Defines functions readJRC_IDEES

Documented in readJRC_IDEES

#' Read the [IDEES data base from JRC](https://data.jrc.ec.europa.eu/dataset/jrc-10110-10001/resource/f590b6f1-60e5-49a6-a972-60bc2b2e34b3) #nolint
#' @md
#' @param subtype one of
#'   - `'Emission'`: read worksheets from the Emission Balance files
#'   - `'Energy'`:   read worksheets from the Energy Balance files
#'   - `'Industry'`: read worksheets from the Industry files
#'   - `'Transport'`: read worksheets from the Transport files
#'   - `'MBunkers'`: read worksheets from the Bunkers files
#'   - `'Residential'`: read worksheets from the Residential files
#'   - `'Tertiary'`: read worksheets from the Tertiary (Services and Agriculture) files
#' @return A [`magpie`][magclass::magclass] object.
#' @author Michaja Pehl, Falk Benke
#' @seealso [`readSource()`]
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows bind_cols select mutate
#' @importFrom readxl read_xlsx
#' @importFrom tidyr drop_na pivot_longer
#' @importFrom rlang sym is_empty
#' @importFrom magclass as.magpie

#' @export
readJRC_IDEES <- function(subtype) { #nolint
  # ---- subtype column information ----

  # nolint start
  subtypes <- list(
    # Each subtype contains:
    #   - a pattern to match file names against
    #   - a list of sheets (by name) with the prefix to prepend to the variable
    #     names
    #   - the row names in the format "variable (unit)", either globally for the
    #     subtype (Emission and Energy) or locally per worksheet (Industry)
    # Use code folding in RStudio to collapse elements as needed to gain an
    # overview.
    Emission = { list(
      pattern = '^JRC-IDEES-2015_EmissionBalance_.*\\.xlsx$',
      sheets = list(
        'cagr'  = list(prefix = 'Emissions|Agriculture+Forestry+Fishing|'),
        'cenck' = list(prefix = 'Emissions|Coke Ovens|')),
      rows = tibble(
        name = {
            'All Products (kt of CO2)',
            'Solid Fuels (kt of CO2)',
            'Hard coal and derivatives (kt of CO2)',
            'Hard Coal (kt of CO2)',
            'Anthracite (kt of CO2)',
            'Coking Coal (kt of CO2)',
            'Other Bituminous Coal (kt of CO2)',
            'Sub-bituminous Coal (kt of CO2)',
            'Patent Fuels (kt of CO2)',
            'Coke (kt of CO2)',
            'Coke Oven Coke (kt of CO2)',
            'Gas Coke (kt of CO2)',
            'Coal Tar (kt of CO2)',
            'Lignite and Derivatives (kt of CO2)',
            'Lignite/Brown Coal (kt of CO2)',
            'Peat (kt of CO2)',
            'BKB (browncoal briquettes) (kt of CO2)',
            'Peat Products (kt of CO2)',
            'Oil Shale and Oil Sands (kt of CO2)',
            'Total petroleum products (without biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
            'Crude oil, feedstocks and other hydrocarbons (kt of CO2)',
            'Crude oil and NGL (kt of CO2)',
            'Crude Oil without NGL (kt of CO2)',
            'Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) (kt of CO2)',
            'Feedstocks and other hydrocarbons (kt of CO2)',
            'Refinery Feedstocks (kt of CO2)',
            'Additives / Oxygenates (kt of CO2)',
            'Other Hydrocarbons (without biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
            'All Petroleum Products (kt of CO2)',
            'Refinery gas and Ethane (kt of CO2)',
            'Refinery Gas (not. Liquid) (kt of CO2)',
            'Ethane (kt of CO2)',
            'Liquified petroleum gas (LPG) (kt of CO2)',
            'Motor spirit (kt of CO2)',
            'Gasoline (without biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
            'Aviation Gasoline (kt of CO2)',
            'Kerosenes - Jet Fuels (kt of CO2)',
            'Gasoline Type Jet Fuel (kt of CO2)',
            'Kerosene Type Jet Fuel (kt of CO2)',
            'Other Kerosene (kt of CO2)',
            'Naphtha (kt of CO2)',
            'Gas/Diesel oil (without biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
            'Residual Fuel Oil (kt of CO2)',
            'Other Petroleum Products (kt of CO2)',
            'White Spirit and SBP (kt of CO2)',
            'Lubricants (kt of CO2)',
            'Bitumen (kt of CO2)',
            'Petroleum Coke (kt of CO2)',
            'Paraffin Waxes (kt of CO2)',
            'Other Oil Products (kt of CO2)',
            'Gases (kt of CO2)',
            'Natural gas (kt of CO2)',
            'Derived Gases (kt of CO2)',
            'Coke Oven Gas (kt of CO2)',
            'Blast Furnace Gas (kt of CO2)',
            'Gas Works gas (kt of CO2)',
            'Other recovered gases (kt of CO2)',
            'Wastes (non-renewable) (kt of CO2)',
            'Industrial wastes (kt of CO2)',
            'Municipal waste (non-renewable) (kt of CO2)',
            'Biomass and Renewable wastes (kt of CO2)',
            'Solid biofuels (Wood & Wood waste) (kt of CO2)',
            'Charcoal (kt of CO2)',
            'Biogas (kt of CO2)',
            'Municipal waste (renewable) (kt of CO2)',
            'Liquid biofuels (kt of CO2)',
            'Biogasoline (kt of CO2)',
            'Biodiesels (kt of CO2)',
            'Bio jet kerosene (kt of CO2)',
            'Other liquid biofuels (kt of CO2)'
      ) %>%
        tidyr::extract('name', c('variable', 'unit'), '^(.*) \\((.*)\\)$')
    Energy = { list(
      pattern = '^JRC-IDEES-2015_EnergyBalance_.*\\.xlsx$',
      sheets = list(
        'cagr'  = list(prefix = 'Energy|Agriculture+Forestry+Fishing|'),
        'cenbf' = list(prefix = 'Energy|Consumption in Blast Furnaces|'),
        'cenck' = list(prefix = 'Energy|Consumption in Coke Ovens|'),
        'tibf'  = list(prefix = 'Energy|Transformation input - Blast Furnaces|'),
        'tick'  = list(prefix = 'Energy|Transformation input - Coke Ovens|'),
        'tobf'  = list(prefix = 'Energy|Transformation output - Blast Furnaces|'),
        'tock'  = list(prefix = 'Energy|Transformation output - Coke Ovens|')),
      rows = tibble(
        name = {
            'All Products (ktoe)',
            'Solid Fuels (ktoe)',
            'Hard coal and derivatives (ktoe)',
            'Hard Coal (ktoe)',
            'Anthracite (ktoe)',
            'Coking Coal (ktoe)',
            'Other Bituminous Coal (ktoe)',
            'Sub-bituminous Coal (ktoe)',
            'Patent Fuels (ktoe)',
            'Coke (ktoe)',
            'Coke Oven Coke (ktoe)',
            'Gas Coke (ktoe)',
            'Coal Tar (ktoe)',
            'Lignite and Derivatives (ktoe)',
            'Lignite/Brown Coal (ktoe)',
            'Peat (ktoe)',
            'BKB (brown coal briquettes) (ktoe)',
            'Peat Products (ktoe)',
            'Oil Shale and Oil Sands (ktoe)',
            'Total petroleum products (without biofuels) (ktoe)',
            'Crude oil, feedstocks and other hydrocarbons (ktoe)',
            'Crude oil and NGL (ktoe)',
            'Crude Oil without NGL (ktoe)',
            'Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) (ktoe)',
            'Feedstocks and other hydrocarbons (ktoe)',
            'Refinery Feedstocks (ktoe)',
            'Additives / Oxygenates (ktoe)',
            'Other Hydrocarbons (without biofuels) (ktoe)',
            'All Petroleum Products (ktoe)',
            'Refinery gas and Ethane (ktoe)',
            'Refinery Gas (not. Liquid) (ktoe)',
            'Ethane (ktoe)',
            'Liquified petroleum gas (LPG) (ktoe)',
            'Motor spirit (ktoe)',
            'Gasoline (without biofuels) (ktoe)',
            'Aviation Gasoline (ktoe)',
            'Kerosenes - Jet Fuels (ktoe)',
            'Gasoline Type Jet Fuel (ktoe)',
            'Kerosene Type Jet Fuel (ktoe)',
            'Other Kerosene (ktoe)',
            'Naphtha (ktoe)',
            'Gas/Diesel oil (without biofuels) (ktoe)',
            'Residual Fuel Oil (ktoe)',
            'Other Petroleum Products (ktoe)',
            'White Spirit and SBP (ktoe)',
            'Lubricants (ktoe)',
            'Bitumen (ktoe)',
            'Petroleum Coke (ktoe)',
            'Paraffin Waxes (ktoe)',
            'Other Oil Products (ktoe)',
            'Gases (ktoe)',
            'Natural gas (ktoe)',
            'Derived Gases (ktoe)',
            'Coke Oven Gas (ktoe)',
            'Blast Furnace Gas (ktoe)',
            'Gas Works gas (ktoe)',
            'Other recovered gases (ktoe)',
            'Nuclear heat (ktoe)',
            'Derived heat (ktoe)',
            'Renewable energies (ktoe)',
            'Hydro power (ktoe)',
            'Wind Power (ktoe)',
            'Solar energy (ktoe)',
            'Solar thermal (ktoe)',
            'Solar Photovoltaic (ktoe)',
            'Tide, Wave and Ocean (ktoe)',
            'Biomass and Renewable wastes (ktoe)',
            'Solid biofuels (Wood & Wood waste) (ktoe)',
            'Charcoal (ktoe)',
            'Biogas (ktoe)',
            'Municipal waste (renewable) (ktoe)',
            'Liquid biofuels (ktoe)',
            'Biogasoline (ktoe)',
            'Biodiesels (ktoe)',
            'Bio jet kerosene (ktoe)',
            'Other liquid biofuels (ktoe)',
            'Geothermal (ktoe)',
            'Electricity (ktoe)',
            'Wastes (non-renewable) (ktoe)',
            'Industrial wastes (ktoe)',
            'Municipal waste (non-renewable) (ktoe)'
      ) %>%
        tidyr::extract('name', c('variable', 'unit'), '^(.*) \\((.*)\\)$')
    Industry = { list(
      pattern = '^JRC-IDEES-2015_Industry_.*\\.xlsx$',
      sheets = list(
        'CHI' = { list(
          prefix = 'Chemicals Industry|',
          rows = tibble(
            name = {
                'Value added (M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added|Chemicals and chemical products (M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added|Chemicals and chemical products|Basic chemicals (M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added|Chemicals and chemical products|Other chemicals (M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added|Pharmaceutical products etc. (M\u20ac2010)',

                'Physical output|Basic chemicals (kt ethylene eq.)',
                'Physical output|Other chemicals (kt ethylene eq.)',
                'Physical output|Pharmaceutical products etc. (kt ethylene eq.)',

                'Installed capacity|Basic chemicals (kt ethylene eq. production)',
                'Installed capacity|Other chemicals (kt ethylene eq. production)',
                'Installed capacity|Pharmaceutical products etc. (kt ethylene eq. production)',
                'Capacity investment|Basic chemicals (kt ethylene eq. production)',
                'Capacity investment|Other chemicals (kt ethylene eq. production)',
                'Capacity investment|Pharmaceutical products etc. (kt ethylene eq. production)',
                'Decommissioned capacity|Basic chemicals (kt ethylene eq. production)',
                'Decommissioned capacity|Other chemicals (kt ethylene eq. production)',
                'Decommissioned capacity|Pharmaceutical products etc. (kt ethylene eq. production)',
                'Idle capacity|Basic chemicals (kt ethylene eq. production)',
                'Idle capacity|Other chemicals (kt ethylene eq. production)',
                'Idle capacity|Pharmaceutical products etc. (kt ethylene eq. production)',

                'Energy consumption (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|Solids (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|Liquids (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|Liquids|Refinery gas (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|Liquids|LPG (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|Liquids|Diesel oil (without biofuels) (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|Liquids|Residual fuel oil (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|Liquids|Other liquids (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|Gas',
                'Energy consumption|Gas|Natural gas (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|Gas|Derived gases (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|RES and wastes (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|RES and wastes|Biomass and wastes (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|RES and wastes|Biogas (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|RES and wastes|Liquid biofuels (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|RES and wastes|Solar (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|RES and wastes|Geothermal (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|Steam distributed (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|Electricity (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|Basic chemicals (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|Other chemicals (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|Pharmaceutical products etc. (ktoe)',

                'Non-energy use in the Chemical industry (ktoe)',
                'Non-energy use|Solids (ktoe)',
                'Non-energy use|Liquids (ktoe)',
                'Non-energy use|Liquids|Refinery gas (ktoe)',
                'Non-energy use|Liquids|LPG (ktoe)',
                'Non-energy use|Liquids|Diesel oil (without biofuels) (ktoe)',
                'Non-energy use|Liquids|Residual fuel oil (ktoe)',
                'Non-energy use|Liquids|Other liquids (ktoe)',
                'Non-energy use|Liquids|Naphtha (ktoe)',
                'Non-energy use|Gas (ktoe)',
                'Non-energy use|Gas|Natural gas (ktoe)',
                'Non-energy use|Gas|Derived gases (ktoe)',
                'Non-energy use|RES and wastes (ktoe)',
                'Non-energy use|Basic chemicals (ktoe)',
                'Non-energy use|Other chemicals (ktoe)',
                'Non-energy use|Pharmaceutical products etc. (ktoe)',

                'CO2 emissions (kt of CO2)',
                'CO2 emissions|energy use related (kt of CO2)',
                'CO2 emissions|process emissions (kt of CO2)',
                'CO2 emissions|Basic chemicals (kt of CO2)',
                'CO2 emissions|Other chemicals (kt of CO2)',
                'CO2 emissions|Pharmaceutical products etc. (kt of CO2)',

                'Value added intensity|Basic chemicals (VA in \u20ac2010/t of output)',
                'Value added intensity|Other chemicals (VA in \u20ac2010/t of output)',
                'Value added intensity|Pharmaceutical products etc. (VA in \u20ac2010/t of output)',
                'Energy intensity|Basic chemicals (toe/t of output)',
                'Energy intensity|Basic chemicals|non energy (toe/t of output)',
                'Energy intensity|Basic chemicals|energy (toe/t of output)',
                'Energy intensity|Other chemicals (toe/t of output)',
                'Energy intensity|Pharmaceutical products etc. (toe/t of output)',
                'Useful energy demand intensity|Basic chemicals (toe useful/t of output)',
                'Useful energy demand intensity|Basic chemicals|non energy (toe useful/t of output)',
                'Useful energy demand intensity|Basic chemicals|energy (toe useful/t of output)',
                'Useful energy demand intensity|Other chemicals (toe useful/t of output)',
                'Useful energy demand intensity|Pharmaceutical products etc. (toe useful/t of output)',
                'Emission intensity|Basic chemicals (including process emissions) (kt of CO2 / ktoe energy)',
                'Emission intensity|Other chemicals (including process emissions) (kt of CO2 / ktoe energy)',
                'Emission intensity|Pharmaceutical products etc. (kt of CO2 / ktoe energy)'
          ) %>%
            tidyr::extract('name', c('variable', 'unit'), '^(.*) \\((.*)\\)$')
        ) },
        'CHI_emi' = { list(
          prefix = 'Chemicals Industry|CO2 Emissions|',
          rows = tibble(
            name = {

                'Basic chemicals (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Lighting (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Air compressors (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Motor drives (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Fans and pumps (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Low enthalpy heat (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Low enthalpy heat|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Low enthalpy heat|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Low enthalpy heat|Solar and geothermal (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Low enthalpy heat|Electricity (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Feedstock (energy used as raw material) (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Feedstock (energy used as raw material)|Solids (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Feedstock (energy used as raw material)|Refinery gas (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Feedstock (energy used as raw material)|LPG (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Feedstock (energy used as raw material)|Diesel oil (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Feedstock (energy used as raw material)|Residual fuel oil (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Feedstock (energy used as raw material)|Other liquids (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Feedstock (energy used as raw material)|Naphtha (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Feedstock (energy used as raw material)|Natural gas (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Steam processing (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Steam processing|Solids (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Steam processing|Refinery gas (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Steam processing|LPG (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Steam processing|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Steam processing|Residual fuel oil (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Steam processing|Other liquids (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Steam processing|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Steam processing|Derived gases (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Steam processing|Biomass (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Steam processing|Steam distributed (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Furnaces (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Thermal (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Thermal|Solids (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Thermal|LPG (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Thermal|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Thermal|Residual fuel oil (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Thermal|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Electric (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Solids (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Refinery gas (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|LPG (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Residual fuel oil (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Other liquids (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Derived gases (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Biomass (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Steam distributed (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Electric (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Generic electric process (kt of CO2)',
                'Basic chemicals|Process emissions (kt of CO2)',

                'Other chemicals (kt of CO2)',
                'Other chemicals|Lighting (kt of CO2)',
                'Other chemicals|Air compressors (kt of CO2)',
                'Other chemicals|Motor drives (kt of CO2)',
                'Other chemicals|Fans and pumps (kt of CO2)',
                'Other chemicals|Low enthalpy heat (kt of CO2)',
                'Other chemicals|Low enthalpy heat|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
                'Other chemicals|Low enthalpy heat|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
                'Other chemicals|Low enthalpy heat|Solar and geothermal (kt of CO2)',
                'Other chemicals|Low enthalpy heat|Electricity (kt of CO2)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing (kt of CO2)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam (kt of CO2)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam|Solids (kt of CO2)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam|Refinery gas (kt of CO2)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam|LPG (kt of CO2)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam|Residual fuel oil (kt of CO2)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam|Other liquids (kt of CO2)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam|Derived gases (kt of CO2)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam|Biomass (kt of CO2)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam|Steam distributed (kt of CO2)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Electric (microwave) (kt of CO2)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: Furnaces (kt of CO2)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Thermal (kt of CO2)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Thermal|Solids (kt of CO2)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Thermal|LPG (kt of CO2)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Thermal|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Thermal|Residual fuel oil (kt of CO2)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Thermal|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Electric (kt of CO2)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling (kt of CO2)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam (kt of CO2)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Solids (kt of CO2)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Refinery gas (kt of CO2)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|LPG (kt of CO2)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Residual fuel oil (kt of CO2)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Other liquids (kt of CO2)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Derived gases (kt of CO2)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Biomass (kt of CO2)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Steam distributed (kt of CO2)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Electric (kt of CO2)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: Generic electric process (kt of CO2)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: Process emissions (kt of CO2)',

                'Pharmaceutical products etc. (kt of CO2)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Lighting (kt of CO2)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Air compressors (kt of CO2)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Motor drives (kt of CO2)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Fans and pumps (kt of CO2)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Low enthalpy heat (kt of CO2)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Low enthalpy heat|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Low enthalpy heat|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Low enthalpy heat|Solar and geothermal (kt of CO2)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Low enthalpy heat|Electricity (kt of CO2)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing (kt of CO2)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam (kt of CO2)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam|Solids (kt of CO2)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam|Refinery gas (kt of CO2)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam|LPG (kt of CO2)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam|Residual fuel oil (kt of CO2)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam|Other liquids (kt of CO2)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam|Derived gases (kt of CO2)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam|Biomass (kt of CO2)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam|Steam distributed (kt of CO2)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Electric (microwave) (kt of CO2)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Furnaces (kt of CO2)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Thermal (kt of CO2)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Thermal|Solids (kt of CO2)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Thermal|LPG (kt of CO2)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Thermal|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Thermal|Residual fuel oil (kt of CO2)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Thermal|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Electric (kt of CO2)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Process cooling (kt of CO2)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam (kt of CO2)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Solids (kt of CO2)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Refinery gas (kt of CO2)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|LPG (kt of CO2)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Residual fuel oil (kt of CO2)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Other liquids (kt of CO2)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Derived gases (kt of CO2)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Biomass (kt of CO2)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Steam distributed (kt of CO2)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Electric (kt of CO2)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Generic electric process (kt of CO2)',


                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Basic chemicals (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Basic chemicals|Lighting (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Basic chemicals|Air compressors (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Basic chemicals|Motor drives (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Basic chemicals|Fans and pumps (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Basic chemicals|Low enthalpy heat (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Feedstock (energy used as raw material) (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Steam processing (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Furnaces (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Thermal (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Electric (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Natural gas (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Electric (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Generic electric process (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Basic chemicals|Process emissions (%)',

                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Other chemicals (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Other chemicals|Lighting (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Other chemicals|Air compressors (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Other chemicals|Motor drives (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Other chemicals|Fans and pumps (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Other chemicals|Low enthalpy heat (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Other chemicals|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Other chemicals|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Other chemicals|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Electric (microwave) (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Other chemicals|Chemicals: Furnaces (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Other chemicals|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Thermal (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Other chemicals|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Electric (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Other chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Other chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Natural gas (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Other chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Other chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Electric (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Other chemicals|Chemicals: Generic electric process (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Other chemicals|Process emissions (%)',

                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Pharmaceutical products etc. (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Pharmaceutical products etc.|Lighting (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Pharmaceutical products etc.|Air compressors (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Pharmaceutical products etc.|Motor drives (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Pharmaceutical products etc.|Fans and pumps (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Pharmaceutical products etc.|Low enthalpy heat (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Pharmaceutical products etc.|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Pharmaceutical products etc.|High enthalpy heat processing - Electric (microwave) (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Furnaces (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Thermal (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Electric (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Process cooling (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Natural gas (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Electric (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Generic electric process (%)',


                'Emission Intensity|Basic chemicals (over energy consumption, without process emissions) (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
                'Emission Intensity|Basic chemicals (over energy consumption, without process emissions)|Lighting (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
                'Emission Intensity|Basic chemicals (over energy consumption, without process emissions)|Air compressors (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
                'Emission Intensity|Basic chemicals (over energy consumption, without process emissions)|Motor drives (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
                'Emission Intensity|Basic chemicals (over energy consumption, without process emissions)|Fans and pumps (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
                'Emission Intensity|Basic chemicals (over energy consumption, without process emissions)|Low enthalpy heat (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
                'Emission Intensity|Basic chemicals (over energy consumption, without process emissions)|Chemicals: Feedstock (energy used as raw material) (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
                'Emission Intensity|Basic chemicals (over energy consumption, without process emissions)|Chemicals: Steam processing (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
                'Emission Intensity|Basic chemicals (over energy consumption, without process emissions)|Chemicals: Furnaces (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
                'Emission Intensity|Basic chemicals (over energy consumption, without process emissions)|Chemicals: Process cooling (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
                'Emission Intensity|Basic chemicals (over energy consumption, without process emissions)|Chemicals: Generic electric process (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',

                'Emission Intensity|Other chemicals (without process emissions) (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
                'Emission Intensity|Other chemicals (without process emissions)|Lighting (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
                'Emission Intensity|Other chemicals (without process emissions)|Air compressors (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
                'Emission Intensity|Other chemicals (without process emissions)|Motor drives (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
                'Emission Intensity|Other chemicals (without process emissions)|Fans and pumps (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
                'Emission Intensity|Other chemicals (without process emissions)|Low enthalpy heat (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
                'Emission Intensity|Other chemicals (without process emissions)|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
                'Emission Intensity|Other chemicals (without process emissions)|Chemicals: Furnaces (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
                'Emission Intensity|Other chemicals (without process emissions)|Chemicals: Process cooling (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
                'Emission Intensity|Other chemicals (without process emissions)|Chemicals: Generic electric process (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',

                'Emission Intensity|Pharmaceutical products etc. (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
                'Emission Intensity|Pharmaceutical products etc.|Lighting (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
                'Emission Intensity|Pharmaceutical products etc.|Air compressors (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
                'Emission Intensity|Pharmaceutical products etc.|Motor drives (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
                'Emission Intensity|Pharmaceutical products etc.|Fans and pumps (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
                'Emission Intensity|Pharmaceutical products etc.|Low enthalpy heat (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
                'Emission Intensity|Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
                'Emission Intensity|Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Furnaces (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
                'Emission Intensity|Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Process cooling (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
                'Emission Intensity|Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Generic electric process (kt of CO2 per ktoe)'
          ) %>%
            tidyr::extract('name', c('variable', 'unit'), '^(.*) \\((.*)\\)$')
        ) },
        'CHI_fec' = { list(
          prefix = 'Chemicals Industry|Final Energy Consumption|',
          rows = tibble(
            name = {

                'Basic chemicals (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Lighting (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Air compressors (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Motor drives (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Fans and pumps (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Low enthalpy heat (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Low enthalpy heat|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Low enthalpy heat|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Low enthalpy heat|Solar and geothermal (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Low enthalpy heat|Electricity (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Feedstock (energy used as raw material) (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Feedstock (energy used as raw material)|Solids (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Feedstock (energy used as raw material)|Refinery gas (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Feedstock (energy used as raw material)|LPG (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Feedstock (energy used as raw material)|Diesel oil (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Feedstock (energy used as raw material)|Residual fuel oil (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Feedstock (energy used as raw material)|Other liquids (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Feedstock (energy used as raw material)|Naphtha (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Feedstock (energy used as raw material)|Natural gas (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Steam processing (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Steam processing|Solids (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Steam processing|Refinery gas (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Steam processing|LPG (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Steam processing|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Steam processing|Residual fuel oil (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Steam processing|Other liquids (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Steam processing|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Steam processing|Derived gases (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Steam processing|Biomass (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Steam processing|Steam distributed (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Furnaces (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Thermal (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Thermal|Solids (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Thermal|LPG (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Thermal|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Thermal|Residual fuel oil (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Thermal|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Electric (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Natural gas (incl. biogas) (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Solids (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Refinery gas (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|LPG (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Residual fuel oil (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Other liquids (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Derived gases (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Biomass (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Steam distributed (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Electric (ktoe)',
                'Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Generic electric process (ktoe)',

                'Other chemicals (ktoe)',
                'Other chemicals|Lighting (ktoe)',
                'Other chemicals|Air compressors (ktoe)',
                'Other chemicals|Motor drives (ktoe)',
                'Other chemicals|Fans and pumps (ktoe)',
                'Other chemicals|Low enthalpy heat (ktoe)',
                'Other chemicals|Low enthalpy heat|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (ktoe)',
                'Other chemicals|Low enthalpy heat|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (ktoe)',
                'Other chemicals|Low enthalpy heat|Solar and geothermal (ktoe)',
                'Other chemicals|Low enthalpy heat|Electricity (ktoe)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing (ktoe)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam (ktoe)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam|Solids (ktoe)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam|Refinery gas (ktoe)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam|LPG (ktoe)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (ktoe)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam|Residual fuel oil (ktoe)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam|Other liquids (ktoe)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (ktoe)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam|Derived gases (ktoe)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam|Biomass (ktoe)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam|Steam distributed (ktoe)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Electric (microwave) (ktoe)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: Furnaces (ktoe)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Thermal (ktoe)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Thermal|Solids (ktoe)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Thermal|LPG (ktoe)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Thermal|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (ktoe)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Thermal|Residual fuel oil (ktoe)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Thermal|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (ktoe)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Electric (ktoe)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling (ktoe)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Natural gas (incl. biogas) (ktoe)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam (ktoe)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Solids (ktoe)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Refinery gas (ktoe)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|LPG (ktoe)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (ktoe)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Residual fuel oil (ktoe)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Other liquids (ktoe)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (ktoe)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Derived gases (ktoe)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Biomass (ktoe)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Steam distributed (ktoe)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Electric (ktoe)',
                'Other chemicals|Chemicals: Generic electric process (ktoe)',

