LPJmL.csv", where = "mappingfolder")
mappingMAG2LPJ <- mappingMAG2LPJ[which(mappingMAG2LPJ$MAgPIE %in% magCropTypes), ]
yieldsMAG <- toolAggregate(x = yieldsLPJ, rel = mappingMAG2LPJ, from = "LPJmL", to = "MAgPIE",
dim = 3.1, partrel = TRUE)[, , magCropTypes]
cropareaMAG <- calcOutput("Croparea", sectoral = "kcr", physical = TRUE,
cellular = TRUE, cells = "lpjcell",
irrigation = TRUE, aggregate = FALSE)[, selectyears, magCropTypes]
if (calibrated) {
tau <- calcOutput("LanduseIntensity", sectoral = "kcr", rescale = FALSE,
aggregate = FALSE)[, selectyears, magCropTypes]
tauCell <- toolAggregate(x = tau, rel = mappingCountryCell,
from = "iso", to = "coordiso", partrel = TRUE)
getSets(tauCell) <- c("x", "y", "iso", "year", "ItemCodeItem")
yieldsMAG <- tauCell * yieldsMAG
productionMAG <- yieldsMAG * cropareaMAG
# correct production mismatch - generic approach
isoproductionMAG <- isoMismatch <- dimSums(productionMAG, dim = c(1.1, 1.2, 3.2))
countries <- getItems(isoproductionMAG, dim = 1)
prods <- getNames(productionMAG, dim = 1)
productionFAO <- calcOutput("FAOmassbalance",
aggregate = FALSE)[, selectyears, "production.dm"][countries, , prods]
productionFAO <- collapseNames(productionFAO)
isoMismatch[, , ] <- abs(round(isoproductionMAG - productionFAO, 4)) > 0
if (any(isoMismatch != 0)) {
# correct items with no crop-specific area
isoMAGCroparea <- noMAGCroparea <- dimSums(cropareaMAG, dim = c("x", "y"))
noMAGCroparea[] <- (isoMAGCroparea == 0) * isoMismatch
if (any(noMAGCroparea != 0)) {
# distribute total cropland weighted over all non-irrigated cells first
productionMAG[, , "rainfed"] <- productionMAG[, , "rainfed"] * (1 - noMAGCroparea[, , "rainfed"]) +
toolAggregate(noMAGCroparea[, , "rainfed"] * (productionFAO - isoproductionMAG),
rel = mappingCountryCell,
weight = dimSums(cropareaMAG[, , "rainfed"], dim = 3) + 10^(-10),
from = "iso", to = "coordiso")
isoproductionMAG <- dimSums(productionMAG, dim = c(1.1, 1.2, 3.2))
# distribute total cropland weighted over irrigated cells
productionMAG[, , "irrigated"] <- productionMAG[, , "irrigated"] * (1 - noMAGCroparea[, , "irrigated"]) +
toolAggregate(noMAGCroparea[, , "irrigated"] * (productionFAO - isoproductionMAG),
rel = mappingCountryCell,
weight = dimSums(cropareaMAG[, , "irrigated"], dim = 3) + 10^(-10),
from = "iso", to = "coordiso")
# correct items with no total cropland area for known data mismatches:
# where no LUH croparea at all, but FAO production reported
# Note: Number of countries with mismatch would reduce if we use the croparea of LandInG
isoMAGTotCrop <- dimSums(isoMAGCroparea, dim = 3)
noMAGTotCrop <- (isoMAGTotCrop == 0) * isoMismatch
if (any(noMAGTotCrop["MUS", , ] != 0)) {
productionMAG["MUS", , "rainfed"] <- productionFAO["MUS", , ] /
length(getItems(productionMAG["MUS", , ], dim = 1))
if (any(noMAGTotCrop["KIR", , ] != 0)) {
productionMAG["KIR", , "rainfed"] <- productionFAO["KIR", , ] /
length(getItems(productionMAG["KIR", , ], dim = 1))
if (any(noMAGTotCrop["PYF", , ] != 0)) {
productionMAG["PYF", , "rainfed"] <- productionFAO["PYF", , ] /
length(getItems(productionMAG["PYF", , ], dim = 1))
if (any(noMAGTotCrop["BMU", , ] != 0)) {
