#' @title readISIMIP
#' @description Reads in ISIMIP data
#' @param subtype Type of ISIMIP data that should be read.
#' It consists of variable ("airrww"),
#' model ("cwatm","h08","lpjml","matsiro","mpi-hm","pcr-globwb"),
#' GCM ("ipsl-cm5a-lr","gfdl-esm2m","miroc5","hadgem2-es")
#' and database version ("2a","2b","3a","3b"), separated by ":"
#' (e.g. "airww:LPJmL:gfdl-esm2m:2b")
#' Similaryly for ISIMIP GGCMI phase3b data, with scenarios and CO2 fert setting,
#' downloads for all crops and irrigation settings
#' models ("LPJmL", "EPIC-IIASA", "pDSSAT", "CYGMA1p74"),
#' gcms ("gfdl-esm4", "ipsl-cm6a-lr", "mpi-esm1-2-hr", "mri-esm2-0", "ukesm1-0-ll"),
#' scenarios ("historical", "ssp126", "ssp370", "ssp585"),
#' co2 ("default", "2015co2"),
#' version c("2a","2b","3a","3b")))
#' Example of yield subtype : "yields:EPIC-IIASA:ukesm1-0-ll:ssp585:default:3b"
#' @return MAgPIE object with the requested data
#' @author Jan Philipp Dietrich, Felicitas Beier, David Chen
#' @note Values for years before 1961 will be ignored to reduce overall object size
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' readSource("ISIMIP", convert = TRUE)
#' }
#' @importFrom magclass getCoords time_interpolate
#' @importFrom raster brick subset stack
readISIMIP <- function(subtype = "airww:LPJmL:gfdl-esm2m:2b") {
# map of 67420 grid cells
map <- toolGetMappingCoord2Country()
if (grepl("airww", subtype)) {
.timevector <- function(start, end) {
years <- paste0("y", c(start:end))
months <- c("jan", "feb", "mar", "apr", "may", "jun",
"jul", "aug", "sep", "oct", "nov", "dec")
return(paste0(rep(years, each = 12), ".", months))
file <- Sys.glob("*.nc4")
if (length(file) != 1) stop("Not able to identify input file!")
years <- tail(strsplit(sub("\\..*$", "", file), split = "_")[[1]], 2)
r <- suppressWarnings(brick(file))
names(r) <- .timevector(years[1], years[2])
r <- subset(r, .timevector(max(years[1], 1961), years[2]))
x <- as.magpie(r, temporal = 1)
getSets(x, fulldim = FALSE)[2] <- "year.month"
# add missing cell
x <- add_columns(x, dim = 1,
addnm = setdiff(map$coords, getItems(x, dim = 1)),
fill = 0)
} else if (grepl("yield", subtype)) {
files <- Sys.glob("*.nc")
if (length(file) < 1) stop("Not able to identify input file!")
if (grepl("LDNDC", subtype, fixed = TRUE)) {
r <- NULL
layers <- c("soy-noirr", "soy-firr", "wwh-noirr", "wwh-firr", "swh-noirr", "swh-firr",
"ri2-noirr", "ri2-firr", "ri1-noirr", "ri1-firr", "mai-noirr", "mai-firr")
for (f in files) {
for (la in layers) {
if (grepl(la, f, fixed = TRUE)) {
rAUX <- suppressWarnings(stack(f))
names(rAUX) <- if (grepl("historical", subtype)) paste0("yield", ".", la, ".", 1:165) else
paste0("yield", ".", la, ".", 1:86)
r <- if (is.null(r)) rAUX else stack(r, rAUX)
} else {
r <- suppressWarnings(stack(files))
# raster renaming
names(r) <- sub("^(.*)\\.(.*)$", "\\2..\\1", names(r))
names(r) <- gsub("X", "y", names(r))
names(r) <- gsub("yield\\.", "", names(r))
names(r) <- gsub("(\\.)(irr)", "\\2", names(r))
names(r) <- gsub("(\\.)(wheat)", "\\2", names(r))
names(r) <- gsub("(_wheat)", "wheat", names(r))