                'Pharmaceutical products etc. (ktoe)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Lighting (ktoe)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Air compressors (ktoe)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Motor drives (ktoe)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Fans and pumps (ktoe)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Low enthalpy heat (ktoe)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Low enthalpy heat|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (ktoe)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Low enthalpy heat|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (ktoe)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Low enthalpy heat|Solar and geothermal (ktoe)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Low enthalpy heat|Electricity (ktoe)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing (ktoe)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam (ktoe)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam|Solids (ktoe)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam|Refinery gas (ktoe)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam|LPG (ktoe)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (ktoe)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam|Residual fuel oil (ktoe)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam|Other liquids (ktoe)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (ktoe)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam|Derived gases (ktoe)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam|Biomass (ktoe)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam|Steam distributed (ktoe)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Electric (microwave) (ktoe)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Furnaces (ktoe)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Thermal (ktoe)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Thermal|Solids (ktoe)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Thermal|LPG (ktoe)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Thermal|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (ktoe)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Thermal|Residual fuel oil (ktoe)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Thermal|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (ktoe)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Electric (ktoe)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Process cooling (ktoe)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Natural gas (incl. biogas) (ktoe)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam (ktoe)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Solids (ktoe)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Refinery gas (ktoe)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|LPG (ktoe)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (ktoe)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Residual fuel oil (ktoe)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Other liquids (ktoe)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (ktoe)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Derived gases (ktoe)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Biomass (ktoe)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam|Steam distributed (ktoe)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Electric (ktoe)',
                'Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Generic electric process (ktoe)',


                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Basic chemicals (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Basic chemicals|Lighting (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Basic chemicals|Air compressors (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Basic chemicals|Motor drives (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Basic chemicals|Fans and pumps (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Basic chemicals|Low enthalpy heat (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Feedstock (energy used as raw material) (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Steam processing (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Furnaces (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Thermal (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Electric (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Natural gas (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Electric (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Generic electric process (%)',

                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Other chemicals (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Other chemicals|Lighting (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Other chemicals|Air compressors (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Other chemicals|Motor drives (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Other chemicals|Fans and pumps (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Other chemicals|Low enthalpy heat (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Other chemicals|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Other chemicals|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Other chemicals|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing|High enthalpy heat processing - Electric (microwave) (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Other chemicals|Chemicals: Furnaces (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Other chemicals|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Thermal (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Other chemicals|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Electric (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Other chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Other chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Natural gas (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Other chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Other chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Electric (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Other chemicals|Chemicals: Generic electric process (%)',

                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Pharmaceutical products etc. (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Pharmaceutical products etc.|Lighting (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Pharmaceutical products etc.|Air compressors (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Pharmaceutical products etc.|Motor drives (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Pharmaceutical products etc.|Fans and pumps (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Pharmaceutical products etc.|Low enthalpy heat (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Pharmaceutical products etc.|High enthalpy heat processing - Steam (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Pharmaceutical products etc.|High enthalpy heat processing - Electric (microwave) (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Furnaces (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Thermal (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Furnaces|Chemicals: Furnaces - Electric (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Process cooling (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Natural gas (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Steam (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Process cooling|Chemicals: Process cooling - Electric (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Generic electric process (%)',


                'Energy intensity|Basic chemicals (kgoe per t of output)',
                'Energy intensity|Basic chemicals|Lighting (kgoe per t of output)',
                'Energy intensity|Basic chemicals|Air compressors (kgoe per t of output)',
                'Energy intensity|Basic chemicals|Motor drives (kgoe per t of output)',
                'Energy intensity|Basic chemicals|Fans and pumps (kgoe per t of output)',
                'Energy intensity|Basic chemicals|Low enthalpy heat (kgoe per t of output)',
                'Energy intensity|Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Feedstock (energy used as raw material) (kgoe per t of output)',
                'Energy intensity|Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Steam processing (kgoe per t of output)',
                'Energy intensity|Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Furnaces (kgoe per t of output)',
                'Energy intensity|Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling (kgoe per t of output)',
                'Energy intensity|Basic chemicals|Chemicals: Generic electric process (kgoe per t of output)',

                'Energy intensity|Other chemicals (kgoe per t of output)',
                'Energy intensity|Other chemicals|Lighting (kgoe per t of output)',
                'Energy intensity|Other chemicals|Air compressors (kgoe per t of output)',
                'Energy intensity|Other chemicals|Motor drives (kgoe per t of output)',
                'Energy intensity|Other chemicals|Fans and pumps (kgoe per t of output)',
                'Energy intensity|Other chemicals|Low enthalpy heat (kgoe per t of output)',
                'Energy intensity|Other chemicals|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing (kgoe per t of output)',
                'Energy intensity|Other chemicals|Chemicals: Furnaces (kgoe per t of output)',
                'Energy intensity|Other chemicals|Chemicals: Process cooling (kgoe per t of output)',
                'Energy intensity|Other chemicals|Chemicals: Generic electric process (kgoe per t of output)',

                'Energy intensity|Pharmaceutical products etc. (kgoe per t of output)',
                'Energy intensity|Pharmaceutical products etc.|Lighting (kgoe per t of output)',
                'Energy intensity|Pharmaceutical products etc.|Air compressors (kgoe per t of output)',
                'Energy intensity|Pharmaceutical products etc.|Motor drives (kgoe per t of output)',
                'Energy intensity|Pharmaceutical products etc.|Fans and pumps (kgoe per t of output)',
                'Energy intensity|Pharmaceutical products etc.|Low enthalpy heat (kgoe per t of output)',
                'Energy intensity|Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: High enthalpy heat processing (kgoe per t of output)',
                'Energy intensity|Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Furnaces (kgoe per t of output)',
                'Energy intensity|Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Process cooling (kgoe per t of output)',
                'Energy intensity|Pharmaceutical products etc.|Chemicals: Generic electric process (kgoe per t of output)'
          ) %>%
            tidyr::extract('name', c('variable', 'unit'), '^(.*) \\((.*)\\)$')
        ) },
        'Ind_Summary' = { list(
          prefix = 'Industry Summary|',
          rows = tibble(
            name = {
                'Value added (M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added|Iron and steel (M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added|Non Ferrous Metals (M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added|Non Ferrous Metals|Alumina production (M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added|Non Ferrous Metals|Aluminium production (M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added|Non Ferrous Metals|Other non-ferrous metals (M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added|Chemicals Industry (M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added|Chemicals Industry|Basic chemicals (M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added|Chemicals Industry|Other chemicals (M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added|Chemicals Industry|Pharmaceutical products etc. (M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added|Non-metallic mineral products (M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added|Non-metallic mineral products|Cement (M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added|Non-metallic mineral products|Ceramics & other NMM (M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added|Non-metallic mineral products|Glass production (M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added|Pulp, paper and printing (M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added|Pulp, paper and printing|Pulp production (M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added|Pulp, paper and printing|Paper production (M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added|Pulp, paper and printing|Printing and media reproduction (M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added|Food, beverages and tobacco (M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added|Transport Equipment (M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added|Machinery Equipment (M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added|Textiles and leather (M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added|Wood and wood products (M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added|Other Industrial Sectors (M\u20ac2010)',

                'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA) (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Solids (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Solids|Hard coal and others (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Solids|Coke (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Liquids (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Liquids|Refinery gas (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Liquids|LPG (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Liquids|Diesel oil (without biofuels) (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Liquids|Residual fuel oil (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Liquids|Other liquids (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Gases (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Gases|Natural gas (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Gases|Derived gases (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|RES and wastes (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|RES and wastes|Biomass and wastes (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|RES and wastes|Biogas (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|RES and wastes|Liquid biofuels (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|RES and wastes|Solar (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|RES and wastes|Geothermal (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Steam distributed (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Electricity (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by sector (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by sector|Iron and steel (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by sector|Iron and steel|Integrated steelworks (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by sector|Iron and steel|Electric arc (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by sector|Non Ferrous Metals (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by sector|Non Ferrous Metals|Alumina production (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by sector|Non Ferrous Metals|Aluminium production (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by sector|Non Ferrous Metals|Aluminium production|Aluminium - primary production (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by sector|Non Ferrous Metals|Aluminium production|Aluminium - secondary production (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by sector|Non Ferrous Metals|Other non-ferrous metals (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by sector|Chemicals Industry (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by sector|Chemicals Industry|Basic chemicals (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by sector|Chemicals Industry|Other chemicals (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by sector|Chemicals Industry|Pharmaceutical products etc. (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by sector|Non-metallic mineral products (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by sector|Non-metallic mineral products|Cement (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by sector|Non-metallic mineral products|Ceramics & other NMM (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by sector|Non-metallic mineral products|Glass production (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by sector|Pulp, paper and printing (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by sector|Pulp, paper and printing|Pulp production (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by sector|Pulp, paper and printing|Paper production (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by sector|Pulp, paper and printing|Printing and media reproduction (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by sector|Food, beverages and tobacco (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by sector|Transport Equipment (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by sector|Machinery Equipment (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by sector|Textiles and leather (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by sector|Wood and wood products (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by sector|Other Industrial Sectors (ktoe)',

                'Non-energy use|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA) (ktoe)',
                'Non-energy use|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Solids (ktoe)',
                'Non-energy use|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Liquids (ktoe)',
                'Non-energy use|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Liquids|Refinery gas (ktoe)',
                'Non-energy use|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Liquids|LPG (ktoe)',
                'Non-energy use|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Liquids|Diesel oil (ktoe)',
                'Non-energy use|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Liquids|Residual fuel oil (ktoe)',
                'Non-energy use|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Liquids|Other liquids (ktoe)',
                'Non-energy use|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Liquids|Naphtha (ktoe)',
                'Non-energy use|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Gas (ktoe)',
                'Non-energy use|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Gas|Natural gas (ktoe)',
                'Non-energy use|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Gas|Derived gases (ktoe)',
                'Non-energy use|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|RES and wastes (ktoe)',
                'Non-energy use|by sector (ktoe)',
                'Non-energy use|by sector|Basic chemicals (ktoe)',
                'Non-energy use|by sector|Other industrial sectors (ktoe)',

                'CO2 emissions (kt of CO2)',
                'CO2 emissions|Iron and steel (kt of CO2)',
                'CO2 emissions|Iron and steel|Integrated steelworks (kt of CO2)',
                'CO2 emissions|Iron and steel|Electric arc (kt of CO2)',
                'CO2 emissions|Non Ferrous Metals (kt of CO2)',
                'CO2 emissions|Non Ferrous Metals|Alumina production (kt of CO2)',
                'CO2 emissions|Non Ferrous Metals|Aluminium production (kt of CO2)',
                'CO2 emissions|Non Ferrous Metals|Aluminium production|Aluminium - primary production (kt of CO2)',
                'CO2 emissions|Non Ferrous Metals|Aluminium production|Aluminium - secondary production (kt of CO2)',
                'CO2 emissions|Non Ferrous Metals|Other non-ferrous metals (kt of CO2)',
                'CO2 emissions|Chemicals Industry (kt of CO2)',
                'CO2 emissions|Chemicals Industry|Basic chemicals (kt of CO2)',
                'CO2 emissions|Chemicals Industry|Other chemicals (kt of CO2)',
                'CO2 emissions|Chemicals Industry|Pharmaceutical products etc. (kt of CO2)',
                'CO2 emissions|Non-metallic mineral products (kt of CO2)',
                'CO2 emissions|Non-metallic mineral products|Cement (kt of CO2)',
                'CO2 emissions|Non-metallic mineral products|Ceramics & other NMM (kt of CO2)',
                'CO2 emissions|Non-metallic mineral products|Glass production (kt of CO2)',
                'CO2 emissions|Pulp, paper and printing (kt of CO2)',
                'CO2 emissions|Pulp, paper and printing|Pulp production (kt of CO2)',
                'CO2 emissions|Pulp, paper and printing|Paper production (kt of CO2)',
                'CO2 emissions|Pulp, paper and printing|Printing and media reproduction (kt of CO2)',
                'CO2 emissions|Food, beverages and tobacco (kt of CO2)',
                'CO2 emissions|Transport Equipment (kt of CO2)',
                'CO2 emissions|Machinery Equipment (kt of CO2)',
                'CO2 emissions|Textiles and leather (kt of CO2)',
                'CO2 emissions|Wood and wood products (kt of CO2)',
                'CO2 emissions|Other Industrial Sectors (kt of CO2)',
                'CO2 emissions|Solvent use and other process emissions (kt of CO2)',

                'Value added intensity (toe / M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added intensity|Iron and steel(toe / M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added intensity|Non Ferrous Metals(toe / M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added intensity|Non Ferrous Metals|Alumina production(toe / M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added intensity|Non Ferrous Metals|Aluminium production(toe / M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added intensity|Non Ferrous Metals|Other non-ferrous metals(toe / M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added intensity|Chemicals Industry(toe / M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added intensity|Chemicals Industry|Basic chemicals (toe / M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added intensity|Chemicals Industry|Other chemicals(toe / M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added intensity|Chemicals Industry|Pharmaceutical products etc.(toe / M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added intensity|Non-metallic mineral products(toe / M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added intensity|Non-metallic mineral products|Cement(toe / M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added intensity|Non-metallic mineral products|Ceramics & other NMM(toe / M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added intensity|Non-metallic mineral products|Glass production(toe / M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added intensity|Pulp, paper and printing(toe / M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added intensity|Pulp, paper and printing|Pulp production(toe / M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added intensity|Pulp, paper and printing|Paper production(toe / M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added intensity|Pulp, paper and printing|Printing and media reproduction(toe / M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added intensity|Food, beverages and tobacco(toe / M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added intensity|Transport Equipment(toe / M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added intensity|Machinery Equipment(toe / M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added intensity|Textiles and leather(toe / M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added intensity|Wood and wood products(toe / M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added intensity|Other Industrial Sectors(toe / M\u20ac2010)',

                'Emission intensity (kt of CO2 / ktoe)',
                'Emission intensity|Iron and steel (kt of CO2 / ktoe)',
                'Emission intensity|Iron and steel|Integrated steelworks (kt of CO2 / ktoe)',
                'Emission intensity|Iron and steel|Electric arc (kt of CO2 / ktoe)',
                'Emission intensity|Non Ferrous Metals (kt of CO2 / ktoe)',
                'Emission intensity|Non Ferrous Metals|Alumina production (kt of CO2 / ktoe)',
                'Emission intensity|Non Ferrous Metals|Aluminium production (kt of CO2 / ktoe)',
                'Emission intensity|Non Ferrous Metals|Aluminium production|Aluminium - primary production (kt of CO2 / ktoe)',
                'Emission intensity|Non Ferrous Metals|Aluminium production|Aluminium - secondary production (kt of CO2 / ktoe)',
                'Emission intensity|Non Ferrous Metals|Other non-ferrous metals (kt of CO2 / ktoe)',
                'Emission intensity|Chemicals Industry (kt of CO2 / ktoe)',
                'Emission intensity|Chemicals Industry|Basic chemicals (kt of CO2 / ktoe energy)',
                'Emission intensity|Chemicals Industry|Other chemicals (kt of CO2 / ktoe)',
                'Emission intensity|Chemicals Industry|Pharmaceutical products etc. (kt of CO2 / ktoe)',
                'Emission intensity|Non-metallic mineral products (kt of CO2 / ktoe)',
                'Emission intensity|Non-metallic mineral products|Cement (kt of CO2 / ktoe)',
                'Emission intensity|Non-metallic mineral products|Ceramics & other NMM (kt of CO2 / ktoe)',
                'Emission intensity|Non-metallic mineral products|Glass production (kt of CO2 / ktoe)',
                'Emission intensity|Pulp, paper and printing (kt of CO2 / ktoe)',
                'Emission intensity|Pulp, paper and printing|Pulp production (kt of CO2 / ktoe)',
                'Emission intensity|Pulp, paper and printing|Paper production (kt of CO2 / ktoe)',
                'Emission intensity|Pulp, paper and printing|Printing and media reproduction (kt of CO2 / ktoe)',
                'Emission intensity|Food, beverages and tobacco (kt of CO2 / ktoe)',
                'Emission intensity|Transport Equipment (kt of CO2 / ktoe)',
                'Emission intensity|Machinery Equipment (kt of CO2 / ktoe)',
                'Emission intensity|Textiles and leather (kt of CO2 / ktoe)',
                'Emission intensity|Wood and wood products (kt of CO2 / ktoe)',
                'Emission intensity|Other Industrial Sectors (kt of CO2 / ktoe)'
          ) %>%
            tidyr::extract('name', c('variable', 'unit'), '^(.*) \\((.*)\\)$')
        ) },
        'Ind_Summary_emi' = { list(
          prefix = 'Industry Summary|CO2 Emissions|',
          rows = tibble(
            name = {

                'All Industrial Sectors (kt of CO2)',
                'All Industrial Sectors|Lighting (kt of CO2)',
                'All Industrial Sectors|Air compressors (kt of CO2)',
                'All Industrial Sectors|Motor drives (kt of CO2)',
                'All Industrial Sectors|Fans and pumps (kt of CO2)',
                'All Industrial Sectors|Low enthalpy heat (kt of CO2)',
                'All Industrial Sectors|Low enthalpy heat|Diesel oil (kt of CO2)',
                'All Industrial Sectors|Low enthalpy heat|Natural gas (kt of CO2)',
                'All Industrial Sectors|Low enthalpy heat|Solar (kt of CO2)',
                'All Industrial Sectors|Low enthalpy heat|Electricity (kt of CO2)',
                'All Industrial Sectors|Steam processes (kt of CO2)',
                'All Industrial Sectors|Steam processes|Solids (kt of CO2)',
                'All Industrial Sectors|Steam processes|Refinery gas (kt of CO2)',
                'All Industrial Sectors|Steam processes|LPG (kt of CO2)',
                'All Industrial Sectors|Steam processes|Diesel oil (kt of CO2)',
                'All Industrial Sectors|Steam processes|Residual fuel oil (kt of CO2)',
                'All Industrial Sectors|Steam processes|Other liquids (kt of CO2)',
                'All Industrial Sectors|Steam processes|Natural gas (kt of CO2)',
                'All Industrial Sectors|Steam processes|Derived gases (kt of CO2)',
                'All Industrial Sectors|Steam processes|Biomass (kt of CO2)',
                'All Industrial Sectors|Steam processes|Steam distributed (kt of CO2)',
                'All Industrial Sectors|Other energy use related (kt of CO2)',
                'All Industrial Sectors|Other energy use related|Solids (kt of CO2)',
                'All Industrial Sectors|Other energy use related|Coke (kt of CO2)',
                'All Industrial Sectors|Other energy use related|LPG (kt of CO2)',
                'All Industrial Sectors|Other energy use related|Diesel oil (kt of CO2)',
                'All Industrial Sectors|Other energy use related|Residual fuel oil (kt of CO2)',
                'All Industrial Sectors|Other energy use related|Other liquids (kt of CO2)',
                'All Industrial Sectors|Other energy use related|Natural gas (kt of CO2)',
                'All Industrial Sectors|Other energy use related|Derived gases (kt of CO2)',
                'All Industrial Sectors|Other energy use related|Biomass and wastes (kt of CO2)',
                'All Industrial Sectors|Other energy use related|Electricity (kt of CO2)',
                'All Industrial Sectors|Process emissions (kt of CO2)',
                'All Industrial Sectors|Process emissions|Iron and Steel (kt of CO2)',
                'All Industrial Sectors|Process emissions|Non-Ferrous Metals (kt of CO2)',
                'All Industrial Sectors|Process emissions|Chemical and Petrochemical (kt of CO2)',
                'All Industrial Sectors|Process emissions|Non-Metallic Minerals (kt of CO2)',
                'All Industrial Sectors|Process emissions|Solvent use and other process (kt of CO2)',


                'Market shares of CO2 emissions|All Industrial Sectors (%)',
                'Market shares of CO2 emissions|All Industrial Sectors|Lighting (%)',
                'Market shares of CO2 emissions|All Industrial Sectors|Air compressors (%)',
                'Market shares of CO2 emissions|All Industrial Sectors|Motor drives (%)',
                'Market shares of CO2 emissions|All Industrial Sectors|Fans and pumps (%)',
                'Market shares of CO2 emissions|All Industrial Sectors|Low enthalpy heat (%)',
                'Market shares of CO2 emissions|All Industrial Sectors|Steam processes (%)',
                'Market shares of CO2 emissions|All Industrial Sectors|Other energy use related (%)'
          ) %>%
            tidyr::extract('name', c('variable', 'unit'), '^(.*) \\((.*)\\)$')
        ) },
        'ISI' = { list(
          prefix = 'Iron and Steel|',
          rows = tibble(
            name = {
                'Value added (M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added|Integrated steelworks (M\u20ac2010)',
                'Value added|Electric arc (M\u20ac2010)',

                'Physical output (kt steel)',
                'Physical output|Integrated steelworks (kt steel)',
                'Physical output|Electric arc (kt steel)',

                'Installed capacity (kt steel production)',
                'Installed capacity|Integrated steelworks (kt steel production)',
                'Installed capacity|Electric arc (kt steel production)',
                'Installed capacity|Capacity investment (kt steel production)',
                'Installed capacity|Capacity investment|Integrated steelworks (kt steel production)',
                'Installed capacity|Capacity investment|Electric arc (kt steel production)',
                'Installed capacity|Decommissioned capacity (kt steel production)',
                'Installed capacity|Decommissioned capacity|Integrated steelworks (kt steel production)',
                'Installed capacity|Decommissioned capacity|Electric arc (kt steel production)',
                'Idle capacity (kt steel production)',
                'Idle capacity|Integrated steelworks (kt steel production)',
                'Idle capacity|Electric arc (kt steel production)',

                'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA) (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Solids (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Solids|Hard coal and others (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Solids|Coke (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Liquids (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Liquids|Refinery gas (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Liquids|LPG (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Liquids|Diesel oil (without biofuels) (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Liquids|Residual fuel oil (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Liquids|Other liquids (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Gas (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Gas|Natural gas (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Gas|Derived gases (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|RES and wastes (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|RES and wastes|Biomass and wastes (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|RES and wastes|Biogas (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|RES and wastes|Liquid biofuels (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|RES and wastes|Solar (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|RES and wastes|Geothermal (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Steam distributed (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Electricity (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by subsector (calibration output) (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by subsector (calibration output)|Integrated steelworks (ktoe)',
                'Energy consumption|by subsector (calibration output)|Electric arc (ktoe)',

                'CO2 emissions (kt of CO2)',
                'CO2 emissions|energy use related (kt of CO2) (kt of CO2)',
                'CO2 emissions|process emissions (kt of CO2)',
                'CO2 emissions|by subsector (calibration output) (kt of CO2)',
                'CO2 emissions|by subsector (calibration output)|Integrated steelworks (kt of CO2)',
                'CO2 emissions|by subsector (calibration output)|Electric arc (kt of CO2)',

                'Value added intensity (VA in \u20ac2010/t of output)',
                'Energy intensity (toe/t of output)',
                'Energy intensity|Integrated steelworks (toe/t of output)',
                'Energy intensity|Electric arc (toe/t of output)',
                'Useful energy demand intensity (toe useful/t of output)',
                'Useful energy demand intensity|Integrated steelworks (toe useful/t of output)',
                'Useful energy demand intensity|Electric arc (toe useful/t of output)',
                'Emission intensity (kt of CO2 / ktoe)',
                'Emission intensity|Integrated steelworks (including process emissions) (kt of CO2 / ktoe)',
                'Emission intensity|Electric arc (including process emissions) (kt of CO2 / ktoe)'
          ) %>%
            tidyr::extract('name', c('variable', 'unit'), '^(.*) \\((.*)\\)$')
        ) },
        'ISI_emi' = { list(
          prefix = 'Iron and Steel|CO2 Emissions|',
          rows = tibble(
            name = {

                'Integrated steelworks (kt of CO2)',
                'Integrated steelworks|Lighting (kt of CO2)',
                'Integrated steelworks|Air compressors (kt of CO2)',
                'Integrated steelworks|Motor drives (kt of CO2)',
                'Integrated steelworks|Fans and pumps (kt of CO2)',
                'Integrated steelworks|Low enthalpy heat (kt of CO2)',
                'Integrated steelworks|Low enthalpy heat|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
                'Integrated steelworks|Low enthalpy heat|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
                'Integrated steelworks|Low enthalpy heat|Solar and geothermal (kt of CO2)',
                'Integrated steelworks|Low enthalpy heat|Electricity (kt of CO2)',
                'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Sinter/Pellet making (kt of CO2)',
                'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Sinter/Pellet making|Solids (kt of CO2)',
                'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Sinter/Pellet making|Residual fuel oil (kt of CO2)',
                'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Sinter/Pellet making|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
                'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Sinter/Pellet making|Derived gases (kt of CO2)',
                'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Sinter/Pellet making|Electricity (kt of CO2)',
                'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Blast /Basic oxygen furnace (kt of CO2)',
                'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Blast /Basic oxygen furnace|Solids (kt of CO2)',
                'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Blast /Basic oxygen furnace|Coke (kt of CO2)',
                'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Blast /Basic oxygen furnace|Residual fuel oil (kt of CO2)',
                'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Blast /Basic oxygen furnace|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
                'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Blast /Basic oxygen furnace|Derived gases (kt of CO2)',
                'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling (kt of CO2)',
                'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling - Thermal (kt of CO2)',
                'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling - Thermal|LPG (kt of CO2)',
                'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling - Thermal|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
                'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling - Thermal|Residual fuel oil (kt of CO2)',
                'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling - Thermal|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
                'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling - Electric (kt of CO2)',
                'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Products finishing (kt of CO2)',
                'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Thermal (kt of CO2)',
                'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Thermal|LPG (kt of CO2)',
                'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Thermal|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
                'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Thermal|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
                'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam (kt of CO2)',
                'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam|Solids (kt of CO2)',
                'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam|Refinery gas (kt of CO2)',
                'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam|LPG (kt of CO2)',
                'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
                'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam|Residual fuel oil (kt of CO2)',
                'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam|Other liquids (kt of CO2)',
                'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
                'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam|Derived gases (kt of CO2)',
                'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam|Biomass (kt of CO2)',
                'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam|Steam distributed (kt of CO2)',
                'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Electric (kt of CO2)',
                'Integrated steelworks|Process emissions (kt of CO2)',

