
Defines functions readGEA2012

Documented in readGEA2012

#' @title read GEA 2012
#' @description Read in datafiles comprising fossil fuel data from the Global Energy Assessment 2012
#' @param subtype Type of fossil fuel and type of data (oil, coal, or gas + costs, qtys, or dec)
#' @return MAgPIE object of the GEA data
#' @author Stephen Bi
#' @seealso \code{\link{readSource}}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' a <- readSource("GEA2012", "coal")
#' }
#' @importFrom readxl read_excel
#' @importFrom madrat toolNAreplace
#' @importFrom dplyr relocate mutate

readGEA2012 <- function(subtype) {
  EJ_2_TWyr <- 1 / 31.536
  ts1 <- 5
  ts2 <- 10
  ttot <- c(seq(2005, 2055, ts1), seq(2060, 2150, ts2))
  t_cutoff <- 2050
  t0 <- 2020
  t_trans <- (t_cutoff - t0)
  # ================================================================
  # Data retrieval and processing function selection
  # ================================================================
  ffTypeData <- list()
  ffTypeScenData <- list()
  tmp <- NULL
  enty <- NULL
  scenario <- NULL

  # Ordering of SSPs in this vector corresponds to ordering of coded scenarios in "Scenario data XX.xlsx"
  scen <- c("SSP5", "SSP2", "SSP1", "SSP3", "SSP4")
  if ("gas" %in% subtype) ffType <- c("SHG-rv", "COG-rv", "CMG-rv", "TIG-rv", "HYG-rv", "DEG-rv", "SHG-rs", "COG-rs", "CMG-rs", "TIG-rs", "HYG-rs", "DEG-rs")
  if ("oil" %in% subtype) ffType <- c("TAO-rv", "SHO-rv", "EHO-rv", "COO-rv", "TAO-rs", "SHO-rs", "EHO-rs", "COO-rs")
  # subtype <- c('SHG-rv','COG-rv','CMG-rv','TIG-rv','HYG-rv','DEG-rv','SHG-rs','COG-rs','CMG-rs','TIG-rs','HYG-rs','DEG-rs',
  #             'TAO-rv','SHO-rv','EHO-rv','COO-rv','TAO-rs','SHO-rs','EHO-rs','COO-rs','HAC','LIC')

  if ("coal" %in% subtype) {
    rawData <- read.csv2("Scenario Data HAC_LIC.csv", header = TRUE, as.is = T)
    rawData$grade <- as.factor(rawData$grade)
    rawData$value <- as.numeric(rawData$value)
    rawData <- rawData %>%
      mutate(enty = "pecoal") %>%
      relocate(enty, .before = scenario)
    out <- setYears(as.magpie(rawData), ttot[1])
    tmp <- out
    for (rlf in 2:length(unique(rawData$grade))) {
      mselect(out, grade = rlf, xi = "xi3") <- mselect(tmp, grade = rlf, xi = "xi3") - mselect(tmp, grade = rlf - 1, xi = "xi3")
    for (ts in ttot[-1]) out <- mbind(out, setYears(out[, ttot[1], ], ts))
    out[, , "xi3"] <- out[, , "xi3"] / EJ_2_TWyr
    out[, , c("xi1", "xi2")] <- out[, , c("xi1", "xi2")] * EJ_2_TWyr
  } else {
    # Loop over FF types
    for (i in ffType) {
      # Read FF type data
      typeFilename <- paste0("FF data ", i, ".xlsx")
      rawData <- as.data.frame(readxl::read_excel(typeFilename))
      rawData <- rawData[, which(!is.na(rawData[1, ]))]
      if (i == ffType[1]) {
        regions <- rawData[, "Region code"]
        nreg <- dim(rawData)[1]
      # Read appropriate pre-processing function from the file
      ppFunc <- as.character(rawData[1, "R Pre-Proc Function"])
      ppFunc <- source(file = paste0(ppFunc, ".r"))[[1]]
      # Retain only numerical data
      numData <- rawData[1:nreg, 5:dim(rawData)[2]]
      # Execute pre-processing function
      ffTypeData[[i]] <- ppFunc(numData)

      # Read Scenario data (cost and quantity mark-ups/factors)
      scenFilename <- paste0("Scenario data ", i, ".xlsx")
      scenData <- as.data.frame(readxl::read_excel(scenFilename))
      scenData <- scenData[, which(!is.na(scenData[1, ]))]

