
# Functions to remove outliers and fill missing values in a time series
# Nothing for multiple seasonality yet.

# na.interp fills in missing values
# Uses linear interpolation for non-seasonal series
# Adds seasonality based on a periodic stl decomposition with seasonal series
# Argument lambda allows for Box-cox transformation

na.interp <- function(x, lambda=NULL)
  missng <- is.na(x)
  # Do nothing if no missing values

  # Convert to ts
    x <- ts(x)
    stop("The time series is not univariate.")

  #Transform if requested
    x <- BoxCox(x, lambda=lambda)

  freq <- frequency(x)
  tspx <- tsp(x)
  n <- length(x)
  tt <- 1:n
  idx <- tt[!missng]

  if(freq <= 1 | n <= 2*freq) # Non-seasonal -- use linear interpolation
    x <- ts(approx(idx, x[idx], tt, rule=2)$y)
  # Otherwise a seasonal series
  # Estimate seasonal component robustly
  # Then add to linear interpolation of seasonally adjusted series
    # Fit Fourier series for seasonality and a cubic polynomial for the trend,
    #just to get something reasonable to start with
    K <- min(trunc(freq/2),3)
    X <- cbind(fourier(x,K),poly(tt,degree=3))
    fit <- lm(x ~ X, na.action=na.exclude)
    pred <- predict(fit, newdata =data.frame(X))
    x[missng] <- pred[missng]
    # Now re-do it with stl to get better results
    fit <- stl(x,s.window=11,robust=TRUE)
    # Interpolate seasonally adjusted values
    sa <- seasadj(fit)
    sa <- approx(idx,sa[idx],1:n, rule=2)$y
    # Replace original missing values
    x[missng] <- sa[missng] + fit$time.series[missng,"seasonal"]

  # Backtransform if required
    x <- InvBoxCox(x, lambda=lambda)

  # Ensure time series characteristics not lost
  tsp(x) <- tspx

# Function to identify outliers and replace them with better values
# Missing values replaced as well if replace.missing=TRUE

tsclean <- function(x, replace.missing=TRUE, lambda = NULL)
  outliers <- tsoutliers(x, lambda = lambda)
  x[outliers$index] <- outliers$replacements
    x <- na.interp(x, lambda = lambda)

# Function to identify time series outlieres
tsoutliers <- function(x, iterate=2, lambda=NULL)
  n <- length(x)
  freq <- frequency(x)

  # Identify and fill missing values
  missng <- is.na(x)
  nmiss <- sum(missng)
  if(nmiss > 0L)
    xx <- na.interp(x, lambda=lambda)
    xx <- x

  #Transform if requested
    xx <- BoxCox(xx, lambda = lambda)

  # Seasonally adjust data if necessary
  if(freq > 1 & n > 2*freq)
    fit <- stl(xx, s.window="periodic", robust=TRUE)
    # Check if seasonality is sufficient to use these results
    rem <- fit$time.series[,"remainder"]
    detrend <- rem + fit$time.series[,"seasonal"]
    strength <- 1 - var(rem) / var(detrend)
    if(strength >= 0.05)
      xx <- seasadj(fit)
  # Use super-smoother on the (seasonally adjusted) data
  tt <- 1:n
  mod <- supsmu(tt,xx)
  resid <- xx - mod$y

  # Make sure missing values are not interpeted as outliers
  if(nmiss > 0L)
    resid[missng] <- NA

  # Limits of acceptable residuals
  resid.q <- quantile(resid, prob=c(0.25,0.75), na.rm=TRUE)
  iqr <- diff(resid.q)
  limits <- resid.q + 3*iqr*c(-1,1)

  # Find residuals outside limits
  if((limits[2]-limits[1]) > 1e-14)
    outliers <- which((resid < limits[1]) | (resid > limits[2]))
    outliers <- numeric(0)

  # Replace all missing values including outliers
  x[outliers] <- NA
  x <- na.interp(x, lambda=lambda)

  # Do no more than 2 iterations regardless of the value of iterate
  if(iterate > 1)
    tmp <- tsoutliers(x, iterate=1, lambda=lambda)
    if(length(tmp$index) > 0) # Found some more
      outliers <- sort(c(outliers,tmp$index))
      x[outliers] <- NA
      x <- na.interp(x, lambda=lambda)

  # Return outlier indexes and replacements
  return(list(index=outliers, replacements=x[outliers]))
pli2016/forecast documentation built on May 25, 2019, 8:22 a.m.