                'Electric arc (kt of CO2)',
                'Electric arc|Lighting (kt of CO2)',
                'Electric arc|Air compressors (kt of CO2)',
                'Electric arc|Motor drives (kt of CO2)',
                'Electric arc|Fans and pumps (kt of CO2)',
                'Electric arc|Low enthalpy heat (kt of CO2)',
                'Electric arc|Low enthalpy heat|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
                'Electric arc|Low enthalpy heat|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
                'Electric arc|Low enthalpy heat|Solar and geothermal (kt of CO2)',
                'Electric arc|Low enthalpy heat|Electricity (kt of CO2)',
                'Electric arc|Steel: Smelters (kt of CO2)',
                'Electric arc|Steel: Smelters|Solids (kt of CO2)',
                'Electric arc|Steel: Smelters|Residual fuel oil (kt of CO2)',
                'Electric arc|Steel: Smelters|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
                'Electric arc|Steel: Smelters|Derived gases (kt of CO2)',
                'Electric arc|Steel: Smelters|Electricity (kt of CO2)',
                'Electric arc|Steel: Electric arc (kt of CO2)',
                'Electric arc|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling (kt of CO2)',
                'Electric arc|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling - Thermal (kt of CO2)',
                'Electric arc|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling - Thermal|LPG (kt of CO2)',
                'Electric arc|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling - Thermal|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
                'Electric arc|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling - Thermal|Residual fuel oil (kt of CO2)',
                'Electric arc|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling - Thermal|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
                'Electric arc|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling - Electric (kt of CO2)',
                'Electric arc|Steel: Products finishing (kt of CO2)',
                'Electric arc|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Thermal (kt of CO2)',
                'Electric arc|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Thermal|LPG (kt of CO2)',
                'Electric arc|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Thermal|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
                'Electric arc|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Thermal|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
                'Electric arc|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam (kt of CO2)',
                'Electric arc|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam|Solids (kt of CO2)',
                'Electric arc|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam|Refinery gas (kt of CO2)',
                'Electric arc|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam|LPG (kt of CO2)',
                'Electric arc|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
                'Electric arc|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam|Residual fuel oil (kt of CO2)',
                'Electric arc|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam|Other liquids (kt of CO2)',
                'Electric arc|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
                'Electric arc|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam|Derived gases (kt of CO2)',
                'Electric arc|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam|Biomass (kt of CO2)',
                'Electric arc|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam|Steam distributed (kt of CO2)',
                'Electric arc|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Electric (kt of CO2)',
                'Electric arc|Process emissions (kt of CO2)',


                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Integrated steelworks (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Integrated steelworks|Lighting (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Integrated steelworks|Air compressors (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Integrated steelworks|Motor drives (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Integrated steelworks|Fans and pumps (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Integrated steelworks|Low enthalpy heat (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Integrated steelworks|Steel: Sinter/Pellet making (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Integrated steelworks|Steel: Blast /Basic oxygen furnace (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Integrated steelworks|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Integrated steelworks|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling - Thermal (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Integrated steelworks|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling - Electric (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Integrated steelworks|Steel: Products finishing (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Integrated steelworks|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Thermal (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Integrated steelworks|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Integrated steelworks|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Electric (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Integrated steelworks|Process emissions (%)',

                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Electric arc (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Electric arc|Lighting (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Electric arc|Air compressors (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Electric arc|Motor drives (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Electric arc|Fans and pumps (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Electric arc|Low enthalpy heat (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Electric arc|Steel: Smelters (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Electric arc|Steel: Electric arc (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Electric arc|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Electric arc|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling - Thermal (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Electric arc|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling - Electric (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Electric arc|Steel: Products finishing (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Electric arc|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Thermal (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Electric arc|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Electric arc|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Electric (%)',
                'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Electric arc|Process emissions (%)',


                'Emission intensity|Integrated steelworks (without process emissions)(kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
                'Emission intensity|Integrated steelworks (without process emissions)|Lighting (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
                'Emission intensity|Integrated steelworks (without process emissions)|Air compressors (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
                'Emission intensity|Integrated steelworks (without process emissions)|Motor drives (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
                'Emission intensity|Integrated steelworks (without process emissions)|Fans and pumps (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
                'Emission intensity|Integrated steelworks (without process emissions)|Low enthalpy heat (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
                'Emission intensity|Integrated steelworks (without process emissions)|Steel: Sinter/Pellet making (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
                'Emission intensity|Integrated steelworks (without process emissions)|Steel: Blast /Basic oxygen furnace (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
                'Emission intensity|Integrated steelworks (without process emissions)|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
                'Emission intensity|Integrated steelworks (without process emissions)|Steel: Products finishing (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',

                'Emission intensity|Electric arc (without process emissions) (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
                'Emission intensity|Electric arc (without process emissions)|Lighting (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
                'Emission intensity|Electric arc (without process emissions)|Air compressors (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
                'Emission intensity|Electric arc (without process emissions)|Motor drives (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
                'Emission intensity|Electric arc (without process emissions)|Fans and pumps (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
                'Emission intensity|Electric arc (without process emissions)|Low enthalpy heat (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
                'Emission intensity|Electric arc (without process emissions)|Steel: Smelters (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
                'Emission intensity|Electric arc (without process emissions)|Steel: Electric arc (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
                'Emission intensity|Electric arc (without process emissions)|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
                'Emission intensity|Electric arc (without process emissions)|Steel: Products finishing (kt of CO2 per ktoe)'
          ) %>%
            tidyr::extract('name', c('variable', 'unit'), '^(.*) \\((.*)\\)$')
        ) },
        'ISI_fec' = { list(
          prefix = 'Iron and Steel|Final Energy Consumption|',
          rows = tibble(
            name = { c(

              'Integrated steelworks (ktoe)',
              'Integrated steelworks|Lighting (ktoe)',
              'Integrated steelworks|Air compressors (ktoe)',
              'Integrated steelworks|Motor drives (ktoe)',
              'Integrated steelworks|Fans and pumps (ktoe)',
              'Integrated steelworks|Low enthalpy heat (ktoe)',
              'Integrated steelworks|Low enthalpy heat|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (ktoe)',
              'Integrated steelworks|Low enthalpy heat|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (ktoe)',
              'Integrated steelworks|Low enthalpy heat|Solar and geothermal (ktoe)',
              'Integrated steelworks|Low enthalpy heat|Electricity (ktoe)',
              'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Sinter/Pellet making (ktoe)',
              'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Sinter/Pellet making|Solids (ktoe)',
              'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Sinter/Pellet making|Residual fuel oil (ktoe)',
              'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Sinter/Pellet making|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (ktoe)',
              'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Sinter/Pellet making|Derived gases (ktoe)',
              'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Sinter/Pellet making|Electricity (ktoe)',
              'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Blast /Basic oxygen furnace (ktoe)',
              'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Blast /Basic oxygen furnace|Solids (ktoe)',
              'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Blast /Basic oxygen furnace|Coke (ktoe)',
              'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Blast /Basic oxygen furnace|Residual fuel oil (ktoe)',
              'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Blast /Basic oxygen furnace|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (ktoe)',
              'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Blast /Basic oxygen furnace|Derived gases (ktoe)',
              'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling (ktoe)',
              'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling - Thermal (ktoe)',
              'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling - Thermal|LPG (ktoe)',
              'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling - Thermal|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (ktoe)',
              'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling - Thermal|Residual fuel oil (ktoe)',
              'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling - Thermal|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (ktoe)',
              'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling - Electric (ktoe)',
              'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Products finishing (ktoe)',
              'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Thermal (ktoe)',
              'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Thermal|LPG (ktoe)',
              'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Thermal|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (ktoe)',
              'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Thermal|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (ktoe)',
              'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam (ktoe)',
              'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam|Solids (ktoe)',
              'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam|Refinery gas (ktoe)',
              'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam|LPG (ktoe)',
              'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (ktoe)',
              'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam|Residual fuel oil (ktoe)',
              'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam|Other liquids (ktoe)',
              'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (ktoe)',
              'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam|Derived gases (ktoe)',
              'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam|Biomass (ktoe)',
              'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam|Steam distributed (ktoe)',
              'Integrated steelworks|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Electric (ktoe)',

              'Electric arc (ktoe)',
              'Electric arc|Lighting (ktoe)',
              'Electric arc|Air compressors (ktoe)',
              'Electric arc|Motor drives (ktoe)',
              'Electric arc|Fans and pumps (ktoe)',
              'Electric arc|Low enthalpy heat (ktoe)',
              'Electric arc|Low enthalpy heat|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (ktoe)',
              'Electric arc|Low enthalpy heat|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (ktoe)',
              'Electric arc|Low enthalpy heat|Solar and geothermal (ktoe)',
              'Electric arc|Low enthalpy heat|Electricity (ktoe)',
              'Electric arc|Steel: Smelters (ktoe)',
              'Electric arc|Steel: Smelters|Solids (ktoe)',
              'Electric arc|Steel: Smelters|Residual fuel oil (ktoe)',
              'Electric arc|Steel: Smelters|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (ktoe)',
              'Electric arc|Steel: Smelters|Derived gases (ktoe)',
              'Electric arc|Steel: Smelters|Electricity (ktoe)',
              'Electric arc|Steel: Electric arc (ktoe)',
              'Electric arc|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling (ktoe)',
              'Electric arc|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling - Thermal (ktoe)',
              'Electric arc|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling - Thermal|LPG (ktoe)',
              'Electric arc|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling - Thermal|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (ktoe)',
              'Electric arc|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling - Thermal|Residual fuel oil (ktoe)',
              'Electric arc|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling - Thermal|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (ktoe)',
              'Electric arc|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling - Electric (ktoe)',
              'Electric arc|Steel: Products finishing (ktoe)',
              'Electric arc|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Thermal (ktoe)',
              'Electric arc|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Thermal|LPG (ktoe)',
              'Electric arc|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Thermal|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (ktoe)',
              'Electric arc|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Thermal|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (ktoe)',
              'Electric arc|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam (ktoe)',
              'Electric arc|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam|Solids (ktoe)',
              'Electric arc|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam|Refinery gas (ktoe)',
              'Electric arc|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam|LPG (ktoe)',
              'Electric arc|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (ktoe)',
              'Electric arc|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam|Residual fuel oil (ktoe)',
              'Electric arc|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam|Other liquids (ktoe)',
              'Electric arc|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (ktoe)',
              'Electric arc|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam|Derived gases (ktoe)',
              'Electric arc|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam|Biomass (ktoe)',
              'Electric arc|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam|Steam distributed (ktoe)',
              'Electric arc|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Electric (ktoe)',


              'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Integrated steelworks (%)',
              'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Integrated steelworks|Lighting (%)',
              'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Integrated steelworks|Air compressors (%)',
              'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Integrated steelworks|Motor drives (%)',
              'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Integrated steelworks|Fans and pumps (%)',
              'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Integrated steelworks|Low enthalpy heat (%)',
              'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Integrated steelworks|Steel: Sinter/Pellet making (%)',
              'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Integrated steelworks|Steel: Blast /Basic oxygen furnace (%)',
              'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Integrated steelworks|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling (%)',
              'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Integrated steelworks|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling - Thermal (%)',
              'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Integrated steelworks|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling - Electric (%)',
              'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Integrated steelworks|Steel: Products finishing (%)',
              'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Integrated steelworks|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Thermal (%)',
              'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Integrated steelworks|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam (%)',
              'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Integrated steelworks|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Electric (%)',

              'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Electric arc (%)',
              'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Electric arc|Lighting (%)',
              'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Electric arc|Air compressors (%)',
              'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Electric arc|Motor drives (%)',
              'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Electric arc|Fans and pumps (%)',
              'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Electric arc|Low enthalpy heat (%)',
              'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Electric arc|Steel: Smelters (%)',
              'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Electric arc|Steel: Electric arc (%)',
              'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Electric arc|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling (%)',
              'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Electric arc|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling - Thermal (%)',
              'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Electric arc|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling - Electric (%)',
              'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Electric arc|Steel: Products finishing (%)',
              'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Electric arc|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Thermal (%)',
              'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Electric arc|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Steam (%)',
              'Market shares of energy uses by subsector|Electric arc|Steel: Products finishing|Steel: Products finishing - Electric (%)',


              'Energy intensity|Integrated steelworks (kgoe per t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Integrated steelworks|Lighting (kgoe per t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Integrated steelworks|Air compressors (kgoe per t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Integrated steelworks|Motor drives (kgoe per t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Integrated steelworks|Fans and pumps (kgoe per t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Integrated steelworks|Low enthalpy heat (kgoe per t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Integrated steelworks|Steel: Sinter/Pellet making (kgoe per t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Integrated steelworks|Steel: Blast /Basic oxygen furnace (kgoe per t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Integrated steelworks|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling (kgoe per t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Integrated steelworks|Steel: Products finishing (kgoe per t of output)',

              'Energy intensity|Electric arc (kgoe per t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Electric arc|Lighting (kgoe per t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Electric arc|Air compressors (kgoe per t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Electric arc|Motor drives (kgoe per t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Electric arc|Fans and pumps (kgoe per t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Electric arc|Low enthalpy heat (kgoe per t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Electric arc|Steel: Smelters (kgoe per t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Electric arc|Steel: Electric arc (kgoe per t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Electric arc|Steel: Furnaces, Refining and Rolling (kgoe per t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Electric arc|Steel: Products finishing (kgoe per t of output)'
          ) %>%
            tidyr::extract('name', c('variable', 'unit'), '^(.*) \\((.*)\\)$')
        ) },
        'NFM_emi' = { list(
          prefix = 'Non Ferrous Metals|CO2 Emissions|',
          rows = tibble(
            name = { c(

              'Alumina production (kt of CO2)',
              'Alumina production|Lighting (kt of CO2)',
              'Alumina production|Air compressors (kt of CO2)',
              'Alumina production|Motor drives (kt of CO2)',
              'Alumina production|Fans and pumps (kt of CO2)',
              'Alumina production|Low enthalpy heat (kt of CO2)',
              'Alumina production|Low enthalpy heat|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
              'Alumina production|Low enthalpy heat|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
              'Alumina production|Low enthalpy heat|Solar and geothermal (kt of CO2)',
              'Alumina production|Low enthalpy heat|Electricity (kt of CO2)',
              'Alumina production|Alumina production: High enthalpy heat (kt of CO2)',
              'Alumina production|Alumina production: High enthalpy heat|Solids (kt of CO2)',
              'Alumina production|Alumina production: High enthalpy heat|Refinery gas (kt of CO2)',
              'Alumina production|Alumina production: High enthalpy heat|LPG (kt of CO2)',
              'Alumina production|Alumina production: High enthalpy heat|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
              'Alumina production|Alumina production: High enthalpy heat|Residual fuel oil (kt of CO2)',
              'Alumina production|Alumina production: High enthalpy heat|Other liquids (kt of CO2)',
              'Alumina production|Alumina production: High enthalpy heat|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
              'Alumina production|Alumina production: High enthalpy heat|Derived gases (kt of CO2)',
              'Alumina production|Alumina production: High enthalpy heat|Biomass (kt of CO2)',
              'Alumina production|Alumina production: High enthalpy heat|Steam distributed (kt of CO2)',
              'Alumina production|Alumina production: Refining (kt of CO2)',
              'Alumina production|Alumina production: Refining|LPG (kt of CO2)',
              'Alumina production|Alumina production: Refining|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
              'Alumina production|Alumina production: Refining|Residual fuel oil (kt of CO2)',
              'Alumina production|Alumina production: Refining|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
              'Alumina production|Alumina production: Refining|Electricity (kt of CO2)',

              'Aluminium - primary production (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - primary production|Lighting (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - primary production|Air compressors (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - primary production|Motor drives (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - primary production|Fans and pumps (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - primary production|Low enthalpy heat (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - primary production|Low enthalpy heat|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - primary production|Low enthalpy heat|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - primary production|Low enthalpy heat|Solar and geothermal (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - primary production|Low enthalpy heat|Electricity (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - primary production|Aluminium electrolysis (smelting) (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - primary production|Aluminium processing (metallurgy e.g. cast house, reheating) (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - primary production|Aluminium processing (metallurgy e.g. cast house, reheating)|Aluminium processing - Thermal (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - primary production|Aluminium processing (metallurgy e.g. cast house, reheating)|Aluminium processing - Thermal|LPG (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - primary production|Aluminium processing (metallurgy e.g. cast house, reheating)|Aluminium processing - Thermal|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - primary production|Aluminium processing (metallurgy e.g. cast house, reheating)|Aluminium processing - Thermal|Residual fuel oil (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - primary production|Aluminium processing (metallurgy e.g. cast house, reheating)|Aluminium processing - Thermal|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - primary production|Aluminium processing (metallurgy e.g. cast house, reheating)|Aluminium processing - Electric (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - primary production|Aluminium finishing (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - primary production|Aluminium finishing|Aluminium finishing - Thermal (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - primary production|Aluminium finishing|Aluminium finishing - Thermal|LPG (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - primary production|Aluminium finishing|Aluminium finishing - Thermal|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - primary production|Aluminium finishing|Aluminium finishing - Thermal|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - primary production|Aluminium finishing|Aluminium finishing - Steam (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - primary production|Aluminium finishing|Aluminium finishing - Steam|Solids (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - primary production|Aluminium finishing|Aluminium finishing - Steam|Refinery gas (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - primary production|Aluminium finishing|Aluminium finishing - Steam|LPG (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - primary production|Aluminium finishing|Aluminium finishing - Steam|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - primary production|Aluminium finishing|Aluminium finishing - Steam|Residual fuel oil (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - primary production|Aluminium finishing|Aluminium finishing - Steam|Other liquids (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - primary production|Aluminium finishing|Aluminium finishing - Steam|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - primary production|Aluminium finishing|Aluminium finishing - Steam|Derived gases (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - primary production|Aluminium finishing|Aluminium finishing - Steam|Biomass (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - primary production|Aluminium finishing|Aluminium finishing - Steam|Steam distributed (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - primary production|Aluminium finishing|Aluminium finishing - Electric (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - primary production|Process emissions (kt of CO2)',

              'Aluminium - secondary production (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - secondary production|Lighting (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - secondary production|Air compressors (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - secondary production|Motor drives (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - secondary production|Fans and pumps (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - secondary production|Low enthalpy heat (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - secondary production|Low enthalpy heat|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - secondary production|Low enthalpy heat|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - secondary production|Low enthalpy heat|Solar and geothermal (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - secondary production|Low enthalpy heat|Electricity (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - secondary production|Secondary aluminium (incl. pre-treatment, remelting) (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - secondary production|Secondary aluminium (incl. pre-treatment, remelting)|Secondary aluminium - Thermal (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - secondary production|Secondary aluminium (incl. pre-treatment, remelting)|Secondary aluminium - Thermal|LPG (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - secondary production|Secondary aluminium (incl. pre-treatment, remelting)|Secondary aluminium - Thermal|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - secondary production|Secondary aluminium (incl. pre-treatment, remelting)|Secondary aluminium - Thermal|Residual fuel oil (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - secondary production|Secondary aluminium (incl. pre-treatment, remelting)|Secondary aluminium - Thermal|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - secondary production|Secondary aluminium (incl. pre-treatment, remelting)|Secondary aluminium - Electric (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - secondary production|Aluminium processing (metallurgy e.g. cast house, reheating) (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - secondary production|Aluminium processing (metallurgy e.g. cast house, reheating)|Aluminium processing - Thermal (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - secondary production|Aluminium processing (metallurgy e.g. cast house, reheating)|Aluminium processing - Thermal|LPG (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - secondary production|Aluminium processing (metallurgy e.g. cast house, reheating)|Aluminium processing - Thermal|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - secondary production|Aluminium processing (metallurgy e.g. cast house, reheating)|Aluminium processing - Thermal|Residual fuel oil (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - secondary production|Aluminium processing (metallurgy e.g. cast house, reheating)|Aluminium processing - Thermal|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - secondary production|Aluminium processing (metallurgy e.g. cast house, reheating)|Aluminium processing - Electric (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - secondary production|Aluminium finishing (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - secondary production|Aluminium finishing|Aluminium finishing - Thermal (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - secondary production|Aluminium finishing|Aluminium finishing - Thermal|LPG (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - secondary production|Aluminium finishing|Aluminium finishing - Thermal|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - secondary production|Aluminium finishing|Aluminium finishing - Thermal|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - secondary production|Aluminium finishing|Aluminium finishing - Steam (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - secondary production|Aluminium finishing|Aluminium finishing - Steam|Solids (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - secondary production|Aluminium finishing|Aluminium finishing - Steam|Refinery gas (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - secondary production|Aluminium finishing|Aluminium finishing - Steam|LPG (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - secondary production|Aluminium finishing|Aluminium finishing - Steam|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - secondary production|Aluminium finishing|Aluminium finishing - Steam|Residual fuel oil (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - secondary production|Aluminium finishing|Aluminium finishing - Steam|Other liquids (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - secondary production|Aluminium finishing|Aluminium finishing - Steam|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - secondary production|Aluminium finishing|Aluminium finishing - Steam|Derived gases (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - secondary production|Aluminium finishing|Aluminium finishing - Steam|Biomass (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - secondary production|Aluminium finishing|Aluminium finishing - Steam|Steam distributed (kt of CO2)',
              'Aluminium - secondary production|Aluminium finishing|Aluminium finishing - Electric (kt of CO2)',

              'Other non-ferrous metals (kt of CO2)',
              'Other non-ferrous metals|Lighting (kt of CO2)',
              'Other non-ferrous metals|Air compressors (kt of CO2)',
              'Other non-ferrous metals|Motor drives (kt of CO2)',
              'Other non-ferrous metals|Fans and pumps (kt of CO2)',
              'Other non-ferrous metals|Low enthalpy heat (kt of CO2)',
              'Other non-ferrous metals|Low enthalpy heat|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
              'Other non-ferrous metals|Low enthalpy heat|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
              'Other non-ferrous metals|Low enthalpy heat|Solar and geothermal (kt of CO2)',
              'Other non-ferrous metals|Low enthalpy heat|Electricity (kt of CO2)',
              'Other non-ferrous metals|Other Metals: production (kt of CO2)',
              'Other non-ferrous metals|Other Metals: production|Metal production - Thermal (kt of CO2)',
              'Other non-ferrous metals|Other Metals: production|Metal production - Thermal|Solids (kt of CO2)',
              'Other non-ferrous metals|Other Metals: production|Metal production - Thermal|LPG (kt of CO2)',
              'Other non-ferrous metals|Other Metals: production|Metal production - Thermal|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
              'Other non-ferrous metals|Other Metals: production|Metal production - Thermal|Residual fuel oil (kt of CO2)',
              'Other non-ferrous metals|Other Metals: production|Metal production - Thermal|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
              'Other non-ferrous metals|Other Metals: production|Metal production - Electric (kt of CO2)',
              'Other non-ferrous metals|Metal processing (metallurgy e.g. cast house, reheating) (kt of CO2)',
              'Other non-ferrous metals|Metal processing (metallurgy e.g. cast house, reheating)|Metal processing - Thermal (kt of CO2)',
              'Other non-ferrous metals|Metal processing (metallurgy e.g. cast house, reheating)|Metal processing - Thermal|LPG (kt of CO2)',
              'Other non-ferrous metals|Metal processing (metallurgy e.g. cast house, reheating)|Metal processing - Thermal|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
              'Other non-ferrous metals|Metal processing (metallurgy e.g. cast house, reheating)|Metal processing - Thermal|Residual fuel oil (kt of CO2)',
              'Other non-ferrous metals|Metal processing (metallurgy e.g. cast house, reheating)|Metal processing - Thermal|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
              'Other non-ferrous metals|Metal processing (metallurgy e.g. cast house, reheating)|Metal processing - Electric (kt of CO2)',
              'Other non-ferrous metals|Metal finishing (kt of CO2)',
              'Other non-ferrous metals|Metal finishing|Metal finishing - Thermal (kt of CO2)',
              'Other non-ferrous metals|Metal finishing|Metal finishing - Thermal|LPG (kt of CO2)',
              'Other non-ferrous metals|Metal finishing|Metal finishing - Thermal|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
              'Other non-ferrous metals|Metal finishing|Metal finishing - Thermal|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
              'Other non-ferrous metals|Metal finishing|Metal finishing - Steam (kt of CO2)',
              'Other non-ferrous metals|Metal finishing|Metal finishing - Steam|Solids (kt of CO2)',
              'Other non-ferrous metals|Metal finishing|Metal finishing - Steam|Refinery gas (kt of CO2)',
              'Other non-ferrous metals|Metal finishing|Metal finishing - Steam|LPG (kt of CO2)',
              'Other non-ferrous metals|Metal finishing|Metal finishing - Steam|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
              'Other non-ferrous metals|Metal finishing|Metal finishing - Steam|Residual fuel oil (kt of CO2)',
              'Other non-ferrous metals|Metal finishing|Metal finishing - Steam|Other liquids (kt of CO2)',
              'Other non-ferrous metals|Metal finishing|Metal finishing - Steam|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
              'Other non-ferrous metals|Metal finishing|Metal finishing - Steam|Derived gases (kt of CO2)',
              'Other non-ferrous metals|Metal finishing|Metal finishing - Steam|Biomass (kt of CO2)',
              'Other non-ferrous metals|Metal finishing|Metal finishing - Steam|Steam distributed (kt of CO2)',
              'Other non-ferrous metals|Metal finishing|Metal finishing - Electric (kt of CO2)',
              'Other non-ferrous metals|Process emissions (kt of CO2)',


              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Alumina production (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Alumina production|Lighting (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Alumina production|Air compressors (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Alumina production|Motor drives (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Alumina production|Fans and pumps (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Alumina production|Low enthalpy heat (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Alumina production|Alumina production: High enthalpy heat (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Alumina production|Alumina production: Refining (%)',

              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Aluminium - primary production (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Aluminium - primary production|Lighting (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Aluminium - primary production|Air compressors (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Aluminium - primary production|Motor drives (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Aluminium - primary production|Fans and pumps (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Aluminium - primary production|Low enthalpy heat (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Aluminium - primary production|Aluminium electrolysis (smelting) (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Aluminium - primary production|Aluminium processing (metallurgy e.g. cast house, reheating) (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Aluminium - primary production|Aluminium processing (metallurgy e.g. cast house, reheating)|Aluminium processing - Thermal (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Aluminium - primary production|Aluminium processing (metallurgy e.g. cast house, reheating)|Aluminium processing - Electric (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Aluminium - primary production|Aluminium finishing (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Aluminium - primary production|Aluminium finishing|Aluminium finishing - Thermal (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Aluminium - primary production|Aluminium finishing|Aluminium finishing - Steam (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Aluminium - primary production|Aluminium finishing|Aluminium finishing - Electric (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Aluminium - primary production|Process emissions (%)',