      # Some data files are associated with 2 scenario adjustment functions -- these must be handled differently (EHO and TAO)
      n_scenFuncs <- length(unique(scenData[, "R Scenario Function"]))
      # Loop over scenarios
      for (j in 1:length(scen)) {
        # Case 1: only 1 scenario adjustment function for the FF type
        if (n_scenFuncs == 1) {
          # The Scenario processing func requires the full data frame and the scenario multiplier columns as arguments
          scenFunc <- as.character(unique(scenData[, "R Scenario Function"]))
          scenFunc <- source(file = paste0(scenFunc, ".r"))[[1]]
          ffTypeScenData[[i]][[scen[j]]] <- scenFunc(ffTypeData[[i]], scenData[((j - 1) * nreg + 1):(j * nreg), which(grepl("Data", colnames(scenData)))])
        } else {
          # Case 2: 1 scenario adustment function for this scenario of the FF type
          if (length(unique(scenData[((j - 1) * nreg + 1):(j * nreg), "R Scenario Function"])) == 1) {
            scenFunc <- as.character(scenData[1 + (j - 1) * nreg, "R Scenario Function"])
            scenFunc <- source(file = paste0(scenFunc, ".r"))[[1]]
            ffTypeScenData[[i]][[scen[j]]] <- scenFunc(ffTypeData[[i]], scenData[((j - 1) * nreg + 1):(j * nreg), which(grepl("Data", colnames(scenData)))])
            # Case 3: Different scenario adjustment functions across regions within the scenario of the FF type
          } else {
            ffTypeScenData[[i]][[scen[j]]] <- array(NA, dim = dim(ffTypeData[[i]]))
            # Read and use the scenario function for each region
            for (k in 1:nreg) {
              scenFunc <- as.character(scenData[k + (j - 1) * nreg, "R Scenario Function"])
              scenFunc <- source(file = paste0(scenFunc, ".r"))[[1]]
              ffTypeScenData[[i]][[scen[j]]][k, , ] <- scenFunc(
                array(ffTypeData[[i]][k, , ], dim = c(1, dim(ffTypeData[[i]])[2], 2)),
                scenData[k + (j - 1) * nreg, which(grepl("Data", colnames(scenData)))]
    for (ii in names(ffTypeScenData)) {
      for (jj in scen) {
        grades <- dim(ffTypeScenData[[ii]][[jj]])[2]
        tmp <- mbind(tmp, new.magpie(
          regions, NULL, paste(rep(c("costs", "qtys"), each = grades), ii, jj, paste0("\"", as.character(1:grades), "\""), sep = "."),
    getSets(tmp) <- c("region", "year", "xi", "type", "scen", "grade")
    tmp <- toolNAreplace(tmp, replaceby = 0)[[1]]

    # Conversion to REMIND-readable data

    # Store regions, FF types, data type (xi), and scenarios from input data
    regions <- getRegions(tmp)
    scens <- getNames(tmp, fulldim = TRUE, "scen")
    # Move SSP2 to the front - important for loop below
    scens <- c("SSP2", scens[which(scens != "SSP2")])
    xis <- c(paste0("xi", 1:3), "dec")

    # Cost grades taken from expert judgment of production cost curves by JH & NB (FFECCM) in 2012
    costGrades <- list(
      SSP1 = list( # US$(2005)/TWa
        "oil_mea"  = c(0.054909051, 0.093408501, 0.204015527, 0.747400879, 1.390996080, 2.076113553, 2.480955695, 3.170979198),
        "oil_row"  = c(0.109818102, 0.186817002, 0.276754241, 0.415222711, 0.747400879, 1.141862454, 2.480955695, 3.170979198),
        "gas_mea"  = c(0.022089848, 0.060589298, 0.080943515, 0.236355064, 0.286536888, 0.863137859, 3.170979198),
        "gas_row"  = c(0.044179696, 0.121178596, 0.157626845, 0.236355064, 0.350155651, 0.863137859, 3.170979198),
        "coal"     = c(0.0158548960, 0.0761035008, 0.0919583968, 0.1331811263, 0.1997716895, 0.2980720446, 0.9512937595)
      SSP2 = list( # US$(2005)/TWa
        "oil_mea"  = c(0.048594510, 0.082666523, 0.165612325, 0.328856387, 0.493284580, 0.918057413, 1.637430759, 3.170979198),
        "oil_row"  = c(0.069185405, 0.117694711, 0.174355172, 0.257059564, 0.493284580, 0.918057413, 1.637430759, 3.170979198),
        "gas_mea"  = c(0.019549516, 0.036585522, 0.071635011, 0.201339499, 0.262616738, 0.779742897, 3.170979198),
        "gas_row"  = c(0.027833209, 0.076342515, 0.108871395, 0.198808634, 0.262616738, 0.779742897, 3.170979198),
        "coal"     = c(0.0158548960, 0.0761035008, 0.0919583968, 0.1331811263, 0.1997716895, 0.2980720446, 0.9512937595)
      SSP5 = list( # US$(2005)/TWa
        "oil_mea"  = c(0.027454526, 0.046704250, 0.093566286, 0.304322191, 0.463490897, 0.909855311, 1.240477848, 3.170979198),
        "oil_row"  = c(0.027454526, 0.046704250, 0.102007763, 0.166089084, 0.332003705, 0.546535439, 1.240477848, 3.170979198),
        "gas_mea"  = c(0.011044924, 0.030294649, 0.040471758, 0.094670778, 0.175077825, 0.416974811, 3.170979198),
        "gas_row"  = c(0.011044924, 0.030294649, 0.043864127, 0.094670778, 0.175077825, 0.416974811, 3.170979198),
        "coal"     = c(0.0158548960, 0.0761035008, 0.0919583968, 0.1331811263, 0.1997716895, 0.2980720446, 0.9512937595)