productionMAG["BMU", , "rainfed"] <- productionFAO["BMU", , ] /
length(getItems(productionMAG["BMU", , ], dim = 1))
if (any(noMAGTotCrop["KNA", , ] != 0)) {
productionMAG["KNA", , "rainfed"] <- productionFAO["KNA", , ] /
length(getItems(productionMAG["KNA", , ], dim = 1))
if (any(noMAGTotCrop["GRD", , ] != 0)) {
productionMAG["GRD", , "rainfed"] <- productionFAO["GRD", , ] /
length(getItems(productionMAG["GRD", , ], dim = 1))
if (any(noMAGTotCrop["ATG", , ] != 0)) {
productionMAG["ATG", , "rainfed"] <- productionFAO["ATG", , ] /
length(getItems(productionMAG["ATG", , ], dim = 1))
if (any(noMAGTotCrop["DMA", , ] != 0)) {
productionMAG["DMA", , "rainfed"] <- productionFAO["DMA", , ] /
length(getItems(productionMAG["DMA", , ], dim = 1))
if (any(noMAGTotCrop["LCA", , ] != 0)) {
productionMAG["LCA", , "rainfed"] <- productionFAO["LCA", , ] /
length(getItems(productionMAG["LCA", , ], dim = 1))
if (any(noMAGTotCrop["BRB", , ] != 0)) {
productionMAG["BRB", , "rainfed"] <- productionFAO["BRB", , ] /
length(getItems(productionMAG["BRB", , ], dim = 1))
if (any(noMAGTotCrop["STP", , ] != 0)) {
productionMAG["STP", , "rainfed"] <- productionFAO["STP", , ] /
length(getItems(productionMAG["STP", , ], dim = 1))
if (any(noMAGTotCrop["MDV", , ] != 0)) {
productionMAG["MDV", , "rainfed"] <- productionFAO["MDV", , ] /
length(getItems(productionMAG["MDV", , ], dim = 1))
if (any(noMAGTotCrop["HKG", , ] != 0)) {
productionMAG["HKG", , "rainfed"] <- productionFAO["HKG", , ] /
length(getItems(productionMAG["HKG", , ], dim = 1))
if (any(noMAGTotCrop["MLT", , ] != 0)) {
productionMAG["MLT", , "rainfed"] <- productionFAO["MLT", , ] /
length(getItems(productionMAG["MLT", , ], dim = 1))
if (any(noMAGTotCrop["BHR", , ] != 0)) {
productionMAG["BHR", , "rainfed"] <- productionFAO["BHR", , ] /
length(getItems(productionMAG["BHR", , ], dim = 1))
# correct items with no yields
isoMAGYields <- noMAGYields <- toolAggregate(yieldsMAG, weight = cropareaMAG + 10^(-10),
rel = mappingCountryCell,
from = "coordiso", to = "iso")
noMAGYields[] <- (isoMAGYields == 0) * isoMismatch * (1 - noMAGCroparea)
if (any(noMAGYields != 0)) {
isoproductionMAG <- dimSums(productionMAG, dim = c(1.1, 1.2, 3.2))
# distribute corresponding to crop area share
productionMAG[, , "rainfed"] <- productionMAG[, , "rainfed"] * (1 - noMAGYields[, , "rainfed"]) +
noMAGYields[, , "rainfed"] * toolAggregate(productionFAO - isoproductionMAG,
rel = mappingCountryCell,
weight = cropareaMAG[, , "rainfed"] + 10^(-10),
from = "iso", to = "coordiso")
isoproductionMAG <- dimSums(productionMAG, dim = c(1.1, 1.2, 3.2))
# distribute corresponding to crop area share
productionMAG[, , "irrigated"] <- productionMAG[, , "irrigated"] * (1 - noMAGYields[, , "irrigated"]) +
noMAGYields[, , "irrigated"] * toolAggregate(productionFAO - isoproductionMAG,
rel = mappingCountryCell,
weight = cropareaMAG[, , "irrigated"] + 10^(-10),
from = "iso", to = "coordiso")
isoproductionMAG <- isoMismatch <- dimSums(productionMAG, dim = c(1.1, 1.2, 3.2))
isoMismatch[] <- abs(round(isoproductionMAG - productionFAO, 4)) > 0
if (any(isoMismatch != 0)) {
warning(paste0("Cellular data to FAO production mismatch ",
"after generic fix in calcProduction. Please check!"))