              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Aluminium - secondary production (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Aluminium - secondary production|Lighting (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Aluminium - secondary production|Air compressors (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Aluminium - secondary production|Motor drives (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Aluminium - secondary production|Fans and pumps (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Aluminium - secondary production|Low enthalpy heat (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Aluminium - secondary production|Secondary aluminium (incl. pre-treatment, remelting) (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Aluminium - secondary production|Secondary aluminium (incl. pre-treatment, remelting)|Secondary aluminium - Thermal (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Aluminium - secondary production|Secondary aluminium (incl. pre-treatment, remelting)|Secondary aluminium - Electric (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Aluminium - secondary production|Aluminium processing (metallurgy e.g. cast house, reheating) (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Aluminium - secondary production|Aluminium processing (metallurgy e.g. cast house, reheating)|Aluminium processing - Thermal (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Aluminium - secondary production|Aluminium processing (metallurgy e.g. cast house, reheating)|Aluminium processing - Electric (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Aluminium - secondary production|Aluminium finishing (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Aluminium - secondary production|Aluminium finishing|Aluminium finishing - Thermal (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Aluminium - secondary production|Aluminium finishing|Aluminium finishing - Steam (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Aluminium - secondary production|Aluminium finishing|Aluminium finishing - Electric (%)',

              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Other non-ferrous metals (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Other non-ferrous metals|Lighting (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Other non-ferrous metals|Air compressors (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Other non-ferrous metals|Motor drives (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Other non-ferrous metals|Fans and pumps (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Other non-ferrous metals|Low enthalpy heat (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Other non-ferrous metals|Other Metals: production (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Other non-ferrous metals|Other Metals: production|Metal production - Thermal (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Other non-ferrous metals|Other Metals: production|Metal production - Electric (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Other non-ferrous metals|Metal processing (metallurgy e.g. cast house, reheating) (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Other non-ferrous metals|Metal processing (metallurgy e.g. cast house, reheating)|Metal processing - Thermal (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Other non-ferrous metals|Metal processing (metallurgy e.g. cast house, reheating)|Metal processing - Electric (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Other non-ferrous metals|Metal finishing (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Other non-ferrous metals|Metal finishing|Metal finishing - Thermal (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Other non-ferrous metals|Metal finishing|Metal finishing - Steam (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Other non-ferrous metals|Metal finishing|Metal finishing - Electric (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Other non-ferrous metals|Process emissions (%)',


              'Emission intensity|Alumina production (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Alumina production|Lighting (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Alumina production|Air compressors (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Alumina production|Motor drives (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Alumina production|Fans and pumps (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Alumina production|Low enthalpy heat (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Alumina production|Alumina production: High enthalpy heat (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Alumina production|Alumina production: Refining (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',

              'Emission intensity|Aluminium - primary production (without process emissions) (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Aluminium - primary production (without process emissions)|Lighting (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Aluminium - primary production (without process emissions)|Air compressors (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Aluminium - primary production (without process emissions)|Motor drives (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Aluminium - primary production (without process emissions)|Fans and pumps (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Aluminium - primary production (without process emissions)|Low enthalpy heat (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Aluminium - primary production (without process emissions)|Aluminium electrolysis (smelting) (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Aluminium - primary production (without process emissions)|Aluminium processing (metallurgy e.g. cast house, reheating) (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Aluminium - primary production (without process emissions)|Aluminium finishing (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',

              'Emission intensity|Aluminium - secondary production (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Aluminium - secondary production|Lighting (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Aluminium - secondary production|Air compressors (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Aluminium - secondary production|Motor drives (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Aluminium - secondary production|Fans and pumps (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Aluminium - secondary production|Low enthalpy heat (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Aluminium - secondary production|Secondary aluminium (incl. pre-treatment, remelting) (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Aluminium - secondary production|Aluminium processing (metallurgy e.g. cast house, reheating) (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Aluminium - secondary production|Aluminium finishing (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',

              'Emission intensity|Other non-ferrous metals (without process emissions) (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Other non-ferrous metals (without process emissions)|Lighting (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Other non-ferrous metals (without process emissions)|Air compressors (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Other non-ferrous metals (without process emissions)|Motor drives (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Other non-ferrous metals (without process emissions)|Fans and pumps (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Other non-ferrous metals (without process emissions)|Low enthalpy heat (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Other non-ferrous metals (without process emissions)|Other Metals: production (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Other non-ferrous metals (without process emissions)|Metal processing (metallurgy e.g. cast house, reheating) (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Other non-ferrous metals (without process emissions)|Metal finishing (kt of CO2 per ktoe)'
          ) %>%
            tidyr::extract('name', c('variable', 'unit'), '^(.*) \\((.*)\\)$')
        ) },
        'NMM' = { list(
          prefix = 'Non-metallic mineral products|',
          rows = tibble(
            name = { c(
              'Value added (M\u20ac2010)',
              'Value added|Cement (M\u20ac2010)',
              'Value added|Ceramics & other NMM (M\u20ac2010)',
              'Value added|Glass production (M\u20ac2010)',

              'Physical output|Cement (kt)',
              'Physical output|Ceramics & other NMM (kt bricks eq.)',
              'Physical output|Glass production (kt)',

              'Installed capacity|Cement (kt)',
              'Installed capacity|Ceramics & other NMM (kt bricks eq.)',
              'Installed capacity|Glass production (kt)',
              'Installed capacity|Capacity investment|Cement (kt)',
              'Installed capacity|Capacity investment|Ceramics & other NMM (kt bricks eq.)',
              'Installed capacity|Capacity investment|Glass production (kt)',
              'Installed capacity|Decommissioned capacity|Cement (kt)',
              'Installed capacity|Decommissioned capacity|Ceramics & other NMM (kt bricks eq.)',
              'Installed capacity|Decommissioned capacity|Glass production (kt)',
              'Idle capacity|Cement (kt)',
              'Idle capacity|Ceramics & other NMM (kt bricks eq.)',
              'Idle capacity|Glass production (kt)',

              'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA) (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Solids (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Liquids (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Liquids|Refinery gas (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Liquids|LPG (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Liquids|Diesel oil (without biofuels) (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Liquids|Residual fuel oil (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Liquids|Other liquids (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Gas (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Gas|Natural gas (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Gas|Derived gases (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|RES and wastes (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|RES and waste|Biomass and wastes (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|RES and waste|Biogas (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|RES and waste|Liquid biofuels (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|RES and waste|Solar (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|RES and waste|Geothermal (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Steam distributed (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Electricity (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|by subsector (calibration output) (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|by subsector (calibration output)|Cement (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|by subsector (calibration output)|Ceramics & other NMM (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|by subsector (calibration output)|Glass production (ktoe)',

              'CO2 emissions (kt of CO2)',
              'CO2 emissions|energy use related (kt of CO2)',
              'CO2 emissions|process emissions (kt of CO2)',
              'CO2 emissions|by subsector (calibration output) (kt of CO2)',
              'CO2 emissions|by subsector|Cement (kt of CO2)',
              'CO2 emissions|by subsector|Ceramics & other NMM (kt of CO2)',
              'CO2 emissions|by subsector|Glass production (kt of CO2)',

              'Value added intensity|Cement (VA in \u20ac2010/t of output)',
              'Value added intensity|Ceramics & other NMM (VA in \u20ac2010/t of output)',
              'Value added intensity|Glass production (VA in \u20ac2010/t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Cement (toe/t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Ceramics & other NMM (toe/t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Glass production (toe/t of output)',
              'Useful energy demand intensity|Cement (toe useful/t of output)',
              'Useful energy demand intensity|Ceramics & other NMM (toe useful/t of output)',
              'Useful energy demand intensity|Glass production (toe useful/t of output)',
              'Emission intensity (kt of CO2 / ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Cement (including process emissions) (kt of CO2 / ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Ceramics & other NMM (including process emissions) (kt of CO2 / ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Glass production (including process emissions) (kt of CO2 / ktoe)'
          ) %>%
            tidyr::extract('name', c('variable', 'unit'), '^(.*) \\((.*)\\)$')
        ) },
        'NMM_emi' = {list(
          prefix = 'Non-metallic mineral products|CO2 Emissions|',
          rows = tibble(
            name = { c(

              'Cement (kt of CO2)',
              'Cement|Lighting (kt of CO2)',
              'Cement|Air compressors (kt of CO2)',
              'Cement|Motor drives (kt of CO2)',
              'Cement|Fans and pumps (kt of CO2)',
              'Cement|Low enthalpy heat (kt of CO2)',
              'Cement|Low enthalpy heat|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
              'Cement|Low enthalpy heat|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
              'Cement|Low enthalpy heat|Solar and geothermal (kt of CO2)',
              'Cement|Low enthalpy heat|Electricity (kt of CO2)',
              'Cement|Cement: Grinding, milling of raw material (kt of CO2)',
              'Cement|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination (kt of CO2)',
              'Cement|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination|Cement: pre-processing - Fuel use (kt of CO2)',
              'Cement|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination|Cement: pre-processing - Fuel use|Solids (kt of CO2)',
              'Cement|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination|Cement: pre-processing - Fuel use|LPG (kt of CO2)',
              'Cement|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination|Cement: pre-processing - Fuel use|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
              'Cement|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination|Cement: pre-processing - Fuel use|Residual fuel oil (kt of CO2)',
              'Cement|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination|Cement: pre-processing - Fuel use|Other liquids (kt of CO2)',
              'Cement|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination|Cement: pre-processing - Fuel use|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
              'Cement|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination|Cement: pre-processing - Fuel use|Biomass (kt of CO2)',
              'Cement|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination|Cement: pre-processing - Steam (kt of CO2)',
              'Cement|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination|Cement: pre-processing - Steam|Solids (kt of CO2)',
              'Cement|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination|Cement: pre-processing - Steam|Refinery gas (kt of CO2)',
              'Cement|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination|Cement: pre-processing - Steam|LPG (kt of CO2)',
              'Cement|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination|Cement: pre-processing - Steam|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
              'Cement|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination|Cement: pre-processing - Steam|Residual fuel oil (kt of CO2)',
              'Cement|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination|Cement: pre-processing - Steam|Other liquids (kt of CO2)',
              'Cement|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination|Cement: pre-processing - Steam|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
              'Cement|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination|Cement: pre-processing - Steam|Derived gases (kt of CO2)',
              'Cement|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination|Cement: pre-processing - Steam|Biomass (kt of CO2)',
              'Cement|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination|Cement: pre-processing - Steam|Steam distributed (kt of CO2)',
              'Cement|Cement: Clinker production (kilns) (kt of CO2)',
              'Cement|Cement: Clinker production (kilns)|Solids (kt of CO2)',
              'Cement|Cement: Clinker production (kilns)|LPG (kt of CO2)',
              'Cement|Cement: Clinker production (kilns)|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
              'Cement|Cement: Clinker production (kilns)|Residual fuel oil (kt of CO2)',
              'Cement|Cement: Clinker production (kilns)|Other liquids (kt of CO2)',
              'Cement|Cement: Clinker production (kilns)|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
              'Cement|Cement: Clinker production (kilns)|Biomass (kt of CO2)',
              'Cement|Cement: Grinding, packaging (kt of CO2)',
              'Cement|Process emissions (kt of CO2)',

              'Ceramics & other NMM (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Lighting (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Air compressors (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Motor drives (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Fans and pumps (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Low enthalpy heat (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Low enthalpy heat|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Low enthalpy heat|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Low enthalpy heat|Solar and geothermal (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Low enthalpy heat|Electricity (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Mixing of raw material (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material|Ceramics: Thermal drying and sintering (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material|Ceramics: Thermal drying and sintering|Solids (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material|Ceramics: Thermal drying and sintering|LPG (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material|Ceramics: Thermal drying and sintering|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material|Ceramics: Thermal drying and sintering|Residual fuel oil (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material|Ceramics: Thermal drying and sintering|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material|Ceramics: Steam drying and sintering (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material|Ceramics: Steam drying and sintering|Solids (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material|Ceramics: Steam drying and sintering|Refinery gas (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material|Ceramics: Steam drying and sintering|LPG (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material|Ceramics: Steam drying and sintering|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material|Ceramics: Steam drying and sintering|Residual fuel oil (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material|Ceramics: Steam drying and sintering|Other liquids (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material|Ceramics: Steam drying and sintering|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material|Ceramics: Steam drying and sintering|Derived gases (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material|Ceramics: Steam drying and sintering|Biomass (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material|Ceramics: Steam drying and sintering|Steam distributed (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material|Ceramics: Microwave drying and sintering (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Primary production process (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Primary production process|Ceramics: Thermal kiln (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Primary production process|Ceramics: Thermal kiln|Solids (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Primary production process|Ceramics: Thermal kiln|LPG (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Primary production process|Ceramics: Thermal kiln|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Primary production process|Ceramics: Thermal kiln|Residual fuel oil (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Primary production process|Ceramics: Thermal kiln|Other liquids (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Primary production process|Ceramics: Thermal kiln|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Primary production process|Ceramics: Thermal kiln|Biomass (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Primary production process|Ceramics: Electric kiln (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Product finishing (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Product finishing|Ceramics: Thermal furnace (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Product finishing|Ceramics: Thermal furnace|Solids (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Product finishing|Ceramics: Thermal furnace|LPG (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Product finishing|Ceramics: Thermal furnace|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Product finishing|Ceramics: Thermal furnace|Residual fuel oil (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Product finishing|Ceramics: Thermal furnace|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Product finishing|Ceramics: Electric furnace (kt of CO2)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Process emissions (kt of CO2)',

              'Glass production (kt of CO2)',
              'Glass production|Lighting (kt of CO2)',
              'Glass production|Air compressors (kt of CO2)',
              'Glass production|Motor drives (kt of CO2)',
              'Glass production|Fans and pumps (kt of CO2)',
              'Glass production|Low enthalpy heat (kt of CO2)',
              'Glass production|Low enthalpy heat|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
              'Glass production|Low enthalpy heat|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
              'Glass production|Low enthalpy heat|Solar and geothermal (kt of CO2)',
              'Glass production|Low enthalpy heat|Electricity (kt of CO2)',
              'Glass production|Glass: Melting tank (kt of CO2)',
              'Glass production|Glass: Melting tank|Glass: Thermal melting tank (kt of CO2)',
              'Glass production|Glass: Melting tank|Glass: Thermal melting tank|Solids (kt of CO2)',
              'Glass production|Glass: Melting tank|Glass: Thermal melting tank|LPG (kt of CO2)',
              'Glass production|Glass: Melting tank|Glass: Thermal melting tank|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
              'Glass production|Glass: Melting tank|Glass: Thermal melting tank|Residual fuel oil (kt of CO2)',
              'Glass production|Glass: Melting tank|Glass: Thermal melting tank|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
              'Glass production|Glass: Melting tank|Glass: Electric melting tank (kt of CO2)',
              'Glass production|Glass: Forming (kt of CO2)',
              'Glass production|Glass: Annealing (kt of CO2)',
              'Glass production|Glass: Annealing|Glass: Annealing - thermal (kt of CO2)',
              'Glass production|Glass: Annealing|Glass: Annealing - thermal|Solids (kt of CO2)',
              'Glass production|Glass: Annealing|Glass: Annealing - thermal|LPG (kt of CO2)',
              'Glass production|Glass: Annealing|Glass: Annealing - thermal|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
              'Glass production|Glass: Annealing|Glass: Annealing - thermal|Residual fuel oil (kt of CO2)',
              'Glass production|Glass: Annealing|Glass: Annealing - thermal|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt of CO2)',
              'Glass production|Glass: Annealing|Glass: Annealing - electric (kt of CO2)',
              'Glass production|Glass: Finishing processes (kt of CO2)',
              'Glass production|Process emissions (kt of CO2)',


              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Cement (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Cement|Lighting (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Cement|Air compressors (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Cement|Motor drives (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Cement|Fans and pumps (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Cement|Low enthalpy heat (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Cement|Cement: Grinding, milling of raw material (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Cement|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Cement|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination|Cement: pre-processing - Fuel use (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Cement|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination|Cement: pre-processing - Steam (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Cement|Cement: Clinker production (kilns) (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Cement|Cement: Grinding, packaging (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Cement|Process emissions (%)',

              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Ceramics & other NMM (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Ceramics & other NMM|Lighting (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Ceramics & other NMM|Air compressors (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Ceramics & other NMM|Motor drives (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Ceramics & other NMM|Fans and pumps (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Ceramics & other NMM|Low enthalpy heat (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Mixing of raw material (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material|Ceramics: Thermal drying and sintering (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material|Ceramics: Steam drying and sintering (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material|Ceramics: Microwave drying and sintering (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Primary production process (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Primary production process|Ceramics: Thermal kiln (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Primary production process|Ceramics: Electric kiln (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Product finishing (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Product finishing|Ceramics: Thermal furnace (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Product finishing|Ceramics: Electric furnace (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Ceramics & other NMM|Process emissions (%)',

              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Glass production (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Glass production|Lighting (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Glass production|Air compressors (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Glass production|Motor drives (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Glass production|Fans and pumps (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Glass production|Low enthalpy heat (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Glass production|Glass: Melting tank (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Glass production|Glass: Melting tank|Glass: Thermal melting tank (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Glass production|Glass: Melting tank|Glass: Electric melting tank (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Glass production|Glass: Forming (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Glass production|Glass: Annealing (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Glass production|Glass: Annealing|Glass: Annealing - thermal (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Glass production|Glass: Annealing|Glass: Annealing - electric (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Glass production|Glass: Finishing processes (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Glass production|Process emissions (%)',


              'Emission intensity|Cement (without process emissions) (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Cement (without process emissions)|Lighting (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Cement (without process emissions)|Air compressors (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Cement (without process emissions)|Motor drives (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Cement (without process emissions)|Fans and pumps (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Cement (without process emissions)|Low enthalpy heat (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Cement (without process emissions)|Cement: Grinding, milling of raw material (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Cement (without process emissions)|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Cement (without process emissions)|Cement: Clinker production (kilns) (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Cement (without process emissions)|Cement: Grinding, packaging (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',

              'Emission intensity|Ceramics & other NMM (without process emissions) (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Ceramics & other NMM (without process emissions)|Lighting (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Ceramics & other NMM (without process emissions)|Air compressors (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Ceramics & other NMM (without process emissions)|Motor drives (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Ceramics & other NMM (without process emissions)|Fans and pumps (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Ceramics & other NMM (without process emissions)|Low enthalpy heat (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Ceramics & other NMM (without process emissions)|Ceramics: Mixing of raw material (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Ceramics & other NMM (without process emissions)|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Ceramics & other NMM (without process emissions)|Ceramics: Primary production process (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Ceramics & other NMM (without process emissions)|Ceramics: Product finishing (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',

              'Emission intensity|Glass production (without process emissions) (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Glass production (without process emissions)|Lighting (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Glass production (without process emissions)|Air compressors (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Glass production (without process emissions)|Motor drives (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Glass production (without process emissions)|Fans and pumps (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Glass production (without process emissions)|Low enthalpy heat (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Glass production (without process emissions)|Glass: Melting tank (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Glass production (without process emissions)|Glass: Forming (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Glass production (without process emissions)|Glass: Annealing (kt of CO2 per ktoe)',
              'Emission intensity|Glass production (without process emissions)|Glass: Finishing processes (kt of CO2 per ktoe)'
          ) %>%
            tidyr::extract('name', c('variable', 'unit'), '^(.*) \\((.*)\\)$')
        ) },
        'NMM_fec' = { list(
          prefix = 'Non-metallic mineral products|Final Energy Consumption|',
          rows = tibble(
            name = { c(

              'Cement (ktoe)',
              'Cement|Lighting (ktoe)',
              'Cement|Air compressors (ktoe)',
              'Cement|Motor drives (ktoe)',
              'Cement|Fans and pumps (ktoe)',
              'Cement|Low enthalpy heat (ktoe)',
              'Cement|Low enthalpy heat|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (ktoe)',
              'Cement|Low enthalpy heat|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (ktoe)',
              'Cement|Low enthalpy heat|Solar and geothermal (ktoe)',
              'Cement|Low enthalpy heat|Electricity (ktoe)',
              'Cement|Cement: Grinding, milling of raw material (ktoe)',
              'Cement|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination (ktoe)',
              'Cement|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination|Cement: pre-processing - Fuel use (ktoe)',
              'Cement|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination|Cement: pre-processing - Fuel use|Solids (ktoe)',
              'Cement|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination|Cement: pre-processing - Fuel use|LPG (ktoe)',
              'Cement|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination|Cement: pre-processing - Fuel use|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (ktoe)',
              'Cement|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination|Cement: pre-processing - Fuel use|Residual fuel oil (ktoe)',
              'Cement|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination|Cement: pre-processing - Fuel use|Other liquids (ktoe)',
              'Cement|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination|Cement: pre-processing - Fuel use|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (ktoe)',
              'Cement|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination|Cement: pre-processing - Fuel use|Biomass (ktoe)',
              'Cement|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination|Cement: pre-processing - Steam (ktoe)',
              'Cement|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination|Cement: pre-processing - Steam|Solids (ktoe)',
              'Cement|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination|Cement: pre-processing - Steam|Refinery gas (ktoe)',
              'Cement|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination|Cement: pre-processing - Steam|LPG (ktoe)',
              'Cement|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination|Cement: pre-processing - Steam|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (ktoe)',
              'Cement|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination|Cement: pre-processing - Steam|Residual fuel oil (ktoe)',
              'Cement|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination|Cement: pre-processing - Steam|Other liquids (ktoe)',
              'Cement|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination|Cement: pre-processing - Steam|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (ktoe)',
              'Cement|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination|Cement: pre-processing - Steam|Derived gases (ktoe)',
              'Cement|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination|Cement: pre-processing - Steam|Biomass (ktoe)',
              'Cement|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination|Cement: pre-processing - Steam|Steam distributed (ktoe)',
              'Cement|Cement: Clinker production (kilns) (ktoe)',
              'Cement|Cement: Clinker production (kilns)|Solids (ktoe)',
              'Cement|Cement: Clinker production (kilns)|LPG (ktoe)',
              'Cement|Cement: Clinker production (kilns)|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (ktoe)',
              'Cement|Cement: Clinker production (kilns)|Residual fuel oil (ktoe)',
              'Cement|Cement: Clinker production (kilns)|Other liquids (ktoe)',
              'Cement|Cement: Clinker production (kilns)|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (ktoe)',
              'Cement|Cement: Clinker production (kilns)|Biomass (ktoe)',
              'Cement|Cement: Grinding, packaging (ktoe)',

              'Ceramics & other NMM (ktoe)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Lighting (ktoe)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Air compressors (ktoe)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Motor drives (ktoe)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Fans and pumps (ktoe)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Low enthalpy heat (ktoe)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Low enthalpy heat|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (ktoe)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Low enthalpy heat|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (ktoe)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Low enthalpy heat|Solar and geothermal (ktoe)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Low enthalpy heat|Electricity (ktoe)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Mixing of raw material (ktoe)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material (ktoe)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material|Ceramics: Thermal drying and sintering (ktoe)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material|Ceramics: Thermal drying and sintering|Solids (ktoe)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material|Ceramics: Thermal drying and sintering|LPG (ktoe)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material|Ceramics: Thermal drying and sintering|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (ktoe)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material|Ceramics: Thermal drying and sintering|Residual fuel oil (ktoe)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material|Ceramics: Thermal drying and sintering|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (ktoe)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material|Ceramics: Steam drying and sintering (ktoe)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material|Ceramics: Steam drying and sintering|Solids (ktoe)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material|Ceramics: Steam drying and sintering|Refinery gas (ktoe)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material|Ceramics: Steam drying and sintering|LPG (ktoe)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material|Ceramics: Steam drying and sintering|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (ktoe)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material|Ceramics: Steam drying and sintering|Residual fuel oil (ktoe)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material|Ceramics: Steam drying and sintering|Other liquids (ktoe)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material|Ceramics: Steam drying and sintering|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (ktoe)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material|Ceramics: Steam drying and sintering|Derived gases (ktoe)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material|Ceramics: Steam drying and sintering|Biomass (ktoe)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material|Ceramics: Steam drying and sintering|Steam distributed (ktoe)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material|Ceramics: Microwave drying and sintering (ktoe)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Primary production process (ktoe)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Primary production process|Ceramics: Thermal kiln (ktoe)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Primary production process|Ceramics: Thermal kiln|Solids (ktoe)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Primary production process|Ceramics: Thermal kiln|LPG (ktoe)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Primary production process|Ceramics: Thermal kiln|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (ktoe)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Primary production process|Ceramics: Thermal kiln|Residual fuel oil (ktoe)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Primary production process|Ceramics: Thermal kiln|Other liquids (ktoe)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Primary production process|Ceramics: Thermal kiln|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (ktoe)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Primary production process|Ceramics: Thermal kiln|Biomass (ktoe)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Primary production process|Ceramics: Electric kiln (ktoe)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Product finishing (ktoe)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Product finishing|Ceramics: Thermal furnace (ktoe)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Product finishing|Ceramics: Thermal furnace|Solids (ktoe)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Product finishing|Ceramics: Thermal furnace|LPG (ktoe)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Product finishing|Ceramics: Thermal furnace|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (ktoe)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Product finishing|Ceramics: Thermal furnace|Residual fuel oil (ktoe)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Product finishing|Ceramics: Thermal furnace|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (ktoe)',
              'Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Product finishing|Ceramics: Electric furnace (ktoe)',

              'Glass production (ktoe)',
              'Glass production|Lighting (ktoe)',
              'Glass production|Air compressors (ktoe)',
              'Glass production|Motor drives (ktoe)',
              'Glass production|Fans and pumps (ktoe)',
              'Glass production|Low enthalpy heat (ktoe)',
              'Glass production|Low enthalpy heat|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (ktoe)',
              'Glass production|Low enthalpy heat|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (ktoe)',
              'Glass production|Low enthalpy heat|Solar and geothermal (ktoe)',
              'Glass production|Low enthalpy heat|Electricity (ktoe)',
              'Glass production|Glass: Melting tank (ktoe)',
              'Glass production|Glass: Melting tank|Glass: Thermal melting tank (ktoe)',
              'Glass production|Glass: Melting tank|Glass: Thermal melting tank|Solids (ktoe)',
              'Glass production|Glass: Melting tank|Glass: Thermal melting tank|LPG (ktoe)',
              'Glass production|Glass: Melting tank|Glass: Thermal melting tank|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (ktoe)',
              'Glass production|Glass: Melting tank|Glass: Thermal melting tank|Residual fuel oil (ktoe)',
              'Glass production|Glass: Melting tank|Glass: Thermal melting tank|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (ktoe)',
              'Glass production|Glass: Melting tank|Glass: Electric melting tank (ktoe)',
              'Glass production|Glass: Forming (ktoe)',
              'Glass production|Glass: Annealing (ktoe)',
              'Glass production|Glass: Annealing|Glass: Annealing - thermal (ktoe)',
              'Glass production|Glass: Annealing|Glass: Annealing - thermal|Solids (ktoe)',
              'Glass production|Glass: Annealing|Glass: Annealing - thermal|LPG (ktoe)',
              'Glass production|Glass: Annealing|Glass: Annealing - thermal|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (ktoe)',
              'Glass production|Glass: Annealing|Glass: Annealing - thermal|Residual fuel oil (ktoe)',
              'Glass production|Glass: Annealing|Glass: Annealing - thermal|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (ktoe)',
              'Glass production|Glass: Annealing|Glass: Annealing - electric (ktoe)',
              'Glass production|Glass: Finishing processes (ktoe)',


