
Defines functions solveExtendedODE

Documented in solveExtendedODE

#' @title C++ extended ODE solve wraper
#' @description This function passes the ODE parameters, in a specification defined via \code{\link{ODEstructs}}, to the C++ solution routines.
#' @param u u \code{Ux(N.factors+1)} matrix of complex numbers
#' @param mkt data.frame describing the market structure (times to maturity, interest rate, dividend yield, current stock price). See Details in \code{\link{jumpDiffusionODEs}}.
#' @param K0,K1,l0,l1,H1 output from \code{\link{ODEstructs}}, for details see DPS (2000).
#' @param jmp jump parameters, element of \code{params} list from \code{\link{jumpDiffusionODEs}}.
#' @param jumpTransform string, name of jump transform type.
#' @param N.factors number of stochastic volatility factors.
#' @param mf,rtol,atol ODE solution precision parameters, see \code{\link{jumpDiffusionODEs}}.
#' @details This is an internal function not intended for the user.
#' @return 3-dim array of ODE solutions. Size: \code{N x T x 4*(N.factors+1)}

solveExtendedODE <- function(u, mkt, K0, K1, l0, l1, H1, jmp, mf = 22, rtol=1e-12, atol=1e-30, N.factors = 3, jumpTransform = getPointerToJumpTransform(fstr = 'expNormJumpTransform'),...) {  
  # prepare structures where we save
  N <- nrow(u)
  TT <- dim(mkt$t)[1]
  if(is.null(TT)){TT <- length(mkt$t)}
  solMat <- array(0,c(N,TT,4*(N.factors+1)))
  # set column names for the solutions, b1 is the first element of the vector beta
  dimnames(solMat) <- list(paste("u",seq(1:N),sep="."),mkt$t,c(paste("b",1:N.factors,sep=""),"a",paste("bp1",1:N.factors,sep=""),"ap1",paste("bp2",1:N.factors,sep=""),"ap2",paste("bp3",1:N.factors,sep=""),"ap3"))
  # load C parameter passing structures
  odeList <- list()
  odeList$N.factors <- N.factors
  odeList$H1r <- Re(as.vector(H1))
  odeList$H1i <- Im(as.vector(H1))
  odeList$K1r <- Re(K1)
  odeList$K1i <- Im(K1)
  odeList$K0 <- K0
  odeList$l0 <- l0
  odeList$l1 <- l1
  odeList$jmpPar <- jmp
  odeList$muYc <- jmp$muYc # seems not necessary
  odeList$sigmaYc <- jmp$sigmaYc # seems not necessary
  odeList$muSc <- jmp$muSc # seems not necessary
  odeList$rhoc <- jmp$rhoc # seems not necessary
  odeList$jumpTransformPtr <- jumpTransform
  # now solve for all frequencies
  for (uu in 1:nrow(u)) {
    u.vec <- u[uu,]
    # initialize ODE
    betaalpha0 <- c(u.vec,0)
    # initial conditions for derivatives: 1 for first deriv wrt u[1], zero for others
    betaalpha0 <- c(betaalpha0,1,rep(0,N.factors+1),rep(0,2*(N.factors+2)))
    names(betaalpha0) <- c("c1",c(paste("b",1:N.factors,sep=""),"a"))
    names(betaalpha0) <- c("c1",paste("b",1:N.factors,sep=""),"a","c1p1",paste("bp1",1:N.factors,sep=""),"ap1","c1p2",paste("bp2",1:N.factors,sep=""),"ap2","c1p3",paste("bp3",1:N.factors,sep=""),"ap3")
    sol <- zvode(betaalpha0, times=c(0,mkt$t), func = "derivsExt", parms = odeList, dllname = "affineModelR", initfunc = "initmod",nout=0, mf=mf, rtol=rtol,atol=atol,maxsteps=150000,...)
    solMat[uu,,] <- sol[-1,c(paste("b",1:N.factors,sep=""),"a",paste("bp1",1:N.factors,sep=""),"ap1",paste("bp2",1:N.factors,sep=""),"ap2",paste("bp3",1:N.factors,sep=""),"ap3")]
  # make correction for the part of drift implied by (r-q) (interest rate less dividend yield)
  drift.mat <- array(0, dim= dim(solMat))
  drift.mat[,,N.factors+1] <- u[,1,drop= FALSE] %*% matrix(mkt$t*(mkt$r - mkt$q), nrow= 1)
  # first deriv
  drift.mat[,,2*(N.factors+1)] <- matrix(1,nrow = nrow(u), ncol = 1) %*% matrix(mkt$t*(mkt$r - mkt$q), nrow= 1)
  solMat <- solMat + drift.mat
piotrek-orlowski/affineModelR documentation built on July 11, 2022, 3:25 p.m.