#' @title Download ISIMIP data
#' @description Downloads the latest data from ISIMIP.
#' @param subtype Type of ISIMIP data that should be read.
#' It consists of variable ("airrww"),
#' model ("cwatm","h08","lpjml","matsiro","mpi-hm","pcr-globwb"),
#' GCM ("ipsl-cm5a-lr","gfdl-esm2m","miroc5","hadgem2-es")
#' and database version ("2a","2b","3a","3b"), separated by ":"
#' (e.g. "airww:LPJmL:gfdl-esm2m:2b").
#' Similarly for ISIMIP GGCMI phase3b data, with scenarios and CO2 fert setting,
#' downloads for all crops and irrigation settings
#' models ("LPJmL", "EPIC-IIASA", "pDSSAT", "CYGMA1p74"),
#' gcms ("gfdl-esm4", "ipsl-cm6a-lr", "mpi-esm1-2-hr", "mri-esm2-0", "ukesm1-0-ll"),
#' scenarios ("historical", "ssp126", "ssp370", "ssp585"),
#' co2 ("default", "2015co2"),
#' version c("2a","2b","3a","3b")))
#' Example of yield subtype : "yields:EPIC-IIASA:ukesm1-0-ll:ssp585:default:3b"
#' @author Jan Philipp Dietrich
#' @importFrom utils download.file unzip person
#' @importFrom madrat toolSplitSubtype metadataGFZ
downloadISIMIP <- function(subtype) {
if (grepl("airww", subtype)) {
x <- toolSplitSubtype(subtype, list(dataset = "airww",
model = c("CLM45", "CLM50", "CWatM", "DBH",
"H08", "JULES-W1", "LPJmL", "MATSIRO",
"PCR-GLOBWB", "WaterGAP2"),
gcm = c("gfdl-esm2m", "hadgem2-es", "ipsl-cm5a-lr", "miroc5"),
version = c("2a", "2b", "3a", "3b")))
paths <- c(airww = paste0("ISIMIP", x$version, "/OutputData/water_global/", # nolint: absolute_path_linter.
x$model, "/", x$gcm, "/historical/",
tolower(x$model), "_", tolower(x$gcm),
path <- toolSubtypeSelect(x$dataset, paths)
if (file.exists(paste0("/p/projects/isimip/isimip/", path))) { # nolint: absolute_path_linter.
storage <- "/p/projects/isimip/isimip/" # nolint: absolute_path_linter.
file.copy(paste0(storage, path), basename(path))
} else {
storage <- "https://files.isimip.org/" # nolint: absolute_path_linter.
# download the data
err <- try(suppressWarnings(download.file(paste0(storage, path),
destfile = basename(path), mode = "wb",
quiet = FALSE)), silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(err, "try-error")) stop("Data for requested subtype \"", subtype, "\" could not be found!")
.getMetadata <- function(dataset, version) {
out <- list(doi = NULL, version = NULL, title = NULL, description = NULL)
# Info about DOIs is available here: https://www.isimip.org/outputdata/dois-isimip-data-sets/
if (dataset %in% "airww" && version == "2a") {
out$doi <- "http://doi.org/10.5880/PIK.2019.003"
out$version <- "v1.1"
out$title <- ""
out$description <- ""
meta1 <- .getMetadata(x$dataset, x$version)
meta2 <- metadataGFZ(meta1$doi)
# Compose meta data
return(list(url = paste0(storage, path),
doi = meta1$doi,
title = meta1$title,
author = meta2$authors,
version = meta1$version,
release_date = meta2$year,
description = meta1$description,
license = meta2$license,
reference = meta2$citation))
if (grepl("yields", subtype)) {
x <- toolSplitSubtype(subtype, list(dataset = "yields",
model = c("LPJmL", "EPIC-IIASA", "pDSSAT",
gcm = c("gfdl-esm4", "ipsl-cm6a-lr",
"mpi-esm1-2-hr", "mri-esm2-0", "ukesm1-0-ll"),
scen = c("historical", "ssp126", "ssp370", "ssp585"),
co2 = c("default", "2015co2"),
version = c("2a", "2b", "3a", "3b")))
if (x$scen == "historical") {
years <- "1850_2014"
} else {
years <- "2015_2100"
for (crop in c("mai", "ri1", "ri2", "swh", "wwh", "soy")) {
for (irr in c("firr", "noirr")) {
paths <- c(yields = paste0(x$model, "/phase", x$version, "/",
x$gcm, "/", x$scen, "/", crop, "/",
tolower(x$model), "_", tolower(x$gcm),
"_w5e5_", x$scen, "_2015soc_", x$co2, "_yield-",
crop, "-", irr, "_global_annual_", years, ".nc"))
path <- toolSubtypeSelect(x$dataset, paths)
if (file.exists(paste0("/p/projects/macmit/data/GGCMI/AgMIP.output/", path))) { # nolint: absolute_path_linter.
storage <- "/p/projects/macmit/data/GGCMI/AgMIP.output/" # nolint: absolute_path_linter.
file.copy(paste0(storage, path), basename(path))
} else {
vcat(1, paste0("Data for requested subtype \"", path, "\" could not be found!"))
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