              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Cement (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Cement|Lighting (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Cement|Air compressors (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Cement|Motor drives (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Cement|Fans and pumps (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Cement|Low enthalpy heat (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Cement|Cement: Grinding, milling of raw material (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Cement|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Cement|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination|Cement: pre-processing - Fuel use (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Cement|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination|Cement: pre-processing - Steam (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Cement|Cement: Clinker production (kilns) (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Cement|Cement: Grinding, packaging (%)',

              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Ceramics & other NMM (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Ceramics & other NMM|Lighting (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Ceramics & other NMM|Air compressors (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Ceramics & other NMM|Motor drives (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Ceramics & other NMM|Fans and pumps (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Ceramics & other NMM|Low enthalpy heat (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Mixing of raw material (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material|Ceramics: Thermal drying and sintering (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material|Ceramics: Steam drying and sintering (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material|Ceramics: Microwave drying and sintering (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Primary production process (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Primary production process|Ceramics: Thermal kiln (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Primary production process|Ceramics: Electric kiln (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Product finishing (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Product finishing|Ceramics: Thermal furnace (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Product finishing|Ceramics: Electric furnace (%)',

              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Glass production (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Glass production|Lighting (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Glass production|Air compressors (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Glass production|Motor drives (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Glass production|Fans and pumps (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Glass production|Low enthalpy heat (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Glass production|Glass: Melting tank (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Glass production|Glass: Melting tank|Glass: Thermal melting tank (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Glass production|Glass: Melting tank|Glass: Electric melting tank (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Glass production|Glass: Forming (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Glass production|Glass: Annealing (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Glass production|Glass: Annealing|Glass: Annealing - thermal (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Glass production|Glass: Annealing|Glass: Annealing - electric (%)',
              'Market shares of CO2 emissions by subsector|Glass production|Glass: Finishing processes (%)',


              'Energy intensity|Cement (kgoe per t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Cement|Lighting (kgoe per t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Cement|Air compressors (kgoe per t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Cement|Motor drives (kgoe per t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Cement|Fans and pumps (kgoe per t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Cement|Low enthalpy heat (kgoe per t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Cement|Cement: Grinding, milling of raw material (kgoe per t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Cement|Cement: Pre-heating and pre-calcination (kgoe per t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Cement|Cement: Clinker production (kilns) (kgoe per t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Cement|Cement: Grinding, packaging (kgoe per t of output)',

              'Energy intensity|Ceramics & other NMM (kgoe per t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Ceramics & other NMM|Lighting (kgoe per t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Ceramics & other NMM|Air compressors (kgoe per t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Ceramics & other NMM|Motor drives (kgoe per t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Ceramics & other NMM|Fans and pumps (kgoe per t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Ceramics & other NMM|Low enthalpy heat (kgoe per t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Mixing of raw material (kgoe per t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Drying and sintering of raw material (kgoe per t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Primary production process (kgoe per t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Ceramics & other NMM|Ceramics: Product finishing (kgoe per t of output)',

              'Energy intensity|Glass production (kgoe per t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Glass production|Lighting (kgoe per t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Glass production|Air compressors (kgoe per t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Glass production|Motor drives (kgoe per t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Glass production|Fans and pumps (kgoe per t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Glass production|Low enthalpy heat (kgoe per t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Glass production|Glass: Melting tank (kgoe per t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Glass production|Glass: Forming (kgoe per t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Glass production|Glass: Annealing (kgoe per t of output)',
              'Energy intensity|Glass production|Glass: Finishing processes (kgoe per t of output)'
          ) %>%
            tidyr::extract('name', c('variable', 'unit'), '^(.*) \\((.*)\\)$')
        ) }
    ) },
    Transport = { list(
      pattern = '^JRC-IDEES-2015_Transport_.*\\.xlsx$',
      sheets = list(
        'Transport' = { list(
          prefix = 'Transport|',
          rows = tibble(
            name = { c(
              'Transport activity|Passenger transport (mio pkm)',
              'Transport activity|Passenger transport|Road transport (mio pkm)',
              'Transport activity|Passenger transport|Road transport|Powered 2-wheelers (mio pkm)',
              'Transport activity|Passenger transport|Road transport|Passenger cars (mio pkm)',
              'Transport activity|Passenger transport|Road transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses (mio pkm)',
              'Transport activity|Passenger transport|Rail, metro and tram (mio pkm)',
              'Transport activity|Passenger transport|Rail, metro and tram|Metro and tram, urban light rail (mio pkm)',
              'Transport activity|Passenger transport|Rail, metro and tram|Conventional passenger trains (mio pkm)',
              'Transport activity|Passenger transport|Rail, metro and tram|High speed passenger trains (mio pkm)',
              'Transport activity|Passenger transport|Aviation (mio pkm)',
              'Transport activity|Passenger transport|Aviation|Domestic (mio pkm)',
              'Transport activity|Passenger transport|Aviation|International - Intra-EU (mio pkm)',
              'Transport activity|Passenger transport|Aviation|International - Extra-EU (mio pkm)',
              'Transport activity|Freight transport (mio tkm)',
              'Transport activity|Freight transport|Road transport (mio tkm)',
              'Transport activity|Freight transport|Road transport|Light duty vehicles (mio tkm)',
              'Transport activity|Freight transport|Road transport|Heavy duty vehicles (mio tkm)',
              'Transport activity|Freight transport|Rail transport (mio tkm)',
              'Transport activity|Freight transport|Aviation (mio tkm)',
              'Transport activity|Freight transport|Aviation|Domestic and International - Intra-EU (mio tkm)',
              'Transport activity|Freight transport|Aviation|International - Extra-EU (mio tkm)',
              'Transport activity|Freight transport|Coastal shipping and inland waterways (mio tkm)',
              'Transport activity|Freight transport|Coastal shipping and inland waterways|Domestic coastal shipping (mio tkm)',
              'Transport activity|Freight transport|Coastal shipping and inland waterways|Inland waterways (mio tkm)',

              'Energy consumption (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|Passenger transport (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|Passenger transport|Road transport (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|Passenger transport|Road transport|Powered 2-wheelers (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|Passenger transport|Road transport|Passenger cars (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|Passenger transport|Road transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|Passenger transport|Rail, metro and tram (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|Passenger transport|Rail, metro and tram|Metro and tram, urban light rail (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|Passenger transport|Rail, metro and tram|Conventional passenger trains (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|Passenger transport|Rail, metro and tram|High speed passenger trains (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|Passenger transport|Aviation (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|Passenger transport|Aviation|Domestic (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|Passenger transport|Aviation|International - Intra-EU (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|Passenger transport|Aviation|International - Extra-EU (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|Freight transport (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|Freight transport|Road transport (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|Freight transport|Road transport|Light duty vehicles (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|Freight transport|Road transport|Heavy duty vehicles (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|Freight transport|Rail transport (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|Freight transport|Aviation (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|Freight transport|Aviation|Domestic and International - Intra-EU (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|Freight transport|Aviation|International - Extra-EU (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|Freight transport|Coastal shipping and inland waterways (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|Freight transport|Coastal shipping and inland waterways|Domestic coastal shipping (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|Freight transport|Coastal shipping and inland waterways|Inland waterways (ktoe)',

              'CO2 emissions (kt of CO2)',
              'CO2 emissions|Passenger transport (kt of CO2)',
              'CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Road transport (kt of CO2)',
              'CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Road transport|Powered 2-wheelers (kt of CO2)',
              'CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Road transport|Passenger cars (kt of CO2)',
              'CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Road transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses (kt of CO2)',
              'CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Rail, metro and tram (kt of CO2)',
              'CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Rail, metro and tram|Metro and tram, urban light rail (kt of CO2)',
              'CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Rail, metro and tram|Conventional passenger trains (kt of CO2)',
              'CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Rail, metro and tram|High speed passenger trains (kt of CO2)',
              'CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Aviation (kt of CO2)',
              'CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Aviation|Domestic (kt of CO2)',
              'CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Aviation|International - Intra-EU (kt of CO2)',
              'CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Aviation|International - Extra-EU (kt of CO2)',
              'CO2 emissions|Freight transport (kt of CO2)',
              'CO2 emissions|Freight transport|Road transport (kt of CO2)',
              'CO2 emissions|Freight transport|Road transport|Light duty vehicles (kt of CO2)',
              'CO2 emissions|Freight transport|Road transport|Heavy duty vehicles (kt of CO2)',
              'CO2 emissions|Freight transport|Rail transport (kt of CO2)',
              'CO2 emissions|Freight transport|Aviation (kt of CO2)',
              'CO2 emissions|Freight transport|Aviation|Domestic and International - Intra-EU (kt of CO2)',
              'CO2 emissions|Freight transport|Aviation|International - Extra-EU (kt of CO2)',
              'CO2 emissions|Freight transport|Coastal shipping and inland waterways (kt of CO2)',
              'CO2 emissions|Freight transport|Coastal shipping and inland waterways|Domestic coastal shipping (kt of CO2)',
              'CO2 emissions|Freight transport|Coastal shipping and inland waterways|Inland waterways (kt of CO2)',


              'Market shares|Passenger transport|Road transport (% of pkm)',
              'Market shares|Passenger transport|Road transport|Powered 2-wheelers (% of pkm)',
              'Market shares|Passenger transport|Road transport|Passenger cars (% of pkm)',
              'Market shares|Passenger transport|Road transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses (% of pkm)',
              'Market shares|Passenger transport|Road transport|Rail, metro and tram (% of pkm)',
              'Market shares|Passenger transport|Road transport|Rail, metro and tram|Metro and tram, urban light rail (% of pkm)',
              'Market shares|Passenger transport|Road transport|Rail, metro and tram|Conventional passenger trains (% of pkm)',
              'Market shares|Passenger transport|Road transport|Rail, metro and tram|High speed passenger trains (% of pkm)',
              'Market shares|Passenger transport|Road transport|Aviation (% of pkm)',
              'Market shares|Passenger transport|Road transport|Aviation|Domestic (% of pkm)',
              'Market shares|Passenger transport|Road transport|Aviation|International - Intra-EU (% of pkm)',
              'Market shares|Passenger transport|Road transport|Aviation|International - Extra-EU (% of pkm)',
              'Market shares|Freight transport|Road transport (% of tkm)',
              'Market shares|Freight transport|Road transport|Light duty vehicles (% of tkm)',
              'Market shares|Freight transport|Road transport|Heavy duty vehicles (% of tkm)',
              'Market shares|Freight transport|Rail transport (% of tkm)',
              'Market shares|Freight transport|Aviation (% of tkm)',
              'Market shares|Freight transport|Aviation|Domestic and International - Intra-EU (% of tkm)',
              'Market shares|Freight transport|Aviation|International - Extra-EU (% of tkm)',
              'Market shares|Freight transport|Coastal shipping and inland waterways (% of tkm)',
              'Market shares|Freight transport|Coastal shipping and inland waterways|Domestic coastal shipping (% of tkm)',
              'Market shares|Freight transport|Coastal shipping and inland waterways|Inland waterways (% of tkm)',

              'Shares of total energy consumption|Passenger transport (%)',
              'Shares of total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Road transport (%)',
              'Shares of total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Road transport|Powered 2-wheelers (%)',
              'Shares of total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Road transport|Passenger cars (%)',
              'Shares of total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Road transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses (%)',
              'Shares of total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Rail, metro and tram (%)',
              'Shares of total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Rail, metro and tram|Metro and tram, urban light rail (%)',
              'Shares of total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Rail, metro and tram|Conventional passenger trains (%)',
              'Shares of total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Rail, metro and tram|High speed passenger trains (%)',
              'Shares of total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Aviation (%)',
              'Shares of total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Aviation|Domestic (%)',
              'Shares of total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Aviation|International - Intra-EU (%)',
              'Shares of total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Aviation|International - Extra-EU (%)',
              'Shares of total energy consumption|Freight transport (%)',
              'Shares of total energy consumption|Freight transport|Road transport (%)',
              'Shares of total energy consumption|Freight transport|Road transport|Light duty vehicles (%)',
              'Shares of total energy consumption|Freight transport|Road transport|Heavy duty vehicles (%)',
              'Shares of total energy consumption|Freight transport|Rail transport (%)',
              'Shares of total energy consumption|Freight transport|Aviation (%)',
              'Shares of total energy consumption|Freight transport|Aviation|Domestic and International - Intra-EU (%)',
              'Shares of total energy consumption|Freight transport|Aviation|International - Extra-EU (%)',
              'Shares of total energy consumption|Freight transport|Coastal shipping and inland waterways (%)',
              'Shares of total energy consumption|Freight transport|Coastal shipping and inland waterways|Domestic coastal shipping (%)',
              'Shares of total energy consumption|Freight transport|Coastal shipping and inland waterways|Inland waterways (%)',

              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Road transport (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Road transport|Powered 2-wheelers (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Road transport|Passenger cars (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Road transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Rail, metro and tram (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Rail, metro and tram|Metro and tram, urban light rail (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Rail, metro and tram|Conventional passenger trains (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Rail, metro and tram|High speed passenger trains (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Aviation (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Aviation|Domestic (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Aviation|International - Intra-EU (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Aviation|International - Extra-EU (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Freight transport (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Freight transport|Road transport (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Freight transport|Road transport|Light duty vehicles (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Freight transport|Road transport|Heavy duty vehicles (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Freight transport|Rail transport (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Freight transport|Aviation (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Freight transport|Aviation|Domestic and International - Intra-EU (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Freight transport|Aviation|International - Extra-EU (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Freight transport|Coastal shipping and inland waterways (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Freight transport|Coastal shipping and inland waterways|Domestic coastal shipping (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Freight transport|Coastal shipping and inland waterways|Inland waterways (%)',

              'Energy consumption per activity|Passenger transport (kgoe / 000 pkm)',
              'Energy consumption per activity|Passenger transport|Road transport (kgoe / 000 pkm)',
              'Energy consumption per activity|Passenger transport|Road transport|Powered 2-wheelers (kgoe / 000 pkm)',
              'Energy consumption per activity|Passenger transport|Road transport|Passenger cars (kgoe / 000 pkm)',
              'Energy consumption per activity|Passenger transport|Road transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses (kgoe / 000 pkm)',
              'Energy consumption per activity|Passenger transport|Rail, metro and tram (kgoe / 000 pkm)',
              'Energy consumption per activity|Passenger transport|Rail, metro and tram|Metro and tram, urban light rail (kgoe / 000 pkm)',
              'Energy consumption per activity|Passenger transport|Rail, metro and tram|Conventional passenger trains (kgoe / 000 pkm)',
              'Energy consumption per activity|Passenger transport|Rail, metro and tram|High speed passenger trains (kgoe / 000 pkm)',
              'Energy consumption per activity|Passenger transport|Aviation (kgoe / 000 pkm)',
              'Energy consumption per activity|Passenger transport|Aviation|Domestic (kgoe / 000 pkm)',
              'Energy consumption per activity|Passenger transport|Aviation|International - Intra-EU (kgoe / 000 pkm)',
              'Energy consumption per activity|Passenger transport|Aviation|International - Extra-EU (kgoe / 000 pkm)',
              'Energy consumption per activity|Freight transport (kgoe / 000 tkm)',
              'Energy consumption per activity|Freight transport|Road transport (kgoe / 000 tkm)',
              'Energy consumption per activity|Freight transport|Road transport|Light duty vehicles (kgoe / 000 tkm)',
              'Energy consumption per activity|Freight transport|Road transport|Heavy duty vehicles (kgoe / 000 tkm)',
              'Energy consumption per activity|Freight transport|Rail transport (kgoe / 000 tkm)',
              'Energy consumption per activity|Freight transport|Aviation (kgoe / 000 tkm)',
              'Energy consumption per activity|Freight transport|Aviation|Domestic and International - Intra-EU (kgoe / 000 tkm)',
              'Energy consumption per activity|Freight transport|Aviation|International - Extra-EU (kgoe / 000 tkm)',
              'Energy consumption per activity|Freight transport|Coastal shipping and inland waterways (kgoe / 000 tkm)',
              'Energy consumption per activity|Freight transport|Coastal shipping and inland waterways|Domestic coastal shipping (kgoe / 000 tkm)',
              'Energy consumption per activity|Freight transport|Coastal shipping and inland waterways|Inland waterways (kgoe / 000 tkm)',

              'Emission intensity|Passenger transport (kg of CO2 / 000 pkm)',
              'Emission intensity|Passenger transport|Road transport (kg of CO2 / 000 pkm)',
              'Emission intensity|Passenger transport|Road transport|Powered 2-wheelers (kg of CO2 / 000 pkm)',
              'Emission intensity|Passenger transport|Road transport|Passenger cars (kg of CO2 / 000 pkm)',
              'Emission intensity|Passenger transport|Road transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses (kg of CO2 / 000 pkm)',
              'Emission intensity|Passenger transport|Rail, metro and tram (kg of CO2 / 000 pkm)',
              'Emission intensity|Passenger transport|Rail, metro and tram|Metro and tram, urban light rail (kg of CO2 / 000 pkm)',
              'Emission intensity|Passenger transport|Rail, metro and tram|Conventional passenger trains (kg of CO2 / 000 pkm)',
              'Emission intensity|Passenger transport|Rail, metro and tram|High speed passenger trains (kg of CO2 / 000 pkm)',
              'Emission intensity|Passenger transport|Aviation (kg of CO2 / 000 pkm)',
              'Emission intensity|Passenger transport|Aviation|Domestic (kg of CO2 / 000 pkm)',
              'Emission intensity|Passenger transport|Aviation|International - Intra-EU (kg of CO2 / 000 pkm)',
              'Emission intensity|Passenger transport|Aviation|International - Extra-EU (kg of CO2 / 000 pkm)',
              'Emission intensity|Freight transport (kg of CO2 / 000 tkm)',
              'Emission intensity|Freight transport|Road transport (kg of CO2 / 000 tkm)',
              'Emission intensity|Freight transport|Road transport|Light duty vehicles (kg of CO2 / 000 tkm)',
              'Emission intensity|Freight transport|Road transport|Heavy duty vehicles (kg of CO2 / 000 tkm)',
              'Emission intensity|Freight transport|Rail transport (kg of CO2 / 000 tkm)',
              'Emission intensity|Freight transport|Aviation (kg of CO2 / 000 tkm)',
              'Emission intensity|Freight transport|Aviation|Domestic and International - Intra-EU (kg of CO2 / 000 tkm)',
              'Emission intensity|Freight transport|Aviation|International - Extra-EU (kg of CO2 / 000 tkm)',
              'Emission intensity|Freight transport|Coastal shipping and inland waterways (kg of CO2 / 000 tkm)',
              'Emission intensity|Freight transport|Coastal shipping and inland waterways|Domestic coastal shipping (kg of CO2 / 000 tkm)',
              'Emission intensity|Freight transport|Coastal shipping and inland waterways|Inland waterways (kg of CO2 / 000 tkm)'
            ) }
          ) %>%
            tidyr::extract('name', c('variable', 'unit'), '^(.*) \\((.*)\\)$')
        ) },
        'TrRail_emi' = { list(
          prefix = 'Transport|Rail|CO2 Emissions|',
          rows = tibble(
            name = { c(
              'by fuel (kt of CO2)',
              'by fuel|Diesel (kt of CO2)',
              'by fuel|Electricity (kt of CO2)',

              'Split of CO2 emissions (kt of CO2)',
              'Split of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport (kt of CO2)',
              'Split of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Metro and tram, urban light rail (kt of CO2)',
              'Split of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Conventional passenger trains (kt of CO2)',
              'Split of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Conventional passenger trains|Diesel oil (kt of CO2)',
              'Split of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Conventional passenger trains|Electric (kt of CO2)',
              'Split of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|High speed passenger trains (kt of CO2)',
              'Split of CO2 emissions|Freight transport (kt of CO2)',
              'Split of CO2 emissions|Freight transport|Diesel oil (kt of CO2)',
              'Split of CO2 emissions|Freight transport|Electric (kt of CO2)',


              'Emission factors|by fuel (kt CO2 / ktoe)',
              'Emission factors|by fuel|Diesel (kt CO2 / ktoe)',
              'Emission factors|by fuel|Electricity (kt CO2 / ktoe)',

              'Emission intensity (kg of CO2 / 100 km)',
              'Emission intensity|Passenger transport (kg of CO2 / 100 km)',
              'Emission intensity|Passenger transport|Metro and tram, urban light rail (kg of CO2 / 100 km)',
              'Emission intensity|Passenger transport|Conventional passenger trains (kg of CO2 / 100 km)',
              'Emission intensity|Passenger transport|Conventional passenger trains|Diesel oil (kg of CO2 / 100 km)',
              'Emission intensity|Passenger transport|Conventional passenger trains|Electric (kg of CO2 / 100 km)',
              'Emission intensity|Passenger transport|High speed passenger trains (kg of CO2 / 100 km)',
              'Emission intensity|Freight transport (kg of CO2 / 100 km)',
              'Emission intensity|Freight transport|Diesel oil (kg of CO2 / 100 km)',
              'Emission intensity|Freight transport|Electric (kg of CO2 / 100 km)',

              'Emission intensity over activity|Passenger transport (kg of CO2 / 000 pkm)',
              'Emission intensity over activity|Passenger transport|Metro and tram, urban light rail (kg of CO2 / 000 pkm)',
              'Emission intensity over activity|Passenger transport|Conventional passenger trains (kg of CO2 / 000 pkm)',
              'Emission intensity over activity|Passenger transport|Conventional passenger trains|Diesel oil (kg of CO2 / 000 pkm)',
              'Emission intensity over activity|Passenger transport|Conventional passenger trains|Electric (kg of CO2 / 000 pkm)',
              'Emission intensity over activity|Passenger transport|High speed passenger trains (kg of CO2 / 000 pkm)',
              'Emission intensity over activity|Freight transport (kg of CO2 / 000 tkm)',
              'Emission intensity over activity|Freight transport|Diesel oil (kg of CO2 / 000 tkm)',
              'Emission intensity over activity|Freight transport|Electric (kg of CO2 / 000 tkm)',

              'CO2 emissions per vehicle annum|Passenger transport (t of CO2 / vehicle)',
              'CO2 emissions per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Metro and tram, urban light rail (t of CO2 / vehicle)',
              'CO2 emissions per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Conventional passenger trains (t of CO2 / vehicle)',
              'CO2 emissions per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Conventional passenger trains|Diesel oil (t of CO2 / vehicle)',
              'CO2 emissions per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Conventional passenger trains|Electric (t of CO2 / vehicle)',
              'CO2 emissions per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|High speed passenger trains (t of CO2 / vehicle)',
              'CO2 emissions per vehicle annum|Freight transport (t of CO2 / vehicle)',
              'CO2 emissions per vehicle annum|Freight transport|Diesel oil (t of CO2 / vehicle)',
              'CO2 emissions per vehicle annum|Freight transport|Electric (t of CO2 / vehicle)',

              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Metro and tram, urban light rail (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Conventional passenger trains (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Conventional passenger trains|Diesel oil (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Conventional passenger trains|Electric (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|High speed passenger trains (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Freight transport (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Freight transport|Diesel oil (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Freight transport|Electric (%)'
            ) }
          ) %>%
            tidyr::extract('name', c('variable', 'unit'), '^(.*) \\((.*)\\)$')
        ) },
        'TrRail_ene' = { list(
          prefix = 'Transport|Rail|Energy Consumption|',
          rows = tibble(
            name = { c(
              'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA) (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Solids (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Liquids (Petroleum products) (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Natural gas (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Renewable energies and wastes (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Renewable energies and wastes|Biomass and wastes (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Renewable energies and wastes|Biogas (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Renewable energies and wastes|Biogasoline (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Renewable energies and wastes|Biodiesel (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Renewable energies and wastes|Other biofuels (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Electricity (ktoe)',

              'Total energy consumption (ktoe)',
              'Total energy consumption|Passenger transport (ktoe)',
              'Total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Metro and tram, urban light rail (ktoe)',
              'Total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Conventional passenger trains (ktoe)',
              'Total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Conventional passenger trains|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (ktoe)',
              'Total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Conventional passenger trains|Electric (ktoe)',
              'Total energy consumption|Passenger transport|High speed passenger trains (ktoe)',
              'Total energy consumption|Freight transport (ktoe)',
              'Total energy consumption|Freight transport|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (ktoe)',
              'Total energy consumption|Freight transport|Electric (ktoe)',


              'Vehicle-efficiency|Passenger transport (kgoe/100 km)',
              'Vehicle-efficiency|Passenger transport|Metro and tram, urban light rail (kgoe/100 km)',
              'Vehicle-efficiency|Passenger transport|Conventional passenger trains (kgoe/100 km)',
              'Vehicle-efficiency|Passenger transport|Conventional passenger trains|Diesel oil (kgoe/100 km)',
              'Vehicle-efficiency|Passenger transport|Conventional passenger trains|Electric (kgoe/100 km)',
              'Vehicle-efficiency|Passenger transport|High speed passenger trains (kgoe/100 km)',
              'Vehicle-efficiency|Freight transport (kgoe/100 km)',
              'Vehicle-efficiency|Freight transport|Diesel oil (kgoe/100 km)',
              'Vehicle-efficiency|Freight transport|Electric (kgoe/100 km)',

              'Energy intensity over activity|Passenger transport (kgoe / 000 pkm)',
              'Energy intensity over activity|Passenger transport|Metro and tram, urban light rail (kgoe / 000 pkm)',
              'Energy intensity over activity|Passenger transport|Conventional passenger trains (kgoe / 000 pkm)',
              'Energy intensity over activity|Passenger transport|Conventional passenger trains|Diesel oil (kgoe / 000 pkm)',
              'Energy intensity over activity|Passenger transport|Conventional passenger trains|Electric (kgoe / 000 pkm)',
              'Energy intensity over activity|Passenger transport|High speed passenger trains (kgoe / 000 pkm)',
              'Energy intensity over activity|Freight transport (kgoe / 000 tkm)',
              'Energy intensity over activity|Freight transport|Diesel oil (kgoe / 000 tkm)',
              'Energy intensity over activity|Freight transport|Electric (kgoe / 000 tkm)',