if (!irrigation) productionMAG <- dimSums(productionMAG, dim = 3.2)
prodAttributes <- calcOutput("Attributes", aggregate = FALSE)[, , magCropTypes]
if (any(attributes != "all")) {
prodAttributes <- prodAttributes[, , attributes]
productionMAG <- productionMAG * prodAttributes
productionMAG <- add_columns(productionMAG, addnm = missing, dim = 3.1)
productionMAG[, , missing] <- 0
} else if (products == "pasture") {
if (irrigation) {
stop("Irrigation not yet implemented for this Product group")
if (!cellular) {
productionMAG <- collapseNames(calcOutput("FAOmassbalance", aggregate = FALSE)[, , "pasture.production"])
} else {
### pasture production celluluar ###
areaPasture <- collapseNames(calcOutput("LanduseInitialisation",
cellular = TRUE, cells = "lpjcell",
aggregate = FALSE)[, selectyears, "past"])
yieldsPasture <- collapseNames(calcOutput("LPJmL_new", version = "ggcmi_phase3_nchecks_9ca735cb",
climatetype = "GSWP3-W5E5:historical", subtype = "harvest",
stage = "smoothed", aggregate = FALSE,
years = selectyears)[, , "mgrass.rainfed"])
mappingCountryCell <- toolGetMappingCoord2Country()
mappingCountryCell$coordiso <- paste(mappingCountryCell$coords, mappingCountryCell$iso, sep = ".")
if (calibrated) {
tau <- calcOutput("LanduseIntensity", sectoral = "pasture", rescale = FALSE,
aggregate = FALSE)[, selectyears, ]
tauCell <- toolAggregate(x = tau, rel = mappingCountryCell,
from = "iso", to = "coordiso", partrel = TRUE)
yieldsPasture <- tauCell * yieldsPasture
productionMAG <- yieldsPasture * areaPasture
# correct production mismatch - generic approach
isoproductionMAG <- isoMismatch <- dimSums(productionMAG, dim = c(1.1, 1.2))
countries <- getItems(isoproductionMAG, dim = 1)
productionFAO <- collapseNames(calcOutput("FAOmassbalance",
aggregate = FALSE)[countries, selectyears, "pasture.production.dm"])
isoMismatch[] <- abs(round(isoproductionMAG - productionFAO, 4)) > 0
if (any(isoMismatch != 0)) {
# correct items with no area
isoPastureArea <- noPastureArea <- dimSums(areaPasture, dim = c("x", "y"))
noPastureArea[] <- (isoPastureArea == 0) * isoMismatch
if (any(noPastureArea != 0)) {
# distribute equally over all cells
productionMAG <- productionMAG * (1 - noPastureArea) +
magpie_expand(noPastureArea * productionFAO, productionMAG) /
new.magpie(names(getCPR(productionMAG, dim = 1.3)), fill = getCPR(productionMAG, dim = 1.3))
# correct items with no yields
isoPastureYields <- noPastureYields <- toolAggregate(yieldsPasture, weight = areaPasture + 10^(-10),
rel = mappingCountryCell, from = "coordiso", to = "iso")
noPastureYields[] <- (isoPastureYields == 0) * isoMismatch * (1 - noPastureArea)
if (any(noPastureYields != 0)) {
# distribute corresponding to pasture area share
productionMAG <- productionMAG * (1 - noPastureYields) +
noPastureYields * toolAggregate(toolIso2CellCountries(productionFAO), rel = mappingCountryCell,
weight = areaPasture + 10^(-10), from = "iso", to = "coordiso")
isoproductionMAG <- isoMismatch <- dimSums(productionMAG, dim = c(1.1, 1.2))
isoMismatch[] <- abs(round(isoproductionMAG - productionFAO, 4)) > 0
if (any(isoMismatch != 0)) warning("Cellular data to FAO production mismatch after generic fix. Please check.")
prodAttributes <- calcOutput("Attributes", aggregate = FALSE)[, , "pasture"]
productionMAG <- collapseNames(productionMAG * prodAttributes)
} else if (products == "kli") {
livestockTypes <- findset("kli")
if (irrigation) {
stop("Irrigation not yet implemented for this Product group")
if (!cellular) {
productionMAG <- collapseNames(calcOutput("FAOmassbalance_pre",
aggregate = FALSE)[, , livestockTypes][, , "production"])
} else {
productionMAG <- calcOutput("LivestockGridded", aggregate = FALSE)
} else {
stop("Products so far can only be kcr,kli,or pasture")
x <- productionMAG
if (any(attributes != "all")) {
x <- x[, , attributes]
if (cellular) {
if (cells == "magpiecell") {
x <- toolCoord2Isocell(x, cells = cells)
# Check for NAs and negatives
if (any(round(x, digits = 4) < 0)) {
stop("calcProduction produced negative values")
if (any(is.na(x))) {
stop("calcProduction produced NA values")
# Set negatives due to rounding imprecision to 0
x[x < 0] <- 0
return(list(x = x,
weight = NULL,
unit = "Mt DM/Nr/P/K/WM or PJ energy",
description = "Crop, pasture and livestock production:
dry matter: Mt (dm), gross energy: PJ (ge), reactive nitrogen: Mt (nr),
phosphor: Mt (p), potash: Mt (k), wet matter: Mt (wm).",
min = -Inf,
max = Inf,
isocountries = !cellular))
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