Man pages for piotr-ole/kmer
kmer counting package

add_kmer_if_not_existsAdd k-mer to a 'hash map' if it does not exist
amino_acidsAmino acids
amino_lettersAmino acids letters
count_kmer_numCount k-mers for numeric sequences (the size of k-mer should...
count_k_mersCount kmers
count_kmers_helperCount k-mers
count_kmers_larger_than_oneCount k-mers that containes more than one item
count_kmers_strCount k-mers for string sequences (the size of k-mer should...
count_mersCount all mers
count_unigramsCount unigrams
create_kmerCreate k-mer
fill_encoded_int_vectorEncode sequence vector (replace items to numbers)
fill_items_coding_mapsPrepare encoding and decoding 'hash maps' for sequence items
generate_random_alphabetGenerate random alphabet
generate_random_seqGenerate random sequence
get_hashGet hash of k-mer that is in a given sequence
get_hash_for_wordGet hash of a sequence
get_kmersGet k-mers
get_total_size_of_kmerGet the total size of k-mer
get_window_lengthGet k-mer window length
is_kmer_allowedIs k-mer allowed
kmer-packageA short title line describing what the package does
update_kmersUpdate k-mers in a 'hash map'
update_kmers_with_alphabetUpdate k-mers with alphabet
piotr-ole/kmer documentation built on Nov. 14, 2019, 8:10 p.m.