              'Energy consumption per vehicle annum|Passenger transport (kgoe/vehicle)',
              'Energy consumption per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Metro and tram, urban light rail (kgoe/vehicle)',
              'Energy consumption per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Conventional passenger trains (kgoe/vehicle)',
              'Energy consumption per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Conventional passenger trains|Diesel oil (kgoe/vehicle)',
              'Energy consumption per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Conventional passenger trains|Electric (kgoe/vehicle)',
              'Energy consumption per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|High speed passenger trains (kgoe/vehicle)',
              'Energy consumption per vehicle annum|Freight transport (kgoe/vehicle)',
              'Energy consumption per vehicle annum|Freight transport|Diesel oil (kgoe/vehicle)',
              'Energy consumption per vehicle annum|Freight transport|Electric (kgoe/vehicle)',

              'Shares of total energy consumption|Passenger transport (%)',
              'Shares of total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Metro and tram, urban light rail (%)',
              'Shares of total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Conventional passenger trains (%)',
              'Shares of total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Conventional passenger trains|Diesel oil (%)',
              'Shares of total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Conventional passenger trains|Electric (%)',
              'Shares of total energy consumption|Passenger transport|High speed passenger trains (%)',
              'Shares of total energy consumption|Freight transport (%)',
              'Shares of total energy consumption|Freight transport|Diesel oil (%)',
              'Shares of total energy consumption|Freight transport|Electric (%)'
            ) }
          ) %>%
            tidyr::extract('name', c('variable', 'unit'), '^(.*) \\((.*)\\)$')
        ) },
        'TrRoad_act' = { list(
          prefix = 'Transport|Road|Activity|',
          rows = tibble(
            name = { c(
              'Passenger transport (mio pkm)',
              'Passenger transport|Powered 2-wheelers (mio pkm)',
              'Passenger transport|Passenger cars (mio pkm)',
              'Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Gasoline engine (mio pkm)',
              'Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Diesel oil engine (mio pkm)',
              'Passenger transport|Passenger cars|LPG engine (mio pkm)',
              'Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Natural gas engine (mio pkm)',
              'Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Plug-in hybrid electric (mio pkm)',
              'Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Battery electric vehicles (mio pkm)',
              'Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses (mio pkm)',
              'Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Gasoline engine (mio pkm)',
              'Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Diesel oil engine (mio pkm)',
              'Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|LPG engine (mio pkm)',
              'Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Natural gas engine (mio pkm)',
              'Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Battery electric vehicles (mio pkm)',
              'Freight transport (mio tkm)',
              'Freight transport|Light duty vehicles (mio tkm)',
              'Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Gasoline engine (mio tkm)',
              'Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Diesel oil engine (mio tkm)',
              'Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|LPG engine (mio tkm)',
              'Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Natural gas engine (mio tkm)',
              'Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Battery electric vehicles (mio tkm)',
              'Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles (mio tkm)',
              'Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles|Domestic (mio tkm)',
              'Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles|International (mio tkm)',

              'Vehicle-km driven (mio km)',
              'Vehicle-km driven|Passenger transport (mio km)',
              'Vehicle-km driven|Passenger transport|Powered 2-wheelers (mio km)',
              'Vehicle-km driven|Passenger transport|Passenger cars (mio km)',
              'Vehicle-km driven|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Gasoline engine (mio km)',
              'Vehicle-km driven|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Diesel oil engine (mio km)',
              'Vehicle-km driven|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|LPG engine (mio km)',
              'Vehicle-km driven|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Natural gas engine (mio km)',
              'Vehicle-km driven|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Plug-in hybrid electric (mio km)',
              'Vehicle-km driven|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Battery electric vehicles (mio km)',
              'Vehicle-km driven|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses (mio km)',
              'Vehicle-km driven|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Gasoline engine (mio km)',
              'Vehicle-km driven|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Diesel oil engine (mio km)',
              'Vehicle-km driven|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|LPG engine (mio km)',
              'Vehicle-km driven|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Natural gas engine (mio km)',
              'Vehicle-km driven|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Battery electric vehicles (mio km)',
              'Vehicle-km driven|Freight transport (mio km)',
              'Vehicle-km driven|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles (mio km)',
              'Vehicle-km driven|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Gasoline engine (mio km)',
              'Vehicle-km driven|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Diesel oil engine (mio km)',
              'Vehicle-km driven|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|LPG engine (mio km)',
              'Vehicle-km driven|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Natural gas engine (mio km)',
              'Vehicle-km driven|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Battery electric vehicles (mio km)',
              'Vehicle-km driven|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles (mio km)',
              'Vehicle-km driven|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles|Domestic (mio km)',
              'Vehicle-km driven|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles|International (mio km)',

              'Stock of vehicles - total (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - total|Passenger transport (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - total|Passenger transport|Powered 2-wheelers (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - total|Passenger transport|Passenger cars (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - total|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Gasoline engine (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - total|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Diesel oil engine (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - total|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|LPG engine (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - total|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Natural gas engine (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - total|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Plug-in hybrid electric (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - total|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Battery electric vehicles (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - total|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - total|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Gasoline engine (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - total|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Diesel oil engine (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - total|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|LPG engine (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - total|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Natural gas engine (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - total|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Battery electric vehicles (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - total|Freight transport (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - total|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - total|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Gasoline engine (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - total|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Diesel oil engine (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - total|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|LPG engine (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - total|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Natural gas engine (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - total|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Battery electric vehicles (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - total|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - total|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles|Domestic (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - total|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles|International (vehicles)',

              'Stock of vehicles - in use (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - in use|Passenger transport (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - in use|Passenger transport|Powered 2-wheelers (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - in use|Passenger transport|Passenger cars (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - in use|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Gasoline engine (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - in use|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Diesel oil engine (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - in use|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|LPG engine (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - in use|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Natural gas engine (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - in use|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Plug-in hybrid electric (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - in use|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Battery electric vehicles (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - in use|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - in use|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Gasoline engine (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - in use|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Diesel oil engine (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - in use|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|LPG engine (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - in use|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Natural gas engine (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - in use|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Battery electric vehicles (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - in use|Freight transport (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - in use|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - in use|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Gasoline engine (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - in use|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Diesel oil engine (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - in use|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|LPG engine (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - in use|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Natural gas engine (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - in use|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Battery electric vehicles (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - in use|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - in use|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles|Domestic (vehicles)',
              'Stock of vehicles - in use|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles|International (vehicles)',

              'New vehicle-registrations (vehicles)',
              'New vehicle-registrations|Passenger transport (vehicles)',
              'New vehicle-registrations|Passenger transport|Powered 2-wheelers (vehicles)',
              'New vehicle-registrations|Passenger transport|Passenger cars (vehicles)',
              'New vehicle-registrations|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Gasoline engine (vehicles)',
              'New vehicle-registrations|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Diesel oil engine (vehicles)',
              'New vehicle-registrations|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|LPG engine (vehicles)',
              'New vehicle-registrations|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Natural gas engine (vehicles)',
              'New vehicle-registrations|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Plug-in hybrid electric (vehicles)',
              'New vehicle-registrations|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Battery electric vehicles (vehicles)',
              'New vehicle-registrations|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses (vehicles)',
              'New vehicle-registrations|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Gasoline engine (vehicles)',
              'New vehicle-registrations|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Diesel oil engine (vehicles)',
              'New vehicle-registrations|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|LPG engine (vehicles)',
              'New vehicle-registrations|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Natural gas engine (vehicles)',
              'New vehicle-registrations|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Battery electric vehicles (vehicles)',
              'New vehicle-registrations|Freight transport (vehicles)',
              'New vehicle-registrations|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles (vehicles)',
              'New vehicle-registrations|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Gasoline engine (vehicles)',
              'New vehicle-registrations|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Diesel oil engine (vehicles)',
              'New vehicle-registrations|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|LPG engine (vehicles)',
              'New vehicle-registrations|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Natural gas engine (vehicles)',
              'New vehicle-registrations|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Battery electric vehicles (vehicles)',
              'New vehicle-registrations|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles (vehicles)',
              'New vehicle-registrations|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles|Domestic (vehicles)',
              'New vehicle-registrations|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles|International (vehicles)',


              'Load factor of vehicles|Passenger transport (p/movement)',
              'Load factor of vehicles|Passenger transport|Powered 2-wheelers (p/movement)',
              'Load factor of vehicles|Passenger transport|Passenger cars (p/movement)',
              'Load factor of vehicles|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Gasoline engine (p/movement)',
              'Load factor of vehicles|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Diesel oil engine (p/movement)',
              'Load factor of vehicles|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|LPG engine (p/movement)',
              'Load factor of vehicles|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Natural gas engine (p/movement)',
              'Load factor of vehicles|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Plug-in hybrid electric (p/movement)',
              'Load factor of vehicles|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Battery electric vehicles (p/movement)',
              'Load factor of vehicles|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses (p/movement)',
              'Load factor of vehicles|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Gasoline engine (p/movement)',
              'Load factor of vehicles|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Diesel oil engine (p/movement)',
              'Load factor of vehicles|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|LPG engine (p/movement)',
              'Load factor of vehicles|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Natural gas engine (p/movement)',
              'Load factor of vehicles|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Battery electric vehicles (p/movement)',
              'Load factor of vehicles|Freight transport (t/movement)',
              'Load factor of vehicles|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles (t/movement)',
              'Load factor of vehicles|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Gasoline engine (t/movement)',
              'Load factor of vehicles|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Diesel oil engine (t/movement)',
              'Load factor of vehicles|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|LPG engine (t/movement)',
              'Load factor of vehicles|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Natural gas engine (t/movement)',
              'Load factor of vehicles|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Battery electric vehicles (t/movement)',
              'Load factor of vehicles|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles (t/movement)',
              'Load factor of vehicles|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles|Domestic (t/movement)',
              'Load factor of vehicles|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles|International (t/movement)',

              'Vehicle-km driven per vehicle annum (km/vehicle)',
              'Vehicle-km driven per vehicle annum|Passenger transport (km/vehicle)',
              'Vehicle-km driven per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Powered 2-wheelers (km/vehicle)',
              'Vehicle-km driven per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Passenger cars (km/vehicle)',
              'Vehicle-km driven per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Gasoline engine (km/vehicle)',
              'Vehicle-km driven per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Diesel oil engine (km/vehicle)',
              'Vehicle-km driven per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|LPG engine (km/vehicle)',
              'Vehicle-km driven per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Natural gas engine (km/vehicle)',
              'Vehicle-km driven per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Plug-in hybrid electric (km/vehicle)',
              'Vehicle-km driven per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Battery electric vehicles (km/vehicle)',
              'Vehicle-km driven per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses (km/vehicle)',
              'Vehicle-km driven per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Gasoline engine (km/vehicle)',
              'Vehicle-km driven per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Diesel oil engine (km/vehicle)',
              'Vehicle-km driven per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|LPG engine (km/vehicle)',
              'Vehicle-km driven per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Natural gas engine (km/vehicle)',
              'Vehicle-km driven per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Battery electric vehicles (km/vehicle)',
              'Vehicle-km driven per vehicle annum|Freight transport (km/vehicle)',
              'Vehicle-km driven per vehicle annum|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles (km/vehicle)',
              'Vehicle-km driven per vehicle annum|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Gasoline engine (km/vehicle)',
              'Vehicle-km driven per vehicle annum|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Diesel oil engine (km/vehicle)',
              'Vehicle-km driven per vehicle annum|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|LPG engine (km/vehicle)',
              'Vehicle-km driven per vehicle annum|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Natural gas engine (km/vehicle)',
              'Vehicle-km driven per vehicle annum|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Battery electric vehicles (km/vehicle)',
              'Vehicle-km driven per vehicle annum|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles (km/vehicle)',
              'Vehicle-km driven per vehicle annum|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles|Domestic (km/vehicle)',
              'Vehicle-km driven per vehicle annum|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles|International (km/vehicle)',

              'Passenger-km and tonne-km driven per vehicle annum|Passenger transport (pkm/vehicle)',
              'Passenger-km and tonne-km driven per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Powered 2-wheelers (pkm/vehicle)',
              'Passenger-km and tonne-km driven per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Passenger cars (pkm/vehicle)',
              'Passenger-km and tonne-km driven per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Gasoline engine (pkm/vehicle)',
              'Passenger-km and tonne-km driven per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Diesel oil engine (pkm/vehicle)',
              'Passenger-km and tonne-km driven per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|LPG engine (pkm/vehicle)',
              'Passenger-km and tonne-km driven per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Natural gas engine (pkm/vehicle)',
              'Passenger-km and tonne-km driven per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Plug-in hybrid electric (pkm/vehicle)',
              'Passenger-km and tonne-km driven per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Battery electric vehicles (pkm/vehicle)',
              'Passenger-km and tonne-km driven per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses (pkm/vehicle)',
              'Passenger-km and tonne-km driven per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Gasoline engine (pkm/vehicle)',
              'Passenger-km and tonne-km driven per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Diesel oil engine (pkm/vehicle)',
              'Passenger-km and tonne-km driven per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|LPG engine (pkm/vehicle)',
              'Passenger-km and tonne-km driven per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Natural gas engine (pkm/vehicle)',
              'Passenger-km and tonne-km driven per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Battery electric vehicles (pkm/vehicle)',
              'Passenger-km and tonne-km driven per vehicle annum|Freight transport (tkm/vehicle)',
              'Passenger-km and tonne-km driven per vehicle annum|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles (tkm/vehicle)',
              'Passenger-km and tonne-km driven per vehicle annum|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Gasoline engine (tkm/vehicle)',
              'Passenger-km and tonne-km driven per vehicle annum|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Diesel oil engine (tkm/vehicle)',
              'Passenger-km and tonne-km driven per vehicle annum|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|LPG engine (tkm/vehicle)',
              'Passenger-km and tonne-km driven per vehicle annum|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Natural gas engine (tkm/vehicle)',
              'Passenger-km and tonne-km driven per vehicle annum|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Battery electric vehicles (tkm/vehicle)',
              'Passenger-km and tonne-km driven per vehicle annum|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles (tkm/vehicle)',
              'Passenger-km and tonne-km driven per vehicle annum|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles|Domestic (tkm/vehicle)',
              'Passenger-km and tonne-km driven per vehicle annum|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles|International (tkm/vehicle)',

              'Market shares of activity|Passenger transport|Passenger cars (% of pkm)',
              'Market shares of activity|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Gasoline engine (% of pkm)',
              'Market shares of activity|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Diesel oil engine (% of pkm)',
              'Market shares of activity|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|LPG engine (% of pkm)',
              'Market shares of activity|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Natural gas engine (% of pkm)',
              'Market shares of activity|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Plug-in hybrid electric (% of pkm)',
              'Market shares of activity|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Battery electric vehicles (% of pkm)',
              'Market shares of activity|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses (% of pkm)',
              'Market shares of activity|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Gasoline engine (% of pkm)',
              'Market shares of activity|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Diesel oil engine (% of pkm)',
              'Market shares of activity|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|LPG engine (% of pkm)',
              'Market shares of activity|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Natural gas engine (% of pkm)',
              'Market shares of activity|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Battery electric vehicles (% of pkm)',
              'Market shares of activity|Freight transport (% of tkm)',
              'Market shares of activity|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Gasoline engine (% of tkm)',
              'Market shares of activity|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Diesel oil engine (% of tkm)',
              'Market shares of activity|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|LPG engine (% of tkm)',
              'Market shares of activity|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Natural gas engine (% of tkm)',
              'Market shares of activity|Passenger transport (% of tkm)',
              'Market shares of activity|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Battery electric vehicles (% of tkm)',
              'Market shares of activity|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles (% of tkm)',
              'Market shares of activity|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles|Domestic (% of tkm)',
              'Market shares of activity|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles|International (% of tkm)',

              'Market shares of vehicle km|Passenger transport|Powered 2-wheelers (% of km)',
              'Market shares of vehicle km|Passenger transport|Passenger cars (% of km)',
              'Market shares of vehicle km|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Gasoline engine (% of km)',
              'Market shares of vehicle km|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Diesel oil engine (% of km)',
              'Market shares of vehicle km|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|LPG engine (% of km)',
              'Market shares of vehicle km|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Natural gas engine (% of km)',
              'Market shares of vehicle km|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Plug-in hybrid electric (% of km)',
              'Market shares of vehicle km|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Battery electric vehicles (% of km)',
              'Market shares of vehicle km|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses (% of km)',
              'Market shares of vehicle km|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Gasoline engine (% of km)',
              'Market shares of vehicle km|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Diesel oil engine (% of km)',
              'Market shares of vehicle km|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|LPG engine (% of km)',
              'Market shares of vehicle km|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Natural gas engine (% of km)',
              'Market shares of vehicle km|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Battery electric vehicles (% of km)',
              'Market shares of vehicle km|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles (% of km)',
              'Market shares of vehicle km|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Gasoline engine (% of km)',
              'Market shares of vehicle km|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Diesel oil engine (% of km)',
              'Market shares of vehicle km|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|LPG engine (% of km)',
              'Market shares of vehicle km|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Natural gas engine (% of km)',
              'Market shares of vehicle km|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Battery electric vehicles (% of km)',
              'Market shares of vehicle km|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles (% of km)',
              'Market shares of vehicle km|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles|Domestic (% of km)',
              'Market shares of vehicle km|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles|International (% of km)'
            ) }
          ) %>%
            tidyr::extract('name', c('variable', 'unit'), '^(.*) \\((.*)\\)$')
        ) },
        'TrRoad_emi' = { list(
          prefix = 'Transport|Road|CO2 Emissions|',
          rows = tibble(
            name = { c(
              'by fuel (kt of CO2)',
              'by fuel|Liquids (kt of CO2)',
              'by fuel|Liquids|Liquified petroleum gas (LPG) (kt of CO2)',
              'by fuel|Liquids|Gasoline (without biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
              'by fuel|Liquids|Gas/Diesel oil (without biofuels) (kt of CO2)',
              'by fuel|Natural gas (kt of CO2)',
              'by fuel|Renewable energies and wastes (kt of CO2)',
              'by fuel|Renewable energies and wastes|Biogas (kt of CO2)',
              'by fuel|Renewable energies and wastes|Biogasoline (kt of CO2)',
              'by fuel|Renewable energies and wastes|Biodiesel (kt of CO2)',
              'by fuel|Renewable energies and wastes|Other biofuels (kt of CO2)',
              'by fuel|Electricity (kt of CO2)',

              'Split of CO2 emissions (kt of CO2)',
              'Split of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport (kt of CO2)',
              'Split of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Powered 2-wheelers (kt of CO2)',
              'Split of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Passenger cars (kt of CO2)',
              'Split of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Gasoline engine (kt of CO2)',
              'Split of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Diesel oil engine (kt of CO2)',
              'Split of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|LPG engine (kt of CO2)',
              'Split of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Natural gas engine (kt of CO2)',
              'Split of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Plug-in hybrid electric (kt of CO2)',
              'Split of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Battery electric vehicles (kt of CO2)',
              'Split of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses (kt of CO2)',
              'Split of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Gasoline engine (kt of CO2)',
              'Split of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Diesel oil engine (kt of CO2)',
              'Split of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|LPG engine (kt of CO2)',
              'Split of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Natural gas engine (kt of CO2)',
              'Split of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Battery electric vehicles (kt of CO2)',
              'Split of CO2 emissions|Freight transport (kt of CO2)',
              'Split of CO2 emissions|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles (kt of CO2)',
              'Split of CO2 emissions|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Gasoline engine (kt of CO2)',
              'Split of CO2 emissions|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Diesel oil engine (kt of CO2)',
              'Split of CO2 emissions|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|LPG engine (kt of CO2)',
              'Split of CO2 emissions|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Natural gas engine (kt of CO2)',
              'Split of CO2 emissions|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Battery electric vehicles (kt of CO2)',
              'Split of CO2 emissions|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles (kt of CO2)',
              'Split of CO2 emissions|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles|Domestic (kt of CO2)',
              'Split of CO2 emissions|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles|International (kt of CO2)',


              'Emission factors|by fuel (kt CO2 / ktoe)',
              'Emission factors|by fuel|Gasoline (incl. biofuels) (kt CO2 / ktoe)',
              'Emission factors|by fuel|Diesel oil (incl. biofuels) (kt CO2 / ktoe)',
              'Emission factors|by fuel|LPG (kt CO2 / ktoe)',
              'Emission factors|by fuel|Natural gas (incl. biogas) (kt CO2 / ktoe)',
              'Emission factors|by fuel|Electricity (kt CO2 / ktoe)',

              'Emission intensity (g of CO2 / km)',
              'Emission intensity|Passenger transport (g of CO2 / km)',
              'Emission intensity|Passenger transport|Powered 2-wheelers (g of CO2 / km)',
              'Emission intensity|Passenger transport|Passenger cars (g of CO2 / km)',
              'Emission intensity|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Gasoline engine (g of CO2 / km)',
              'Emission intensity|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Diesel oil engine (g of CO2 / km)',
              'Emission intensity|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|LPG engine (g of CO2 / km)',
              'Emission intensity|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Natural gas engine (g of CO2 / km)',
              'Emission intensity|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Plug-in hybrid electric (g of CO2 / km)',
              'Emission intensity|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Battery electric vehicles (g of CO2 / km)',
              'Emission intensity|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses (g of CO2 / km)',
              'Emission intensity|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Gasoline engine (g of CO2 / km)',
              'Emission intensity|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Diesel oil engine (g of CO2 / km)',
              'Emission intensity|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|LPG engine (g of CO2 / km)',
              'Emission intensity|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Natural gas engine (g of CO2 / km)',
              'Emission intensity|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Battery electric vehicles (g of CO2 / km)',
              'Emission intensity|Freight transport (g of CO2 / km)',
              'Emission intensity|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles (g of CO2 / km)',
              'Emission intensity|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Gasoline engine (g of CO2 / km)',
              'Emission intensity|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Diesel oil engine (g of CO2 / km)',
              'Emission intensity|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|LPG engine (g of CO2 / km)',
              'Emission intensity|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Natural gas engine (g of CO2 / km)',
              'Emission intensity|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Battery electric vehicles (g of CO2 / km)',
              'Emission intensity|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles (g of CO2 / km)',
              'Emission intensity|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles|Domestic (g of CO2 / km)',
              'Emission intensity|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles|International (g of CO2 / km)',

              'Emission intensity over activity|Passenger transport (kg of CO2 / 000 pkm)',
              'Emission intensity over activity|Passenger transport|Powered 2-wheelers (kg of CO2 / 000 pkm)',
              'Emission intensity over activity|Passenger transport|Passenger cars (kg of CO2 / 000 pkm)',
              'Emission intensity over activity|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Gasoline engine (kg of CO2 / 000 pkm)',
              'Emission intensity over activity|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Diesel oil engine (kg of CO2 / 000 pkm)',
              'Emission intensity over activity|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|LPG engine (kg of CO2 / 000 pkm)',
              'Emission intensity over activity|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Natural gas engine (kg of CO2 / 000 pkm)',
              'Emission intensity over activity|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Plug-in hybrid electric (kg of CO2 / 000 pkm)',
              'Emission intensity over activity|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Battery electric vehicles (kg of CO2 / 000 pkm)',
              'Emission intensity over activity|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses (kg of CO2 / 000 pkm)',
              'Emission intensity over activity|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Gasoline engine (kg of CO2 / 000 pkm)',
              'Emission intensity over activity|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Diesel oil engine (kg of CO2 / 000 pkm)',
              'Emission intensity over activity|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|LPG engine (kg of CO2 / 000 pkm)',
              'Emission intensity over activity|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Natural gas engine (kg of CO2 / 000 pkm)',
              'Emission intensity over activity|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Battery electric vehicles (kg of CO2 / 000 pkm)',
              'Emission intensity over activity|Freight transport (kg of CO2 / 000 tkm)',
              'Emission intensity over activity|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles (kg of CO2 / 000 tkm)',
              'Emission intensity over activity|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Gasoline engine (kg of CO2 / 000 tkm)',
              'Emission intensity over activity|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Diesel oil engine (kg of CO2 / 000 tkm)',
              'Emission intensity over activity|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|LPG engine (kg of CO2 / 000 tkm)',
              'Emission intensity over activity|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Natural gas engine (kg of CO2 / 000 tkm)',
              'Emission intensity over activity|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Battery electric vehicles (kg of CO2 / 000 tkm)',
              'Emission intensity over activity|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles (kg of CO2 / 000 tkm)',
              'Emission intensity over activity|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles|Domestic (kg of CO2 / 000 tkm)',
              'Emission intensity over activity|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles|International (kg of CO2 / 000 tkm)',

              'CO2 emissions per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Powered 2-wheelers (kg of CO2 / vehicle)',
              'CO2 emissions per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Passenger cars (kg of CO2 / vehicle)',
              'CO2 emissions per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Gasoline engine (kg of CO2 / vehicle)',
              'CO2 emissions per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Diesel oil engine (kg of CO2 / vehicle)',
              'CO2 emissions per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|LPG engine (kg of CO2 / vehicle)',
              'CO2 emissions per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Natural gas engine (kg of CO2 / vehicle)',
              'CO2 emissions per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Plug-in hybrid electric (kg of CO2 / vehicle)',
              'CO2 emissions per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Battery electric vehicles (kg of CO2 / vehicle)',
              'CO2 emissions per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses (kg of CO2 / vehicle)',
              'CO2 emissions per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Gasoline engine (kg of CO2 / vehicle)',
              'CO2 emissions per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Diesel oil engine (kg of CO2 / vehicle)',
              'CO2 emissions per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|LPG engine (kg of CO2 / vehicle)',
              'CO2 emissions per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Natural gas engine (kg of CO2 / vehicle)',
              'CO2 emissions per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Battery electric vehicles (kg of CO2 / vehicle)',
              'CO2 emissions per vehicle annum|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles (kg of CO2 / vehicle)',
              'CO2 emissions per vehicle annum|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Gasoline engine (kg of CO2 / vehicle)',
              'CO2 emissions per vehicle annum|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Diesel oil engine (kg of CO2 / vehicle)',
              'CO2 emissions per vehicle annum|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|LPG engine (kg of CO2 / vehicle)',
              'CO2 emissions per vehicle annum|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Natural gas engine (kg of CO2 / vehicle)',
              'CO2 emissions per vehicle annum|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Battery electric vehicles (kg of CO2 / vehicle)',
              'CO2 emissions per vehicle annum|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles (kg of CO2 / vehicle)',
              'CO2 emissions per vehicle annum|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles|Domestic (kg of CO2 / vehicle)',
              'CO2 emissions per vehicle annum|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles|International (kg of CO2 / vehicle)',

