
gap.boxplot<-function (x, ..., gap = list(top = c(NA, NA), bottom = c(NA, 
    NA)), range = 1.5, width = NULL, varwidth = FALSE, notch = FALSE, 
    outline = TRUE, names, xlim = NA, ylim = NA, plot = TRUE, 
    border = par("fg"), col = NULL, log = "", axis.labels = NULL, 
    axes = TRUE, pars = list(boxwex = 0.8, staplewex = 0.5, outwex = 0.5), 
    horizontal = FALSE, add = FALSE, at = NULL, main = NULL,xlab="",ylab="")
    if (!is.na(gap$top[1])) 
        if (gap$top[1] > gap$top[2]) 
            gap$top <- rev(gap$top)
    if (!is.na(gap$bottom[1])) 
        if (gap$bottom[1] > gap$bottom[2]) 
            gap$bottom <- rev(gap$bottom)
    if (is.na(ylim[1])) {
        bxpt <- boxplot(x, ..., range = range, plot = FALSE)
        ylim <- range(c(bxpt$stats, bxpt$out))
    else bxpt <- boxplot(x, ..., ylim = ylim, range = range, 
        plot = FALSE)
    bxgap <- bxpt
    if (!is.na(gap$top[1])) {
        bxgap$stats[bxgap$stats > gap$top[1] & bxgap$stats < 
            gap$top[2]] <- NA
        if (any(is.na(bxgap$stats))) 
            stop("gap cannot include the median, interquartiles or the staples")
        topdiff <- diff(gap$top)
        bxgap$stats[bxgap$stats > gap$top[2]] <- bxgap$stats[bxgap$stats > 
            gap$top[2]] - topdiff
        intopgap <- bxgap$out > gap$top[1] & bxgap$out < gap$top[2]
        bxgap$out[intopgap] <- NA
        abovetop <- which(bxgap$out > gap$top[2])
        bxgap$out[abovetop] <- bxgap$out[abovetop] - topdiff
        rangetop <- gap$top[1]
        ylim[2] <- ylim[2] - topdiff
    else rangetop <- ylim[2]
    if (!is.na(gap$bottom[1])) {
        bxgap$stats[bxgap$stats > gap$bottom[1] & bxgap$stats < 
            gap$bottom[2]] <- NA
        if (any(is.na(bxgap$stats))) 
            stop("gap cannot include the median, interquartiles or the staples")
        bottomdiff <- diff(gap$bottom)
        bxgap$stats[bxgap$stats < gap$bottom[1]] <- bxgap$stats[bxgap$stats < 
            gap$bottom[1]] + bottomdiff
        bxgap$out[bxgap$out > gap$bottom[1] & bxgap$out < gap$bottom[2]] <- NA
        belowbottom <- which(bxgap$out < gap$bottom[1])
        bxgap$out[belowbottom] <- bxgap$out[belowbottom] + bottomdiff
        rangebottom <- gap$bottom[2]
        ylim[1] <- ylim[1] + bottomdiff
    else rangebottom <- ylim[1]
    if (any(is.na(bxgap$out))) 
        warning("At least one outlier falls into a gap")
    nboxes <- dim(bxgap$stats)[2]
    if (is.na(xlim[1])) {
        xlim <- c(0.5, nboxes + 0.5)
        at <- 1:nboxes
    bxgap$group <- at
    plot(0, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, type = "n", axes = FALSE, 
        main = main,xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab)
    plotlim <- par("usr")
    if (axes) 
        axis(1, labels = bxpt$names, at = at)
    midticks <- pretty(c(rangebottom, rangetop))
    if (axes) 
        axis(2, at = midticks[midticks > rangebottom & midticks < 
    if (is.null(width)) 
        width <- pars$boxwex
    rect(at - width/2, bxgap$stats[2, ], at + width/2, bxgap$stats[4, 
        ], border = border, col = col)
    if (notch) {
        ymult <- getYmult()
        if (is.null(col)) 
            boxcol <- "white"
        else boxcol <- col
        rect(at - width/1.95, bxgap$conf[1, ], at + width/1.95, 
            bxgap$conf[2, ], border = NA, col = boxcol)
        insets <- (bxgap$conf[2, ] - bxgap$conf[1, ]) * pars$boxwex/ymult
        median.left <- ((at - width/2) + insets)
        median.right <- ((at + width/2) - insets)
        segments(at - width/2, bxgap$conf[1, ], median.left, 
            bxgap$stats[3, ], col = border)
        segments(at - width/2, bxgap$conf[2, ], median.left, 
            bxgap$stats[3, ], col = border)
        segments(median.right, bxgap$stats[3, ], at + width/2, 
            bxgap$conf[1, ], col = border)
        segments(median.right, bxgap$stats[3, ], at + width/2, 
            bxgap$conf[2, ], col = border)
    else {
        median.left <- at - width/2
        median.right <- at + width/2
    segments(median.left, bxgap$stats[3, ], median.right, bxgap$stats[3, 
        ], lwd = 2, col = border)
    segments(at, bxgap$stats[1, ], at, bxgap$stats[2, ], lty = 2, 
        col = border)
    segments(at, bxgap$stats[4, ], at, bxgap$stats[5, ], lty = 2, 
        col = border)
    segments(at - pars$staplewex * width/2, bxgap$stats[1, ], 
        at + pars$staplewex * width/2, bxgap$stats[1, ], col = border)
    segments(at - pars$staplewex * width/2, bxgap$stats[5, ], 
        at + pars$staplewex * width/2, bxgap$stats[5, ], col = border)
    if (!is.na(gap$top[1])) 
        topadjust <- diff(gap$top)
    else topadjust <- 0
    if (!is.na(gap$bottom[1])) 
        bottomadjust <- diff(gap$bottom)
    else bottomadjust <- 0
    if (!is.null(axis.labels)) 
        axis(2, labels = axis.labels, at = c(axis.labels[1] + 
            bottomadjust, axis.labels[2] - topadjust))
    if (!is.na(gap$top[1])) 
        axis.break(2, gap$top[1], style = "gap")
    if (!is.na(gap$bottom[1])) 
        axis.break(2, gap$bottom[2] - diff(plotlim[3:4]) * 0.02, 
            style = "gap")
plotrix/plotrix documentation built on Feb. 19, 2024, 8:16 a.m.