    if ("grades2poly" %in% subtype) {
      # More granular function for grades2poly parametrization
      for (ssp in names(costGrades)) {
        for (type in names(costGrades[[ssp]])) {
          costGrades[[ssp]][[type]] <- seq(min(costGrades[[ssp]][[type]]), max(costGrades[[ssp]][[type]]), length.out = 50)

    # IEA decline rate data from WEO 2008/09
    if (subtype == "oil") {
      sp_IEADecRat <- new.magpie(c("MEA", "EUR", "USA", "JPN", "RUS", "LAM", "CHN", "IND", "OAS", "AFR", "ROW"), years = NULL, names = c("conv", "unconv"), fill = 0)
      sp_IEADecRat[, , "conv"] <- c(0.034, 0.119, 0.097, 0.126, 0.058, 0.066, 0.067, 0.067, 0.067, 0.068, 0.067)
      sp_IEADecRat[, , "unconv"] <- c(0.150, 0.150, 0.150, 0.150, 0.150, 0.150, 0.150, 0.150, 0.150, 0.150, 0.150)
    } else if (subtype == "gas") {
      sp_IEADecRat <- new.magpie(c("MEA", "EUR", "USA", "JPN", "RUS", "LAM", "CHN", "IND", "OAS", "AFR", "ROW"), years = NULL, names = c("conv", "unconv"), fill = 0)
      sp_IEADecRat[, , "conv"] <- c(0.041, 0.111, 0.111, 0.111, 0.041, 0.111, 0.082, 0.082, 0.082, 0.082, 0.111)
      sp_IEADecRat[, , "unconv"] <- c(0.150, 0.150, 0.150, 0.150, 0.150, 0.150, 0.150, 0.150, 0.150, 0.150, 0.150)
    mappingREM11 <- toolGetMapping("regionmappingREMIND.csv", "regional", where = "mappingfolder")
    mappingGEA <- toolGetMapping("regionmappingGEA2012.csv", "regional", where = "mappingfolder")

    w <- readSource("BGR", subtype = subtype, convert = FALSE)[, , c("Reserves", "Resources")]
    getItems(w, dim = 1) <- toolCountry2isocode(getRegions(w))
    w <- toolNAreplace(toolCountryFill(w, fill = 0, verbosity = 2))[[1]]
    # Disaggregate the GEA data according to the BGR data on country-level oil/gas combined reserves + resources
    w <- dimSums(w, dim = 3)
    sp_IEADecRat <- toolAggregate(sp_IEADecRat, mappingREM11, weight = NULL)
    sp_IEADecRat <- toolAggregate(sp_IEADecRat, mappingGEA, weight = w)

    ordered_names <- list(list())

    for (scen in names(costGrades)) {
      for (r in regions) {
        tmp[r, , "qtys"][, , scen] <- tmp[r, , "qtys"][, , scen][order(tmp[r, , "costs"][, , scen])] * EJ_2_TWyr
        ordered_names[[scen]][[r]] <- getNames(tmp[r, , "qtys"][, , scen])[order(tmp[r, , "costs"][, , scen])]
        tmp[r, , "costs"][, , scen] <- tmp[r, , "costs"][, , scen][order(tmp[r, , "costs"][, , scen])] * EJ_2_TWyr