              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Powered 2-wheelers (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Passenger cars (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Gasoline engine (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Diesel oil engine (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|LPG engine (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Natural gas engine (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Plug-in hybrid electric (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Battery electric vehicles (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Gasoline engine (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Diesel oil engine (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|LPG engine (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Natural gas engine (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Battery electric vehicles (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Freight transport (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Gasoline engine (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Diesel oil engine (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|LPG engine (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Natural gas engine (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Battery electric vehicles (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles|Domestic (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles|International (%)'
            ) }
          ) %>%
            tidyr::extract('name', c('variable', 'unit'), '^(.*) \\((.*)\\)$')
        ) },
        'TrRoad_ene' = { list(
            prefix = 'Transport|Road|Energy Consumption|',
            rows = tibble(
              name = { c(
                'by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA) (ktoe)',
                'by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Liquids (ktoe)',
                'by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Liquids|Liquified petroleum gas (LPG) (ktoe)',
                'by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Liquids|Gasoline (without biofuels) (ktoe)',
                'by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Liquids|Gas/Diesel oil (without biofuels) (ktoe)',
                'by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Natural gas (ktoe)',
                'by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Renewable energies and wastes (ktoe)',
                'by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Renewable energies and wastes|Biogas (ktoe)',
                'by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Renewable energies and wastes|Biogasoline (ktoe)',
                'by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Renewable energies and wastes|Biodiesel (ktoe)',
                'by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Renewable energies and wastes|Other biofuels (ktoe)',
                'by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Electricity (ktoe)',

                'Total energy consumption (ktoe)',
                'Total energy consumption|Passenger transport (ktoe)',
                'Total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Powered 2-wheelers (Gasoline) (ktoe)',
                'Total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Powered 2-wheelers (Gasoline)|of which biofuels (ktoe)',
                'Total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Passenger cars (ktoe)',
                'Total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Gasoline engine (ktoe)',
                'Total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Gasoline engine|of which biofuels (ktoe)',
                'Total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Diesel oil engine (ktoe)',
                'Total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Diesel oil engine|of which biofuels (ktoe)',
                'Total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|LPG engine (ktoe)',
                'Total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Natural gas engine (ktoe)',
                'Total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Natural gas engine|of which biogas (ktoe)',
                'Total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Plug-in hybrid electric (Gasoline and electricity) (ktoe)',
                'Total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Plug-in hybrid electric (Gasoline and electricity)|of which biofuels (ktoe)',
                'Total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Plug-in hybrid electric (Gasoline and electricity)|of which electricity (ktoe)',
                'Total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Battery electric vehicles (ktoe)',
                'Total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses (ktoe)',
                'Total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Gasoline engine (ktoe)',
                'Total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Gasoline engine|of which biofuels (ktoe)',
                'Total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Diesel oil engine (ktoe)',
                'Total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Diesel oil engine|of which biofuels (ktoe)',
                'Total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|LPG engine (ktoe)',
                'Total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Natural gas engine (ktoe)',
                'Total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Natural gas engine|of which biogas (ktoe)',
                'Total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Battery electric vehicles (ktoe)',
                'Total energy consumption|Freight transport (ktoe)',
                'Total energy consumption|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles (ktoe)',
                'Total energy consumption|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Gasoline engine (ktoe)',
                'Total energy consumption|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Gasoline engine|of which biofuels (ktoe)',
                'Total energy consumption|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Diesel oil engine (ktoe)',
                'Total energy consumption|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Diesel oil engine|of which biofuels (ktoe)',
                'Total energy consumption|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|LPG engine (ktoe)',
                'Total energy consumption|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Natural gas engine (ktoe)',
                'Total energy consumption|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Natural gas engine|of which biogas (ktoe)',
                'Total energy consumption|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Battery electric vehicles (ktoe)',
                'Total energy consumption|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles (Diesel oil incl. biofuels) (ktoe)',
                'Total energy consumption|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles (Diesel oil incl. biofuels)|Domestic (ktoe)',
                'Total energy consumption|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles (Diesel oil incl. biofuels)|Domestic|of which biofuels (ktoe)',
                'Total energy consumption|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles (Diesel oil incl. biofuels)|International (ktoe)',
                'Total energy consumption|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles (Diesel oil incl. biofuels)|International|of which biofuels (ktoe)',


                'Vehicle-efficiency - effective (kgoe/100 km)',
                'Vehicle-efficiency - effective|Passenger transport (kgoe/100 km)',
                'Vehicle-efficiency - effective|Passenger transport|Powered 2-wheelers (kgoe/100 km)',
                'Vehicle-efficiency - effective|Passenger transport|Passenger cars (kgoe/100 km)',
                'Vehicle-efficiency - effective|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Gasoline engine (kgoe/100 km)',
                'Vehicle-efficiency - effective|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Diesel oil engine (kgoe/100 km)',
                'Vehicle-efficiency - effective|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|LPG engine (kgoe/100 km)',
                'Vehicle-efficiency - effective|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Natural gas engine (kgoe/100 km)',
                'Vehicle-efficiency - effective|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Plug-in hybrid electric (kgoe/100 km)',
                'Vehicle-efficiency - effective|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Battery electric vehicles (kgoe/100 km)',
                'Vehicle-efficiency - effective|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses (kgoe/100 km)',
                'Vehicle-efficiency - effective|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Gasoline engine (kgoe/100 km)',
                'Vehicle-efficiency - effective|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Diesel oil engine (kgoe/100 km)',
                'Vehicle-efficiency - effective|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|LPG engine (kgoe/100 km)',
                'Vehicle-efficiency - effective|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Natural gas engine (kgoe/100 km)',
                'Vehicle-efficiency - effective|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Battery electric vehicles (kgoe/100 km)',
                'Vehicle-efficiency - effective|Freight transport (kgoe/100 km)',
                'Vehicle-efficiency - effective|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles (kgoe/100 km)',
                'Vehicle-efficiency - effective|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Gasoline engine (kgoe/100 km)',
                'Vehicle-efficiency - effective|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Diesel oil engine (kgoe/100 km)',
                'Vehicle-efficiency - effective|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|LPG engine (kgoe/100 km)',
                'Vehicle-efficiency - effective|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Natural gas engine (kgoe/100 km)',
                'Vehicle-efficiency - effective|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Battery electric vehicles (kgoe/100 km)',
                'Vehicle-efficiency - effective|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles (kgoe/100 km)',
                'Vehicle-efficiency - effective|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles|Domestic (kgoe/100 km)',
                'Vehicle-efficiency - effective|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles|International (kgoe/100 km)',

                'Energy intensity over activity|Passenger transport (kgoe / 000 pkm)',
                'Energy intensity over activity|Passenger transport|Powered 2-wheelers (kgoe / 000 pkm)',
                'Energy intensity over activity|Passenger transport|Passenger cars (kgoe / 000 pkm)',
                'Energy intensity over activity|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Gasoline engine (kgoe / 000 pkm)',
                'Energy intensity over activity|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Diesel oil engine (kgoe / 000 pkm)',
                'Energy intensity over activity|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|LPG engine (kgoe / 000 pkm)',
                'Energy intensity over activity|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Natural gas engine (kgoe / 000 pkm)',
                'Energy intensity over activity|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Plug-in hybrid electric (kgoe / 000 pkm)',
                'Energy intensity over activity|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Battery electric vehicles (kgoe / 000 pkm)',
                'Energy intensity over activity|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses (kgoe / 000 pkm)',
                'Energy intensity over activity|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Gasoline engine (kgoe / 000 pkm)',
                'Energy intensity over activity|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Diesel oil engine (kgoe / 000 pkm)',
                'Energy intensity over activity|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|LPG engine (kgoe / 000 pkm)',
                'Energy intensity over activity|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Natural gas engine (kgoe / 000 pkm)',
                'Energy intensity over activity|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Battery electric vehicles (kgoe / 000 pkm)',
                'Energy intensity over activity|Freight transport (kgoe / 000 tkm)',
                'Energy intensity over activity|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles (kgoe / 000 tkm)',
                'Energy intensity over activity|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Gasoline engine (kgoe / 000 tkm)',
                'Energy intensity over activity|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Diesel oil engine (kgoe / 000 tkm)',
                'Energy intensity over activity|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|LPG engine (kgoe / 000 tkm)',
                'Energy intensity over activity|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Natural gas engine (kgoe / 000 tkm)',
                'Energy intensity over activity|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Battery electric vehicles (kgoe / 000 tkm)',
                'Energy intensity over activity|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles (kgoe / 000 tkm)',
                'Energy intensity over activity|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles|Domestic (kgoe / 000 tkm)',
                'Energy intensity over activity|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles|International (kgoe / 000 tkm)',

                'Energy consumption per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Powered 2-wheelers (kgoe/vehicle)',
                'Energy consumption per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Passenger cars (kgoe/vehicle)',
                'Energy consumption per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Gasoline engine (kgoe/vehicle)',
                'Energy consumption per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Diesel oil engine (kgoe/vehicle)',
                'Energy consumption per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|LPG engine (kgoe/vehicle)',
                'Energy consumption per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Natural gas engine (kgoe/vehicle)',
                'Energy consumption per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Plug-in hybrid electric (kgoe/vehicle)',
                'Energy consumption per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Battery electric vehicles (kgoe/vehicle)',
                'Energy consumption per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses (kgoe/vehicle)',
                'Energy consumption per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buse|Gasoline engine (kgoe/vehicle)',
                'Energy consumption per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buse|Diesel oil engine (kgoe/vehicle)',
                'Energy consumption per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buse|LPG engine (kgoe/vehicle)',
                'Energy consumption per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buse|Natural gas engine (kgoe/vehicle)',
                'Energy consumption per vehicle annum|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buse|Battery electric vehicles (kgoe/vehicle)',
                'Energy consumption per vehicle annum|Freight transport (kgoe/vehicle)',
                'Energy consumption per vehicle annum|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles (kgoe/vehicle)',
                'Energy consumption per vehicle annum|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Gasoline engine (kgoe/vehicle)',
                'Energy consumption per vehicle annum|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Diesel oil engine (kgoe/vehicle)',
                'Energy consumption per vehicle annum|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|LPG engine (kgoe/vehicle)',
                'Energy consumption per vehicle annum|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Natural gas engine (kgoe/vehicle)',
                'Energy consumption per vehicle annum|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Battery electric vehicles (kgoe/vehicle)',
                'Energy consumption per vehicle annum|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles (kgoe/vehicle)',
                'Energy consumption per vehicle annum|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles|Domestic (kgoe/vehicle)',
                'Energy consumption per vehicle annum|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles|International (kgoe/vehicle)',

                'Shares of total energy consumption|Passenger transport (%)',
                'Shares of total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Powered 2-wheelers (%)',
                'Shares of total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Passenger cars (%)',
                'Shares of total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Gasoline engine (%)',
                'Shares of total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Diesel oil engine (%)',
                'Shares of total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|LPG engine (%)',
                'Shares of total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Natural gas engine (%)',
                'Shares of total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Plug-in hybrid electric (%)',
                'Shares of total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Passenger cars|Battery electric vehicles (%)',
                'Shares of total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses (%)',
                'Shares of total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Gasoline engine (%)',
                'Shares of total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Diesel oil engine (%)',
                'Shares of total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|LPG engine (%)',
                'Shares of total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Natural gas engine (%)',
                'Shares of total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Motor coaches, buses and trolley buses|Battery electric vehicles (%)',
                'Shares of total energy consumption|Freight transport (%)',
                'Shares of total energy consumption|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles (%)',
                'Shares of total energy consumption|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Gasoline engine (%)',
                'Shares of total energy consumption|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Diesel oil engine (%)',
                'Shares of total energy consumption|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|LPG engine (%)',
                'Shares of total energy consumption|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Natural gas engine (%)',
                'Shares of total energy consumption|Freight transport|Light duty vehicles|Battery electric vehicles (%)',
                'Shares of total energy consumption|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles (%)',
                'Shares of total energy consumption|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles|Domestic (%)',
                'Shares of total energy consumption|Freight transport|Heavy duty vehicles|International (%)'
              ) }
            ) %>%
              tidyr::extract('name', c('variable', 'unit'), '^(.*) \\((.*)\\)$')
          ) },
        'TrAvia_act' = { list(
          prefix = 'Transport|Aviation|Activity|',
          rows = tibble(
            name = { c(
              'Transport activity|Passenger transport (mio pkm)',
              'Transport activity|Passenger transport|Domestic (mio pkm)',
              'Transport activity|Passenger transport|International - Intra-EU (mio pkm)',
              'Transport activity|Passenger transport|International - Extra-EU (mio pkm)',
              'Transport activity|Freight transport (mio tkm)',
              'Transport activity|Freight transport|Domestic and International - Intra-EU (mio tkm)',
              'Transport activity|Freight transport|International - Extra-EU (mio tkm)',

              'Vehicle-km (mio km)',
              'Vehicle-km|Passenger transport (mio km)',
              'Vehicle-km|Passenger transport|Domestic (mio km)',
              'Vehicle-km|Passenger transport|International - Intra-EU (mio km)',
              'Vehicle-km|Passenger transport|International - Extra-EU (mio km)',
              'Vehicle-km|Freight transport (mio km)',
              'Vehicle-km|Freight transport|Domestic and International - Intra-EU (mio km)',
              'Vehicle-km|Freight transport|International - Extra-EU (mio km)',

              'Number of flights (no)',
              'Number of flights|Passenger transport (no)',
              'Number of flights|Passenger transport|Domestic (no)',
              'Number of flights|Passenger transport|International - Intra-EU (no)',
              'Number of flights|Passenger transport|International - Extra-EU (no)',
              'Number of flights|Freight transport (no)',
              'Number of flights|Freight transport|Domestic and International - Intra-EU (no)',
              'Number of flights|Freight transport|International - Extra-EU (no)',

              'Volume carried|Passenger transport (passengers)',
              'Volume carried|Passenger transport|Domestic (passengers)',
              'Volume carried|Passenger transport|International - Intra-EU (passengers)',
              'Volume carried|Passenger transport|International - Extra-EU (passengers)',
              'Volume carried|Freight transport (tonnes)',
              'Volume carried|Freight transport|Domestic and International - Intra-EU (tonnes)',
              'Volume carried|Freight transport|International - Extra-EU (tonnes)',

              'Stock of aircrafts - total (no)',
              'Stock of aircrafts - total|Passenger transport (no)',
              'Stock of aircrafts - total|Passenger transport|Domestic (no)',
              'Stock of aircrafts - total|Passenger transport|International - Intra-EU (no)',
              'Stock of aircrafts - total|Passenger transport|International - Extra-EU (no)',
              'Stock of aircrafts - total|Freight transport (no)',
              'Stock of aircrafts - total|Freight transport|Domestic and International - Intra-EU (no)',
              'Stock of aircrafts - total|Freight transport|International - Extra-EU (no)',

              'Stock of aircrafts - in use (no)',
              'Stock of aircrafts - in use|Passenger transport (no)',
              'Stock of aircrafts - in use|Passenger transport|Domestic (no)',
              'Stock of aircrafts - in use|Passenger transport|International - Intra-EU (no)',
              'Stock of aircrafts - in use|Passenger transport|International - Extra-EU (no)',
              'Stock of aircrafts - in use|Freight transport (no)',
              'Stock of aircrafts - in use|Freight transport|Domestic and International - Intra-EU (no)',
              'Stock of aircrafts - in use|Freight transport|International - Extra-EU (no)',

              'New aircrafts (no)',
              'New aircrafts|Passenger transport (no)',
              'New aircrafts|Passenger transport|Domestic (no)',
              'New aircrafts|Passenger transport|International - Intra-EU (no)',
              'New aircrafts|Passenger transport|International - Extra-EU (no)',
              'New aircrafts|Freight transport (no)',
              'New aircrafts|Freight transport|Domestic and International - Intra-EU (no)',
              'New aircrafts|Freight transport|International - Extra-EU (no)',


              'Load factor of flights|Passenger transport (p/flight)',
              'Load factor of flights|Passenger transport|Domestic (p/flight)',
              'Load factor of flights|Passenger transport|International - Intra-EU (p/flight)',
              'Load factor of flights|Passenger transport|International - Extra-EU (p/flight)',
              'Load factor of flights|Freight transport (t/flight)',
              'Load factor of flights|Freight transport|Domestic and International - Intra-EU (t/flight)',
              'Load factor of flights|Freight transport|International - Extra-EU (t/flight)',

              'Distance travelled per flight|Passenger transport (km/flight)',
              'Distance travelled per flight|Passenger transport|Domestic (km/flight)',
              'Distance travelled per flight|Passenger transport|International - Intra-EU (km/flight)',
              'Distance travelled per flight|Passenger transport|International - Extra-EU (km/flight)',
              'Distance travelled per flight|Freight transport (km/flight)',
              'Distance travelled per flight|Freight transport|Domestic and International - Intra-EU (km/flight)',
              'Distance travelled per flight|Freight transport|International - Extra-EU (km/flight)',

              'Passenger-km and tonne-km per flight|Passenger transport (pkm/flight)',
              'Passenger-km and tonne-km per flight|Passenger transport|Domestic (pkm/flight)',
              'Passenger-km and tonne-km per flight|Passenger transport|International - Intra-EU (pkm/flight)',
              'Passenger-km and tonne-km per flight|Passenger transport|International - Extra-EU (pkm/flight)',
              'Passenger-km and tonne-km per flight|Freight transport (tkm/flight)',
              'Passenger-km and tonne-km per flight|Freight transport|Domestic and International - Intra-EU (tkm/flight)',
              'Passenger-km and tonne-km per flight|Freight transport|International - Extra-EU (tkm/flight)',

              'Flights per year by airplane|Passenger transport (no)',
              'Flights per year by airplane|Passenger transport|Domestic (no)',
              'Flights per year by airplane|Passenger transport|International - Intra-EU (no)',
              'Flights per year by airplane|Passenger transport|International - Extra-EU (no)',
              'Flights per year by airplane|Freight transport (no)',
              'Flights per year by airplane|Freight transport|Domestic and International - Intra-EU (no)',
              'Flights per year by airplane|Freight transport|International - Extra-EU (no)',

              'Market shares of activity|Passenger transport|Domestic (% of pkm)',
              'Market shares of activity|Passenger transport|International - Intra-EU (% of pkm)',
              'Market shares of activity|Passenger transport|International - Extra-EU (% of pkm)',
              'Market shares of activity|Freight transport|Domestic and International - Intra-EU (% of tkm)',
              'Market shares of activity|Freight transport|International - Extra-EU (% of tkm)',

              'Market shares of vehicle km|Passenger transport|Domestic (% of km)',
              'Market shares of vehicle km|Passenger transport|International - Intra-EU (% of km)',
              'Market shares of vehicle km|Passenger transport|International - Extra-EU (% of km)',
              'Market shares of vehicle km|Freight transport|Domestic and International - Intra-EU (% of km)',
              'Market shares of vehicle km|Freight transport|International - Extra-EU (% of km)',

            ) }
          ) %>%
            tidyr::extract('name', c('variable', 'unit'), '^(.*) \\((.*)\\)$')
        ) },
        'TrAvia_emi' = { list(
          prefix = 'Transport|Aviation|CO2 Emissions|',
          rows = tibble(
            name = { c(
              'by fuel (kt of CO2)',
              'by fuel|Liquids (kt of CO2)',

              'Split of CO2 emissions (kt of CO2)',
              'Split of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport (kt of CO2)',
              'Split of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Domestic (kt of CO2)',
              'Split of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|International - Intra-EU (kt of CO2)',
              'Split of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|International - Extra-EU (kt of CO2)',
              'Split of CO2 emissions|Freight transport (kt of CO2)',
              'Split of CO2 emissions|Freight transport|Domestic and International - Intra-EU (kt of CO2)',
              'Split of CO2 emissions|Freight transport|International - Extra-EU (kt of CO2)',


              'Emission factors|by fuel (kt CO2 / ktoe)',
              'Emission factors|by fuel|Liquids (kt CO2 / ktoe)',

              'Emission intensity (kg of CO2 / 100 km)',
              'Emission intensity|Passenger transport (kg of CO2 / 100 km)',
              'Emission intensity|Passenger transport|Domestic (kg of CO2 / 100 km)',
              'Emission intensity|Passenger transport|International - Intra-EU (kg of CO2 / 100 km)',
              'Emission intensity|Passenger transport|International - Extra-EU (kg of CO2 / 100 km)',
              'Emission intensity|Freight transport (kg of CO2 / 100 km)',
              'Emission intensity|Freight transport|Domestic and International - Intra-EU (kg of CO2 / 100 km)',
              'Emission intensity|Freight transport|International - Extra-EU (kg of CO2 / 100 km)',

              'Emission intensity over activity|Passenger transport (kg of CO2 / 000 pkm)',
              'Emission intensity over activity|Passenger transport|Domestic (kg of CO2 / 000 pkm)',
              'Emission intensity over activity|Passenger transport|International - Intra-EU (kg of CO2 / 000 pkm)',
              'Emission intensity over activity|Passenger transport|International - Extra-EU (kg of CO2 / 000 pkm)',
              'Emission intensity over activity|Freight transport (kg of CO2 / 000 tkm)',
              'Emission intensity over activity|Freight transport|Domestic and International - Intra-EU (kg of CO2 / 000 tkm)',
              'Emission intensity over activity|Freight transport|International - Extra-EU (kg of CO2 / 000 tkm)',

              'CO2 emissions per flight|Passenger transport (kg of CO2 / flight)',
              'CO2 emissions per flight|Passenger transport|Domestic (kg of CO2 / flight)',
              'CO2 emissions per flight|Passenger transport|International - Intra-EU (kg of CO2 / flight)',
              'CO2 emissions per flight|Passenger transport|International - Extra-EU (kg of CO2 / flight)',
              'CO2 emissions per flight|Freight transport (kg of CO2 / flight)',
              'CO2 emissions per flight|Freight transport|Domestic and International - Intra-EU (kg of CO2 / flight)',
              'CO2 emissions per flight|Freight transport|International - Extra-EU (kg of CO2 / flight)',

              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|Domestic (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|International - Intra-EU (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Passenger transport|International - Extra-EU (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Freight transport (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Freight transport|Domestic and International - Intra-EU (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Freight transport|International - Extra-EU (%)'
          ) %>%
            tidyr::extract('name', c('variable', 'unit'), '^(.*) \\((.*)\\)$')
        ) },
        'TrAvia_ene' = { list(
          prefix = 'Transport|Aviation|Energy Consumption|',
          rows = tibble(
            name = { c(
              'by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA) (ktoe)',
              'by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Liquids (ktoe)',

              'Total energy consumption (ktoe)',
              'Total energy consumption|Passenger transport (ktoe)',
              'Total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Domestic (ktoe)',
              'Total energy consumption|Passenger transport|International - Intra-EU (ktoe)',
              'Total energy consumption|Passenger transport|International - Extra-EU (ktoe)',
              'Total energy consumption|Freight transport (ktoe)',
              'Total energy consumption|Freight transport|Domestic and International - Intra-EU (ktoe)',
              'Total energy consumption|Freight transport|International - Extra-EU (ktoe)',


              'Vehicle-efficiency - effective (kgoe/100 km)',
              'Vehicle-efficiency - effective|Passenger transport (kgoe/100 km)',
              'Vehicle-efficiency - effective|Passenger transport|Domestic (kgoe/100 km)',
              'Vehicle-efficiency - effective|Passenger transport|International - Intra-EU (kgoe/100 km)',
              'Vehicle-efficiency - effective|Passenger transport|International - Extra-EU (kgoe/100 km)',
              'Vehicle-efficiency - effective|Freight transport (kgoe/100 km)',
              'Vehicle-efficiency - effective|Freight transport|Domestic and International - Intra-EU (kgoe/100 km)',
              'Vehicle-efficiency - effective|Freight transport|International - Extra-EU (kgoe/100 km)',

              'Energy intensity over activity|Passenger transport (kgoe/000 pkm)',
              'Energy intensity over activity|Passenger transport|Domestic (kgoe/000 pkm)',
              'Energy intensity over activity|Passenger transport|International - Intra-EU (kgoe/000 pkm)',
              'Energy intensity over activity|Passenger transport|International - Extra-EU (kgoe/000 pkm)',
              'Energy intensity over activity|Freight transport (kgoe/000 tkm)',
              'Energy intensity over activity|Freight transport|Domestic and International - Intra-EU (kgoe/000 tkm)',
              'Energy intensity over activity|Freight transport|International - Extra-EU (kgoe/000 tkm)',

              'Energy consumption per flight|Passenger transport (kgoe/flight)',
              'Energy consumption per flight|Passenger transport|Domestic (kgoe/flight)',
              'Energy consumption per flight|Passenger transport|International - Intra-EU (kgoe/flight)',
              'Energy consumption per flight|Passenger transport|International - Extra-EU (kgoe/flight)',
              'Energy consumption per flight|Freight transport (kgoe/flight)',
              'Energy consumption per flight|Freight transport|Domestic and International - Intra-EU (kgoe/flight)',
              'Energy consumption per flight|Freight transport|International - Extra-EU (kgoe/flight)',

              'Shares of total energy consumption|Passenger transport (%)',
              'Shares of total energy consumption|Passenger transport|Domestic (%)',
              'Shares of total energy consumption|Passenger transport|International - Intra-EU (%)',
              'Shares of total energy consumption|Passenger transport|International - Extra-EU (%)',
              'Shares of total energy consumption|Freight transport (%)',
              'Shares of total energy consumption|Freight transport|Domestic and International - Intra-EU (%)',
              'Shares of total energy consumption|Freight transport|International - Extra-EU (%)',

              'Vehicle-efficiency - theoretical (kgoe/100 km)',
              'Vehicle-efficiency - theoretical|Passenger transport (kgoe/100 km)',
              'Vehicle-efficiency - theoretical|Passenger transport|Domestic (kgoe/100 km)',
              'Vehicle-efficiency - theoretical|Passenger transport|International - Intra-EU (kgoe/100 km)',
              'Vehicle-efficiency - theoretical|Passenger transport|International - Extra-EU (kgoe/100 km)',
              'Vehicle-efficiency - theoretical|Freight transport (kgoe/100 km)',
              'Vehicle-efficiency - theoretical|Freight transport|Domestic and International - Intra-EU (kgoe/100 km)',
              'Vehicle-efficiency - theoretical|Freight transport|International - Extra-EU (kgoe/100 km)',

              'Discrepancy between effective and theoretical efficiencies (ratio)',
              'Discrepancy between effective and theoretical efficiencies|Passenger transport (ratio)',
              'Discrepancy between effective and theoretical efficiencies|Passenger transport|Domestic (ratio)',
              'Discrepancy between effective and theoretical efficiencies|Passenger transport|International - Intra-EU (ratio)',
              'Discrepancy between effective and theoretical efficiencies|Passenger transport|International - Extra-EU (ratio)',
              'Discrepancy between effective and theoretical efficiencies|Freight transport (ratio)',
              'Discrepancy between effective and theoretical efficiencies|Freight transport|Domestic and International - Intra-EU (ratio)',
              'Discrepancy between effective and theoretical efficiencies|Freight transport|International - Extra-EU (ratio)',

