
Defines functions convertSSPResults

Documented in convertSSPResults

#' @title convertSSPResults
#' @description Disagregates from SSP regions to ISO countries
#' @param x object coming from read function
#' @return MAgPIE object with ISO countries with all indicators for which disaggregation weight was found
#' @author Abhijeet Mishra, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Florian Humpenoeder
#' @seealso
#' [readSource()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' readSource("SSPResults", aggregate = TRUE)
#' }
convertSSPResults <- function(x) {

  out <- NULL

  x <- x[, c(2005, 2010 + (0:9) * 10), ]

  # region-to-ISO-country mapping for regional disaggregation
  mappingFile <- toolGetMapping(type = "regional", name = "regionmappingSSP.csv", where = "mappingfolder")

  # ---- Population ----

  selection <- c("Population (million)")

  data <- x[, , selection]

  # read in disaggregation weight population
  popPast <- calcOutput("PopulationPast", aggregate = FALSE)[, "y2010", ]
  popPast <- setYears(popPast, NULL)

  aggregatedREG <- toolAggregate(data["GLO", , , invert = TRUE],
                                 rel = mappingFile, weight =  popPast, dim = 1, partrel = FALSE,
                                 from = "RegionCode", to = "CountryCode")

  # no data with NA
  aggregatedREG <- toolCountryFill(aggregatedREG, 000)
  out <- mbind(out, aggregatedREG)

  # ---- Land ----

  # nolint start
  selection <- c("Land Cover (million ha)", "Land Cover|Built-up Area (million ha)",
                 "Land Cover|Cropland (million ha)", "Land Cover|Cropland|Energy Crops (million ha)",
                 "Land Cover|Forest (million ha)", "Land Cover|Forest|Forestry (million ha)",
                 "Land Cover|Forest|Forestry|Harvested Area (million ha)", "Land Cover|Forest|Natural Forest (million ha)",
                 "Land Cover|Other Arable Land (million ha)", "Land Cover|Other Land (million ha)",
                 "Land Cover|Other Natural Land (million ha)", "Land Cover|Pasture (million ha)")
  # nolint end

  # use land area as weight
  weight <- setYears(dimSums(calcOutput("LanduseInitialisation", aggregate = FALSE), dim = 3)[, 2010, ], NULL)

  for (sel in selection) {
    data <- x[, , sel]
    # weight is needed here. Otherwise all countries belonging to a region get the same value!
    # please replace popPast with a proper weigt. For instance area.
    aggregatedREG <- toolAggregate(data["GLO", , , invert = TRUE],
                                   rel = mappingFile, weight =  weight, dim = 1, partrel = FALSE,
                                   from = "RegionCode", to = "CountryCode")
    aggregatedREG <- toolCountryFill(aggregatedREG, 000)
    out <- mbind(out, aggregatedREG)

  # ---- Bioenergy ----

  selection <- c("Primary Energy|Biomass|1st Generation (EJ/yr)",
                 "Primary Energy|Biomass|Energy Crops (EJ/yr)",
                 "Agricultural Demand|Bioenergy|1st generation (million t DM/yr)",
                 "Agricultural Demand|Bioenergy|2nd generation (million t DM/yr)")

  # use harvested area as weight
  weightBio <- setYears(dimSums(calcOutput("Croparea", sectoral = "kcr", physical = TRUE, aggregate = FALSE),
                                dim = 3)[, 2010, ], NULL)

  for (sel in selection) {
    data <- x[, , sel]
    aggregatedREG <- toolAggregate(data["GLO", , , invert = TRUE], rel = mappingFile,
                                   weight =  weightBio, dim = 1, partrel = FALSE,
                                   from = "RegionCode", to = "CountryCode")
    aggregatedREG <- toolCountryFill(aggregatedREG, 000)
    out <- mbind(out, aggregatedREG)

  # ---- CO2 price ----

  selection <- c("Price|Carbon (US$2005/t CO2)")

  data <- x[, , selection]
  data[is.na(data)] <- 0
  #convert from USD05MER to USD17MER based on USA values for all countries as the CO2 price is global.
  data <- data * round(GDPuc::toolConvertSingle(1, "USA", unit_in = "constant 2005 US$MER",
                                                unit_out = "constant 2017 US$MER"), 2)
  getNames(data, dim = 3) <- "Price|Carbon (US$2017/t CO2)"
  aggregatedREG <- toolAggregate(data, rel = mappingFile, weight = NULL, dim = 1, partrel = TRUE,
                                 from = "RegionCode", to = "CountryCode")
  aggregatedREG <- toolCountryFill(aggregatedREG, 000)
  out <- mbind(out, aggregatedREG)

  # ---- Bioenergy price ----

  selection <- c("Price|Primary Energy|Biomass (US$2005/GJ)")

  data <- x[, , selection]
  data <- toolConvertGDP(data, unit_in = "constant 2005 US$MER",
                         unit_out = "constant 2017 US$MER",
                         replace_NAs = "no_conversion")
  getNames(data, dim = 3) <- "Price|Primary Energy|Biomass (US$2017/GJ)"
  aggregatedREG <- toolAggregate(data, rel = mappingFile, weight = NULL, dim = 1, partrel = TRUE,
                                 from = "RegionCode", to = "CountryCode")
  aggregatedREG <- toolCountryFill(aggregatedREG, 000)
  out <- mbind(out, aggregatedREG)

  ### check for NA's
  if (any(is.na(out))) {
    vcat(verbosity = 1, "SSP3 results of MESSAGE-GLOBIOM contains NAs which where substituted by 0")
  out[, c("y2005", "y2010"), "MESSAGE-GLOBIOM.Land Cover|Cropland|Energy Crops (million ha)"] <- 0
  if (any(is.na(out))) {
    vcat(verbosity = 1, "NAs in dataset")

  # ---- Select scenarios ----

  subset <- c("SSP1-19-SPA1-V16.IMAGE",







  out <- out[, , subset]

  # ----  Rename scenarios ----

  getNames(out) <- gsub("-SPA[0-9]-V1[0-9].", "-", getNames(out))
  getNames(out) <- sub("AIM/", "AIM-", getNames(out))
  getNames(out) <- paste0("SSPDB-", getNames(out))

  names(dimnames(out)) <- sub("scenario.", "scenario-", names(dimnames(out)))


pik-piam/mrcommons documentation built on Dec. 8, 2024, 7:23 a.m.