tsmeasures <- function(y, normalise = TRUE, width = ifelse(frequency(y) > 1,
frequency(y), 10), window = width) {
# y: a multivariate time series
# normalise: TRUE: scale data to be normally distributed
# width: a window size for variance change and level shift, lumpiness
# window: a window size for KLscore
y <- as.ts(y)
tspy <- tsp(y)
freq <- frequency(y)
if (width <= 1L || window <= 1L)
stop("window widths should be greater than 1.")
# Remove columns containing all NAs
nay <- is.na(y)
allna <- apply(nay, 2, all)
x <- y[, !allna]
if (normalise) {
x <- as.ts(scale(x, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)) # Normalise data to mean = 0, sd = 1
trimx <- as.ts(apply(x, 2, Trim))
tsp(trimx) <- tsp(x) <- tspy
measures <- list()
measures$lumpiness <- apply(x, 2, Lump, width = width)
measures$entropy <- apply(x, 2, Entropy)
measures$ACF1 <- apply(x, 2, FoAcf)
measures$lshift <- apply(trimx, 2, RLshift, width = width)
measures$vchange <- apply(trimx, 2, RVarChange, width = width)
measures$cpoints <- apply(x, 2, Cpoints)
measures$fspots <- apply(x, 2, Fspots)
# measures$mean <- colMeans(x, na.rm = TRUE)
# measures$var <- apply(x, 2, var, na.rm = TRUE)
varts <- apply(x, 2, VarTS, tspx = tspy)
measures$trend <- sapply(varts, function(x) x$trend)
measures$linearity <- sapply(varts, function(x) x$linearity)
measures$curvature <- sapply(varts, function(x) x$curvature)
measures$spikiness <- sapply(varts, function(x) x$spike)
if (freq > 1) {
measures$season <- sapply(varts, function(x) x$season)
measures$peak <- sapply(varts, function(x) x$peak)
measures$trough <- sapply(varts, function(x) x$trough)
threshold <- dnorm(38)
kl <- apply(x, 2, function(x)
KLscore(x, window = window, threshold = threshold))
measures$KLscore <- sapply(kl, function(x) x$score)
measures$change.idx <- sapply(kl, function(x) x$change.idx)
tmp <- do.call(cbind, measures)
nr <- ncol(y)
nc <- length(measures)
mat <- matrix(, nrow = nr, ncol = nc)
colnames(mat) <- colnames(tmp)
mat[!allna, ] <- tmp
out <- structure(mat, class = c("features", "matrix"))
# Trimmed time series elimating outliers's influence
Trim <- function(x, trim = 0.1) {
qtl <- quantile(x, c(trim, 1 - trim), na.rm = TRUE)
lo <- qtl[1L]
hi <- qtl[2L]
x[x < lo | x > hi] <- NA
# Lumpiness: cannot be used for yearly data
Lump <- function(x, width) {
start <- seq(1, nr <- length(x), by = width)
end <- seq(width, nr + width, by = width)
nsegs <- nr/width
varx <- sapply(1:nsegs, function(idx)
var(x[start[idx]:end[idx]], na.rm = TRUE))
lumpiness <- var(varx, na.rm = TRUE)
# spectral_entropy from ForeCA package
Entropy <- function(x) {
entropy <- try(ForeCA::spectral_entropy(na.contiguous(x))[1L], silent = TRUE)
if (class(entropy) == "try-error") {
entropy <- NA
# First order of autocorrelation
FoAcf <- function(x) {
return(acf(x, plot = FALSE, na.action = na.exclude)$acf[2L])
# Level shift using rolling window
RLshift <- function(x, width) {
rollmean <- RcppRoll::roll_mean(x, width, na.rm = TRUE)
lshifts <- tryCatch(max(abs(diff(rollmean, width)), na.rm = TRUE),
warning = function(w) w)
if (any(class(lshifts) == "warning")) {
lshifts <- NA
RVarChange <- function(x, width) {
rollvar <- RcppRoll::roll_var(x, width, na.rm = TRUE)
vchange <- tryCatch(max(abs(diff(rollvar, width)), na.rm = TRUE),
warning = function(w) w)
if (any(class(vchange) == "warning")) {
vchange <- NA
# the number of crossing points
Cpoints <- function(x) {
midline <- sum(range(x, na.rm = TRUE))/2
ab <- x <= midline
lenx <- length(x)
p1 <- ab[1:(lenx - 1)]
p2 <- ab[2:lenx]
cross <- (p1 & !p2) | (p2 & !p1)
# Flat spots using disretization
Fspots <- function(x) {
cutx <- try(cut(x, breaks = 10, include.lowest = TRUE, labels = FALSE),