              'Discrepancy between the theoretical fuel consumption in the country to the EU28|Passenger transport|Domestic (ratio)',
              'Discrepancy between the theoretical fuel consumption in the country to the EU28|Passenger transport|International - Intra-EU (ratio)',
              'Discrepancy between the theoretical fuel consumption in the country to the EU28|Passenger transport|International - Extra-EU (ratio)',
              'Discrepancy between the theoretical fuel consumption in the country to the EU28|Freight transport|Domestic and International - Intra-EU (ratio)',
              'Discrepancy between the theoretical fuel consumption in the country to the EU28|Freight transport|International - Extra-EU (ratio)',

            ) }
          ) %>%
            tidyr::extract('name', c('variable', 'unit'), '^(.*) \\((.*)\\)$')
        ) },
        'TrNavi_emi' = { list(
          prefix = 'Transport|Navigation|CO2 Emissions|',
          rows = tibble(
            name = { c(
              'by fuel (kt of CO2)',
              'by fuel|Liquids (kt of CO2)',

              'Split of CO2 emissions (kt of CO2)',
              'Split of CO2 emissions|Domestic coastal shipping (kt of CO2)',
              'Split of CO2 emissions|Inland waterways (kt of CO2)',


              'Emission factors|by fuel (kt CO2 / ktoe)',
              'Emission factors|by fuel|Liquids (kt CO2 / ktoe)',

              'Emission intensity (kg of CO2 / 100 km)',
              'Emission intensity|Domestic coastal shipping (kg of CO2 / 100 km)',
              'Emission intensity|Inland waterways (kg of CO2 / 100 km)',

              'Emission intensity over activity (kg of CO2 / 000 tkm)',
              'Emission intensity over activity|Domestic coastal shipping (kg of CO2 / 000 tkm)',
              'Emission intensity over activity|Inland waterways (kg of CO2 / 000 tkm)',

              'Shares of CO2 emissions (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Domestic coastal shipping (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Inland waterways (%)'
            ) }
          ) %>%
            tidyr::extract('name', c('variable', 'unit'), '^(.*) \\((.*)\\)$')
        'TrNavi_ene' = { list(
          prefix = 'Transport|Navigation|Energy Consumption|',
          rows = tibble(
            name = { c(
              'by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA) (ktoe)',
              'by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Liquids (Petroleum products) (ktoe)',
              'by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Liquids (Petroleum products)|Liquified petroleum gas (LPG) (ktoe)',
              'by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Liquids (Petroleum products)|Gasoline (without biofuels) (ktoe)',
              'by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Liquids (Petroleum products)|Kerosene (ktoe)',
              'by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Liquids (Petroleum products)|Gas/Diesel oil (without biofuels) (ktoe)',
              'by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Liquids (Petroleum products)|Residual fuel oil (ktoe)',
              'by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Liquids (Petroleum products)|Other petroleum products (ktoe)',
              'by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Natural gas (ktoe)',
              'by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Renewable energies and wastes (ktoe)',
              'by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Renewable energies and wastes|Biogas (ktoe)',
              'by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Renewable energies and wastes|Biogasoline (ktoe)',
              'by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Renewable energies and wastes|Biodiesel (ktoe)',
              'by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Renewable energies and wastes|Other biofuels (ktoe)',

              'Total energy consumption (ktoe)',
              'Total energy consumption|Domestic coastal shipping (ktoe)',
              'Total energy consumption|Inland waterways (ktoe)',


              'Vehicle-efficiency (kgoe/100 km)',
              'Vehicle-efficiency|Domestic coastal shipping (kgoe/100 km)',
              'Vehicle-efficiency|Inland waterways (kgoe/100 km)',

              'Energy intensity over activity (kgoe / 000 tkm)',
              'Energy intensity over activity|Domestic coastal shipping (kgoe / 000 tkm)',
              'Energy intensity over activity|Inland waterways (kgoe / 000 tkm)',

              'Shares of total energy consumption|Domestic coastal shipping (%)',
              'Shares of total energy consumption|Inland waterways (%)'
            ) }
          ) %>%
            tidyr::extract('name', c('variable', 'unit'), '^(.*) \\((.*)\\)$')
        ) }
    ) },
    MBunkers = { list(
      pattern = '^JRC-IDEES-2015_MBunkers_.*\\.xlsx$',
      sheets = list(
        'MBunk_act' = { list(
          prefix = 'Maritime Bunkers|',
          rows = tibble(
            name = { c(
              'Transport activity (mio tkm)',
              'Transport activity|Intra-EU (mio tkm)',
              'Transport activity|Extra-EU (mio tkm)',

              'Vehicle-km (mio km)',
              'Vehicle-km|Intra-EU (mio km)',
              'Vehicle-km|Extra-EU (mio km)',


              'Load factor of vehicles (t/movement)',
              'Load factor of vehicles|Intra-EU (t/movement)',
              'Load factor of vehicles|Extra-EU (t/movement)',

              'Market shares of activity|Intra-EU (% of tkm)',
              'Market shares of activity|Extra-EU (% of tkm)',

              'Market shares of vehicle km|Intra-EU (% of tkm)',
              'Market shares of vehicle km|Extra-EU (% of tkm)'
            ) }
          ) %>%
            tidyr::extract('name', c('variable', 'unit'), '^(.*) \\((.*)\\)$')
        ) },
        'MBunk_emi' = { list(
          prefix = 'Maritime Bunkers|CO2 Emissions|',
          rows = tibble(
            name = { c(
              'CO2 emissions|by fuel (kt of CO2)',
              'CO2 emissions|by fuel|Liquids (kt of CO2)',

              'Split of CO2 emissions (kt of CO2)',
              'Split of CO2 emissions|Intra-EU (kt of CO2)',
              'Split of CO2 emissions|Extra-EU (kt of CO2)',


              'Emission factors|by fuel (kt CO2 / ktoe)',
              'Emission factors|by fuel|Liquids (kt CO2 / ktoe)',

              'Emission intensity|Intra-EU (kg of CO2 / 100 km)',
              'Emission intensity|Extra-EU (kg of CO2 / 100 km)',

              'Emission intensity over activity (kg of CO2 / 000 tkm)',
              'Emission intensity over activity|Intra-EU (kg of CO2 / 000 tkm)',
              'Emission intensity over activity|Extra-EU (kg of CO2 / 000 tkm)',

              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Intra-EU (%)',
              'Shares of CO2 emissions|Extra-EU (%)'
            ) }
          )  %>%
            tidyr::extract('name', c('variable', 'unit'), '^(.*) \\((.*)\\)$')
        ) },
        'MBunk_ene' = { list(
          prefix = 'Maritime Bunkers|Energy Consumption|',
          rows = tibble(
            name = { c(
              'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA) (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Liquids (Petroleum products) (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Liquids|Liquified petroleum gas (LPG) (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Liquids|Gasoline (without biofuels) (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Liquids|Kerosene (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Liquids|Gas/Diesel oil (without biofuels) (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Liquids|Residual fuel oil (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Liquids|Other petroleum products (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Natural gas (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Renewable energies and wastes (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Renewable energies and wastes|Biogas (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Renewable energies and wastes|Biogasoline (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Renewable energies and wastes|Biodiesel (ktoe)',
              'Energy consumption|by fuel (EUROSTAT DATA)|Renewable energies and wastes|Other biofuels (ktoe)',

              'Total energy consumption (ktoe)',
              'Total energy consumption|Intra-EU (ktoe)',
              'Total energy consumption|Extra-EU (ktoe)',


              'Vehicle-efficiency (kgoe/100 km)',
              'Vehicle-efficiency|Intra-EU (kgoe/100 km)',
              'Vehicle-efficiency|Extra-EU (kgoe/100 km)',

              'Energy intensity over activity (kgoe / 000 tkm)',
              'Energy intensity over activity|Intra-EU (kgoe / 000 tkm)',
              'Energy intensity over activity|Extra-EU (kgoe / 000 tkm)',

              'Shares of total energy consumption|Intra-EU (%)',
              'Shares of total energy consumption|Extra-EU (%)'
            ) }
          )  %>%
            tidyr::extract('name', c('variable', 'unit'), '^(.*) \\((.*)\\)$')
        ) }
    ) },
    Residential = { list(
      pattern = '^JRC-IDEES-2015_Residential_.*\\.xlsx$',
      sheets = { list(
        'RES_hh_num' = { list(
          prefix = 'Residential|Stock of households',
          rows = tibble(
            name = { c(
              " (no)",

              "|Space heating (no)",
              "|Space heating|Solids (no)",
              "|Space heating|Liquified petroleum gas (LPG) (no)",
              "|Space heating|Gas/Diesel oil incl. biofuels (GDO) (no)",
              "|Space heating|Gases incl. biogas (no)",
              "|Space heating|Biomass and wastes (no)",
              "|Space heating|Geothermal energy (no)",
              "|Space heating|Derived heat (no)",
              "|Space heating|Advanced electric heating (no)",
              "|Space heating|Conventional electric heating (no)",
              "|Space heating|Circulation (no)",

              "|Space cooling (no)",
              "|Space cooling|Air conditioning (no)",

              "|Water heating (no)",
              "|Water heating|Solids (no)",
              "|Water heating|Liquified petroleum gas (LPG) (no)",
              "|Water heating|Gas/Diesel oil incl. biofuels (GDO) (no)",
              "|Water heating|Gases incl. biogas (no)",
              "|Water heating|Biomass and wastes (no)",
              "|Water heating|Geothermal energy (no)",
              "|Water heating|Derived heat (no)",
              "|Water heating|Electricity (no)",
              "|Water heating|Solar (no)",

              "|Cooking (no)",
              "|Cooking|Solids (no)",
              "|Cooking|Liquified petroleum gas (LPG) (no)",
              "|Cooking|Gases incl. biogas (no)",
              "|Cooking|Biomass and wastes (no)",
              "|Cooking|Electricity (no)"
            ) }
          ) %>%
            tidyr::extract('name', c('variable', 'unit'), '^(.*) \\((.*)\\)$')
        ) },
        'RES_hh_fec' = { list(
          prefix = 'Residential|Final energy consumption|Thermal uses',
          rows = tibble(
            name = { c(
              " (ktoe)",

              "|Space heating (ktoe)",
              "|Space heating|Solids (ktoe)",
              "|Space heating|Liquified petroleum gas (LPG) (ktoe)",
              "|Space heating|Gas/Diesel oil incl. biofuels (GDO) (ktoe)",
              "|Space heating|Gases incl. biogas (ktoe)",
              "|Space heating|Biomass and wastes (ktoe)",
              "|Space heating|Geothermal energy (ktoe)",
              "|Space heating|Derived heat (ktoe)",
              "|Space heating|Advanced electric heating (ktoe)",
              "|Space heating|Conventional electric heating (ktoe)",
              "|Space heating|Circulation (ktoe)",

              "|Space cooling (ktoe)",
              "|Space cooling|Air conditioning (ktoe)",

              "|Water heating (ktoe)",
              "|Water heating|Solids (ktoe)",
              "|Water heating|Liquified petroleum gas (LPG) (ktoe)",
              "|Water heating|Gas/Diesel oil incl. biofuels (GDO) (ktoe)",
              "|Water heating|Gases incl. biogas (ktoe)",
              "|Water heating|Biomass and wastes (ktoe)",
              "|Water heating|Geothermal energy (ktoe)",
              "|Water heating|Derived heat (ktoe)",
              "|Water heating|Electricity (ktoe)",
              "|Water heating|Solar (ktoe)",

              "|Cooking (ktoe)",
              "|Cooking|Solids (ktoe)",
              "|Cooking|Liquified petroleum gas (LPG) (ktoe)",
              "|Cooking|Gases incl. biogas (ktoe)",
              "|Cooking|Biomass and wastes (ktoe)",
              "|Cooking|Electricity (ktoe)"
            ) }
          ) %>%
            tidyr::extract('name', c('variable', 'unit'), '^(.*) \\((.*)\\)$')
        ) },
        'RES_hh_eff' = { list(
          prefix = 'Residential|Ratio of energy service to energy consumption|Thermal uses',
          rows = tibble(
            name = { c(
              " (system efficiency indicator)",

              "|Space heating (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Space heating|Solids (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Space heating|Liquified petroleum gas (LPG) (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Space heating|Gas/Diesel oil incl. biofuels (GDO) (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Space heating|Gases incl. biogas (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Space heating|Biomass and wastes (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Space heating|Geothermal energy (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Space heating|Derived heat (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Space heating|Advanced electric heating (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Space heating|Conventional electric heating (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Space heating|Circulation (system efficiency indicator)",

              "|Space cooling (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Space cooling|Air conditioning (system efficiency indicator)",

              "|Water heating (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Water heating|Solids (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Water heating|Liquified petroleum gas (LPG) (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Water heating|Gas/Diesel oil incl. biofuels (GDO) (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Water heating|Gases incl. biogas (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Water heating|Biomass and wastes (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Water heating|Geothermal energy (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Water heating|Derived heat (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Water heating|Electricity (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Water heating|Solar (system efficiency indicator)",

              "|Cooking (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Cooking|Solids (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Cooking|Liquified petroleum gas (LPG) (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Cooking|Gases incl. biogas (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Cooking|Biomass and wastes (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Cooking|Electricity (system efficiency indicator)"
            ) }
          ) %>%
            tidyr::extract('name', c('variable', 'unit'), '^(.*) \\((.*)\\)$')
        ) },
        'RES_hh_emi' = { list(
          prefix = 'Residential|CO2 emissions',
          rows = tibble(
            name = { c(
              " (kt of CO2)",

              "|Space heating (kt of CO2)",
              "|Space heating|Solids (kt of CO2)",
              "|Space heating|Liquified petroleum gas (LPG) (kt of CO2)",
              "|Space heating|Gas/Diesel oil incl. biofuels (GDO) (kt of CO2)",
              "|Space heating|Gases incl. biogas (kt of CO2)",
              "|Space heating|Biomass and wastes (kt of CO2)",
              "|Space heating|Geothermal energy (kt of CO2)",
              "|Space heating|Derived heat (kt of CO2)",
              "|Space heating|Advanced electric heating (kt of CO2)",
              "|Space heating|Conventional electric heating (kt of CO2)",
              "|Space heating|Circulation (kt of CO2)",

              "|Space cooling (kt of CO2)",
              "|Space cooling|Air conditioning (kt of CO2)",

              "|Water heating (kt of CO2)",
              "|Water heating|Solids (kt of CO2)",
              "|Water heating|Liquified petroleum gas (LPG) (kt of CO2)",
              "|Water heating|Gas/Diesel oil incl. biofuels (GDO) (kt of CO2)",
              "|Water heating|Gases incl. biogas (kt of CO2)",
              "|Water heating|Biomass and wastes (kt of CO2)",
              "|Water heating|Geothermal energy (kt of CO2)",
              "|Water heating|Derived heat (kt of CO2)",
              "|Water heating|Electricity (kt of CO2)",
              "|Water heating|Solar (kt of CO2)",

              "|Cooking (kt of CO2)",
              "|Cooking|Solids (kt of CO2)",
              "|Cooking|Liquified petroleum gas (LPG) (kt of CO2)",
              "|Cooking|Gases incl. biogas (kt of CO2)",
              "|Cooking|Biomass and wastes (kt of CO2)",
              "|Cooking|Electricity (kt of CO2)"
            ) }
          )  %>%
            tidyr::extract('name', c('variable', 'unit'), '^(.*) \\((.*)\\)$')
        ) },
        'RES_se-appl' = { list(
          prefix = 'Residential|Final energy consumption|Specific electric uses in services',
          rows = tibble(
            name = { c(
              " (ktoe)",
              "|White appliances (ktoe)",
              "|White appliances|Refrigerators and freezers (ktoe)",
              "|White appliances|Washing machine (ktoe)",
              "|White appliances|Clothes dryer (ktoe)",
              "|White appliances|Dishwasher (ktoe)",
              "|Brown appliances (ktoe)",
              "|Brown appliances|TV and multimedia (ktoe)",
              "|Brown appliances|ICT equipment (ktoe)",
              "|Lighting and other electricity uses (ktoe)",
              "|Lighting and other electricity uses|Lighting  (ktoe)",
              "|Lighting and other electricity uses|Other appliances (vacuum cleaners, irons etc.) (ktoe)",
              rep(NA, 120) # more data available but disregarded here
        ) %>%
          tidyr::extract('name', c('variable', 'unit'), '^(.*) \\((.*)\\)$')
        ) }
      ) }
    ) },
    Tertiary= { list(
      pattern = '^JRC-IDEES-2015_Tertiary_.*\\.xlsx$',
      sheets = { list(
        'SER_hh_num' = { list(
          prefix = 'Tertiary|Stock of buildings',
          rows = tibble(
            name = { c(
              " (no)",

              "|Space heating (no)",
              "|Space heating|Solids (no)",
              "|Space heating|Liquified petroleum gas (LPG) (no)",
              "|Space heating|Gas/Diesel oil incl. biofuels (GDO) (no)",
              "|Space heating|Gas heat pumps (no)",
              "|Space heating|Conventional gas heaters (no)",
              "|Space heating|Biomass and wastes (no)",
              "|Space heating|Geothermal energy (no)",
              "|Space heating|Derived heat (no)",
              "|Space heating|Advanced electric heating (no)",
              "|Space heating|Conventional electric heating (no)",
              "|Space heating|Circulation, other electricity (no)",

              "|Space cooling (no)",
              "|Space cooling|Gas heat pumps (no)",
              "|Space cooling|Electric space cooling (no)",

              "|Hot water (no)",
              "|Hot water|Solids (no)",
              "|Hot water|Liquified petroleum gas (LPG) (no)",
              "|Hot water|Gas/Diesel oil incl. biofuels (GDO) (no)",
              "|Hot water|Gases incl. biogas (no)",
              "|Hot water|Biomass and wastes (no)",
              "|Hot water|Derived heat (no)",
              "|Hot water|Electricity (no)",
              "|Hot water|Solar (no)",
              "|Catering (no)",
              "|Catering|Liquified petroleum gas (LPG) (no)",
              "|Catering|Gases incl. biogas (no)",
              "|Catering|Biomass and wastes (no)",
              "|Catering|Electricity (no)"
        ) %>%
          tidyr::extract('name', c('variable', 'unit'), '^(.*) \\((.*)\\)$')
        ) },
        'SER_hh_fec' = { list(
          prefix = 'Tertiary|Final energy consumption|Thermal uses',
          rows = tibble(
            name = { c(
              " (ktoe)",

              "|Space heating (ktoe)",
              "|Space heating|Solids (ktoe)",
              "|Space heating|Liquified petroleum gas (LPG) (ktoe)",
              "|Space heating|Gas/Diesel oil incl. biofuels (GDO) (ktoe)",
              "|Space heating|Gas heat pumps (ktoe)",
              "|Space heating|Conventional gas heaters (ktoe)",
              "|Space heating|Biomass and wastes (ktoe)",
              "|Space heating|Geothermal energy (ktoe)",
              "|Space heating|Derived heat (ktoe)",
              "|Space heating|Advanced electric heating (ktoe)",
              "|Space heating|Conventional electric heating (ktoe)",
              "|Space heating|Circulation, other electricity (ktoe)",

              "|Space cooling (ktoe)",
              "|Space cooling|Gas heat pumps (ktoe)",
              "|Space cooling|Electric space cooling (ktoe)",

              "|Hot water (ktoe)",
              "|Hot water|Solids (ktoe)",
              "|Hot water|Liquified petroleum gas (LPG) (ktoe)",
              "|Hot water|Gas/Diesel oil incl. biofuels (GDO) (ktoe)",
              "|Hot water|Gases incl. biogas (ktoe)",
              "|Hot water|Biomass and wastes (ktoe)",
              "|Hot water|Derived heat (ktoe)",
              "|Hot water|Electricity (ktoe)",
              "|Hot water|Solar (ktoe)",
              "|Catering (ktoe)",
              "|Catering|Liquified petroleum gas (LPG) (ktoe)",
              "|Catering|Gases incl. biogas (ktoe)",
              "|Catering|Biomass and wastes (ktoe)",
              "|Catering|Electricity (ktoe)"
        ) %>%
          tidyr::extract('name', c('variable', 'unit'), '^(.*) \\((.*)\\)$')
        ) },
        'SER_hh_eff' = { list(
          prefix = 'Tertiary|Ratio of energy service to energy consumption|Thermal uses',
          rows = tibble(
            name = { c(
              " (system efficiency indicator)",

              "|Space heating (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Space heating|Solids (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Space heating|Liquified petroleum gas (LPG) (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Space heating|Gas/Diesel oil incl. biofuels (GDO) (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Space heating|Gas heat pumps (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Space heating|Conventional gas heaters (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Space heating|Biomass and wastes (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Space heating|Geothermal energy (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Space heating|Derived heat (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Space heating|Advanced electric heating (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Space heating|Conventional electric heating (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Space heating|Circulation, other electricity (system efficiency indicator)",

              "|Space cooling (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Space cooling|Gas heat pumps (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Space cooling|Electric space cooling (system efficiency indicator)",

              "|Hot water (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Hot water|Solids (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Hot water|Liquified petroleum gas (LPG) (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Hot water|Gas/Diesel oil incl. biofuels (GDO) (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Hot water|Gases incl. biogas (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Hot water|Biomass and wastes (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Hot water|Derived heat (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Hot water|Electricity (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Hot water|Solar (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Catering (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Catering|Liquified petroleum gas (LPG) (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Catering|Gases incl. biogas (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Catering|Biomass and wastes (system efficiency indicator)",
              "|Catering|Electricity (system efficiency indicator)"
        ) %>%
          tidyr::extract('name', c('variable', 'unit'), '^(.*) \\((.*)\\)$')
        ) },
        'SER_hh_emi' = { list(
          prefix = 'Tertiary|CO2 emissions',
          rows = tibble(
            name = { c(
              " (kt of CO2)",

              "|Space heating (kt of CO2)",
              "|Space heating|Solids (kt of CO2)",
              "|Space heating|Liquified petroleum gas (LPG) (kt of CO2)",
              "|Space heating|Gas/Diesel oil incl. biofuels (GDO) (kt of CO2)",
              "|Space heating|Gas heat pumps (kt of CO2)",
              "|Space heating|Conventional gas heaters (kt of CO2)",
              "|Space heating|Biomass and wastes (kt of CO2)",
              "|Space heating|Geothermal energy (kt of CO2)",
              "|Space heating|Derived heat (kt of CO2)",
              "|Space heating|Advanced electric heating (kt of CO2)",
              "|Space heating|Conventional electric heating (kt of CO2)",
              "|Space heating|Circulation, other electricity (kt of CO2)",

              "|Space cooling (kt of CO2)",
              "|Space cooling|Gas heat pumps (kt of CO2)",
              "|Space cooling|Electric space cooling (kt of CO2)",

              "|Hot water (kt of CO2)",
              "|Hot water|Solids (kt of CO2)",
              "|Hot water|Liquified petroleum gas (LPG) (kt of CO2)",
              "|Hot water|Gas/Diesel oil incl. biofuels (GDO) (kt of CO2)",
              "|Hot water|Gases incl. biogas (kt of CO2)",
              "|Hot water|Biomass and wastes (kt of CO2)",
              "|Hot water|Derived heat (kt of CO2)",
              "|Hot water|Electricity (kt of CO2)",
              "|Hot water|Solar (kt of CO2)",
              "|Catering (kt of CO2)",
              "|Catering|Liquified petroleum gas (LPG) (kt of CO2)",
              "|Catering|Gases incl. biogas (kt of CO2)",
              "|Catering|Biomass and wastes (kt of CO2)",
              "|Catering|Electricity (kt of CO2)"
        ) %>%
          tidyr::extract('name', c('variable', 'unit'), '^(.*) \\((.*)\\)$')
        ) },
        'SER_se-appl' = { list(
          prefix = 'Tertiary|Final energy consumption|Specific electric uses in services',
          rows = tibble(
            name = { c(
              " (ktoe)",
              "|Ventilation and others (ktoe)",
              "|Street lighting (ktoe)",
              "|Building lighting (ktoe)",
              "|Commercial  refrigeration (ktoe)",
              "|Miscellaneous building technologies (ktoe)",
              "|ICT and multimedia (ktoe)",
              rep(NA, 56) # more data available but disregarded here
        ) %>%
          tidyr::extract('name', c('variable', 'unit'), '^(.*) \\((.*)\\)$')
        ) }
      )  }
    ) }

  # nolint end

  # ---- guardians ----
  if (!subtype %in% names(subtypes)) {
    stop("Invalid subtype -- supported subtypes are: ",
         paste(names(subtypes), collapse = ", "))

  files <- list.files(path = ".", pattern = subtypes[[subtype]]$pattern)

  if (is_empty(files)) {
    stop("Could not find any ",
         gsub("[\\^\\$]", "", subtypes[[subtype]]$pattern), " files in ",

  # ---- parse files ----
  tmp <- tibble()
  for (file in files) {
    region <- sub(".*_([^_]*)\\.xlsx$", "\\1", file)

    for (sheet in names(subtypes[[subtype]]$sheets)) {
      # Emission and Energy subtype have an empty column in the header, filter
      # that out
      colNames <- as.character(
        read_xlsx(path = file, sheet = sheet, col_names = FALSE, n_max = 1,
                  .name_repair = "minimal"))

      if (grepl("^[0-9]{4}$", colNames[2])) {
        colTypes <- c("text", rep("numeric", length(colNames) - 1))
      } else {
        colTypes <- c("text", "skip", rep("numeric", length(colNames) - 2))

      tmp <- bind_rows(

        read_xlsx(path = file, sheet = sheet, col_names = colNames,
                  col_types = colTypes, skip = 1) %>%
          # drop empty rows
          drop_na(1) %>%
          # add variable and unit columns
            if ("rows" %in% names(subtypes[[subtype]])) {
            } else {
          ) %>%
          # drop unneeded rows
          drop_na("variable", "unit") %>%
          # drop rownames from worksheet
          select(-1) %>%
          # add variable prefix
          mutate(variable = paste0(subtypes[[subtype]]$sheets[[sheet]]$prefix,
                                   !!sym("variable"))) %>%
          pivot_longer(cols = c(-"variable", -"unit"), names_to = "year",
                       names_transform = list("year" = as.integer)) %>%
          mutate(region = region)

  # ---- return output ----
  tmp %>%
    select("region", "year", "variable", "unit", "value") %>%
    as.magpie(tidy = TRUE) %>%
pik-piam/mrcommons documentation built on Dec. 8, 2024, 7:23 a.m.