names(r) <- gsub("rice1", "riceA", names(r), ignore.case = TRUE)
names(r) <- gsub("rice2", "riceB", names(r), ignore.case = TRUE)
# subset to year 1961 (1849+112) for faster processing
if (grepl("historical", subtype)) {
r <- subset(r, which(as.numeric(gsub("\\D+", "", names(r))) > 110))
offset <- 1849
} else {
offset <- 2014
x <- as.magpie(r, spatial = 1)
getNames(x) <- tolower(getNames(x))
getYears(x) <- getYears(x, as.integer = TRUE) + offset
# check in case the naming subseting does not work
yearsSub <- getYears(x, as.integer = TRUE)
yearsSub <- yearsSub[yearsSub >= 1960]
x <- magpiesort(x[, yearsSub, ])
# fill missing cells with 0 if any
missingCells <- setdiff(map$coords, getItems(x, dim = 1))
fill <- new.magpie(cells_and_regions = missingCells,
years = getYears(x),
names = getNames(x),
fill = 0)
x <- suppressWarnings(mbind(x, fill))
nameClean <- function(x, subtype, order = FALSE) {
if ((grepl("pDSSAT", subtype) || grepl("LPJmL", subtype)) && order == TRUE) {
x <- collapseNames(x)
x <- dimOrder(x = x, perm = c(2, 1))
getNames(x, dim = 1)[getNames(x, dim = 1) == "mai" |
getNames(x, dim = 1) == "maize" |
getNames(x, dim = 1) == "Maize"] <- "maiz"
getNames(x, dim = 1)[getNames(x, dim = 1) == "soy" |
getNames(x, dim = 1) == "Soybean"] <- "soybean"
getNames(x, dim = 1)[getNames(x, dim = 1) == "ri1" |
getNames(x, dim = 1) == "riceA"] <- "ricea"
getNames(x, dim = 1)[getNames(x, dim = 1) == "ri2" |
getNames(x, dim = 1) == "riceB"] <- "riceb"
getNames(x, dim = 1)[getNames(x, dim = 1) == "swh" |
getNames(x, dim = 1) == "Springwheat"] <- "springwheat"
getNames(x, dim = 1)[getNames(x, dim = 1) == "wwh" |
getNames(x, dim = 1) == "Winterwheat"] <- "winterwheat"
getNames(x, dim = 2)[getNames(x, dim = 2) == "fullyirrigated" |
getNames(x, dim = 2) == "firr" |
getNames(x, dim = 2) == "ir"] <- "irrigated"
getNames(x, dim = 2)[getNames(x, dim = 2) == "noirrigation" |
getNames(x, dim = 2) == "noirr" |
getNames(x, dim = 2) == "rf"] <- "rainfed"
x <- nameClean(x, subtype, order = TRUE)
x <- x[map$coords, , ]
# Harvest year correction. If maturity day<planting date values correspond to y+1
plantDay <- readSource("GGCMICropCalendar",
subtype = "planting_day")[, , c("ri1", "ri2", "wwh",
"swh", "soy", "mai")][, , c("rf", "ir")]
plantDay <- collapseNames(plantDay)[map$coords, , ]
maturityDay <- readSource("GGCMICropCalendar",
subtype = "maturity_day")[, , c("ri1", "ri2", "wwh",
"swh", "soy", "mai")][, , c("rf", "ir")]
maturityDay <- collapseNames(maturityDay)[map$coords, , ]
diff <- maturityDay - plantDay
diff <- nameClean(diff, subtype, order = FALSE)
xCorrected <- x
xCorrected[is.na(x)] <- 0
for (n in getNames(x)) {
cellsCorr <- where(diff[, , n] < 0)$true$regions
xCorrected[cellsCorr, 2:length(getYears(x)), n] <- setYears(xCorrected[cellsCorr, 1:(length(getYears(x)) - 1), n],
2:length(getYears(x)), n]))
xCorrected[cellsCorr, 1, n] <- NA
x <- xCorrected
getSets(x) <- c("x", "y", "iso", "year", "data")
# naming of cell dimension (first sort)
x <- x[map$coords, , ]
getItems(x, dim = 1, raw = TRUE) <- paste(map$coords, map$iso, sep = ".")
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