    row <- paste0(subtype, "_row")
    mea <- paste0(subtype, "_mea")
    ngrades <- length(costGrades[["SSP2"]][[row]]) - 1
    out <- new.magpie(regions, ttot, paste(paste0("pe", subtype), rep(names(costGrades), each = ngrades * length(xis)), rep(xis, each = ngrades), as.character(1:ngrades), sep = "."), fill = 0)
    conv <- new.magpie(regions, ttot, paste(rep(names(costGrades), each = ngrades), "dec", as.character(1:ngrades), sep = "."), fill = 0)
    unconv <- new.magpie(regions, ttot, paste(rep(names(costGrades), each = ngrades), "dec", as.character(1:ngrades), sep = "."), fill = 0)

    for (s in scens) {
      if (s %in% names(costGrades)) {
        t <- ttot
        for (r in regions) {
          i <- 1
          costs <- as.numeric(tmp[r, , s][, , "costs"])
          if (r == "MEE" || r == "FSU") {
            grades <- costGrades[[s]][[mea]]
          } else {
            grades <- costGrades[[s]][[row]]
          ngrades <- length(grades) - 1
          for (g in 1:ngrades) {
            if (g == 1) {
              grades[g] <- min(costs[1], grades[1])
            } else if (g == ngrades) {
              grades[g + 1] <- max(costs[i], grades[g + 1])
            out[r, t, paste0(s, ".xi1")][, , g] <- grades[g]
            out[r, t, paste0(s, ".xi2")][, , g] <- grades[g + 1]
            for (c in i:(length(costs))) {
              if (costs[c] <= grades[g + 1] && costs[c] >= grades[g] && tmp[r, , "qtys"][, , s][, , c] > 0) {
                out[r, t, paste0(s, ".xi3")][, , g] <- out[r, t, paste0(s, ".xi3")][, , g] + tmp[r, , "qtys"][, , s][, , c]
                # Distinguish between conventional and unconventional reservoirs in each cost grade to calculate decline rates
                if (grepl("CO", ordered_names[[s]][[r]][c])) {
                  conv[r, t, s][, , g] <- conv[r, t, s][, , g] + tmp[r, , "qtys"][, , s][, , c]
                } else {
                  unconv[r, t, s][, , g] <- unconv[r, t, s][, , g] + tmp[r, , "qtys"][, , s][, , c]
              } else if (costs[c] > grades[g + 1]) {
                i <- c
        # Introduce time dependence of grades: costs start at SSP2 levels in initial year and change linearly until the cutoff year
        if (s != "SSP2") {
          m1 <- (out[, t_cutoff, "xi1"][, , s] - out[, t0, "xi1"][, , "SSP2"]) / t_trans
          m2 <- (out[, t_cutoff, "xi2"][, , s] - out[, t0, "xi2"][, , "SSP2"]) / t_trans
          m3 <- (out[, t_cutoff, "xi3"][, , s] - out[, t0, "xi3"][, , "SSP2"]) / t_trans
          out[, getYears(out) < paste0("y", t0), !"dec" %in% getNames(out)][, , s] <- out[, getYears(out) < paste0("y", t0), !"dec" %in% getNames(out)][, , "SSP2"]
          for (t1 in seq(t0, t_cutoff - ts1, ts1)) {
            out[, t1, "xi1"][, , s] <- out[, t1, "xi1"][, , "SSP2"] + m1 * (t1 - t0)
            out[, t1, "xi2"][, , s] <- out[, t1, "xi2"][, , "SSP2"] + m2 * (t1 - t0)
            out[, t1, "xi3"][, , s] <- out[, t1, "xi3"][, , "SSP2"] + m3 * (t1 - t0)
        # Calculate decline rates
        convRatio <- conv[, , s] / (unconv[, , s] + conv[, , s])
        convRatio[which(unconv[, , s] == 0)] <- 1
        convRatio[which(conv[, , s] == 0)] <- 0
        out[, , s][, , "dec"] <- (sp_IEADecRat[, , "conv"] * convRatio) + (sp_IEADecRat[, , "unconv"] * (1 - convRatio))
        for (regi in regions) {
          out[regi, , paste0(s, ".dec.1")][which(out[regi, , paste0(s, ".dec.1")] == sp_IEADecRat[regi, , "unconv"])] <-
            sp_IEADecRat[regi, , "conv"]
pik-piam/mrremind documentation built on March 30, 2024, 3:37 a.m.