silent = TRUE)
if (class(cutx) == "try-error") {
fspots <- NA
} else {
rlex <- rle(cutx)
# Any flat spot
# Low flat spots
# ones <- (rlex$values == 1)
# return(max(rlex$lengths[ones]))
# Strength of trend and seasonality and spike
VarTS <- function(x, tspx) {
x <- as.ts(x)
tsp(x) <- tspx
freq <- tspx[3]
contx <- try(na.contiguous(x), silent = TRUE)
len.contx <- length(contx)
if (length(contx) < 2 * freq || class(contx) == "try-error") {
trend <- linearity <- curvature <- season <- spike <- peak <- trough <- NA
} else {
if (freq > 1L) {
all.stl <- stl(contx, s.window = "periodic", robust = TRUE)
starty <- start(contx)[2L]
pk <- (starty + which.max(all.stl$time.series[, "seasonal"]) - 1L) %% freq
th <- (starty + which.min(all.stl$time.series[, "seasonal"]) - 1L) %% freq
pk <- ifelse(pk == 0, freq, pk)
th <- ifelse(th == 0, freq, th)
trend0 <- all.stl$time.series[, "trend"]
fits <- trend0 + all.stl$time.series[, "seasonal"]
adj.x <- contx - fits
v.adj <- var(adj.x, na.rm = TRUE)
detrend <- contx - trend0
deseason <- contx - all.stl$time.series[, "seasonal"]
peak <- pk * max(all.stl$time.series[, "seasonal"], na.rm = TRUE)
trough <- th * min(all.stl$time.series[, "seasonal"], na.rm = TRUE)
remainder <- all.stl$time.series[, "remainder"]
season <- ifelse(var(detrend, na.rm = TRUE) < 1e-10, 0,
max(0, min(1, 1 - v.adj/var(detrend, na.rm = TRUE))))
} else { # No seasonal component
tt <- 1:len.contx
trend0 <- fitted(mgcv::gam(contx ~ s(tt)))
remainder <- contx - trend0
deseason <- contx - trend0
v.adj <- var(trend0, na.rm = TRUE)
trend <- ifelse(var(deseason, na.rm = TRUE) < 1e-10, 0,
max(0, min(1, 1 - v.adj/var(deseason, na.rm = TRUE))))
n <- length(remainder)
v <- var(remainder, na.rm = TRUE)
d <- (remainder - mean(remainder, na.rm = TRUE))^2
varloo <- (v * (n - 1) - d)/(n - 2)
spike <- var(varloo, na.rm = TRUE)
pl <- poly(1:len.contx, degree = 2)
tren.coef <- coef(lm(trend0 ~ pl))[2:3]
linearity <- tren.coef[1]
curvature <- tren.coef[2]
if (freq > 1) {
return(list(trend = trend, season = season, spike = spike,
peak = peak, trough = trough, linearity = linearity,
curvature = curvature))
} else { # No seasonal component
return(list(trend = trend, spike = spike, linearity = linearity,
curvature = curvature))
# Kullback-Leibler score
KLscore <- function(x, window, threshold = dnorm(38)) {
gw <- 100 # grid width
xgrid <- seq(min(x, na.rm = TRUE), max(x, na.rm = TRUE), length = gw)
grid <- xgrid[2L] - xgrid[1L]
tmpx <- x[!is.na(x)] # Remove NA to calculate bw
bw <- bw.nrd0(tmpx)
lenx <- length(x)
if (lenx <= (2 * window)) {
stop("I cannot compute KLscore when the length is too small.")
# Using binning algorithm to achieve efficiency but obsecure exact positions.
# lastrep <- ceiling(lenx/5)
# group <- rep(1:lastrep, each = 5)[1:lenx]
# midpoints <- aggregate(x, by = list(group), function(y) y[3L])[, 2]
# dens.mat <- matrix(, nrow = lastrep, ncol = gw)
# for (i in 1L:lastrep) {
# dens.mat[i, ] <- dnorm(xgrid, mean = midpoints[i], sd = bw)
# }
dens.mat <- matrix(, nrow = lenx, ncol = gw)
for (i in 1L:lenx) {
dens.mat[i, ] <- dnorm(xgrid, mean = x[i], sd = bw)
dens.mat <- pmax(dens.mat, threshold)
rmean <- RcppRoll::roll_mean(dens.mat, n = window, na.rm = TRUE, fill = NA,
align = "right") # by column
# lo <- seq(1, lastrep - window + 1)
# hi <- seq(window + 1, lastrep)
lo <- seq(1, lenx - window + 1)
hi <- seq(window + 1, lenx)
seqidx <- min(length(lo), length(hi))
kl <- sapply(1:seqidx, function(i) sum(rmean[lo[i], ] *
(log(rmean[lo[i], ]) - log(rmean[hi[i], ])) *
grid, na.rm = TRUE))
diffkl <- diff(kl, na.rm = TRUE)
maxidx <- which.max(diffkl) + 1
return(list(score = max(diffkl), change.idx = maxidx))
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